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A. Vocabulary -Select and encircle the correct meaning of the underlined/highlighted word.

1. If you had ambitious plans to get ahead in business and your boss put a quietus on them, you
would be
a) encouraged
b) disheartened
c) indifferent

2. If you asked a question of an acquaintance of yours and he answered you with acrimony, would
a) be resentful?
b) thank him?
c) tell him he is correct?

3. When you have reached an impasse in a discussion,

a) you have agreed on the general principles
b) you are at least approaching a compromise
c) you are in deadlock

4. If you described some animal as a monstrosity, you would mean that it was
a) large
b) savage
c) unnaturally distorted and malformed

5. Should you treat a situation with levity, you are regarding it with
a) Large
b) Savage
c) unnaturally distorted and malformed

6. If you are subjected to derision, you are

a) insulted
b) complimented
c) completely indifferent

7. A harridan is
a) a cripple
b) a hag
c) a disagreeable old man

8.Ifoneis given to debauchery, he is

a) of high character
b) good humored
c) grossly intemperate

9. Some people are noted for intransigence. They are

a) easy to get along with
b) uncomp0romisingly hostile
c) corrupt

10. The orator's speech was filled with invective. It was full of
a) railing abuse
b) flowery phrases
c) disgusting conceit

11. The A wastrel is

a) a crook
b) a spendthrift
c) a miser

12. "It is true that the occasion was a mournful one, but his highly colored story about it was
lugubrious to the extreme." Was his story
a) ridiculous?
b) exaggeratedly solemn?
c) sarcastic?

13. "The picture is terse with thrilling moments of incident and action." The picture is
a) short and to the point
b) tense
c) long drawn out

14. "There is a handful of misguided fools who have been led astray by his fatuous theories." Were
his theories
a) popular?
b) wicked?
c) stupidly silly?

15. "He has an incisive style, with the rare combination of a poetic imagination and an engineering
precision." His style is
a) sarcastic
b) sensitive
c) clear cut and penetrating

16."It is a scurrilous sheet that should have been put out of business long ago." Is the character of
the newspaper in question.
a) shallow?
b) offensively indecent?
c) politically unsound?

17. "His philosophy was no doubt profound and helpful, but it was esoteric and hence impractical for
the masses." Was his philosophy
a) capable of being understood only b a select few?
b) too severe in its discipline?
c) too revolutionary?

18. "A decadent aristocracy and a medieval school system could not dampen the charm of the city."
What type of aristocracy are we dealing with
a) decaying?
b) enormously wealthy?
c) ruthless?

19. "He was pretentious in his manner; and his speech was filled with magniloquent phrases." The
phrases he used were
a) boastful
b) flattering
c) humorous

20. "Voltaire attacked his age and its civilization with iconoclastic writings." - This type of writing is
a) angry
b) amusing
c) destructive to cherished beliefs

B. Multiple Choice
1. Public Office is a public trust. Public Officers and employees must at all times, be
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
efficiency, out of patriotism and justice and lead ________________ lives.
a. simple
b. active
c. affluent
d. modest
2. In KRA, A stands for?
a. Achievement
b. Analysis
c. Area
d. Association
3. An act providing for the modernization, standardization and regulation of the Procurement
activities of the Government and for other purposes.
a. RA 9184
b. RA 6675
c. RA9502
4. It tries to provide the employees with the skills and attributes needed to perform their jobs.
a. induction
b. orientation
c. performance appraisal
d. training
5. Special department/agency undertaking which is carried out within a definite timeframe,
and which are designed to produce a pre-determined measure of goods or services.
a. Activity
b. Program
c. Project
6. How many norms of conduct of public officials and employees are there under Republic Act
a. 5
b. 10
c. 8

7. to 10
 DOH has three major roles in the health sector:

II. (2 points each)

1. Which is not included as a regulatory authority in research?

a. National Commission on Indigenous People

b. Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB)
c. Bureau of Quarantine
d. DOH-Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

2. It is widely regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics and originally
adopted on 1964.

a. Nuremberg Code
b. Declaration of Helsinki
c. Belmont Report
d. International Conference on Harmonization-Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)

3. In Good clinical Practice, medical products/data should demonstrate:

a. Safety
b. Quality
c. Efficacy
d. All of the above

4. The individual who actually conducts the clinical trial or research study

a. Principal Investigator
b. Sponsor
c. Regulating Authority
d. Research Ethics Committee

5.Does the investigator have to be a physician?

a. YES
b. NO

6.It is an International ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and
reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects.

a. Nuremberg Code
b. Belmont Report
c. Good Clinical Practice
d. Declaration of Helsinki

7. A written evaluation by the sponsor's auditor of the results of the audit

a. Audit Report
b. Audit Certificate
c. Audit Trail
d. Protocol Amendment

8. A process by which subject voluntarily confirms his/her willingness to participate in a particular


a. Inspection
b. Informed Consent
c. Monitoring
d. Non clinical study

9. An individual, company, institution or organization which takes responsibility for initiation,

management and/or financing of a clinical trial

a. Investigator
b. Regulating Authority
c. Sponsor
d. Sub-investigator

10. An Act Protecting Individual Personal Information In Information And Communications Systems
In The Government And The Private Sector, Creating For This Purpose A National Privacy
Commission, And For Other Purposes
a. Procurement Act
b. Right to Information Act
c. Consumers Act
d. Data Privacy Act

C. Essay:

1. What is your understanding on customer satisfaction? Explain in not more than 5 sentences
(10 points)
2. Enumerate at least 5 contents of Citizen’s Charter and explain in at least 5 sentences each. (5
points each = 25points)
3. In your own opinion what is frontline service? (5 points)
4. Enumerate and explain each in 5 sentences the core values of Department of Health. ( 10


1. Based on the table below, who are the priority employees to be given interventions. Justify
your answer (20 points).


KRISTINE O. 3/20/2020 Administrative Officer I 3 Performance Management
RIZZA B. 6/19/2019 Medical Officer III 1 Collaboration, Decision Making
JOANNA A. 5/8/2018 DMO IV 2 Negotiating Skills
GRACE B. 6/7/2020 Administrative Asst. III 3 Service Excellence
JOSE C. 2/19/2020 Administrative Officer I 3 Conceptual Thinking
GILBERT R. 1/29/2019 Planning Officer III 2 Decision Making
NAPOLEON C. 4/20/2018 Budget Officer (AO V) 2 Budget Program Analysis

2. Recommend interventions that will address the competency gaps during this time of
pandemic. (10 points)
3. As a lucky applicant of DOH CHD-I, you are promoted or hired in this Office. As we
experience COVID-19 Pandemic, give the three (3) control measures that you can contribute
to the containment of the disease. Give example for each control measure. (10 points)
4. Give at least five (5) duties and responsibilities of a Training Specialist III (TS III) as indicated
in the Position Description Form of a TS III. (10 points)


A. Vocabulary -Select and encircle the correct meaning of the underlined/highlighted word. - (2
points each)

1. If you had ambitous plans to get ahead in business and your boss put a quietus on them, you
would be
d) encouraged
e) disheartened
f) indifferent
2. If you asked a question of an acquaintance of yours and he answered you with acrimony, would
d) be resentful?
e) thank him?
f) tell him he is correct?

3. When you have reached an impasse in a discussion,

d) you have agreed on the general principles
e) you are at least approaching a compromise
f) you are in deadlock

4. If you described some animal as a monstrosity, you would mean that it was
d) large
e) savage
f) unnaturally distorted and malformed

5. Should you treat a situation with levity, you are regarding it with
d) Large
e) Savage
f) unnaturally distorted and malformed

6. If you are subjected to derision, you are

d) insulted
e) complimented
f) completely indifferent

7. A harridan is
d) a cripple
e) a hag
f) a disagreeable old man

8.Ifoneis given to debauchery, he is

d) of high character
e) good humored
f) grossly intemperate

9. Some people are noted for intransigence. They are

d) easy to get along with
e) uncomp0romisingly hostile
f) corrupt

10. The orator's speech was filled with invective. It was full of
d) railing abuse
e) flowery phrases
f) disgusting conceit

11. The A wastrel is

d) a crook
e) a spendthrift
f) a miser

12. "It is true that the occasion was a mournful one, but his highly colored story about it was
lugubrious to the extreme." Was his story
d) ridiculous?
e) exaggeratedly solemn?
f) sarcastic?
13. "The picture is terse with thrilling moments of incident and action." The picture is
d) short and to the point
e) te4nse
f) long drawn out

14. "There is a handful of misguided fools who have been led astray by his fatuous theories." Were
his theories
d) popular?
e) wicked?
f) stupidly silly?

15. "He has an incisive style, with the rare combination of a poetic imagination and an engineering
precision." His style is
d) sarcastic
e) sensitive
f) clear cut and penetrating

16."It is a scurrilous sheet that should have been put out of business long ago." Is the character of
the newspaper in question
d) shallow?
e) offensively indecent?
f) politically unsound?

17. "His philosophy was no doubt profound and helpful, but it was esoteric and hence impractical for
the masses." Was his philosophy
d) capable of being understood only b a select few?
e) too severe in its discipline?
f) too revolutionary?

18. "A decadent aristocracy and a medieval school system could not dampen the charm of the city."
What type of aristocracy are we dealing with
d) decaying?
e) enormously wealthy?
f) ruthless?

19. "He was pretentious in his manner; and his speech was filled with magniloquent phrases." The
phrases he used were
d) boastful
e) flattering
f) humorous

20. "Voltaire attacked his age and its civilization with iconoclastic writings." - This type of writing is
D. angry
E. amusing
F. destructive to cherished beliefs

B. Multiple Choice - Encircle your answer (2 points each)

1. Preventive suspension is a designed measure of precaution so that the official or employee
charged may be removed from the scene of his/her alleged misfeasance while the same is being
a) True
b) False

2. The ability to manage and resolve disagreements and discords in a positive and constructive
manner to minimize negative impact and to increase productivity.
a) Managing Change
b) Political Savvy
c) Managing Conflict
d) Conceptual Thinking

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an authentic leader?

a) Genuine people who are true to themselves and to what they believe in.
b) They make their own decisions for the group.
c) They develop trust and connections others.

4.Bridging leaders utilize ________________ in order to include other sectors in co-creation.

a) Ownership
b) Co-ownership
c) Personal Response

5. It involves the application of formal processes to impart knowledge and help people to acquire
the skills necessary for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily.
a) Learning
b) Training
c) Development
d) Competencies

6. All are possible reason for an employee to be dropped from the rolls after due notice except for
a) Two consecutive unsatisfactory ratings
b) Physically unfit
c) Refusal to render overtime service

7. You are on an airplane that suddenly bits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side
to side. What would you do?
a) Continue to read your book trying not to pay little attention to the turbulence.
b) Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the
emergency instruction card.
c) Both A and B

8. The following grave offenses are punishable by dismissal from the service except for
a) Serious dishonesty
b) Nepotism
c) Refusal to perform official duty

9. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for a group to be considered a team?

a) Group member must have regular interactions
b) Group members must share a unified purpose
c) Group members must agree on issues relevant to the project at hand
d) Group members must coordinate work to accomplish team goals.

10. An official or employee who is continuously absent without approved leave for at least thirty (30)
days shall not be considered on absence without official leave and shall be separated from the
service or dropped from the rolls without prior notice.
a) True
b) False

C. Mathematics
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a) If a number is divisible by 5, then it is divisible by 10.
b) If a number is divisible by 10, then it is divisible by 5.
c) If a number is divisible by 3, then it is divisible by 6.
d) If a number is divisible by 4, then it is divisible by 8.

2. Evaluate: 123 x 0.1 + 123 x 0.01 + 123 x 0.001.

D. Essay
In not more than five (5)sentences, how can you , as Administrative Officer I, contribute to the
efficient operation of the Provincial DOH Office (PDOHO)? - 20 points


A. Vocabulary -Select and encircle the correct meaning of the underlined/highlighted word. - (2
points each)
1. If you had ambitous plans to get ahead in business and your boss put a quietus on them, you
would be
g) encouraged
h) disheartened
i) indifferent

2. If you asked a question of an acquaintance of yours and he answered you with acrimony, would
g) be resentful?
h) thank him?
i) tell him he is correct?

3. When you have reached an impasse in a discussion,

g) you have agreed on the general principles
h) you are at least approaching a compromise
i) you are in deadlock

4. If you described some animal as a monstrosity, you would mean that it was
g) large
h) savage
i) unnaturally distorted and malformed

5. Should you treat a situation with levity, you are regarding it with
g) Large
h) Savage
i) unnaturally distorted and malformed

6. If you are subjected to derision, you are

g) insulted
h) complimented
i) completely indifferent

7. A harridan is
g) a cripple
h) a hag
i) a disagreeable old man

8.Ifoneis given to debauchery, he is

g) of high character
h) good humored
i) grossly intemperate

9. Some people are noted for intransigence. They are

g) easy to get along with
h) uncomp0romisingly hostile
i) corrupt

10. The orator's speech was filled with invective. It was full of
g) railing abuse
h) flowery phrases
i) disgusting conceit

11. The A wastrel is

g) a crook
h) a spendthrift
i) a miser

12. "It is true that the occasion was a mournful one, but his highly colored story about it was
lugubrious to the extreme." Was his story
g) ridiculous?
h) exaggeratedly solemn?
i) sarcastic?

13. "The picture is terse with thrilling moments of incident and action." The picture is
g) short and to the point
h) te4nse
i) long drawn out

14. "There is a handful of misguided fools who have been led astray by his fatuous theories." Were
his theories
g) popular?
h) wicked?
i) stupidly silly?

15. "He has an incisive style, with the rare combination of a poetic imagination and an engineering
precision." His style is
g) sarcastic
h) sensitive
i) clear cut and penetrating

16."It is a scurrilous sheet that should have been put out of business long ago." Is the character of
the newspaper in question
g) shallow?
h) offensively indecent?
i) politically unsound?

17. "His philosophy was no doubt profound and helpful, but it was esoteric and hence impractical for
the masses." Was his philosophy
g) capable of being understood only b a select few?
h) too severe in its discipline?
i) too revolutionary?

18. "A decadent aristocracy and a medieval school system could not dampen the charm of the city."
What type of aristocracy are we dealing with
g) decaying?
h) enormously wealthy?
i) ruthless?

19. "He was pretentious in his manner; and his speech was filled with magniloquent phrases." The
phrases he used were
g) boastful
h) flattering
i) humorous

20. "Voltaire attacked his age and its civilization with iconoclastic writings." - This type of writing is
G. angry
H. amusing
I. destructive to cherished beliefs

B. Multiple Choice - Encircle your answer

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