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Actions for the implementation of OTE animal welfare standards during transport, at slaughter and in livestock production systems in Chile Plnsctuto de Ciencia Animal, Facultad Ciencias Veterinaria, Universidad Austal de Chile Screen aera: ces ultad Ciencias inarias, Universidad Austral de C! "Escuela Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Catolica de Temuco. Paecmcra) INTRODUCTION Since 1998 research projects regarding the long distance transport of cattle and sheep, and its effects on animal welfare (AIW) have been undertaken at Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), mainly financed by FONDECYT/Chile. Between 2005 and 2010 a diagnosis of AW conditions at slaughter, considering the OIE. guidelines as a basis, was catried out financed by the Ministry of Agriculture (FLA/Chile), UACH. and the private sector through the main export slaughterhouses, Since 2009 further studies financed by FONDECYT have focused in AW problems in industrial dairy production systems including the relaionship berween lamenk behaviour and milk yield of cows, the management Of pain during handling procedutes on farm, and the relationship between behaviour and reproductive parameters, ACTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OIE ANIMAL WELFARE STANDARDS ‘The above mentioned studies have been key to drive the implementation of OIE AW standards; the strategy used has been enhancing the economic impact of interventions for improving AW, like training of Thuman resources and infrastructure adequations, on animal product quantity, quality, as well as access to higher price markets, New educational objectives have been reached (Figt. 1, 2) sending seme coune Fly nt ni! Wf is in 3016 athe Faely of Vetesiny Scene Uach ‘The OIE Animal Welfare Collaborating Centre (AWCC) exeated in 2009, was the first instiution recognized by SAG 0 deliver animal handler courses and has so far officially trained over 560 people, including veterinarian inspectors, farmers (Fig. 3, 4, 5), slaughterhouse staff (Fig) tn nerock pone 7 —_ ye ‘Pguce 4 Ting fare i the we tee neste fr dang eae ine inate ling Wh gs Fone so Fares Nay 2014, An Animal Protection Law was passed in 2009 in Chile (Pig. 8) and since 2013 three regulations -framed within OIE. standards- cover ANW in industrial livestock production systems, commercialization, transport and slaughter. The existence of competent animal hhandlers at each level has been made compulsory; they need 0 approve official courses (Fig, 9) given by instiutions recognized by the Agricultutal and Livestock Service (SAG). Were” Fieue & Clean Acoli ding AW cen eso, CONCLUSIONS Research results and the AWCC have contributed to implement OIE AWW standatds in Chile, highligheing: Provision of scientific evidences to elaborate national regulations, Transference of new knowledge to under and postgraduate students at national and international level, compulsory AW Oinchasion of courses in the curriculum, Clinerease in the number of publications on AW in scientific jouenal Participation in bioethical committes for the use of animals in research and education. A Capacity building of stakeholders.

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