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Syalom selamat pagi, sebelum kita kembali memulaikan kegiatan aktifitas kita sepanjang hari

ini, terlebih dahulu kita mengawalinya dengan medengar dan merenungkan firman Tuhan pada
pagi hari ini, namun sebelum daripada itu marilah kita menaikan pujian ……….. mari kita
berdoa. Allah bapa kami yang bertahta dalam kerajaan surga, pada hari ini kami berkumpul
kembali disini untuk kembali melaksanakan kegiatan kami sepanjang hari ini namun sebelum
dari pada itu kami akan mendengarkan sebeagian dari pada firmanmu, berkatilah hambamu ini
ya Tuhan dalam menyampaikan isi firmanmu. Inilah doa kami ya Tuhan yang kami panjatkan
dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, haleluya, Amin.

Pembacaan kita pada pagi hari ini terdapat pada (baca dalam bahasa indonesia) ……………….
Demikian firman tuhan. (isi pembacaan alkitab).

Judul perenungan kita pada pagi hari ini (baca dalam Bahasa Indonesia saja).

Demikian pembacaan kita pada pagi hari ini, sebelum kita menutup ibadah singkat kita pagi hari
ini marilah kita menyanyikan pujian nbk122 sambil persembahan seminggu sangkal diri kita
berikan dan setelah itu diikuti dengan doa penutup,

Mari kita berdoa

Closing pray
*Heavenly Father, You have spoken to Your apostles. Peace I leave with you, My peace I
give you. Do not look at our sins, but the beliefs of Your people. And grant us peace
and unity according to Your will. May your people be bound by the unity of faith and
bonds of love. Make us one flock with Jesus Himself as our only shepherd.

*Oo Holly father, touch the people who are sick and need your assistance.. Strengthen
them and heal them so that they can reunite with their beloved family...

*To Our dear friend, today we pray a special birthday prayer for you. May God's blessings be upon you today
and every day. May you be guided by His love for you, and find comfort in His care. May you grow to know and
love Him more each day
we know this year has been hard for you. I pray most of all that "the God of hope fills you with all joy and peace
as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"

*we also pray for our leaders in This place for ours major, principals of each unit, teachers, staff, school
employees of salvation army Palu, for students, for the ranks of the Palu city government and staff, as well
our activities in each school unit throughout the 2022 school year

*Bless us all, Father so that we can carry out our duties well, the plans and programs that have been designed
can be carried out well ...thank you father because you are so kind to remember all our needs, because we
need your help so that we can go through the day- our day with full of enthusiasm and joy..thank you father
for your inclusion in the name of jesus,amen

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