N Basa Inggris 4 Smt1!22!21 K.penggerak PTS

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Langkah Pengerjaan:

1. Isilah Nama, No. Absen, dan Kelas.

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No. Absen


Midterm Assessment
Setiap Soal
A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar! Bernilai 2 poin.

1. Roni is ….

a. sitting

b. walking

c. studying

d. eating

2. The girl … doing the dishes.

a. am

b. are

c. is

d. did

3. Lala and Ita are ….

a. cooking

b. jogging

c. napping

d. studying
4. Which sentence tells an action in progress?
a. Father is having coffee.

b. I like swimming.

c. Jogging is my hobby.

d. Tara was crying.

5. A : What is the boy doing?

B : He is ….

a. reading

b. running

c. singing

d. dancing

6. “Ika is singing.” It means that ….

a. the action is not finished

b. singing is not Ika’s activity now

c. at the time of speaking, Ika is not singing

d. the action is finished

7. After number seventy nine is ….

a. 78

b. 80

c. 81

d. 70
8. The number 93 comes before ….
a. ninety four

b. ninety two

c. ninety three

d. ninety one

9. This is number ….

a. fifty

b. fifteen

c. fifty five

d. five five

10. “Seventy subtracted from a hundred equals thirty” - in other words, ….

a. seventy plus a hundred is thirty

b. a hundred minus seventy is thirty

c. seventy minus thirty is a hundred

d. a hundred plus thirty is seventy

11. What is eighty nine minus fifty one?

a. 83

b. 48

c. 38

d. 140

12. Number between 87 and 89 is ….

a. eighty six

b. eighty nine

c. eighty seven

d. eighty eight
13. A : How is your garage?
B : It is ….
a. big

b. tasty

c. delicious

d. expensive

14. The correct word of ‘t – e – n – h – k – c – i’ is ….

a. bedroom

b. storeroom

c. kitchen

d. garage

15. Dining room is a room used for ….

a. cooking

b. eating meals

c. keeping a car

d. taking a bath

16. The kitchen is not dirty but ….

a. small

b. large

c. messy

d. clean

17. The kitchen is dirty.

‘Dirty’ can be replaced with ‘….’
a. unclean

b. clean

c. small

d. clear
18. The Indonesian of ‘in front of’ is ‘….’
a. di belakan

b. di depan

c. di samping

d. di sebelah

19. Dini always … in the kitchen.

a. makes tea

b. sleeps

c. studies

d. relaxes

20. A : What do you do in the living room?

B : I … to music.
a. listening

b. listened

c. listen

d. listens

21. A : Does she sweep the floor twice a day?

B : ...

a. Yes, she does.

b. No, she doesn’t.

c. Yes, she do.

d. No, she don’t.

22. Which one doesn’t tell a routine activity in the house?
a. I have porridge for breakfast.

b. He reads a comic once a week.

c. She does a clean-up every day.

d. She is napping now.

23. Father … his motorcycle on Sundays.

a. washes

b. wash

c. washing

d. washed

24. Maya … her teeth twice a day in the bathroom.

a. brushes

b. eats

c. studies

d. cooks

25. What do we do in the kitchen?

a. We take a bath.

b. We relax.

c. We have a lesson.

d. We prepare food.
Setiap Soal
B. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar! Bernilai 2 poin.


The girl is ...........................................................................................................


The boy is ..........................................................................................................

3. The symbol of a hundred is

4. Forty three plus forty five is

5. The correct word of ‘m – o – r – s – r – o – e – t – o’ is ..........................................

6. Bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are rooms in the ................................................

7. The kitchen is not large but ....................................................................................

8. I don’t (have) ............................................. fried rice for breakfast in the mornings.

9. Does Anita (practise) .................................................... singing in the living room?

10. Mila (tidy) ................................................................. her room up in the mornings.

C. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar!

Setiap Soal
Bernilai 6 poin.
1. What is the girl doing?

2. Write the symbol of the following calculation!

“A hundred minus sixty three is thirty seven.”
3. Mention three rooms in the house!

4. What does the boy do in picture every morning in the dining room?

5. Write a sentence that tells a routine activity in the house!


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