Group Project (1) 1

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SCE5471 – Engineers in Society

Faculty of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering

Engineers in Society
Group Project
2022/23 Semester 2


This project aims to evaluate students’ to associate discussion topics with real life examples in the local,
regional and global context with communicate complex and technical ideas effectively in generic
languages and satisfy the HKIE attribute (h) of ‘An ability to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global and societal context, especially the importance of health, safety and environmental
considerations to both workers and the general public’ and (i) of ‘An ability to stay abreast of
contemporary issues’. It provides also a chance for students practice cooperation that help to fulfil HKIE
attribute (d) of ‘An ability to function on multi-disciplinary team’.

The Project

All students are divided into groups of five to eight persons. Each group will take up a contemporary issue
with study the impact of engineering solution in global and societal context. The detail is as follow:

1. All students are divided by group of five to eight.

2. Each project group should discuss and seek for a contemporary issue. The contemporary issue
chosen should be sufficient in catering study of every member in the project group. More than
one contemporary issues can be chosen if the events cannot cover for study of all members.
However, all issues should have some kind of relationship.
3. Each project group submit a project proposal, including the selected contemporary issue(s), the
aim of the study and the issues concerning engineering solutions to be discussed by each member.
The word number reference is 500 words.
4. Each member carries out study of the impact with response to the chosen issue(s) and proposed
a way of rectification. Each group should submit an integrative project report with word number
reference to their number group members (number of members x 1000 words + 500 words for

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