Pembahasan TO16 - Bahasa Inggris

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Pembahasan TO16_Bahasa Inggris

Text 1
Human brain structure is composed of three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain,
each with multiple parts.

The Cerebrum: Also known as the cerebral cortex, the cerebrum is the largest part of the human
brain, and it is associated with higher brain function such as thought and action. Nerve cells make
up the gray surface, which is a little thicker than our thumb. White nerve fibers beneath the surface
carry signals between nerve cells in other parts of the brain and body . Its wrinkled surface
increases the surface area, and is a six-lay ered structure found in mammals, called the neocortex.
It is divided into four sections, called “lobes”. They are; the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the
occipital lobe and the temporal lobe.

Frontal Lobe – The frontal lobe lies just beneath our forehead and is associated with our brain’s
ability to reason, organize, plan, speak, move, make facial expressions, serial task, problem solve,
control inhibition, spontaneity , initiate and self-regulate behaviors, pay attention, remember and
control emotions.

Parietal Lobe – The parietal lobe is located at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our complex
behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation. It play
s important roles in integrating sensory information from various parts of our body , knowledge of
numbers and their relations, and in the manipulation of objects. Portions are involved with our
visuospatial processing, language comprehension, the ability to construct, body positioning and
movement, neglect/inattention, left-right differentiation and self-awareness/insight.

Occipital Lobe – The occipital lobe is located at the back of our brain, and is associated with our
visual processing, such as visual recognition, visual attention, spatial analy sis (moving in a 3-D
world) and visual perception of body language; such as postures, expressions and gestures.

Temporal Lobe – The temporal lobe is located near our ears, and is associated with processing
our perception and recognition of auditory stimuli (including our ability to focus on one sound
among many , like listening to one voice among many at a party ), comprehending spoken
language, verbal memory , visual memory and language production (including fluency and word-
finding), general knowledge and autobiographical memories.

A deep furrow divides the cerebrum into two halves, known as the left and right hemispheres.
And, while the two hemispheres look almost sy mmetrical, each side seems to function
differently. The right hemisphere is considered our creative side, and the left hemisphere is
considered our logical side. A bundle of axons, called the corpus callosum, connects the two
1. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) The description of surface carry signals between nerve cells in other parts of the brain
and body .

(B) The explanation about A bundle of axons, called the corpus callosum, connects the
two hemispheres.

(C) The overview about the structure and function of the human brain.

(D) The findings of the important roles of parietal lobe in integrating sensory information
from various parts of our body.

(E) The argument of the perception and recognition of auditory stimuli in human brain.

Soal ini menanyakan tentang ide pokok yang merupakan inti utama dari seluruh isi tulisan. Ide
pokok wacana ini adalah mengenai gambaran mengenai struktur dan fungsi otak manusia.
Informasi ini dapat ditemukan di paragraf awal ‘Human brain structure is composed of three
main parts: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, each with multiple parts’ dan kemudian setiap
poin struktur dan fungsi dijelaskan di setiap paragraf. Wacana ini bersifat deduktif karena ide
pokok terdapat di paragraf pertama.
Topic/Main Idea: Baca paragraf pertama dan kalimat awal tiap paragraf. Temukan objek/istilah y
ang sering berulang.
Jawaban: C

2. The sentence ‘The parietal lobe is located at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our
complex behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial
orientation’ In paragraph 5 can best be restated as

(A) The parietal lobe can be in at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our complex
behaviors, excluding senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation.

(B) The parietal lobe is located near the upper rear of our brain, and controls our complex
behaviors, senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation.

(C) The parietal lobe is located far from the upper rear of our brain, and controls our
complex behaviors, a part of senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial

(D) The location of parietal lobe is at the upper rear of our brain, and controls our
complex behaviors, that is, senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial

(E) The upper rear of our brain is at the pariental lob, and controls our complex
behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and spatial orientation.

Pernyataan ulang dari kalimat: ‘Lobus parietal terletak di bagian belakang atas otak kita, dan
mengendalikan perilaku kompleks kita, termasuk indera seperti penglihatan, sentuhan, kesadaran
tubuh, dan orientasi spasial’ adalah ‘Lokasi lobus parietal berada di bagian belakang atas otak
kita, dan mengendalikan perilaku kompleks kita, yaitu indera seperti penglihatan, sentuhan,
kesadaran tubuh, dan orientasi spasial’. Kalimat ini dapat menggantikan kalimat soal karena
memiliki makna yang sama.
Jawaban: D

3. It can be concluded from the passage that ... .

(A) Three main parts of human brain, the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, each with
multiple parts, have significant roles in controlling human activity.

(B) The frontal lobe lies just beneath our forehead and is associated with our brain’s
ability to visual recognition, such as visual recognition, visual attention, spatial analy sis.

(C) The right hemisphere is considered our creative side, and the left hemisphere is
considered human mental activity .

(D) A deep furrow has functions to comprehend spoken language, verbal memory , visual
memory and language production.

(E) Frontal lobes are involved with our visuospatial processing, language comprehension,
the ability to construct, body positioning and movement.

Lihat/Tutup Pembahasan
Kesimpulan merupakan sebuah gagasan yang tercapai pada akhir pembicaraan. Dengan kata lain,
kesimpulan adalah hasil dari suatu pembicaraan dalam hal ini wacana. Maka dapat disimpulkan
dari wacana ada tiga bagian utama otak manusia, otak depan, otak tengah, dan otak belakang,
masing-masing dengan beberapa bagian, memiliki peran signifikan dalam mengendalikan
aktivitas manusia. Hal ini sejalan dengan topik wacana yang berbicara tentang bagian-bagian
otak di mana tiap bagian memiliki peran yang penting bagi tubuh manusia.
Jawaban: A

4. What most likely motivates the writer in writing the passage?

(A) Not many people have much information about the functions of parts of human brain.

(B) There is a my stery about what functions of human brain.

(C) People’s information about human brain is suffecient.

(D) Many people have known about the functions of the brain.

(E) The information about functions about human brain is not available.

Bentukan teks adalah teks report yang memberikan informasi mengenai fungsi bagian-bagian
otak. Maka, motivasi penulis kemungkinan menuliskan wacana adalah karena tidak banyak
informasi mengenai fungsi otak

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano keeps erupting with syrupy lava flows, serving as a fiery reminder of
nature's destructive power. There are two contents flow out as molten rock and they both have to
do with volcanoes. But as the ongoing eruption captures headlines, a question might occur to the
readers: What's the difference between magma and lava?

The distinction between magma and lava is all about location. When geologists refer to magma,
they're talking about molten rock that's still trapped underground. If this molten rock makes it to
the surface and keeps flowing like a liquid, it's called lava. Lava is molten rock generated by
geothermal energy and expelled through fractures in planetary crust or in an eruption, usually at
temperatures from 700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 to 2,192 °F). The structures resulting from subsequent
solidification and cooling are also sometimes described as lava. The molten rock is formed in the
interior of some planets, including Earth, and some of their satellites, though such material
located below the crust is referred to by other terms.

Magmas vary in their chemical composition, which gives them—and the volcanoes that contain
them—different properties. Mafic magmas like those in Hawaii tend to form when the heavier
crust that forms the ocean floor melts. They contain between 47 to 63 percent silica, the mineral
that makes up glass and quartz. Silicic magmas, on the other hand, tend to form when the lighter
continental crust melts. These magmas are more than 63 percent silica, which makes them more
viscous: At their runniest, silicic magmas flow about as well as lard orcaulk—which is to say not
well at all. They're also cooler than mafic magmas. Rhyolite, an especially silica-rich type of
lava, hits temperatures between only 1,200 degrees to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

When silicic magmas are no longer confined under sufficiently high pressure, the gases dissolved
within them come out of solution and form bubbles. And just like opening a shaken-up can of
soda, the resulting rush of vapor triggers an explosive eruption. Iconic cone-shaped volcanoes
called stratovolcanoes, such as Mount Pinatubo, are loaded with silicic magmas. Hawaii's
volcanoes, on the other hand, contain especially low-silica magmas made of basalt, which means
they have much less explosive oomph. Instead, they ooze and spatter, creating shield
volcanoes—gently sloped formations that have become the islands' signature geologic silhouette.
Adapted from:

5. What is the appropriate title of the text above?

(A) The Explosive power of a volcano
(B) The Characteristic of Magma and Lava
(C) The Distinction of Magma and Lava
(D) The Pressure of Silicic Magmas as a Compostion of a Volcano
(E) The Composition of Magma and Lava Based on a Volcano Structure

Judul yang tepat untuk wacana adalah mengenai perbedaan antara magma (magma) dan lahar
(lava). Hal ini terlihat dari kata kunci yang ada di paragraf pertama di kalimat terakhir yang
merupakan pernyataan tesis dari wacana yaitu What's the difference between magma and
lava? Kemudian kalimat tersebut dielaborasi di paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya.
Jawaban: C
6. What is the motive of the writer to present the passage?
(A) To raise people awareness about the danger of volcanoe eruption
(B) To persuade the readers not to live nearby the area of volcano eruption
(C) To describe the danger of volcanoe eruption through the composition of magmas
(D) To straigthen people’s misconception about the difference of magma and lava
(E) To expose people’s lack of understanding about the terms of lava and magma

Wacana soal berbentuk report text yang memaparkan perbedaan antara magma dan lava, dengan
demikian dapat diduga bahwa motif penulis memaparkan wacana soal adalah untuk meluruskan
miskonsepsi masyarakat akan perbedaan antara magma dan lava
Jawaban: D

7. ‘Magmas vary in their chemical composition,..’

The sentence can be best restated with...
(A) the composition of magma can be differentiated through their chemical compound
(B) the chemical structure of magma is different based on their compostion
(C) the component of magma is made of chemical element
(D) the basic structure of magma can be seen from their chemical component
(E) the nature of chemical compostion is based on magma variation

Kalimat soal mengandung pengertian: ‘magma bervariasi dalam komposisi kimiawinya’.
Kalimat ini dapat diparafrasa menjadi ‘komposisi magma dapat dibedakan melalui komposisi
kimiawinya.’ (the composition of magma can be differentiated through their chemical
compound). Dengan demikian pernyataan yang paling tepat adalah pilihan A.
Jawaban: A

8. What is the difference of volcanoes in Hawaii from that of Mount Pinatubo?

(A) Mount Pinatubo is more destructive than Hawaii
(B) Volcanoes in Hawaii are less explosive power than that of Pinatubo
(C) Hawaii’s volcanoes are highly explosive than those of Mount Pinatubo
(D) Hawaii’s volcanones are loaded with silicic magmas.
(E) Mount Pinatubo is the islands who has signature geologic silhouette

Perbedaan gunung merapi di Hawai dan Gunung Pinatubo adalah bahwa gunung merapi di
Hawaaii lebih rendah daya letusannya dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Pinabuto karena
mengandung magma silika yang rendah yang terbuat dari basal. Informasi ini terdapat pada
paragraf terakhir: ... contain especially low-silica magmas made of basalt, which means they
have much less explosive oomph
Jawaban: B

9. In which paragraph does the author elaborate what imposes low or high explosion of a
(A) Paragraph 2
(B) Paragraph 3
(C) Paragraph 4
(D) Paragraph 2 and 3
(E) Paragraph 3 and 4
Lihat/Tutup Pembahasan
Paragraf yang membahas tentang hal yang menyebabkan tinggi rendahnya sebuah letusan merapi
adalah paragraf 4. Informasi tersebut terdapat pada kalimat ‘And just like opening a shaken-up
can of soda, the resulting rush of vapor triggers an explosive eruption’. Gagasan ini kemudian
dijelaskan oleh kalimat-kalimat berikutnya yang menjelaskan bahwa yang menyebabkan gunung
merapi di Hawai memiliki daya letus yang rendah karena kandungan magmanya.
Jawaban: C

The green movement is catching on in many pockets of the world. This is especially true in the
construction industry. Today's buzz words, which include global warming and zero emission, are
causing everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Purchasing
environmentally-friendly property is a good investment for those who are concerned about their
own health and the well-being of the earth. Base on this trend, entire districts, known as eco-
communities, are being designed with green initiatives 5 in mind. Dockside Green in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada is one of these communities. Its goal is to become the world's first zero-
emissions neighborhood.

Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in mind with every choice they make. They
ensure proper ventilation, and guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor air. Interior and exterior
building materials, such as paints and wood, are natural and non-toxic. Eco-conscious builders
use bamboo wherever possible because it is durable and does not require pesticides to grow.

Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities in eco-communities, such as Dockside Green. Not
only do energy-efficient 10 appliances and light fixtures reduce the environmental impact of
heating and hot water, they also save residents and business owners money. Dockside Green
claims that home owners will use 55% less energy than average residents in Canada. Though they
are sharing space by investing in condo-style living, residents will have individual utility
meters. Studies show that people use approximately 20% less energy when they are billed for
exactly what they use. In addition, water is treated at Dockside Green and reused on site for
flushing toilets.

Planners of eco-communities such as Dockside Green must take the future into
account. Dockside Green will reuse 90% of its construction waste. They also plan to continue
using local suppliers for all of their transport and maintenance needs. This is a great way to reduce
emissions. Dockside residents will be encourage to make use of mini transit system and buy into
the community's car share program. Finally, plans are in the works for a high-tech heating system
that will use renewable biomass instead of fossil fuels.

(Adapted from: http://tx.english-ch-com/teacher/lyn/level-

10. By saying Today's buzz word, which includes global warming and zero / emissions, are
causing everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint 'in lines 1-3, the author
implies that ...
A. Environmental issues have made people more cautious of their actions.

B. Global warming and zero emissions become everyone's concern.

C. People have take care of their greenhouse carefully.

D. Eco-friendly environmental programs should be strongly enforced.

E. All people around the world are aware of global warming.



Implies adalah salah satu pertanyaan tersirat. Pengambilan clue atas kalimat ini diambil dari
kalimat yang dikutip. Clue-nya adalah 'causing .. people to look for ways to reduce.. Kalimat yang
dikutip, secara tersirat menjelaskan 'everyone's concern' (kepedulian setiap orang, kepedulian
untuk mencari cara mengurangi dampak global warming dan emisi).

11. Which of the following best restates the sentence 'The green movement is catching on in
many pockets of the world' in line 1?
A. Many people consider it crucial to have eco-friendly environments

B. People who are aware of environmental issues love safe and health surroundings

C. House designers should consider the importance of green matrials

D. Everyone should understand the effect of global warming and zero emissions well

E. Environmentalists are concerned with the green environment


"Restate the sentence' yaitu menyatakan kembali atau merekonstruksikan kalimat tanpa mengubah
arti. Tidak perlu melihat pada teks melainkan hanya melihat pada kalimat yang dikutip. Jawaban
A (many people consider it crucial to have diambil eco-friendly environments) dari kutipan kalimat
pertanyaan, yaitu the green movement (gerakan ramah lingkungan) secara tersirat menjelaskan
Catching on (dipertimbangkan) secara tersirat menjelaskan consider. Many pockets of the world
(berbagai belahan dunia) secara tersirat menjelaskan many people. eco-friendly environments.

12. The false idea that author may hold about Dockside Green is that ...
A. It provides all eco-friendly properties

B. It is a good asset to buy a property in it

C. It encourages all houses to utilize efficient energy

D. It reduces global warning and emissions

E. It is where more natural livings can exist



Pertanyaan jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan topik yang ditanyakan. Topik yang ditanyakan
adalah penjelasan mengenai Dockside Green. Sementara itu jawaban B tidak sesuai dengan topik
karena menjelaskan Dockside Green merupakan sebuah tempat yang sesuai untuk membeli
properti bukan menjelaskan sebuah tempat atau lingkungan perumahan yang didesain menjadi
tempat ramah lingkungan seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf pertama 'known as eco-
communities, are being designed with green initiatives in mind. Dockside Green in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada is one of these communities. Its ini bertujuan mencari goal is to
become the world's first zero- emissions neighborhood. Dan Dockside Green juga merupakan
sebuah tempat atau lingkungan perumahan berisi properti alami membahayakan lingkungan dan
juga mengurangi pemanasan global serta gas emisi seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf kedua
'Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in mind yang tidak merugikan atau with
every choice they make; They also plan to continue using local suppliers for all of their
transport and maintenance needs. This is a great way to reduce emissions'.

13. The author organizes the ideas in the passage by ...

A. Describing a new housing trend and providing a detailed example

B. Discussing an environmental issue and providing ways to solve the issue

C. Identifying a community problem and discussing possible solutions to the problem

D. Explaining friendly initiatives and discussing the impacts of the initiative

E. Establishing a initiative that is eco-friendly and explaining the ideas behind the an
environmentally new community initiative



Penulis menyusun ide-ide teks dengan cara menjelaskan sebuah tren perumahan baru dan contoh
rincinya. Tren perumahan baru dijelaskan pada paragraf pertama yang mengatakan bahwa
Dockside Green merupakan perumahan baru yang didesain ramah lingkungan dan bertujuan
lingkungan yang bebas emisi. Sedangkan untuk contoh rinci lingkungan perumahan tersebut
dijelaskan pada paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya, ventilasi udara segar, material eksterior dan
interior yang alami dan tidak beracun (isi dari paragraf kedua); memprioritaskan energi efisiensi
ketiga) menjadi yaitu (isi dari paragraf serta mempertimbangkan atau memikirkan masa depan
bumi, seperti mengurangi gas emisi, mendaur ulang sampah konstruksi, dan akan menggunakan
biomassa yang dapat diperbaharui daripada bahan bakar fosil (isi dari paragraf keempat).
Many kinds of herbs sit in our cupboards. Little did you know that these herbs were loaded with
powerful nutrients. They add flavor and texture to boost your meals - and also the body. Below
are some examples of herbs that can give healing effects.

The first example is Basil that has many benefits for health. It has the ability to protect DNA. Its
antioxidants and phytonutrients are known to protect chromosomes and cell structures. The herb's
essential oils protect against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties
and COX-2 enzyme inhibitors work similary to aspirin or ibuprofen.

The second example is Cayenne, also known as capsicum fruit. Cayenne pepper can enhance
circulation, digestion, and absorption. Its healing properties have been known to be helpful in
arthritis, urinary tract issues, infections, ulcers, and respiratory ailments. It may also be helpful as
a thyroid balancer, for heart health, and for cleansing.

The third kind of herbs offering healing effects year-round is Cinnamon. Some of the
advantages are lowering cholesterol, reducing blood sugar levels, strengthening the cardiovascular
system, helping with respiratory issues, relieving menstrual pain, reducing arthritis pain, helping
to clot blood, and preventing tooth decay and bad breath.

Another example is Dill. It was used by Hippocrates (know as "the father of medicine") in a
recipe to clean the mouth, and soldiers would also apply the burnt seeds to wounds to promote
healing. Dill's volatile oils can neutralize particular types of carcinogens found in smoke from
cigarettes, charcoal grills, and trash incinerators. It has also shown an ability to prevent bacterial
overgrowth. In addition, dill is rich in calcium, making it beneficial in the prevention of bone

Using these herbs in medication is advantageous. The herbs are easy to find because they are
just things we always have around. In addition, they are very cheap compared to drugs we have
to buy at drugstores. Finally, they produce none or only little side effects compared to chemical
drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how they should be processed to be used in medical
(Adapted from:

14. The author's attitude regarding herbal medication is.....

A. convinced

B. negative

C. doubtful

D. pessimistic

E. neutral



Nada atau sikap penulis terhadap ide pokok teks di atas adalah meyakinkan. Dilihat dari kalimat
baris pertama teks tersebut yang mengatakan bahwa'sedikit dari Anda yang tahu bahwa rempah-
rempah memiliki banyak nutrisi' (Little did you know that these herbs were loaded with
powerful nutrients). Dan dilihat juga pada kalimat baris pertama paragraf terakhir yang
mengatakan bahwa menggunakan jenis-jenis rempah- rempah tersebut dalam pengobatan adalah
menguntungkan 'Using these herbs in medication is advantageous.'

15. What topic does the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?
A. How to find herbs for medication

B. How to process medical treatments

C. How to reduce the side effects of herbs

D. How to get health treatment that is free from side effects

E. How to process herbs to be used for medical purposes



Pertanyaan ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari topik paragraf sesudah teks dengan mengambil clue
kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir teks. Dikarenakan kalimat terakhir membahas pentingnya
mengetahui proses rempah-rempah untuk dijadikan obat (it is necessary to find out
how they should be processed to be used in medical treatments) maka untuk paragraf
selanjutnya kemungkinan besar topiknya tentang pembuatan obat dari rempah-rempah (How to
process herbs to be used for medical purposes).

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