Tем план БЖКТ- 3 курс

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Topic of the class

Gastroduodenitis in children. Clinic. Diagnostics. Course, outcome. Differential

diagnostics. Treatment of gastroduodenitis in children. Drug therapy in the period
of exacerbation of associated and non-associated with HP gastroduodenitis in
children. Prevention of exacerbations.
Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Differential diagnosis. Peculiarities of the
course in children, outcomes. Diet therapy. Drug therapy in the period of
exacerbation (therapy 1 and 2 lines). Antirecession therapy Emergency care for
complications of peptic ulcer disease.
Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary passages ways.
Biliary dyskinesia. Clinic. Differential diagnostics. Peculiarities of the course in
children. Outcomes. Principles of therapy. Surveillance in an outpatient setting.
Cholecystitis in children. Clinic. Diagnosis. Peculiarities of the course in children.
Principles of therapy. Gallstone disease in children.
Malabsorption syndrome in children: lactase, disaccharidase deficiency, celiac
disease, cystic fibrosis. Etiopathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnostics. Differential
diagnostics. Principles of therapy.
Pancreatitis in children. Etiopathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnostics. Principles of
treatment. Emergency treatment of pain syndrome. Modul
Topics of self -independent work
Esophagogastroduodenofibroscopy and colonoscopy in children. Methodology.
Indications, contraindications.
Helminthiasis in Children
Ultrasound and X-ray diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases in children.
Irritable bowel syndrome in children.
Diet Therapy for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Children.
Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver in children.
Functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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