Land Transaction Question

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Edmund Odongo has got a scholarship to pursue Masters in Oxford University. His studies

commence on 1st May 2022. TwO of his properties require his personal management and

superintendence, and since he has no one he trusts to look after them in his absence, he has

decided to sell this property off and use the money to facilitate his studies. The particulars of

the said properties are as follows:


Land comprised in Kyadondo Block 244 Plot No. 620, Kisugu which is developed

with an apartment. He realizes that time is running out and he is not likely to

conclude the transaction for the sale of this land be fore he leaves but is desirous

of concluding the sale even after he has left. Advise him on the most viable

option by which he could meet this objective in the circumstances.


Assuming that Major Byaruhanga having entered into the transaction for the

purchase of the Land in (part ai) above (Kyadondo Block 244 Plot No. 620, Kisugu) the

parties agree on a purchase price of sh.50,000 million payable in three monthly

installments. Major Byaruhanga has promptly paid the first and second installments

but got wind that the vendor Edmund Odongo is looking for other buyers for the

same land in the belief that he grossly undersold the same and can get a better

price. Edmund intends to make a refund of the two installments he has so far paid

to Major Byaruhanga. Advise Major Byaruhanga of his interest and remedy (9)

available to him if any.


Assuming on the other hand that having entered into a transaction for the purchase
of the land in (part ai) above, Major Byaruhanga paid off the full purchase price outlined

in (part b) above and taken possession of the land. Major Byaruhanga has been looking

for Edmund Odongo for the last three months to sign the transfer of land to him

but the man is nowhere to be seen. Advise the purchaser on how she can obtain

a legal interest in the said land.


Assuming that Edmund Odongo died before selling off the land in (part a) above. He died

intestate. His widow Primus has now obtained letters of administration over

Odongo's estate and is desirous of having her name entered on the certificate of

title. Advice Primus on the procedure that she can undertake to effect the



Assuming that Odongo having died, his son Ochola is suspicious that his mother

Primus, who has obtained Letters of Administration may take all the property,

remarry and give it to her new husband to the prejudice of his sister Akidi and

himself. He has approached you for legal services. Advise him on what he can do

to safeguard him and Hannah from the potential prejudice.

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