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Air Flow Distribution for Different

Wind Pressure Coefficient Values
in a Naturally Ventilated Room
M.M. Eftekhari, D.Phil. L.D. Marjanovic

M. Holmes Vic Hanby, Ph.D.

ABSTRACT tion models generally deal with pressure coefficients as an

input, regardless of the technique used to provide the data. In
The objective of this research is to investigate airflow
most literature only wall-averaged empirical values of Cp are
distribution inside a test room, which is naturally ventilated
presented such as Kula and Feustel (1988) and AIC (1984). A
through adjustable louvres for summer conditions. The test
calculation method describing a Fourier series representation
room is located in a sheltered area. Indoor air temperature and
of the variation of pressure coefficients with wind angle is
velocity across the room at four locations and six different
presented by Allen (1984). Results are shown only for whole-
levels are measured. The air pressures and velocities across the
face-averaged Cp and the need for further investigation,
opening are measured in order to allow an accurate estimation
mainly concerning the fluctuating pressures arising from
of wind pressure coefficients. The VENT simulation program
turbulence, different building shapes, and the sheltering effect
is used to predict the spatial distribution of the airflow. The test
is mentioned. A parametric approach to calculate the local CP
room is fictitiously divided into 27 zones of equal size, each
values is suggested by Grosso (1992) as the only available
with a volume of 0.8 m3. The program calculates temperature
model appropriate for the use in multizone airflow modeling.
and air speed within a single zone using a network airflow
model. The numerical model used is based on an explicit finite The objective of this paper is to investigate airflow distri-
difference formulation for unsteady heat flows within the bution in a single-sided, naturally ventilated room. The air
building fabric. One of the program inputs is the wind pressure pressures and velocities across the opening are measured in
coefficient (cp). The simulation was performed for CP values order to allow an accurate estimation of wind pressure coeffi-
calculated using a published parametric model and for the cients. A network airflow program is used to predict the spatial
measured values. In general the measurements demonstrate distribution of the temperature and velocity inside the room.
considerable air movement inside the room. The air enters the The simulation was performed for CP values calculated using
test room from the bottom and exits from the top. The predicted experimental data and the above parametrical model. Investi-
flow showed a similar trend and the simulation results were in gation is performed for summer conditions and minimal venti-
close agreement with the measured data. lation requirements.


There is currently a lot of emphasis given to energy Experimental Setup

conservation and passive systems in order to maintain a clean
environment. Natural ventilation is created by pressure differ- An existing portable cabin of light mass is used as a test
ences between the inside and outside of the building induced room for natural ventilation at a university in the U.K. It is
by wind and air temperature differences. The wind pressure located in a sheltered area as shown in Figure 1.
distribution around a building is an important parameter for The room is fitted with four sets of horizontal slat metal
multizone airflow simulation. Current multizone air infiltra- louvers to ensure that a minimum ventilation of 8 l s per person

Mahroo M. Eftekhari is a lecturer and Ljiljana D. Marjanovic is a research associate, Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, U.K. Mike Holmes is associate director, Arup Research & Development, London, U.K. Vic Hanby is a professor,
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K.

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1233

Figure 2 The location of the sensors inside the test room
and across the louvre.

Figure 1 Plan of test room location showing proximity to

surrounding building.

is achieved inside the test room. To measure the indoor airflow

distribution, the room is divided into four zones, and for each
zone, the temperature and velocity stratification are measured.
The internal heat loads inside the room consists of three
computers, one 54N10 analyzer and two 58 W fluorescent
luminaires. During the experiments the size of the opening at
the top and bottom was 0.07 m2 and 0.12 m2, respectively, with
a 1.25 m distance between the center of the openings. Details
of the U-factors and the thermal capacity of the test room are
described fully elsewhere (Eftekhari 1998).
Two tests are performed three days apart, one on the 19th Figure 3 The location of the weather station.
of June, the other on the 22nd of June. This provides informa-
tion for typical summer conditions.
Simulation Package
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition. Due to the shel-
A network airflow program is used to predict the temper-
tered nature of the test room, the external environmental ature and velocity distribution inside the room. The program
weather conditions local to the test room are measured. calculates the bulk air movements within a building that are
Weather station sensors mounted locally (see Figure 2) driven by buoyancy forces arising from temperature variations
measure the wind speed, direction, air temperature, humidity, and wind pressures in a naturally ventilated building. The
and pressure. program can be operated in three modes:
Inside the room, the airflow through the louver opening, 1. Calculation of flow rates from specified wind speed, inter-
mean air velocity, and temperature inside the room were nal and external temperatures, and mechanical ventilation
measured. The velocities at the openings are measured using rates.
four ultrasonic airflow meters. The total pressure at top and 2. Given wind speed, external temperature, internal heat gain,
bottom levels inside and outside across the louvers was and mechanical ventilation rate, calculate steady-state flow
recorded using low-pressure differential transducers. The rates required to balance the heat gain. The corresponding
reference pressure for all pressure measurements was the internal room temperatures are those that induce sufficient
static pressure inside the room taken at approximately 1 m airflow to remove all the heat generated.
from the floor. A multichannel flow analyzer was used for the 3. A combination of the above two cases with temperatures
measurements of the inside air temperature and velocity at specified in some rooms and heat loads specified in others.
four locations and six levels above the floor. The positioning Flow rates are calculated together with the unspecified
of indoor sensors is shown in Figure 3. temperatures.

1234 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

The following results can be obtained: whole building air
change rates, individual room air change rates, the airflow rate
through each specified ventilation or leakage area, the temper-
atures necessary to balance the heat gains if some tempera-
tures are not fixed, and steady-state pollutant concentrations
within the buildings.
The information required by the program to simulate any
given situation consists of aperture geometry and characteris-
tics, room volume and height, external pressure coefficients to
calculate wind-driven ventilation, internal temperatures if
fixed, internal heat gains if any, and mechanical flow rate and
supply temperature.
In order to simulate temperature distribution across the
test room, the room had to be fictitiously divided into 27 zones
of equal size and 0.8 m3 volume as the simulation program is
based on one zone model. The third program mode, with
temperatures specified in some rooms and heat loads specified
in others, was selected. Predicted room temperatures were
chosen to be the temperature in the middle of each zone. Four
temperatures at low level in the room were chosen to be fixed
and set to have the same values as the measured temperatures.


Figure 4 Calculation of the plan area density, facade
element positioning, and wind incidence angle.
Experimental Wind Pressure Coefficients (Cp)
Parametric Model
The wind pressure distribution on a building envelope
is usually described by dimensionless pressure coefficient The parametric model suggested by Grosso (1992) is used
Cp—the ratio of the surface dynamic pressure to the to calculate the pressure coefficients. The method uses a
systematic analytical process in which each parameter influ-
dynamic pressure in the undisturbed flow pattern measured
encing the variation of a factor is considered as an independent
at a reference height. The pressure coefficient at any point variable, while the others are kept constant. Using statistical
K (x, y, z) with the reference dynamic pressure pdyn corre- regression, variation curves for each parameter are defined and
sponding to the height zref for a given wind direction φ can the effect on wind pressure distribution is evaluated.
be described by Equation 1.
The model was developed on the basis of three different
pK – p0 ( z ) wind tunnel tests. In the first one Cps were measured on block-
C pK ( z ref, φ ) = ------------------------- (1) shaped models of different size with different surrounding
p dyn ( z ref )
layout patterns and densities and with only one wind direction
in an athmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. A second test
If the expression for dynamic pressure corresponding to was performed in an industrial aerodynamics wind tunnel on
reference height Equation 2, is substituted in Equation 1, the various block-shaped models with two height values for five
final form for pressure coefficient equation can be obtained different wind incidence angles but without density simula-
(Equation 3). tion. A third test had the same boundary conditions as the first
one but in a closed-circuit wind tunnel corresponding to three
1 2 different terrain roughnesses including models with single
p dyn ( z ref ) = --- ρ out ⋅ v ( z ref ) (2)
2 slope tilted roofs and with gable roofs. Modeling wind pres-
sure distribution according to a parametrical model approach
pK – p0 ( z ) means finding an algorithm calculating the variation of Cp on
C pK ( z ref, φ ) = ------------------------------------- (3)
1 2 the envelope surfaces of a building with varying wind direc-
--- ρ out ⋅ v ( z ref )
2 tion and architectural and environmental conditions. Because
of the stochastic nature of the wind pressure distribution
where ν is the wind speed. around the building, such an algorithm has to be derived by
The Cp values for both tests were determined according to empirical correlations of time averaged Cp values from wind
Equation 3 based on the measured wind speed and pressure tunnel tests. Three types of parameters were taken into
values. account:

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1235

• Climate parameters involving the wind velocity profile CFxl(zh,anw) = a0(zh,anw) + a1(zh,anw)·sar+
exponent a and the wind incidence angle anw. The a2(zh,anw)·sar2+ a3(zh,anw)·sar3 (6f)
parameter anw is defined as the absolute value of the
wind incidence angle, as shown in Figure 4. The application limits of the model are related to the
• Environmental parameters involving the plan density variation range defined for each parameter. In particular, the
pad and the relative building height rbh (see Figure 4). model can be applied to high terrain roughness (α > 0.33)
The parameter pad is defined as the ratio of building to and/or high density area (pad > 50, or pad > 12.5 when the
total area within a radius ranging from 10 to 25 times considered building has different height from its surround-
the height of the considered building. The relative build- ings or different shape from a cube), immediate buildings
ing height is the ratio of the building height to surround- with irregular pattern layout, buildings 4 times higher or 0.5
ing buildings, the latter is assumed to be regular boxes times lower than the surroundings, buildings with irregular
of the same height. shape or overhangs, and regular block-shaped buildings
• Building parameters are the frontal aspect ratio far, the with aspect ratios less than 0.5 or greater than 4.
side aspect ratio sar, the relative vertical position zh, and In application of this parametric model, a first step was to
the relative horizontal position xl (Figure 4). determine the values for all the above parameters for both the
top and bottom openings. Bottom and top openings were
A regression analysis on data from the reference wind related to zones 3 and 21, respectively (see Figure 2). Frontal
tunnel tests was carried out in order to obtain the deviation and side aspect ratios are the same for both openings (far = L/
range of Cp for each parameter chosen as a reference. The H = 3/2.1 = 1.43, sar = W/H = 3.3/2.1 = 1.57) as is the relative
reference profiles were defined analytically as a polynomial horizontal position (xl,bottom = xl,top = 0.35/3 = 0.117).
function of the vertical position zh of a surface element for However, the relative vertical position is different for each
specific parameter values such as: a = 0.22, pad = 0, rbh = 1, (zh,bottom = 0.35/2.1 = 0.17, zh,top = 1.75/2.1 = 0.83).
sar = 1, anw = 0°, Equation 4, where n = 3 for the windward The sheltered location of the test room results in rather
façade and n = 5 for the leeward façade. high values of the pad parameter (see Figure 1). In order to
meet model requirements, the pad value was adopted as 25
a0 ( zh ) + a1 ( zh ) ⋅ zh leading to correction factors of –0.11718 and 0.0177 for the
C pref ( z h ) = 2 n
(4) bottom and top openings, respectively. Relative building
+ a2 ( zh ) ⋅ zh + … + an ( zh ) ⋅ zh
height rbh is set to equal 0.4, leading to corresponding correc-
tion factors of 7.7148 and –2.2 for bottom and top openings,
To calculate the surface pressure coefficient for any
respectively. Since the simulation program assumes terrain
surface element with nondimensional coordinates xl and zh on
a wall of a building whose shape is defined by the specific
values of far and sar and environment conditions by specific
values of α, pad, and rhb, the reference Cp value must be
multiplied by a correction factor CF.

C pK = C pref ( z h ) ⋅ CF (5)

CF in Equation 5 is the product of all correction factors

for parameters different from the reference values.

CF a ( z h ) ⋅ CF pad ( z h ) ⋅ CF rbh ( z z, pad )

CF = (6)
⋅ CF far ( z h, pad ) ⋅ CF sar ( z h, pad ) ⋅ CF xl ( z h, θ )

CFα(zh)=a0(zh)+a1(zh)·α+ a2(zh)·α2 (6a)

CFpad(zh)=a0(zh)+a1(zh)·pad+ a2(zh)·pad2 (6b)

CFrbh(zh,pad) = a0(zh,pad) + a1(zh,pad)·rbh+

a2(zh,pad)·rbh2 (6c)

CFfar(zh,pad) = [a1(zh,pad)·far+ a2(zh,pad)/far+

a3(zh,pad)]1/2 (6d)

CFsar(zh,pad) = [a1(zh,pad)·sar+ a2(zh,pad)/far +

a3(zh,pad)]1/2 (6e) Figure 5 The outside condition for all tests.

1236 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Figure 6 Variation of pressure distribution at the openings
for test 1.
Figure 7 Measured pressure coefficients at the openings
roughness of a 0.2, correction factors of 0.9932 and 1.03 were for both tests.
According to the model, the formula for Cp,ref is given by
Equation 7 and its values for both openings are given in Equa- TABLE 1
tions 7b and 7c. Correction Factors Due to anw Model Parameter

Cp,ref = - 2.381082 zh3 + 2.89756 zh2 - Cf,anw

0.774649 zh + 0.475543 (7a) anw bottom top
Cp,ref,bottom = 0.686 (7b) 0 0.6544 0.64
Cp,ref,bottom = 0.737 (7c) 10 0.68 0.75
20 0.81 0.91
After taking into account all relevant parameters, the pres-
sure coefficients for the test room as a function of wind direc- 30 0.865 1.016
tions are defined by Equation 8. 40 0.78 0.88
Cp,bottom = 0.54*Cf,amw (8a) 50 0.41 0.43

Cp,top = 0.527* Cf,amw (8b) 60 -0.133 -0.15

70 -0.735 -0.8
Correction factors as a function of wind accident angle for
bottom and top openings are given in Table 1. 80 -1.04 -1.137
90 -1.239 -1.334
The results for two typical days are presented here. The The measured pressure coefficients for both tests at the
weather data for 19th and 22nd of June, tests 1 and 2, respec- openings were calculated using Equation 3 and are shown in
tively, are shown in Figure 5. In each case the wind is blowing Figure 7. Averaged Cp values given in Table 2 were later used
directly toward the openings (windward). by the simulation program.
The average outside temperature and wind velocity for From Figures 6 and 7 it can be seen that the air is entering
tests 1 and 2 are 23.57°C, 1.12 m/s and 18.42°C, 2.18 m/s, the room from the bottom and leaving at the top.
respectively. The pressure distribution across the top and The pressure coefficients using the parametric model
bottom openings for test 1 is shown in Figure 6. were calculated and are shown in Table 2.

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1237

Figure 8 The temperature variations with height at all four locations with measured and calculated Cp values for tests 1 and 2.

Pressure Coefficients Measured Air Velocities for Test 1

Test 1 Test 2 Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring

Height point point point point
measured parametric measured parametric [m] L1 L2 L3 L4
Cp, bottom 0.5 2.44 0.19 4.7 0.28 0.34 m/s 0.27 m/s 0.19 m/s 0.16 m/s
Cp,top –1.75 0.02 –0.76 0.04 0.55 0.17 m/s 0.4 m/s 0.12 m/s 0.15 m/s
Cp, diff –2.25 –2.22 –0.95 –4.66 0.9 0.05 m/s 0.05 m/s 0.09 m/s
There is a difference between measured and calculated Cp 1.24 0.04 m/s 0.06 m/s 0.03 m/s 0.05 m/s
values. The main reasons for this are the empirical nature of 1.59 0.05 m/s 0.28 m/s 0.04 m/s 0.04 m/s
the parametric model, existing difficulties in modeling wind-
1.93 0.09 m/s 0.08 m/s 0.03 m/s 0.05 m/s
induced air movement, and also the sheltered position of the
test room. However, the pressure coefficients indicate that the temperature at the lower level follows the experimental values
flow enters the room at the bottom and leaves at the top open- very closely. However at higher levels the simulated temper-
ing, which is in agreement with the measured values. ature is about 1.5°C lower than the measured one. From Figure
The airflow network program is used to simulate the air 8 it can be seen that, in all locations, the simulations with
temperature and velocity distribution across the room using
measured and calculated Cp values follow each other very
both measured and calculated Cp values. The measured and
simulated temperatures for all four locations across the room
and tests 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 8. The measured air velocities for test 1 are shown in Table
In all locations the temperature difference between head 3. The highest velocity at location 1 is at ankle level (0.3 m),
and ankle level is less than 3°C and for both tests the simulated about 0.34 m/s.

1238 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Predicted Air Velocity Between Each Room for Test 1 for Both Measured
and Calculated Using Cps Parametric Model (Values in Bold)

Room 1-2 1-10 2-3 2-11 3-12 4-1 4-5 4-7 4-13 5-2 5-6
Vel. (m/s) 0.0993 -0.0158 0.0715 0.0464 0.0207 0.0678 0.1130 0.0266 -0.1380 0.0411 0.0494
0.0734 0.0031 0.0660 0.0352 0.0155 0.0713 0.0929 0.0252 -0.1264 0.0436 0.0539
Room 5-14 6-3 6-15 7-8 7-16 8-5 8-17 9-6 9-8 9-18
Vel. (m/s) 0.0400 0.0661 0.0485 0.1024 -0.0466 0.0400 0.0780 0.0904 0.0642 -0.1041
0.0470 0.0579 0.0515 0.0877 -0.0382 0.0152 0.0836 0.0824 0.0604 -0.0962
Room 10-13 10-19 11-10 11-12 11-14 11-20 12-15 12-21 13-16 13-22
Vel. (m/s) 0.0375 -0.0184 0.0371 0.0132 0.0277 -0.0049 0.0176 0.0165 0.0121 -0.0916
0.0556 -0.0246 0.0177 -0.0011 0.0218 0.0083 0.0211 0.0014 0.0213 -0.0679
Room 14-13 14-23 15-14 15-18 15-24 16-25 17-14 17-16 17-18 17-26
Vel. (m/s) 0.0449 0.0477 0.0169 0.0591 0.0088 -0.0082 0.0083 0.0473 0.0573 0.0057
0.0541 -0.0275 -0.0052 0.0648 0.0175 0.0107 -0.0228 0.0536 0.0604 0.0269
Room 19-22 20-19 21-20 21-24 23-20 23-22
Vel. (m/s) 0.0312 0.0633 0.0698 0.0619 0.0008 0.0705
0.0105 0.0500 0.0584 0.0446 -0.0193 0.0473
Room 23-26 24-23 24-27 25-22 26-25 27-26
Vel. (m/s) 0.0319 0.0323 0.0448 0.0356 0.0518 0.0078
-0.0246 0.0424 0.0313 0.0434 0.0308 0.0151

Predicted Air Velocity Between Each Room for Test 2 for Both Measured
and Calculated Using Cps Parametric Model (Values in Bold)

Room 1-2 1-10 2-3 2-11 3-12 4-1 4-5 4-7 4-13 5-2 5-6
Vel. (m/s) 0.1032 -0.0156 0.0745 0.0541 0.0055 0.0716 0.1147 0.0267 -0.1417 0.0512 0.0507
0.0982 0.0137 0.0627 0.0584 -0.0419 0.0697 0.1090 0.0329 -0.1411 0.0512 0.0475
Room 5-14 6-3 6-15 7-8 7-16 8-5 8-17 9-6 9-8 9-18
Vel. (m/s) 0.0343 0.0743 0.0445 0.1040 -0.0477 0.0407 0.0749 0.0924 0.0655 -0.1064
0.0304 0.0655 0.0469 0.0966 -0.0385 0.0384 0.0762 0.0895 0.0645 -0.1042
Room 10-13 10-19 11-10 11-12 11-14 11-20 12-15 12-21 13-16 13-22
Vel. (m/s) 0.0376 -0.0184 0.0367 0.0050 0.0282 -0.0078 0.0241 0.0081 0.0107 -0.0947
0.0330 -0.0113 0.0400 -0.0102 0.0203 0.0124 0.0169 -0.0476 0.0086 -0.0937
Room 14-13 14-23 15-14 15-18 15-24 16-25 17-14 17-16 17-18 17-26
Vel. (m/s) 0.0443 0.0453 0.0137 0.0585 0.0117 -0.0100 0.0146 0.0479 0.0587 0.0014
0.0477 -0.0250 -0.0048 0.0587 0.0146 -0.0010 0.0108 0.0497 0.0595 -0.0010
Room 19-22 20-19 21-20 21-24 23-20 23-22
Vel. (m/s) 0.0339 0.0667 0.0679 0.0612 -0.0120 0.0738
0.0367 0.0582 0.0634 0.0571 -0.0222 0.0651
Room 23-26 24-23 24-27 25-22 26-25 27-26
Vel. (m/s) 0.0381 0.0319 0.0489 0.0343 0.0531 0.0092
-0.0308 0.0355 0.0458 0.0379 0.0431 0.0105

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1239

internal heat gains. This explains the warmer air leaving the
room at the higher opening. For both tests the temperature
difference between ankle and head level is less than 3°C. At all
locations the predicted air temperatures, with both measured
and calculated Cp values, followed each other very closely.
The predicted temperatures follow the measurements very
closely at all locations in lower level but with a temperature
difference of 1.5°C at the top level. In all zones at the two
bottom layers, the predicted air velocity for measured and
calculated Cp values are very close, with similar magnitude
and direction. However, at the top level in several zones there
are considerable differences in magnitude and direction,
which emphasize the necessity for establishing reliable guide-
lines for local Cp evaluation.

The authors express their gratitude to the U.K. Engineer-
Figure 9 Three-dimensional representation of simulated ing and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for
air velocities for test 1. funding this research project.

Generally, the velocity decreases with increased height.
For example, at location 1 and a height of 1.93, it was 0.09 AIC. 1984. Proc. Tech. Note AIC 13.1. Air Infiltration and
m/s. The lowest velocity measured during this test is 0.03 Ventilation Centre, Bracknell, U.K.
m/s at location 3 at a height of 1.93 m. Allen, C. 1984. Wind pressure data requirements for air infil-
The predicted velocity distribution for test 1 is shown in tration calculations. Tech. Note AIC 13. Air Infiltration
Figure 9, which demonstrates that air is flowing into the room and Ventilation Centre, Bracknell, U.K.
from the bottom louvre and leaving at top. The predicted air Eftekhari, M.M. 1998. Natural ventilation: Impact of wall
velocity between each room for tests 1 and 2, using both material and windows on thermal comfort. Proc. CIBSE
measured and calculated Cp values, is shown in Tables 4 and A: Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol. 19 (1) 43-47.
5, respectively. Grosso, M. 1992. Wind pressure distribution around build-
In all zones at the two bottom layers, the airflow predic- ings: A parametric model. Energy and Buildings 18:
tions for measured and calculated Cp values are very close 101-131.
with similar magnitude and direction. However, at the top level Kula, H.G., and H.E. Feustel. 1988. Review of wind pressure
in several zones there are considerable differences in magni- distribution as input data for infiltration models. Report
tude and direction (see Tables 4 and 5). LBL-23886, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley,
The values obtained using measured Cps were in better Calif.
agreement with measured air velocities (see Table 3).
VENT User Manual, Oasys Building Environmental Analy-
The velocity at the lower opening is toward the inside of
the room and leaves at the top level. For both tests the direction sis System (BEANS), Oasys, Ove Arup&Partners
of the flow is very similar with higher velocity for test 2. This Research and Development, UK 1992.
is mainly due to the higher wind velocity and larger difference
between inside and outside temperature. DISCUSSION
Ted Stathopoulus, Professor, Concordia University, Mont-
CONCLUSIONS real, Canada: Values of pressure coefficients measured were
The measurements inside the room demonstrate that there very high. Are these mean values and what kind of reference
is considerable air movement into the room. For both tests the velocity was used for normalization? At what height?
air velocity at lower levels follows the outside wind velocity M.M. Eftekhari: Each sampling interval Cps was calculated
and was greater than the velocity at the higher opening. Flow based on local wind velocity measured approximately 1 m
through the higher opening tended to be outward, whereas above the roof level and pressure measured directly at the
through the lower opening, the trend is inward flow. The inter- opening. The mean value of all measured ones was later used
nal temperature in all cases is higher than outside due to the as input for VENT.

1240 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

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