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Name : Abdullah Furqonudin

NIM : 2011020164

"Do you think joining scout is important for

Frist, I personally think “scout” are an organization that has always existed when we
were still in elementary school and even into our old age, there are still many who follow, why
are there so many who follow this organization and is it important to join scouts? So Of course
there are various opinions regarding this, both negative and positive opinions.

And than, Following the scouts for some people who have negative views is very boring
and tedious, where there is an urge in the heart every time the supervisor is told, what makes a
lot of people irritated is when the coach / senior student looks for mistakes according to the
students. not wrong. But according to people who think positively that scouting is self-
development both from nature and the environment because scouting has many members ranging
from elementary to adults.

Finally, so whatever the organization, the one we choose actually gives good lessons for
each of us, behind the many who follow scouts, not a few are less fond of scouts.

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