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2C Jovelllano, Joevell Jr.

CL 2024 Sec 6

Throughout the years the BJMP has shown a splendid work in doing their job as
public safety enforcers. They have done numerous numbers of programs to help in the
livelihood of PDLs inside the Jail Facility. With these activities the PDLs have a chance to
improve their lives, repent for what they’ve done and change for the better. The BJMP has been
opening up to changes and improvements within the facility and with this the people also
respond with a positive feedback, they become cooperative, and helpful to the officers to
maintain the peace inside the area in order to avoid trouble and accidents from happening.
There are a lot of things that are being implemented in the BJMP facility but for
me these are some of the best practices that are being used by the Bureau to help in changing
lives of the people. Mainly, I think that the best program that the BJMP has done for the PDLs is
the Educational program, which aims to give the PDLs the opportunity to achieve mandatory
education. With the help of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) provided by the Department
of Education the PDL can now earn their Elementary and High School Diplomas in just attending
classes, in order for them to learn and study. This is one of the best activity that can be done by
the officers as a form of help to the PDLs while they are being help captive inside the jail facility.
Another core program that the BJMP does in order to help the people in their
facility is the Interfaith Program, done to provide the PDLs with the opportunity to freely
practice their faith while they are under custody without discrimination. The BJMP chaplains
and imams provide them with many religious activities and programs to help keep their faith
even when they are inside jail. This is a very helpful activity, for with this people can boost up
their morale. Also this can be a way for them to adapt change and have repentance for the
crime they have committed. With the help the Lord they might find enlightenment and accept
change in their lives.
There are a lot more programs that the bureau are implementing, the only thing
that is common with these are the aim of such activities, it is to help the PDLs with their life
while in captivity and help improve their living so that their time inside the jail won’t be just a
waste, instead it can be productive and useful.

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