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Giving this opportunity to conduct demo teaching has a big help for me as a future
educator, it was a wonderful experience but at the same as a student teacher it was not easy.
My demo teaching experience has been the best, as I overcome my fear to talk in front of
many people; in front of my students. I realized that teaching is not an easy profession, because
in demonstration when you are going to teach you need to be prepared always.
My demonstration, I realized that teaching isn't an easy job. It requires our full
dedication, love and compassion on the profession and the learners. Dedicated in a sense that
we, teachers should have the ability to inspire students through approaches, actions, and even
through the lessons and activities that students were engaged in. "Teachers cannot teach what
they do not know". And in teaching, things that should be taught must be good, true and
correct.My students have taught me some invaluable lessons during my practice teaching. The
lessons where there for me to learn and taken together they have helped me think more clearly
about what I want my students to know and do, and who I want them to become. These are the
lessons that made me a better student teacher.And I believe an effective teacher will not
formed only a good mind to their students but also a good heart

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