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Study on Cross-Ventilation with Radiational

Panel Cooling for Hot and Humid Regions

Doosam Song, Dr.Eng. Shinsuke Kato, Dr.Eng.

Taeyeon Kim, Dr.Eng. Shuzo Murakami, Dr.Eng.

ABSTRACT of the vertical thermal gradient, the lower part of the room can
A hybrid cooling system using radiational panel cooling be well cooled by a radiational cooling panel. This strategy is
with wind-induced cross-ventilation in an office setting is expected to be energy-efficient and to provide people with
investigated. The characteristics of the indoor environment are adequate thermal comfort in the room. The concept of the
examined using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simula- hybrid cooling system is illustrated in Figure 1.
tion, which is coupled with radiation heat transfer simulation Many studies for radiational cooling systems have been
and with HVAC control. done (Kulpmann 1993; Simmonds 1996); however, no studies
The system is devised on an energy-saving strategy that have been done on these types of hybrid panel cooling
utilizes stratified room air with a vertical temperature gradi- systems. The effectiveness of the hybrid systems depends on
ent. The air cooled by the radiational panel settles down within the characteristics of thermal stratification in the room. They
the lower part of the room, while the hot and humid outdoor can be well analyzed by experiments or by a CFD (computa-
air passes through the upper region of the room and sweeps out tional fluid dynamics) simulation in which the radiant heat
the heat and contaminants generated in the room. transfer and HVAC control are coupled.
INTRODUCTION In the case of mild climates, such as in spring or in
autumn, the hybrid cooling system was found to be quite
In order to reduce the energy use of HVAC systems in
buildings, the use of wind-driven cross-ventilation seems to be energy-efficient by a previous study (Kato et al. 1999) in
promising. However, in hot and humid regions such as in which CFD simulation was used. In this study, the system is
Japan, utilization of natural ventilation is only inadequate to further investigated under the severe outdoor conditions of
exhaust the heat generated in rooms, particularly in the mid- summer, also using CFD.
summer season. Some additional auxiliary cooling systems
are required. Here, a radiational cooling system with wind-
driven cross-ventilation is examined.
The hybrid cooling system, based on the concept of utiliz-
ing both natural ventilation and a radiational cooling panel,
aims at introducing outdoor air indoors by cross-ventilation
and achieving comfortable indoor thermal conditions by the
power of nature as far as possible. Even though it is impossible
for higher-temperature outdoor air to cool the room by cross-
ventilation, outdoor air can still be introduced and pass
through the upper part of the room, sweeping out the heat and
Figure 1 Concept of hybrid cooling system.
contaminants generated indoors. In the meantime, with the aid

Doosam Song is a research associate and Shinsuke Kato is a professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Taeyeon Kim is a lecturer in the School of Architecture, Youngsan University, Korea. Shuzo Murakami is a professor, Keio University, Yoka-
hama, Japan.

1276 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Figure 2 Office model for analysis (by CFD, half-space of
the symmetric office module, example of Case 1).


The hybrid cooling system may be used in both residential
and office buildings. Here, the case of an office building is
examined. The office setting is shown in Figure 2. The depth
of the room is 10.8 m. The width of the analyzed area is set at
half of the 3.6 m office module (1.8 m), in consideration of the
symmetrical configuration. Hybrid cooling is modeled as the
outdoor air flows into the room from the upper opening of the
window (0.5 × 1.8 m; Figure 2, left), and is expelled through
the opening at the other side (0.5 × 1.8 m; Figure 2, right),
while the radiational panel cooling is still operating. The radi-
ational panels, operating below the dew-point temperature, are
set in front of desks in the room, serving as partitioning panels.
As a result, the panels can remove the humidity of the air in the Figure 3 PMV, PPD for various clothing conditions and
room with condensation, so drain-pans and plumbing are metabolic rate (with panel height at 2.4 m and
needed to remove the condensing water. surface temperature constant at 18.4°C).

the office setting. In calculating the PMV of the human model,
Indoor airflow, temperature, humidity, and age of air are the metabolic rate is set at 1.2 met and the clo. value at 0.5.
numerically analyzed based on a three-dimensional CFD As a parametric study, the significance of the metabolic
(computational fluid dynamics) simulation, using the standard rate and clothing values to the PMV and PPD are analyzed
k-ε model. The CFD simulation is coupled with radiant heat under the exposure to the constant surface temperature of the
transfer simulation and with HVAC control (Murakami et al. radiational panel of 18.4°C, panel height at 2.4 m, with the
2001). In the radiation analysis, the view factor and the radiant results shown in Figure 3. It is obvious that with the adjustment
heat transfer between the walls were calculated by the Monte in clothing and metabolic rate, it is effective in alleviating ther-
Carlo method and Gebhart’s absorption factor method (Omori mal discomfort.
et al. 1997), respectively. Humidity distribution is solved
based on the equation for humidity transport with the CFD A total of four cases (Cases 1, 2, 3, and 4) are analyzed in
method (Murakami et al. 2000). The HVAC control system this paper. The characteristics of thermal stratification of the
modifies the radiational panel surface temperature based on room air depend on many factors. They are height of ceiling,
the target PMV value (0.5 corresponds to the PPD of 10%) for positions of in- and outflow openings, positions of heat source,
the human model in the center of the room. height of cooling panel, intake air temperature, intake air
volume rate, and so on. In the study, only the effects of ceiling
height and cooling panel height are examined. In the four
cases, the ceiling height and the cooling panel height are
The boundary conditions of the cases analyzed are tabu- changed independently between two levels: 2.6 m and 6.0 m
lated in Tables 1 and 2. The total heat generation rate of sensi- for the ceiling height and 1.2 m and 2.4 m for the cooling panel
ble and latent heat is about 110 W/m2, a relatively higher height. Case1 shown in Figure 2 is for a ceiling height of 2.6
value. The relative humidity of the incoming outdoor air is set m and a panel height of 1.2 m. It is assumed to be the basic case
at a constant value of 70% at 30°C. The air volume rate of the used for comparison with the others. In Case 2, the ceiling
outdoor air is set at a constant value of 150 m3/h (0.05m/s). height is changed to 6.0 m. In Cases 3 and 4, the height of the
This air volume rate of natural ventilation is determined cooling panel is changed to double the height (2.4 m) of Cases
considering the minimum OA (outdoor air) rate for people in 1 and 2.

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1277

Boundary Conditions for CFD Simulation

Supply Inlet kin = 3/2(Uin×0.05)2, εin = Cµkin3/2/lin, lin = width of the opening, Tin = 30°C,
Uin: velocity of inflow [m/s], kin: kinetic energy of inflow [m2/s2],
εin: kinetic energy dissipation rate [m2/s3], lin: specific length scale [m]
Supply Outlet Vel.: Mass balanced
kout, εout, T, AH: Free slip
Wall, Radiational Panel, Velocity Generalized log-law, free slip at symmetric plane
and Human Model
Temperature Convective heat transfer coefficient is fixed at:
Radiational panel: 5.5, windows: 20.0, others: 4.0 [W/(m2°C)]
Humidity 1. Human model: Emission rate of sensible/latent heat is changed based on energy balance of
2. Radiational panel: AH (absolute humidity) is given corresponding to the saturated vapor
pressure, when the surface temperature of the radiational panel is lower than the dew-point
temperature of the air and condensation occurs.
In other cases, gradient of AH = 0. Humidity transfer coefficient is calculated based on Lewis
3. Other walls: Gradient of AH = 0
Emissivity of Wall, human model: 0.9
radiation Symmetrical plane: 0.0
Mesh System CFD: 71(X1) ×27 (X2) ×12 (X3), Radiation: 31 (X1) ×12 (X2) ×8 (X3) (In Case 1)

Cases Analyzed and their Heat Load Conditions

Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Heat Sources (W) Human body (1 body) 120
Lighting (4 units) 400
PC (4 units) 800
Floor (4 human body) 480
Solar heat (window) 470
Natural Ventilation Temperature (°C) 30.0
Relative humidity (%) 70.0
Air flow rate (m /h) 150
Ceiling Height (m) 2.6 6.0 2.6 6.0
Radiational Panel Size (m ) 9.2 18.4
*Sensible and latent heat from humans is assumed to be provided from one human model and the floor.

1278 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Figure 4 Flow fields (section through center of the half Figure 5 Temperature fields (section through center of the
[1.8 m] room). half-room).

The figures for some results (distributions of relative
humidity, age of air, and wall surface temperature) of Cases 1,
2, and 4 are not shown here because of the limited space.

Flow Fields
Figure 6 Relative humidity distribution (Case 3, average
The flow fields for Cases 1 and 3 (ceiling height of 2.6) are
relative humidity: 6.0%) (section through center
shown in Figure 4. In Case 1 (Figure 4a), since the temperature
of the half-room).
difference between the indoor (30.9°C) and outdoor air
(30.0°C) is small, the negative buoyancy effect of the inflow-
ing air is not apparent. It does not fall to the floor and mix with upper and the bottom part is about 10°C to 12°C. It can bring
indoor air around the upper part of room. In Case 2, the same out the local discomfort. But, the air temperature is almost
tendency of the inflow air is observed. When the radiational uniform above the sharp temperature gradient zone. The aver-
panel height is 1.2 m, even if the ceiling height is changed from age room air temperature (about 31°C) is higher than that of
2.6 m to 6.0 m, the airflow pattern of the lower part of the room Cases 3 and 4 (about 29°C).
is almost identical; however, in the upper part of the room, In Cases 3 and 4, the vertical temperature difference
complicated recirculating flows appear in Case 2, while in becomes weak and about 2°C. The sharp temperature stratifi-
Case 1, there is a single clear recirculating flow in the upper cations of Cases 1 and 2 disappear, and the temperature distri-
part of the room. bution becomes comparatively uniform. However, there are
With the taller cooling panel (Cases 3 and 4), thermal still weak vertical temperature gradients beneath the top of the
plumes rising from the personal computers clearly appear cooling panel, and the temperature of the task zone is kept
(Figure 4b). This is because the average temperature in the cooler than that of the upper zone.
task zone becomes lower. Between Cases 3 and 4 (ceiling
height of 2.6 m and 6.0 m with a cooling panel at 2.4 m), no Relative Humidity
significant difference is observed in the flow fields at the lower Only the relative humidity distribution for Case 3 is
part of the room. But in Case 4, the thermal plumes do not shown in Figure 6. In Case 1, the relative humidity of the room
reach to the ceiling and turn downward at a height of 3.0 m air exceeds 60% over the whole space and is lower than for the
while rising streams reach the ceiling in Case 3. outdoor air. Because the humid outdoor air (70%) is dehumid-
ified by the radiational cooling panel surface (4.5°C) and the
Temperature Fields average room air temperature is still high (about 31°C),
The temperature fields for Cases 1 and 3 are shown in regions of relative humidity of 100% appear near the floor. In
Figure 5. In Cases 1 and 2 (radiational panel height:1.2 m), a Case 2, the relative humidity becomes lower than in Case 1.
sharp temperature stratification is formed at the mid-height of This is because the intake outdoor air passes around the upper
the cooling panel; the temperature difference between the part of the space and is mixing less with the cooled air near the

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1279

Figure 7 Age of air (Case 3, nondimensionalized by the
nominal time constant: τn) (section through
center of the half-room).

floor. In Cases 3 and 4, the average relative humidity of the air

is about 60%. Figure 8 Wall surface temperature, OT and MRT of human
model (Case 3).
Age of Air
The age of the fresh outdoor air is calculated based on the
resulting flow fields. The calculation results are nondimen-
sionalized by the nominal time constant, τn (inverse of the air
change rate) (Kato and Murakami 1988); τn for Cases 1 and 3
(ceiling height is 2.6 m) is 1200 s; for Cases 2 and 4 it is 2600
s. The distribution of the age of the air is under the strong influ-
ence of flow fields. In Cases 1 and 2, young air is observed in
the upper part of the room because the fresh outdoor air passes
through the ambient zone of the upper part of the space. In
Cases 3 (Figure 7) and 4, the air becomes old and distributed
uniformly over the whole space, because the young outdoor air
mixes well with the indoor air by recirculating flows induced
by the thermal plumes rising from the personal computers.

Wall Surface Temperature and

OT and MRT of Human Model Figure 9 Cooling loads removed by natural ventilation and
The mean radiant temperature (MRT) of the modeled panel cooling.
human body in Cases 1 and 2 (radiational panel height of 1.2
m) is lower than in Cases 3 (Figure 8) and 4 (radiational panel the panel height is 1.2 m (Cases 1 and 2), the latent heat load
height of 2.4 m) with the same PMV value of 0.5. The lower from the outdoor air intake becomes considerably different
MRT for Cases 1 and 2 corresponds to the comparatively according to the ceiling height.
higher average room temperature. The operative temperatures
(OT) in Cases 2 and 4 are slightly higher than in Cases 1 and
3. The higher OT for Cases 2 and 4 corresponds to the lower
relative humidity. This paper investigates the performance of a hybrid cool-
ing system using radiational panel cooling with wind-induced
Characteristic of Cooling Load
cross-ventilation under hot and humid regions. Especially the
The cooling loads removed by natural ventilation and the effects of changing ceiling height and cooling panel height are
cooling panel are shown in Figure 9. The sensible heat load of examined.The evaluation used a coupled simulation method to
the internal heat generation is partially removed by natural analyze the cross-ventilation, radiant heat transfer, and HVAC
ventilation, while it brings a large amount of latent-heat load control.
in all cases. When the radiation panel height is 1.2 m, with the
higher ceiling condition (6.0 m), the latent heat load of the When the radiational panel height is low (1.2 m) and the
radiational panel is reduced to one-third of that with a lower ceiling is high (6.0 m), the outdoor air does not fall to the floor.
ceiling (2.6 m). When the panel height is 2.4 m (Cases 3 and It mixes with indoor air around the upper part of the room and
4), the latent heat load from introducing the outdoor air the latent heat load of the radiational panel is reduced to one-
decreases markedly. This is because increased condensation third of that for the lower ceiling condition (2.6 m). However,
on the panel is apparently decreased. There is little difference no significant difference in the sharp thermal stratification at
in the cooling load between the different ceiling heights when the mid-height of the cooling panel (1.2 m) is observed for the
the panel height is the same at 2.4 m. But in the cases where different ceiling heights. A low radiational panel (1.2 m) is

1280 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

insufficient for cooling the task zone in the room, so the partial Murakami, S., S. Kato, and T. Kim. 2001. Indoor cooling/
cooling of only the task zone is seldom achieved. heating loads analysis based on coupled simulation of
When the radiational panel height is 2.4 m, thermal convection, radiation and HVAC control. Building and
plumes rising from the personal computers clearly appear. It Environment 36: 901-908.
mixes the upper air of the room with the cooled air near the Omori, T., et al. 1997. Numerical simulation of solar heat
floor. However, regardless of the ceiling height, the latent absorption within indoor space by means of composite
cooling load from introducing outdoor air become smaller grid method. ASHRAE Transactions 103(1): 164-171.
than that for the lower panel. This is because the radiational Simmonds, P. 1996. Practical application of radiant heating
panel surface temperature becomes apparently higher at about and cooling to maintain comfort conditions. ASHRAE
18°C. As a result, the sharp vertical temperature gradient at the Transactions 102(1):659-666.
mid-height of the cooling panel for the lower panel is dimin-
The hybrid-cooling system with the high ceiling and high Dennis Loveday, Professor, Dept. of Civil and Building
panel cooling system seems to be promising as a thermal- Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough,
comfort and an energy-efficient cooling system in hot and U.K.: Have you investigated the effects of these radiant panels
humid climates. on contaminants transport in the air and air quality for the
Doosam Song: Thank you very much for your comments. Of
course, we investigate the air quality of the room with the
Kato, S., S. Murakami, H. Chang, et al. 1999. Hybrid air- index of age of air (S. Kato,1988) indirectly. It is defined by
conditioning based on natural and mechanical ventila- the folowing equations.
tion in office buildings. Indoor Air ’99.
the age of outdoor air = Cx'(X)/Cs
Kato, S., and S. Murakami. 1988. New ventilation efficiency
scales based on spacial distribution of contaminant here
aided by numerical simulation. ASHRAE Transactions Cs = q/Q
94(2): 309-330. 3
Cx'(X) [kg/m ] = the contaminant concentration in case of
Kulpmann, R.W. 1993. Thermal comfort and air quality in uniform contaminants generation
rooms with cooled ceilings —Results of scientific inves- throughout a room. The contaminant
tigations. ASHRAE Transactions 99(2): 488-502. generation rate is q.
Murakami, S., S. Kato, and J. Zeng. 2000. Combined simula- Q [m3/s] = airfolw rate
tion of airflow, radiation and moisture transport for heat Cs [kg/m3] = The perfect mixing concetration (equal to
release from a human body. Building and Environment the average concentration a exhaust).
35: 489-500. Figure 7 shows the result of age of air in the paper.

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 1281

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