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Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327

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The effect of Ti on the microstructure, hydrogen absorption and diffusivity

of V–Ni alloy membranes
M.D. Dolan a,n, G. Song b, K.G. McLennan a, M.E. Kellam b, D. Liang b
CSIRO, Energy Technology, Pullenvale, QLD 4069, Australia
CSIRO, Process Science and Engineering, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vanadium is highly permeable to hydrogen which makes it one of the leading alternatives to Pd alloys
Received 29 February 2012 for hydrogen-selective alloy membrane applications. The tendency of vanadium to embrittle can be
Received in revised form reduced through alloying, thereby enabling V-based membranes to be developed for specific operating
13 April 2012
regimes. Foremost amongst these alloying additives are Ni and Ti. Ni is known to form V–Ni solid
Accepted 6 May 2012
solutions with decreased hydrogen absorption and diffusivity compared to V. The influence of Ti is
Available online 14 May 2012
more complex due to phase segregation, and this work focuses the influence of Ti on the micro-
Keywords: structural and chemical properties of hydrogenated vanadium–nickel solid solution alloys. Alloy
Hydrogen membranes of the compositions V90  xTixNi10 (where 2 rx r 10) were prepared by the sectioning
arc-melted ingots and the deposition of a Pd dissociation/recombination catalyst at each surface.
Hydrogen permeation measurements were undertaken using the constant pressure method, with feed
Nickel pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar, permeate pressures o0.05 bar via use of a sweep gas, and
Titanium temperatures of 350 and 400 1C. Hydrogen absorption of these same alloys was measured under
corresponding conditions using the Sieverts’ method. The microstructures featured a dendritic
(branched) body-centred cubic vanadium solid solution matrix with interdendritic Ni–Ti compounds.
The Ti content in the matrix increased, while the Ni content decreased, with increasing bulk Ti content.
Hydrogen diffusivity increased with increasing bulk Ti content and increasing dissolved hydrogen
concentration. The Ni–Ti compounds, known for being weakly hydrogen absorbing, also scavenge
oxygen from the vanadium matrix, both of which are important in enhancing the embrittlement
resistance of these alloys. This work has shown that Ti is a favourable additive for vanadium–nickel
alloy membranes when added in the amount of  10 at%, with a hydrogen diffusivity (DH) equal to
4.2  10  8 m2 s  1 and hydrogen permeability of 1.2  10  7 mol  1 s  1 Pa  0.5 corresponding to a feed
pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 400 1C.
& 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction alloy membrane. A membrane reactor can, in a single stage,

convert the CO component of a synthesis gas (derived from coal,
The production of H2 from hydrocarbon-based feedstocks also methane or other suitable hydrocarbon) to CO2 þH2 via reaction
produces CO2 as a by-product, and the H2/CO2 mixture must be with steam, simultaneously extract H2 and contain the CO2 at high
separated to purify the H2 fuel and enable pre-combustion CO2 pressure in the raffinate [1–3]. Compared to separate shift and
capture. As a consequence, the continued uptake of H2 as an separation processes, the membrane reactor offers the advantages
energy carrier is limited by the state-of-the-art in H2/CO2 separa- of process intensification and an artificially-high equilibrium con-
tion technology. H2-selective membranes which offer continuous, version brought about by the continuous depletion of the H2
high-temperature separation are one of the prospective technol- reaction product from the reactor.
ogies presently under development in response to this need. Of the various classes of H2-selective membrane, alloy mem-
One of the targeted applications of H2-selective membrane branes are well suited to synthesis gas (syngas) conversion
technology is the water–gas-shift (WGS) membrane reactor, a processes as they can operate at compatible temperatures, and
device which couples a WGS catalyst with a hydrogen-selective are reasonably resistant to syngas and its impurities. Palladium
alloys are the accepted benchmark material for alloy membranes,
but the high price of palladium is driving the development of less-
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 7 3327 4126. expensive alternatives, especially in light of cost targets set by the
E-mail address: (M.D. Dolan). US Department of Energy [4].

0376-7388/$ - see front matter & 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327 321

The most promising alternative, non-Pd alloy membrane homogeneous on a water-cooled copper hearth using a vacuum/
materials are those based on Group IVb and Vb in the periodic argon arc melter. The arc-melted ingots were sectioned into
table (Ti, V, Zr, Nb, Ta), particularly those with body-centred cubic 1000 mm-thick wafers using electrical discharge machining (EDM),
(BCC) or amorphous structures. The high permeability of BCC and the surfaces were mechanically polished and chemically
metals and alloys has been known for some time [5], and several cleaned. Finally, each surface was sputter coated with a 500 nm-
groups have examined V [6–9], Nb [10–13] and Ta [14,15] alloys thick Pd dissociation/recombination catalyst.
for their applicability to hydrogen separation membranes. These
metals exhibit several major shortcomings which have limited 2.2. Microstructural analysis
their industrial deployment [16]. Of most concern is their exces-
sive hydrogen absorption which can lead to brittle failure due to Metallographic observation of the alloy microstructures was
decohesion or hydride precipitation. carried out on polished samples in back-scattered electron (BSE)
These absorption-related deficiencies have driven the develop- mode using a Quanta 400 FEG-SEM. Phase quantification was
ment of alloys with reduced hydrogen absorption. The V–Ni alloys achieved using Image-Pro Plus 5.1 software.
[6,17,18] are the best example of this approach, with the addition of X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were made with a
Ni reducing hydrogen absorption to levels where mechanical stabi- Bruker D8 advance X-ray diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation
lity is greatly improved. Hydrogen permeability can be approxi- (40 kV, 40 mA). The samples were scanned over the 2-theta range
mated as the product of absorption and diffusivity, and as a 20–1301 with a step size of 0.021 and a count time of 4 s. Analyses
consequence, any reduction in absorption to minimise embrittle- were performed on the collected X-ray diffraction data using the
ment-related issues will also reduce membrane permeability. Bruker XRD search match programme EVA. Crystalline phases
A strategy is required, therefore, to develop an alloy which max- were identified from the ICDD-JCPDS powder diffraction database.
imises the diffusivity of hydrogen while minimising embrittlement Lattice parameters of the V-solid solution present in each alloy
through (i) controlling absorption in the BCC phase, and/or (ii) were determined using the Pawley method [24] through the
tailoring the microstructure to enhance embrittlement resistance. Bruker TOPAS V4.2 program.
Microstructures comprising a permeable phase combined with Quantitative composition analysis was performed on the BCC
a stabilizing phase is one possible route to creating a durable alloy V-solid solution and minor compounds using a JEOL 8500F electron
membrane. Previous investigations by the present authors [19] and microprobe. The intensity measurements were conducted at 12 kV
other [20,21] groups showed that addition of Ti to V–Ni BCC solid accelerating voltage and a beam current of 30 nA. Oxygen quanti-
solutions resulted in formation of a multi-phase microstructure fication was carried out under the above conditions by measuring
containing a primary BCC solid solution and weakly-absorbing the O Ka line. The oxygen detection limit for the instrument was
compounds based on NiTi and NiTi2 which are thought to stabilise 1 wt% due to partial overlap of the V and O emission spectra.
the structure against brittle failure during permeation. For amor- Electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) technique was used
phous alloys, partial devitrification could yield a similar result, and for phase analysis of intermetallic compounds in the multi-phase
Brinkman et al. [22] and Yamaura et al. [23] on Fe–Ni–B–Mo and Ni– alloys. A JEOL 7001F field emission gun scanning electron micro-
Nb–Zr glasses respectively have explored microstructure–permeation scope (FEG-SEM) was used to collect Kikuchi patterns under
relationships. specimen inclination of 701 and operating at 20 kV. The acquired
The main potential drawback of this approach is the creation of EBSD patterns were indexed for phase determination using
diffusion barriers. In V–Ni–Ti alloys the Ni–Ti phases can act as Oxford Instruments Channel 5 HKL software.
barriers to hydrogen diffusion [19], thereby dramatically decreasing O, N and C quantification was performed on bulk samples
the hydrogen diffusivity through the bulk alloy. This can be (  9  3  3 mm3) of pure starting materials and the V80Ni10Ti10
compensated by tailoring the alloy content to increase the hydrogen alloy using a LECO elemental analyser.
absorption, but given the negative effect of hydrogen absorption on
the mechanical properties of alloys, this approach cannot be applied 2.3. Permeation testing
indiscriminately. The ideal approach is to maintain the interconnect-
ing BCC structure while still precipitating sufficient Ni–Ti com- Hydrogen flux was measured at 350 and 400 1C in a custom-
pounds to provide enhanced mechanical properties. designed apparatus using the constant pressure method [18].
The present research will examine the role of Ti on the A feed mixture of 90% H2 þ10% CO2 was passed over the feed
microstructure, hydrogen absorption and diffusivity in a compo- surface at pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar (a), at one bar
sitional range which does not lead to formation of an intercon- intervals and at rates sufficient to prevent concentration polarisa-
necting Ni–Ti microstructure. The previous study by this group tion. H2 permeated across the membrane where it was removed
focused on alloys in the V85  xTixNi15 series, where Ti was- from the reactor by a stream of Ar at ambient pressure. A gas
r30 at%. In this series, alloys with TiZ15 at% formed the inter- chromatograph, calibrated against standard gas mixtures, was
connecting dendritic microstructure which inhibited the used to determine the resulting H2 concentration in the Ar
diffusivity of hydrogen. In addition, it is known that Ni reduces stream. The Ar flow rates were varied to maintain the H2 content
both hydrogen absorption and diffusivity [18], so any reduction in at o2%. Detection of CO2 in the Ar stream was used to indicate to
Ni content will significantly enhance permeability. Consequently, detect the presence of defects in the membrane. The resulting
the present study focuses on alloys in the V90  xTixNi10 series, concentration of H2 in the Ar stream was used to calculate the H2
where Ti is between 2 and 10 at%. The V90Ni10 (i.e., Ti¼0) alloy flux across the membrane.
was studied previously and will not be considered here.
2.4. Absorption measurements

2. Experimental Hydrogen absorption was measured using the Sieverts’ tech-

nique in a custom-built apparatus [18]. Multiple desorption
2.1. Membrane preparation isotherms were measured for each condition until duplicate
measurements were achieved. Measurements were performed
Alloy ingots were formed from high purity (99.99%) vanadium, on alloy samples after previous permeation testing up to a
titanium and nickel pellets which were melted several times until pressure of 15 bar (a) and at temperatures of 350 and 400 1C.
322 M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327

3. Results and discussion grain boundaries and between dendrites, but these are discontin-
uous and do not allow leakage of gases across the membrane. The
3.1. Microstructure differences in contrast in Fig. 1 reflect segregation between Ni and
V/Ti, and crystallographic orientation of the VSS grains [19,25,26].
All alloys in this series solidify via a dendritic (branched) The addition of Ti modifies the Ni-solute partitioning to allow
primary vanadium solid solution (VSS) with inter-dendritic inter- the formation of Ni–Ti compounds. The compositional data in
metallic compounds. The resulting multi-phase microstructures Table 1 shows that addition of Ti progressively reduces the Ni
are shown in Fig. 1. Irregular shrinkage pores are evident at the content in the VSS, while the majority of Ti is retained in the VSS.

Fig. 1. Micrographs of (a) V88Ti2Ni10, (b) V86Ti4Ni10, (c) V84Ti6Ni10, (d) V82Ti8Ni10, (e) V80Ti10Ni10, showing the VSS phase (several grey shades), Ni–Ti compounds (white)
and voids (black).
M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327 323

Table 1
Chemical and structural characteristics of V90  xTixNi10 alloys.

Alloy Lattice Composition Volume Phases present

parameter VSS of VSS (%) fraction of
phase (at%) VSS (Å)

V88Ti2Ni10 V90.9Ti1.4Ni7.7 3.0120 7 0.0005 99.2 VSS, s, NiTi, NiTi2

V86Ti4Ni10 V90.6Ti2.9Ni6.5 3.0180 7 0.0006 98.5 VSS, s, NiTi, NiTi2
V84Ti6Ni10 V89.9Ti4.0Ni6.2 3.0237 7 0.0003 96.1 VSS, s, NiTi, NiTi2
V82Ti8Ni10 V89.1Ti5.1Ni5.7 3.0312 7 0.0002 96.8 VSS, NiTi, NiTi2
V80Ti10Ni10 V87.7Ti6.5Ni5.8 3.0333 7 0.0001 96.3 VSS, NiTi, NiTi2

Table 2
Oxygen concentration determined by LECO and microprobe (n.d. denotes oxygen
was not detected).

Raw material Alloy Phase Fig. 2. XRD patterns of alloys in the V90  xTixNi10 series. Peak positions for Vss (J)
and NiTi2 (&) are shown. The concentration of other phases is below the
V Ni Ti V90Ni10 V80Ti10Ni10 VSS NiTi NiTi2 detection limit.

LECO 0.36 o 0.006 0.09 0.61 0.52

were below the detection limit of the spectrometer used. The
Probe n.d. 1.22 3.83
(wt%) (i.e.,o1) highest oxygen content was found in the NiTi2 compound which
supports the hypothesis that Ti acts to scavenge oxygen from the
VSS matrix. Amano et al. [29] showed that removal of oxygen from
the VSS phase enhances diffusivity, so the role of Ti in scavenging
This is also evidenced by the expansion of the VSS lattice with oxygen should be beneficial. This analysis was hindered somewhat
increasing bulk Ti content, since Ti is larger than Ni [27]. The VSS by the poor sensitivity of the instrumentation due to overlap
volume fraction decreases as the bulk Ti concentration increases, between the O Ka and V b emission lines, but despite this, the role
but this BCC phase still accounted for 96% of the total alloy of the Ti in scavenging oxygen is clear, and supported by the
volume in the in the highest-Ti alloy, greater than the 94% at relative positions of V, Ni and Ti on an Ellingham diagram for oxide
which hydrogen diffusion is blocked [19] (Table 2). formation. Aluminium, another previously-reported alloying addi-
Different types of intermetallic compounds precipitate in the tion for V-based alloy membranes [30], would demonstrate a
interdendritic regions after formation of the vanadium solid solu- similar oxygen scavenging effect.
tion. These phases are the s-phase, formed through peritectic
reaction (between the solid and liquid phases) and with a compo- 3.3. Hydrogen absorption
sition of V66.7Ti5.8Ni27.5 or (V,Ti)72.5Ni27.5 [28], as well as NiTi and
NiTi2 compounds (with partial V dissolution) which were identified Hydrogen absorption isotherms for each alloy are shown in
previously. The relative amounts of these compounds are depen- Fig. 3. As with other alloys in the V–Ni [18] and Pd–Ag [31]
dent on bulk Ti content. The s-phase only forms where Tir6%, and systems reported previously, Sieverts’ law (i.e., concentration is
at higher Ti contents the Ni–Ti precipitates become larger and proportional to p0.5) is not followed at high H/M loadings, with
more populous. Even at the highest Ti content the VSS remains the Sieverts’ exponent (n) decreasing with increasing hydrogen
continuous and consequently there are no barriers to hydrogen concentration. Given the high hydrogen concentrations involved,
diffusion as observed with higher-Ti alloys. there are fundamental changes in the physical and electronic
Fig. 2 shows XRD patterns for each alloy in the series. The properties of the host alloy and as a consequence, an alternative
content of NiTi2 clearly increases with increasing Ti content, but interpretation is that the Sieverts’ constant is actually a function
other compounds are present at levels below the detection limit. of dissolved hydrogen concentration.
The figure also clearly shows the increase in VSS lattice parameter In amorphous alloys, deviation from Sieverts’ behaviour is
with increasing bulk Ti content, as evidenced by the shift to lower attributed to a distribution of site energies in the host metal, with
2-theta angles. favourable sites filling first (at low pressure), and less-favourable
sites filling progressively as pressure increases [32]. In crystalline
3.2. Distribution of O, N and C alloys the distribution of site energies are almost discrete (allow-
ing for defects formed during casting). The observed behaviour is
Chemical analysis showed that the total weight per cent of more likely a function of the expansion of the host lattice which
CþN in the arc-cast alloys was between 0.01 and 0.03 wt%, which accompanies hydrogen uptake.
is almost same as that of the starting material. This content In each case, the dissolved hydrogen concentration (r, expressed
of these trace elements is not considered to be significant. as hydrogen/metal atom ratio) is greater at 350 1C than 400 1C, as
The content of oxygen in the arc-cast alloys V90Ni10 and expected. There is also a trend at 400 1C of increasing absorption
V80Ni10Ti10 was calculated to be 0.31 and 0.29 wt% respectively. with increasing Ti content, whereas at 350 1C the isotherms show a
The comparison between the calculated and measured values much smaller Ti dependence.
indicates the extra oxygen is introduced during the arc-melting
process. 3.4. Hydrogen flux
Microprobe measurements were carried out on the VSS matrix
regions of V90Ni10, and the VSS, NiTi and NiTi2 regions in V80Ni10Ti10. The measured H2 flux for each alloy at 400 and 350 1C are
The O concentrations measured in each VSS matrix in each alloy shown in Fig. 4. Flux increases with increasing temperature,
324 M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327

Fig. 3. Variation in dissolved hydrogen concentration (r) with the square root of Fig. 4. Variation in measured H2 flux with feed pressure at 400 1C (top) and 350 1C
hydrogen pressure (p0.5) at 400 1C (top) and 350 1C (bottom). (bottom).

increasing feed-side partial hydrogen pressure (p1) and with content in the alloy, (r1 þr2)/2. Since the permeate-side concentra-
increasing Ti content. The equivalent permeability of the alloy tion is close to zero, the average is taken to be half of the feed-side
with the highest flux (V80Ti10Ni10) at 400 1C is approximately concentration, r1/2.
1.2  10  7 mol m  1 s  1 Pa  0.5 at 400 1C, and 1.4  10  7 at Fig. 5 shows several clear trends. As expected, diffusivity
350 1C, significantly greater than alloys in the previous V85 x increases with temperature, and with increasing dissolved hydro-
TixNi15 series [19], as expected from the reduced Ni concentration. gen concentration. This latter effect is consistent with our
previous observations of V–Ni alloys. The data also shows an
3.5. Hydrogen diffusivity increase in diffusivity (for a given H/M) with increasing Ti content
(illustrated most clearly at 350 1C). Previously it was observed
In a non-dilute system, hydrogen diffusivity can be expressed as that Ni decreased hydrogen diffusivity (and absorption). This
  suggests a given solute has a similar influence on both hydrogen
@ ln p1=2
DH ¼ DnH ¼ DnH f ðrÞ ð1Þ absorption and diffusivity.
@ ln r T
Fig. 6 shows values for the concentration-independent diffu-
where DH is the concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient, and sion coefficient, DnH . These values should be independent of
DnH is the concentration-independent diffusion coefficient. The dissolved hydrogen concentration, but they show a small inflec-
thermodynamic factor f(r) can be calculated from the absorption tion to higher values as r increases. The DnH values do not show the
isotherms shown in Fig. 3 using the approach described previously consistent Ti concentration dependence as the DH values.
[18]. For this discussion the role of the Ni–Ti compounds can be
The concentration-dependent diffusion coefficients can be cal- ignored as (i) they are present in low concentrations, (ii) they
culated from each flux measurement and the dissolved hydrogen form discrete inclusions within the VSS matrix, and (iii) they make
concentration (r) corresponding to the feed-side (p1) and perme- a minimal contribution to hydrogen transport through the mem-
ate-side (p2) hydrogen partial pressures. These DH values are brane [19]. The most important considerations are therefore the
shown in Fig. 5, plotted against the average dissolved hydrogen Ni and Ti contents in the VSS matrix.
M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327 325

Fig. 5. Variation in DH with average dissolved hydrogen concentration (r1/2) Fig. 6. Variation in DnH with average dissolved hydrogen concentration (r1/2) at
at 400 1C (top) and 350 1C (bottom). 400 1C (top) and 350 1C (bottom).

The bulk of the literature concerning hydrogen diffusivity higher temperatures (623–673 K) where the influence of trapping
through vanadium alloys is focused on low temperatures in order on hydrogen diffusion will be reduced. Furthermore, the much
to simulate the long-term exposure to hydrogen-releasing envir- higher H/M values examined here (0.2–0.5 at the feed surface)
onments, for example, in fusion reactors. The addition of Ti to V means the concentration of dissolved hydrogen far exceeds that
has been shown in several publications to reduce hydrogen of Ti. Cannelli suggested that each Ti trapped a single H atom [38],
diffusivity at low temperatures. At o480 K and H/Mo0.1, dif- which in the context of the present work means up to 90% of the
fusivity in V–Ti alloys was found to decrease with increasing r and dissolved H will be in non-trapping sites. Our observations
Ti content [33–35], the reverse of that which has been observed support those of Eguchi and Morozumi, who showed in their
here. The influence of Ti was also found [35] to be dramatic, with high-temperature study that Ti increases hydrogen diffusivity in
addition of 8 at% Ti to V decreasing DH by one order of magnitude. vanadium [39].
Several groups [35,36] also found that, like Ti, Cr reduces DH in the The desired effect of any alloying addition to V is a reduction in
temperature range 340–480 K. This is unexpected because V lies hydrogen absorption and an increase in DH (so as to improve
intermediate to Ti and Cr on the periodic table. mechanical properties with minimal flux penalty). It was seen
In the above cases, a trapping effect of substitutional atoms previously that Ni does indeed reduce absorption, but also
was used to describe the reduction in DH. A rule of thumb decreases DH significantly [18,29]. The present study shows that
proposed by Shirley and Hall [37] states that elements to the left Ti in the presence of Ni increases DH, as is desirable, but also
of the host (in this case, V) trap hydrogen, and those to the right increases absorption.
do not, because the elastic interaction is attractive at the first and These findings suggest that alloying V with a larger atom
second neighbouring sites if the solute causes the V lattice to which also reduces absorption will result in an improved mem-
expand. Ti (with an atomic radius of 0.1462 nm [27]) should brane by allowing absorption to be controlled without incurring a
therefore trap H in V-based (0.1316 nm) alloys. large diffusivity penalty. Candidate elements which meet these
It is questionable whether this applies to the present study for criteria include Al (0.1432 nm, previously examined by Zhang
several key reasons. Firstly, this study was undertaken at much et al.) [30], Ag (0.1445 nm, but immiscible in V) [9], Pd (0.1375 nm)
326 M.D. Dolan et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 415–416 (2012) 320–327

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