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I.- Read the text and mark the sentences True (T) or False (F).
The Advantages of Ergonomics
What is ergonomics?
Ergonomics is designing a job to fit the worker so the work is safer and more
Implementing ergonomic solutions can make employees more comfortable and
increase productivity.
Why is ergonomics important?
Ergonomics is important because when you’re doing a job and your body is
stressed by
an awkward posture, extreme temperature, or repeated movement your
musculoskeletal system is affected. Your body may begin to have symptoms
such as fatigue, discomfort,and pain, which can be the first signs of a
musculoskeletal disorder.
What is a musculoskeletal disorder?
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are conditions that affect your body’s
muscles, joints,tendons, ligaments, and nerves. MSDs can develop over time or
can occur immediately due to overload.

a. Ergonomics can increase productivity. _T_

b. Awkward posture don’t affect your musculoskeletal system. _F_
c. You can feel fatigue, discomfort and pain when your musculoskeletal system
is affected. _T_
d. Body’s muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves are part of your
musculoskeletal system. _T_
e. Musculoskeletal disorders don’t occur immediately. _T_
II.- Complete the text with the words from the box.

cost measures for the office

• Adjust your computer WORKSTATION to fit your body.

• Place the document HOLDER right next to the monitor so only your eyes
move and not your head.
• Avoid holding the phone with your neck. This places a lot of stress on your
• Move your computer monitor away from the window or tape cardboard around
it to reduce the glare, which can lead to EYESTRAIN
• Adjust your ___CHAIR_________ before starting your shift and again after
Your body changes throughout the day and so should your environment.
• __ARRANGE__________ your workstation so that items you frequently use
are within close reach.
• Use books to raise your computer monitor if necessary so you’re looking at the
top third of the _SCREEN___________.
• Place a pillow behind your back to create _LUMBAR___________ support if
the back on your work chair won’t adjust.

II.- Choose the correct verbs to complete the list of health and safety for a
1. Women should / must / shouldn’t wear high-heel shoes at work.
2. Stairs can / don’t have to / must be clear of obstacles.
3. All exits don’t have to / should / can’t be kept clear.
4. You have to / can / mustn’t leave any objects on the floor.
5. You should / mustn’t / don’t have to behave correctly at work.

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