OPT B1 CLIL Units5-6 Worksheet

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5–6 CLIL | Geography B1

Percentage of
1 Work in pairs. Look at the statistics and income spent

discuss the question. 40%

on food by
Why do you think people spend more on food in
developing countries? an average 30%
household 20%
2 Read the text. What major change is going USA UK
10% 9%
to happen in the world by 2050? 7%


Will the world run out of food one day?

his is the BIG question and a major Crop diseases: Many pests are becoming
concern for the future. You probably resistant to insecticides, and climate change
can’t imagine not having enough is bringing new diseases to crops as new
food to eat, or going to the supermarket and species of pests appear. This is resulting in
finding all the shelves empty. Food is always the loss of up to 25% of crops.
available if you want it and have the money Urbanisation: Using arable land to make
to buy it, right? Well, what if this wasn’t way for building development will destroy
the case? valuable farming terrain.
In the short term, things will probably be Water use: Agriculture accounts for 70% of corn fields in Argentina
OK. According to the Food and Agriculture the world’s water use and 550 billion litres
Organisation (FAO), the number of hungry are wasted in crop production each year.
people worldwide has been falling for Better methods of irrigation could raise food
the past decade. But there are still nearly production by around 60%.
a billion undernourished people on the
planet, just as there are still parts of the In brief, the world is trying to grow more food
world where more than a third of the on less land with limited access to water,
food produced is simply wasted. This while facing increased costs for essentials like
can be due to lack of refrigeration and fertiliser and fuel. So what is the solution?
storage in developing nations, or purely There are several practices in action to try to
because food is just not eaten, as in some solve the global food crisis. These include: growing rice in China
developed countries.
Genetically-modified crops: Staple foods
By 2050, the global population is almost such as rice and corn are now being
certainly going to rise from seven billion to developed to resist adverse weather like
an estimated nine billion. The FAO predicts droughts and flooding.
that food production needs to increase
Technology: Farmers and food manufacturers
dramatically by at least 70% over the next
in developing countries are at a disadvantage
30 years to cope with this growth. There are
and need more advanced equipment to deal
other factors, too, which will only widen the
with risks such as crop diseases, adverse
gap between food supply and demand in
weather and water shortage.
the coming decades if nothing is done soon.
For example: Boosting crop yields: Better farming crop irrigation
techniques can reduce food shortages.
Global warming: Changes in our climate Educating farmers in the developing world
will mean more droughts in the future, to make better use of fertiliser and over- Experts warn that we must take action now
making it more difficult to grow crops. This used soil will help improve the quality and or the consequences could be devastating.
will lead to an increase in food prices. quantity of their harvest – farmers in China
grow around seven times as much food on
the same amount of land as a farmer in
Africa, for example.

the effect of climate change on crops

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019.

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5–6 CLIL | Geography B1

3 Read the text again. Are these statements PROJECT

T (True) or F (False)?
6 The estimated increase in the global
1 The world will run out of food completely
population over the next 30 years is
by 2050. T/F
a major concern affecting supply and
2 There has been a decrease in the number demand in food production. As the text
of people who suffer from hunger
suggests, global warming, crop diseases,
worldwide since the early 2000s. T/F
urbanisation and water use are all
3 Food waste on our planet is now at more
contributing factors. Find out about
than half of all food produced. T/F
another factor which is also a cause for
4 One of the reasons why food production concern. Describe the key problem and
needs to increase is because of climate
how it will affect food production. Present
change. T/F
the information to the class.
5 Climate change is also causing an increase
in crop diseases. T/F 7 As the text suggests, genetically-modified
6 Farmers will be paying less for basics like crops, technology and boosting crop
fertiliser and fuel in the future. T/F yields are all practices that are being
7 Staple foods which have been genetically used to try to solve the global food crisis.
modified for decades are now steadily Research one more practice that is being
increasing food production. T/F used. Think about how it will benefit
8 New developments in farming technology food production in the future. Present the
will help improve food production. T/F information to the class.

4 What do these numbers in the text refer to?

1 1 billion 
adverse [adj]:  negative, unpleasant or harmful
2 550 billion 
arable [adj]:  describing land suitable for growing
3 60  crops
4 × 7  boost [v]:  to help something increase, improve or
5 25  become more successful
6 9 billion  cope with [v]:  to deal successfully with a difficult
5 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. crop [n]:  a plant grown for food
1 Are there any particular foods that are produced devastating [adj]:  causing a lot of harm or damage
in your country? Are the foods mainly for local drought [n]:  a long period of time when there is little
consumption or are they exported? Do you know or no rain
if there is enough of these foods produced or are fertiliser [n]:  a natural or chemical substance added
there any food shortage problems? to soil to help crops grow
2 What else do you think can be done to ensure harvest [n]:  the activity of collecting crops
there is enough food for everyone in the future? insecticide [n]:  a chemical for killing insects that
damage crops
DID YOU KNOW? irrigation [n]:  watering the land through a system of
pipes, ditches, etc. to make crops grow
❍ An increase in meat consumption around the globe pest [n]:  an insect or small animal that damages
is another factor that is affecting food production. crops or food supplies
A growing middle-class in countries like China and resistant [adj]:  not harmed or affected by something
India is eating more meat, and this means that a run out of [v]:  to use all of something and not have
lot more cereal is needed to feed the animals. This any left
cereal would otherwise be used as a staple food. shelf [n]:  used for talking about the goods that are
What’s more, it takes 1,500 litres of water to grow available in shops
1 kg of cereal, but 15,000 litres to get 1 kg of meat! shortage [n]:  a lack of something that you need or
In fact, it’s estimated that cereal production needs want
to increase by 50% and meat production by 85% to staple [adj]:  describing an important food that
meet the growing demand by 2050. people eat regularly
terrain [n]:  an area of land
undernourished [adj]:  not getting enough food
yield [n]:  an amount of something that is produced

Optimise B1 Optimise B1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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