6b.employee Benefits - Part 2

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PROGRAM: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

PRE-REQUISITE: Intermediate Accounting I
REFERENCE: Intermediate Accounting 2 by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan

Illustration: Return and interest income on plan assets

Information on ABC Co.’s defined benefit plan on Jan 1, 20x1 is as follows:
 Fair value of plan assets, Jan 1 120,000
 Present value of the defined benefit obligation 180,000
 Discount rate based on high quality corporate bonds 5%
Information on changes during the year:
 Contributions to the fund, July 1, 20x1 200,000
 Benefits paid to retirees, Sept. 30, 20x1 50,000
 Fair value of plan assets, Dec 31 282,000
 Present value of defined benefit obligation, Dec 31 360,000
Requirements: Compute the following:
a. Interest income on plan assets
b. Return on plan assets
c. Remeasurements to the net defined benefit liability (asset)

a. Interest income on plan assets
Interest income on the beginning balance of FVPA (120,000 x 5% x 12/12) 6,000
Interest income on the contributions made on July 1, 20x1 (200,000 x 5% x 6/12) 5,000
Reduction in interest income due to the benefits paid out of the plan assets
On Sept. 30, 20x1 (50,000 x 5% x 3/12) ( 625)
Interest income on plan assets 10,375

b. Return on plan assets

Fair value of plan assets
Jan 1 120,000
Return on plan assets (squeeze) 12,000 50,000 Benefits paid
Contributions to the fund 200,000
282,000 Dec 31

c. Remeasurement to net defined benefit liability/asset

Interest income on plan assets 10,375
Return on plan assets (12,000)
Gain ( 1,625)

Illustration: Return and interest income on plan assets

Fair value of plan assets, Jan 1 1,000,000
Interest income (actual) 200,000
Unrealized gains from fair value changes (actual) 100,000
Costs of managing plan assets 20,000
Tax on gross returns 10%
Discount rate 12%

Requirements: Compute the following:

a. Return on plan assets
b. Ending balance on the fair value of plan assets
c. Amounts recognized in profit and loss and other comprehensive income

a. Return on plan assets
Note: Costs of managing the fund and taxes are deducted when determining the return on plan

Interest income (actual) 200,000

Unrealized gains from fair value changes (actual) 100,000
Gross return on plan assets 300,000
Less: Costs of managing plan assets ( 20,000)
Taxes (300,000 x 10%) (30,000)
Return on plan assets 250,000
Fair value of plan assets
Jan 1 1,000,000
Return on plan assets 250,000 - Benefits paid
Contributions to the fund -
1,250,000 Dec 31

c. Amounts recognized in P/L and OCI

Fair value of plan assets, Jan 1 1,000,000
Multiply by: 12%
Interest income on plan assets recognized in P/L 120,000
Interest income on plan assets 120,000
Return on plan assets ( 250,000)
Remeasurement gain recognized in OCI (130,000)

Illustration: Remeasurement-Effect on asset ceiling

Fair value of plan assets, Jan 1 700,000
PV of defined benefit obligation, Jan 1 550,000
Fair value of plan assets, Dec 31 1,200,000
PV of defined benefit obligation 800,000
Discount rate 10%

The asset ceiling amounts are P100,000 and P250,000 on Jan 1 and Dec 31, respectively

Requirements: Compute the following:

a. Interest on the effect of asset ceiling
b. Difference between the change in the effect of the asset ceiling and interest on the effect of the
asset ceiling

a. Interest on the effect of asset ceiling
Jan 1 Dec 31 Change
FVPA 700,000 1,200,000
PV of DBO 550,000 800,000
Surplus 150,000 400,000
Asset ceiling 100,000 250,000
Effect of asset ceiling 50,000 150,000 100,000

Effect of the asset ceiling-Jan 1 50,000

Multiply by: Discount rate 10%
Interest on the effect of the asset ceiling-P/L 5,000
b. Remeasurement-difference between interest and change
Interest on the effect of the asset ceiling 5,000
Less: Change in the effect of the asset ceiling 100,000
Remeasurement recognized in OCI 95,000
Interest on the effect of the asset ceiling – P/L 5,000
Remeasurement (loss) – OCI 95,000
Total change in the effect of the asset ceiling 100,000
Illustration: Comprehensive
Information on the ABC Co.’s defined benefit plan is shown below:
 The fair value of the plan assets on Jan 1, 20x1 was P1,800,000.
 The actuarial valuation of the defined benefit obligation on Jan 1, 20x1 was P2,000,000.
 The actuarial present value of future benefits earned by employees for services rendered in
20x1 amounted to P300,000.
 During the year, ABC Co. amended its retirement plan. The amendment increased the present
value of the defined benefit obligation by P400,000, 20% of which relates to benefits that have
already vested. The remaining portion will vest in 5 years.
 Changes in actuarial assumptions resulted to a decrease of P160,000 in the present value of the
defined benefit obligation. It was also determined that there was a P20,000 decrease in the fair
value of the plan assets due to changes in fair values.
 The realized gains on the investments in the plan assets in 20x1 amounted to P280,000.
 Benefits paid during 20x1 amounted to P50,000. No contributions were made to the fund
during 20x1.
 The discount rate is 9%.

Requirements: Compute the following:

a. Net defined benefit liability/asset on Dec 31, 20x1
b. Defined benefit cost for 20x1

a. Net defined benefit liability (asset)-Dec 31

PV of defined benefit obligation

2,000,000 Jan 1
Benefits paid 50,000 300,000 Current service cost
Actuarial gain 160,000 400,000 Past service cost
180,000 Interest cost (2M x 9%)
Dec 31 2,670,000

Fair value of plan assets

Jan 1 1,800,000
Return on plan assets 260,000 50,000 Benefits paid
Contributions to the fund -
2,010,000 Dec 31

FVPA, Dec 31 2,010,000

PV of DBO, Dec 31 2,670,000
Net defined benefit liability-Dec 31 (deficit) ( 660,000)
b. Defined benefit cost (Alternative computation)
Current service cost 300,000
Past service cost 400,000
Net loss on settlement of plan during the year -
Net interest on the net defined liability (asset) 18,000
Defined benefit cost recognized in profit or loss 718,000
Actuarial (gain) loss (160,000)
Diff. between interest income and return on PA ( 98,000)
Diff. between int. on effect and change in the -
Defined benefit cost recognized on OCI (258,000)
Total defined benefit cost 460,000

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