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Table 1 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

Đặt cược, cá cược He bet 2 million VND on the

Bet Bet Bet
(hơn thua) final result of the race.

Broadcast/ I don’t like to broadcast the

Phát, truyền tin
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcaste fact my father owns the
tức; thông báo
d company.
Có giá bao nhiêu
tiền; đáng giá; tốn That project cost him a whole
Cost Cost Cost
bao nhiêu công sleepless week.
(ở bị động) ước
The project needs to be costed
Costed Costed chừng số tiền bao
in detail.
She cut her hair by herself
Cut Cut Cut Cắt

He hit his head against the

Hit Hit Hit Đập vào, đánh vào

Làm bị thương, I’m sorry that I hurt your

Hurt Hurt Hurt
đau đớn feelings.

He let him through the check-

Let Let Let Cho phép
in without any doubt.

Put Put Put Đặt; gắn John put his wallet in the bag.

She read her child a bedtime

Read Read /red/ Read /red/ Đọc

Rid (be/ She wanted to be rid of her

Rid Rid Giải thoát
get rid of) family and the authorities.
Rơi, rụng; bỏ đi gì The traffic jam was caused by
Shed Shed Shed
đó a lorry shedding its load.

I shut my suitcase after all

Shut Shut Shut Đóng
although it was extremely full.

Her skirt was slit at both

Slit Slit Slit Khứa, cắt nhỏ

Rumours were spread easily in

Spread Spread Spread Mở rộng; lan rộng
the neighborhood.

Làm ai đó bực The decision is likely to upset a

Upset Upset Upset
dọc; phá kế hoạch lot of people.

Table 2 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

Cúi xuống, uốn The doctor told me to avoiding

Bend Bent Bent
cong,làm cong bending and stretching.

Bleed Bled Bled Chảy máu, đổ máu She slowly bled to death.
Mang đến; mang
The news brought tears to his
Bring Brought Brought lại; mang cho ai
cái gì
Look! There is an old house
Build Built Built Xây dựng
built of stone.

Burnt/ Burnt/ The house was burnt to the

Burn Cháy; đốt cháy
Burned Burned ground.
Mua; có được cái
Buy Bought Bought gì khi mất một giá He bought me a new coat.
trị tương đương

Bắt được, chụp He successfully caught the

Catch Caught Caught
được; bắt giữ thief last night.

They clung together, shivering

Cling Clung Clung Bám chặt, níu lấy
with cold.
Crept Crept
Creep Tiredness can easily creep up
(creeped (creeped Bò, lết; đi rón rén
on you while you’re driving.
sb out) sb out)

Deal with: solve a problem

Buốn bán thuốc
Deal Dealt Dealt Have you dealt with these
phiện; phát bài
letters yet?

Dug/ Dug/ Dig up: discover information

Digged Digged about something

Dig Đào, bới
(old- (old- Newspapers love to dig up

fashioned) fashioned) scandals.

Dove/ Dove/ Lặn, lao xuống; sụt The share price dived from 49p
Dived Dived giảm to an all-time low of 40p.

Dreamt/ Dreamt/ She dreamed of running her

Dream Mơ; nghĩ tới
Dreamed Dreamed own business.

Feed Fed Fed Cho ăn; nuôi The baby can’t feed itself yet.

Cảm giác; cảm She felt betrayed by that

Feel Felt Felt
nhận attitude.

Đánh trận; đánh He has fought racism for a

Fight Fought Fought
nhau; chống lại long time.
Tìm kiếm; tìm
thấy; có được I wanted to talk but he was
Find Found Found
thông tin gì đó sau nowhere to be found.
một quá trình
She is said to foretell the
Foretell Foretold Foretold Tiên đoán

Hang on: depend on

Hang Hung Hung Treo, móc lên
Our decision hangs a lot on him.
She truly had the nerve to say
Have Had Had Có; giữ
that to him.

She heard the footsteps

Hear Heard Heard Nghe
behind her.

Parents will be held responsible

Hold Held Held Giữ; tổ chức
for their children’s behavior.

Giữ nguyên; tiếp She kept in touch with most of

Keep Kept Kept
tục làm gì đó her university friends.

Knelt/ Knelt/ John knelt in front of her and

Kneel Quỳ
Kneeled Kneeled examined her neck.
Đặt, để; lên kế
He laid all the responsibilities
Lay Laid Laid hoạch; đưa ai vào
on the others.
thế khó
You led me to believe we

Lead Led Led Dẫn dắt; lãnh đạo needed money... and you left


Leant/ Leant/ Lean on: depend on

Lean Dựa, tựa
Leaned Leaned He leans heavily on his family.

Nhảy; hành động The share leapt in value from

Leap Leapt Leapt
nhanh; tăng 476p to close at 536p.

You are sure to have learnt

Learnt/ Learnt/
Learn Học, biết your lessons a lot. (Learn from
Learned Learned
the past experience)

Leave Left Left Rời đi Come on, it’s time we left.

Has he returned that book you

Lend Lent Lent Cho mượn
lent him?

Lit/ Lit/ She lit a candle in the dark of

Light Thắp sáng
Lighted Lighted night.
Lose Lost Lost Đánh mất I’ve lost my keys.

Got (Bre)/ I’ve got a fabulous twinkling

Get Got Gotten Nhận; lấy; giữ necklace for my mom’s

(NAmE) birthday.

Nghiền, xay; đè, He ground his cigarette into

Grind Ground Ground
nghiến the ashtray.

She made me laugh all the time

Make Made Made Làm; tạo ra gì đó
back to those times.
Có nghĩa là; có ý gì
They were meant for each
Mean Meant Meant đó; muốn làm gì
Meet Met Met Gặp gỡ, gặp mặt I met Tom earlier in a café.

His mother paid the ransom for

Pay Paid Paid Trả tiền; trả giá

Proved/ Proven/ Chứng minh, She'd proven herself to him in

Proved Proved chứng tỏ a way no immortal ever had.

I said to myself, ‘That can’t be

Say Said /sed/ Said /sed/ Nói; kể; cho biết

They sold the business at a

Sell Sold Sold Bán

Send Sent Sent Gửi đi He sent me a word to come.

Chiếu sáng; đánh
He shined shoes and sold
Shine Shone Shone bóng (Shined,
newspapers to make money.
The film was shot in black and
Shoot Shot Shot Bắn; làm phim

The market for their products

Shrink Shrunk Shrunk Teo, co lại
is shrinking.

Sit Sat Sat Ngồi He went and sat beside her.

They were sliding towards
Slide Slide Slide Trượt; giảm sút
Ngửi; có mùi;
Smelt/ Smelt/
Smell đánh hơi; có mùi I can smell trouble.
Smelled Smelled
hôi; cảm giác
Sow the seeds of
Sowed/ Sowed/
Sow Gieo hạt giống In this way he sowed the seeds
Sown Sowed
of his own success.

Speeded/ Speed/ Chạy nhanh; tăng Can you try and speed things up
Sped Sped tốc a bit?

Spell out: to explain in a

Spelt/ Spelt/ simply way

Spell Đánh vần
Spelled Spelled I’m sure I don’t need to spell it

out. You know what I mean!

Dành thời gian She spent quite an incredible

Spend Spent Spent
cho/ làm gì đó sum on the dress.

Spilled/ Spilled/ The effects of stress at work

Spill Đổ; tràn
Spilt Spilt can spill over into home life.

The plane was spinning out of

Spin Spun Spun Xoay, quay

Phỉ nhổ; phun; You’ve got something to say,

Spit Spat Spat
quát giận dữ spit it out!
Phân chia; chia
Split Split Split My parents split up last year.
tay; bị rách
Don’t eat too many nuts – you’ll

Spoiled/ Spoiled/ spoil your appetite.

Spoil Phá hoại; làm hư
Spoilt Spoilt Don’t spoil that child by

laughing at him!
Đứng; ở trạng
thái thẳng đứng;
Stand Stood Stood Interest rates stand at 3%.
ở một trạng thái
nào đó
She stole a glance at the boy
Steal Stole Stolen Ăn trộm
over the corner.

Đâm; chọt; dán; The famous painting stuck in

Stick Stuck Stuck
đính my mind for a long time.

We strode across the snowy

Stride Strode Strode Bước dài

They seem determined to

String Strung Strung Treo; nối lại string the talks out for an

indefinite period.

Obama swept to victory in

Sweep Swept Swept Quét nhà; lan rộng
2008. (win easily)

Last year’s profits were

Swelled/ Swollen/ Sung; to lên; bị
Swell swelled by a fall in production
Swelled Swelled tăng lên

New evidence swung the

Đung đưa; đập ai balance against the

Swing Swung Swung
đó prosecution. (affect one way or


My father taught me how to

Teach Taught Taught Dạy
Kể; ra lệnh; cung
Tell Told Told Please, do as you’re told!
cấp thông tin

Nghĩ; mang nhận It was once thought that the

Think Thought Thought
định gì đó sun travelled around the Earth.
Understoo Strangely, I understood his
Understand Understood Hiểu
d terrible handwriting.

Weep Wept Wept Khóc lóc I do not weep over his death.

Chiến thắng; đạt They are trying to win supports

Win Won Won
được for their proposals.

Table 3 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

Arise Arose Arisen Xảy ra A new crisis has arisen.

Đập, nện; đánh
Beat Beat Beaten bại; tốt hơn cái gì Nothing beats home cooking.
Chịu đựng; có
You have borne the blame for
Bear Bore Borne trách nhiệm;
other people’s mistakes.
mang cảm giác
He bit off a large chunk of
Bite Bit Bitten Cắn

Blow Blew Blown Thổi; bay My hat blew off in the wind.

Break Broke Broken Vỡ; bể; gãy; phá He broke his promises twice.

Choose Chose Chosen Chọn We chose to go by train.

Vẽ; kéo về một
hướng nào đó; rút
Draw Drew Drown ra, kéo ra; lấy ra; The car drew alongside ours.
di chuyển theo
một hướng nào đó
Drive Drove Driven Lái xe (4 bánh) I drove to work this morning.

Giảm; đi xuống; The temperature fell sharply in

Fall Fell Fallen
ngã, té, rơi the night.
Bay; phóng, ném;
Fly Flew Flown (thời gian) đi qua Summer has just flown by.
rất nhanh
I’ve forgotten where they live
Forget Forgot Forgotten Quên; bỏ qua

Forgive me for interrupting,

Forgive Forgave Forgiven Tha thứ but I really don’t agree with


(Làm) đông lại; The clothes froze solid on the

Freeze Froze Frozen
đông lại washing-line.

Đưa, trao; cung We’ve been given a 2% pay

Give Gave Given
cấp increase.

Lớn lên; trồng; The family has grown in size

Grow Grew Grown
tăng lên recently.

I keep my private papers

Hide Hid Hidden Cất; giấu

Biết; nhận ra; The cause of the fire is not

Know Knew Known
chắc chắn rằng yet known.

1. The problems lay in deciding

Lie Lay Lain Nằm; nằm ở when to intervene.

The announcement is bound to

Rung, lắc; làm
Shake Shook Shaken shake the confidence of the
lung lay

Shown/ Cho thấy; trình She showed the technique to

Show Showed
Showed diễn her students.

Nói chuyện; phát The brochures spoke of

Speak Spoke Spoken
biểu; đề cập beautiful secluded grounds.

Chửi thề; lập lời I could have sworn (I am sure)

Swear Swore Sworn
thế, hứa I heard the phone ring.
Lái xe (2 bánh She has never ridden a horse
Ride Rode Ridden
hoặc thú vật) before.

The river has risen by several

Rise Rose Risen Tăng; đi lên; mọc

The storm nearly tore the roof

Tear Tore Torn Xé

You have just thrown a

Throw Threw Thrown Ném; liệng precious opportunity. (waste

that chance)

Thức; đánh thức He woke up to find himself

Wake Woke Woken
ai đó alone in the house.

He wore a puzzled look on his

Wear Wore Worn Mặc; khoác lên

Most spiders weave webs that

Weave Wove Woven Đan; kết lại
are almost invisible.

The drug was withdrawn from

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Rút; rút lại; rút về sale after a number of people

suffered serious side effects.

The teacher wrote the answers

Write Wrote Written Viết
on the board.

Table 4 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

Uống; uống rượu, He drank far too much last

Drink Drank Drunk
nhậu night.

Swim Swam Swum Bơi; đi bơi We swam out to the yacht.

David rang up when you were

Ring Rang Rung Reo; gọi

Thousands of demonstrators
Ringed Ringed Vòng tròn
ringed the building.
We all sang ‘Happy birthday’ to
Sing Sang Sung Hát

Sprang/ The attacker sprang out at her

Spring Sprung Lao vào
Sprung from the doorway.

Table 5 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

It soon became apparent that

Become Became Become Trở nên
he had been too conservative.

The agreement came after

Come Came Come Đến; xảy ra
several hours of negotiations.

Run Ran Run Chạy She came running to meet us.

Table 6 Ms. Thi’s English Classes

Can you do Portugal accent?

Do Did Done Làm
(copy the accent)

Dự đoán; thấy I just didn’t foresee that

Foresee Foresaw Foreseen
trước happening.

Eat Ate Eaten Ăn We ate in a pizzeria in town.

The heads of the piles

are sawn off, and a platform of

Saw Sawed Sawn Cưa
timber or concrete rests on


Thấy; nhận thấy; I haven’t seen her for a long

See Saw Seen
chứng kiến; thăm time.

Sewn/ It is made of cut

Sew Sewed May
Sewed and sewn cloth.

I've taken up enough of his

Take Took Taken Nhận; giữ
Some children undergo a

Undergo Underwent Undergone Trài qua complete transformation when

they become teenagers.

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