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Mental health impact on women:

In this case we have to take two aspects into consideration.

Firstly, the assumptions that they carry within themselves about life. They feel that the world is
not in their favour. They even generate a feeling within themselves that if they trust, they will be
hurt and things are no more under their control. They carry these assumptions with them for the
rest of their life with determines the way they think about themselves, their relationships and the
way they think about their life

Impact of Crime against Women: There are two realities which always stand behind the
curtain, but it keeps the capability to affect the work of many people, working against
these crimes. These people may include a judge, NGO person, doctor, psychiatrist etc.

Challenging Traditional Attitudes: The meaning of gender and sexuality and the balance
of power between women and men at all levels of society must be reviewed. Combating
violence against women requires challenging the way that gender roles and power
relations are articulated in society. In many countries women have a low status. They are
considered as inferior and there is a strong belief that men are superior to them and even
own them

Obeyed: These examples illustrate some steps taken at the national level towards the
eradication of violence against women. Combating and eradicating this scourge require
enhanced and concerted efforts to protect women at the local, national and international

Legal steps to criminalize violence against women: In recent years some countries have
taken significant steps towards improving laws relating to violence against women. For
example: · In July 1991, Mexico revised its rape law in several important ways. A
provision was eliminated that allowed a man who rapes a minor to avoid prosecution if
he agrees to marry her. Now judges are required to hand down a decision regarding
access to an abortion within five working days.

Violence against refugee and displaced women: Women and children form the great
majority of refugee populations all over the world and are especially vulnerable to
violence and exploitation. In refugee camps, they are raped and abused by military and
immigration personnel, bandit groups, male refugees and rival ethnic groups. They are
also forced into prostitution.

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