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Nama : Rita Nurhayati

NIT. :


Assalamulaikum Wr. Wb

Which I respect all my friends and audience

Let us all together offer adoration, praise, and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, the Lord of
the Universe, because of his blessings, mercy and guidance we can all gather in good health.
Blessings and greetings may be bestowed on our master - the best human being of all time, namely
the great Prophet Muhammad SAW and all his family and friends. Hopefully we will all get his
intercession later. Amen.

On this auspicious occasion, on June 8 to be precise, allow me to deliver a speech in commemoration

of the World Ocean Day. Hopefully the speech delivered can provide the maximum benefit in guiding
all of us to be wise in managing the potential of the sea, especially the Indonesian sea.

Indonesia is an archipelago country where 2/3 of its territory is ocean. Indonesia's marine potential
is a huge potential to continue to be developed. 70% of Indonesia's territory is ocean. As much as 14
percent of the world's coral reefs are in Indonesia. It is estimated that more than 2,500 species of
fish and 500 species of coral live in it. The wealth of marine biota in Indonesia is something that
should be maintained and developed wisely.

If viewed from an economic perspective, the sea potential is estimated at 7,200 trillion per year. This
was conveyed by the Director of the Indonesia Maritime Institute (IMI) Dr. Yulius Paonganan, M.Sc,
who said that Indonesia's sea potential reached six times the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
(APBN). "The total potential of Indonesia's maritime economy is very large. It is estimated to reach
IDR 7,200 trillion per year, or four times the 2014 State Budget (IDR 1,800 trillion),” said Yulius at a
seminar entitled “Initiating Maritime Policy in a Maritime Country”.

The huge potential of Indonesia's sea is a challenge that must be faced by this nation. The sea area
from Sabang to Merauke is a big mandate that must be borne by this nation by managing and
utilizing the potential of the sea wisely. Furthermore, Indonesia's sea potential is expected to
become a world maritime axis like the vision rolled out by President Joko Widodo who emphasized
that it is hoped that Indonesia will become a world maritime axis which is manifested in the form of
Indonesia as a maritime force that is united (unity), prosperous (prosperity), and authoritative.

The large potential of resources contained in the territory of Indonesia will not be useful without
the support of knowledge to manage, utilize and preserve them. Science and technology are the
foundation so that we can all take advantage of this potential. Technological innovations produced
by researchers and academics must be utilized by business actors engaged in the marine sector.
However, in this process, it is hoped that ethics will become the basis and guide in utilizing the
potential of the sea in a friendly manner.

Finally, by asking the presence of Allah SWT, I hope that this series of World Ocean Day
Commemorations can provide inspiration and motivation in managing and utilizing the potential of
the sea in a responsible manner. And may we all be given the strength to build the nation and state
towards a maritime nation that is advanced, strong and independent. That is all and thank you.
Wassalam Wr Wb

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