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INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Esperanza H. Duroy
MODULE I (2 Weeks)
Learner-Centered Teaching Foundations and Characteristics
In this new normal of delivering the learning continuity due to worlds pandemic of
Covid-19, this module will help you achieve/attain Learning Outcomes for Pre-Service
Teaching (PST) specifically, this course with limited face to face interaction, thus the
online/modular learning modalities TAKE THE CHALLENGE !
In this module challenge yourself to attain the following Intended Learning Outcome
(ILO)/ Objectives.
1. Differentiate Learner-Centered Teaching from teacher-centered approach of teaching
applicable to all learning areas.
2. Explain the need to shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered.
3. Cite situations in the classroom showing shift from teacher –centered to learner-
Learner-Centered Teaching:
Definition. Learning-Centered Teaching is the perspective that focuses on individual learners,
their heredity, experiences, learning style, backgrounds, talents, interest, abilities and needs.
It also encompasses method of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to
the students.
Teacher teach students how to:
1. Think
2. Solve Problems
3. Evaluate
4. Analyze Arguments
Teachers get to act more as facilitators and guide students how to create an
atmosphere that generate student learning.

Figure 1. Learner-Centered Course Design

Although a foundational shift from traditional classroom, a learner centered approach
does not eliminate the teacher. A learner centered environment facilitates a more
collaborative way for students to learn. This process is designed so that students can learn
how they learn best.
Philosophies of Education Philosophies of Education
on Teacher-Centered on Learner-Centered
1. Essentialism 1. Progressivism
2. Perennialism 2. Humanism
3. Constructivism
4. Existentialism
Recall your Prof.Ed 2- The Teaching Profession on Philosophies of Education and DO THIS.
1. Cite situations/techniques of teaching that focus on Teacher-Centered philosophy (3
examples each) and Learner-Centered Philosophy (3 examples e/ach)
- Memorizing poems, or lessons word from words
- Ordering learners to follow the exact sequence of an activity
- A teaching strategy where a teacher gives all the lesson
- Activities are given after lessons to track learnings and to know the area that needs to
be improved
- Tackling about the historical context of the material world
- Conducting lectures, while students take notes.
- Letting students share personal experiences
- Letting learners open up about their opinions and skills
- Cooperative learning strategies
- Teachers help student to focus on self-evaluation and letting them feel as part of the
learning as a whole.
- Tracking of progress or development in learning
- Guiding emotional aspect of students as the learning takes place
- Research projects
- Individual experimentation of students
- Field trips
- Offfering activities that would find meaning in life of students such for example team
- Pros and Cons in
decision making
- Decision making
activities that can be
applied in realistic
2. Illustrate through a
pictograph to show a shift
from Teacher-
centered classroom
to Learner- centered


Objective: Describe the Role of teacher and learner in a LEARNER CENTERED
1. Role of content---Role of content is to guide the knowledge based student to acquire
to provide an opportunity for developing skills within that knowledge area
2. Teachers build lessons that include simulations, experiments, case studies and
activities to deliver the curriculum content.
3. Responsibility for Learning---Learner centred approach generate intellectual growth
creates independent thinkers and learners. Learner centred firmly places the
responsibility for learning and decision making on the learners.
4. Purposes and processes of assessment in LCT - They are summative used at the end
of learning to sum-up understanding for the purpose of giving grades.
 Assessment in a learner-centered teaching – classroom shift the focus from being
measured for grading to helping teachers understand learners and create lessons
based on their specific needs.
 Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment)
 Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment)
 Assessment as Learning
 Balance of Power, emphasize that the control in the learning process and authority of
teachers decrease the motivation of the students as a result we come up with the
unwilling and dependent who cannot take the responsibility of their own learning.
1. How will you describe the role of teacher and learner in a learner centered classroom?
* In a learner centered classroom, unlike the teacher centered approach role of the
teacher is less observed. Teacher facilitates learning of students without having full
control and authority to them, instead its the opposite, opportunity are freely given to
the learners to learn on their own pace. To actively get involved in the whole learning
process being able to showcase talents and skills, to improve cognition, and to express
emotional aspect towards the learning. Teacher, tho shows responsibility of facilitating
the learning process, students as well take responsibility to gain control of their own
learning or how they learn best with the use of own strategies or techniques not only
relying on the so called spoon feeding of teachers.a
2. List down 10 ways to facilitate learner centered classroom.
1. Individual or group presentation
2. Class reporting of specific topics
3. Debate with classmates about Issues
4. Recitations for own ideas or opinions
5. Group projects
6. Movie analysis discussion
7. Dramatization of historical events
8. Composing original musics
9. Letting learners illustrate or draw
10. Contest generated performance
From this module, I realized that learner centered teaching approach focuses deeply
on utilizing the learners cognition and thinking through their own, searching for knowledge, and
being able to manipulate those gained knowledge on purposeful decision making and self progress.
They have full responsibility on how to behave during the learning process so they develop their own
skills and abilities. Learners are able to think in a wider perspective not only with the built wall of the
four cornered room where they move, After all a child or the learner itself is the center of any
learning process
Furthermore, I learned that in this present situation we are facing, this pandemic,
forces us all to be an independent learner as how a learner centered approach falls into,
though facilitators were around to guide us learn responsibility to learn or not is all within our
own hands. In Learner centered approach learning a student should work collaboratively with
his faclitator so both of them ends up attaining the goals and success in learning.

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