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Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical

Poonam Khalate*, Bharati Chaudhari, Vivekkumar Redasani
YSPM’s Yashoda Technical Campus, Faculty of Pharmacy, Satara, 415003.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
In pharmaceutical industries there is possibilities of contamination, cross contamination, microbial contamination,
adulteration of drug with other active ingredient or contamination with other material like raw material, dust, lubricant,
intermediates and air born particle.1 Cleaning validation validate the effectiveness of cleaning procedure for removal
of excipient, product residue, degradation product and cleaning agent. Cleaning validation improves the potency and
reliability of cleaning in given pharmaceutical production and equipment. The cleaning validation is essential part of
the quality assurance. As a result, validating cleaning procedures is critical in the pharmaceutical sector to ensure the
safety, efficacy, and quality of drug batches. The purpose of this review is to provide information about cleaning
validation in pharmaceutical industry to provide better customer care and quality of product. This article will discuss
the relevance of cleaning validation in the pharmaceutical sector, and it will do so in accordance with regulatory
KEYWORDS: Cleaning validation, Cleaning method, contamination, Sampling techniques, levels of cleaning.

Validation is evidence that is backed up by documentation of a high-quality assurance of a specific pharmaceutical
procedure, process, material and equipment to produce a product with its predetermined specification and quality. 4

Cleaning validation is documented evidence which improves the effectiveness and uniformity / expectation in cleaning
of equipment in pharmaceutical production. It is primarily applicable to manufacturing equipment or parts of
manufacturing equipment which is difficult to clean in industry. The cleaning procedure is validated and methods are
developed to determine the amount of residue present on equipment to avoid cross contamination during

Why Cleaning Validation is Important:

Cleaning validation's major goal is to prevent drug cross-contamination and adulteration with other APIs. So, the main
purpose is the avoid contamination and manufacture a product free of any contamination with high quality assurance
and patient safety concern.4

Objective of Cleaning Validation:

It is a prime customer requirement to ensure the purity and safety of the product to be consumed. 2
It also confirms the quality of process through an internal control and compliance. 6

Advantages of Cleaning Validation:

• Assure of quality and safety
• Product integrity
• Microbial integrity
• Cross contamination integrity
• Batch integrity
• Reduction of quality cost
• Making good business sense7,8

Machanism of Contamination:
Cross Contamination with APIs:
When the product is manufactured they get cross contaminated with APIs of previous prepared batch of drug. The
APIs, foreign chemicals and microbes are unintentionally transfer to other batch medicine with harmful effect that
might affect the purity and quality of pharmaceutical. 4,9

Contamination by Cleaning Agent:

Cleaning agent with the lowest toxicity effective in cleaning the residue. Non-ionic detergent are used in cleaning of
manufacturing equipment in pharmaceutical industry. There is a problem associated with cleaning agent with its
composition. Many suppliers supply cleaning agent with different composition, which make difficult to evaluate the
amount of residue to be cleaned. It is important to evaluate the formulation of cleaning agent to determine its efficiency
of cleaning process. Contamination of cleaning agent with drug results in poor quality medicine result in patient safety
related issue.10,11

Contamination by Miscellaneous other Materials:

In pharmaceutical operation there is contamination due to various equipment parts such as micron filter, paper filter,
bristle from the brushes during scrubbing, cotton thread from wiping cloth, rubbered particle from gloves and fibers
from the sponge.4,12

Cleaning Agent:
Water is a universal solvent which is used as cleaning agent in cleaning process. It is also a solvent cleanser in itself.
But water alone is not used as cleaning agent as it increases the time of cleaning or more physical effort to remove the
residue. So other approaches are used.13

There are various types of detergent such as cationic detergent, anionic detergent, amphoteric detergent, alkaline
detergent etc. But non-ionic detergent used in cleaning of equipment to protect the product quality in pharmaceutical
manufacturing. Non-ionic detergent do not ionize when dissolved in water. Due to this property, they can easily
cleaned from equipment surface. They are effective against oily material. Acceptable limit should defined for detergent
residues after cleaning.14,15

Cleaning Methods:
1) Clean in Place (CIP):
The CIP entails the cleaning of a significant portion of the equipment. It is quite similar as a automated cleaning. CIP
prevents the backflow and assess the recirculation of cleaning solution for its subsequent use.
There are two different types of clean in place system-
a. Single pass system-
In these new cleaning solutions is introduced in equipment to cleaned. Pre- rinse is carried out to remove soiling.
b. Recirculation system-

These systems use less water and detergent but need a larger investment, although they are problematic in particular
situations owing to cross contamination.

2) Clean out of Place (COP):

Cleaning is done in these systems by disassembling parts of the equipment from their functioning areas and
transporting them to a designated cleaning location. COP system consists of immersion tank and spray jets which
create unsteady movement of water results in scrubbing and cleaning of parts.

3) Manual Cleaning:
The direct cleaning of equipment by trained employees by using a brushes, cloths, mops, brooms etc.

4) Semiautomated Cleaning:
Semiautomated cleaning involves the combined activity of both manual and automated. For example, before
automated CIP, manually remove the gasket and fitting.

5) Automated Cleaning:
Automated cleaning is operated by automatic equipment and it consist of programmable cycle of cleaning. It does not
include any personnel interferences.16,17

Sampling Method:
Samples are collected based on their critical site which is difficult to clean. For sampling, equipment are categorized
into critical site and hot spot.

1. Swab Method (Direct sampling):

In this method, fibrous material of swab is attached to the plastic stick.

Firstly, swab is pre- wetted in solvent in which residue of sampled solution is soluble. Then squeezing the swab on
the side of vial to remove extra solvent from swab. Extra solvent is removed because it may leave extractable substance
on the surface which leads to error in result.

• Choose the worst-case location of the equipment on which the sample is done in these system cleanings.
• Choose the solvent in which analyte of sample is soluble.
• Before taking the swab, it is important the surface is visually clean.
• Pre wet the swab in solvent.
• Take a swab over a surface at a fixed surface area. (i.e., 5×5 cm 2 or 10×10 cm2) Figure -2
• Take a swab in vertical and horizontal direction. Figure-
• Break the swab head along with narrow swab handle with the help of side wall of vial and allow it to fall into
vials. Figure-4
• Label the sample and transfer it for analysis.

Figure 1- Fibrous Material Swab

Figure 2- Template Tool for Swab Sampling

Figure 3- Swabbing Pattern

(A notched swab handle simplifies separating the swab head from the handle. Only the head needs to be extracted for measurement.)

Advantage of Swab sampling:

• It determine both microbial and chemical contaminants.
• It removes insoluble and poorly soluble substance from surface.
• Hard to clean but accessible areas are easily incorporated into the final evaluation.

Disadvantages of Swab sampling:

• During taking the swab, fibrous material may entre.
• Difficult to implement in large scale manufacturing equipment.
• Difficult to take swab from pipes and large complex vessels.

2. Rinse Sampling:
It is also known as indirect sampling method.
In rinse sampling, larger surface area may be sampled or inaccessible part or system that cannot be routienly disabled
can be sampled and evaluated.

• Develop a SOP of rinse sampling by considering the design, size, shape, capacity of that equipment.
• Determine the final rinse solvent quantity.
• The most common technique is to take sample from final rinse of water during final rinse of cleaning process.
• Another method is to fill the entire part of that equipment with water and then bulk sample is taken and transfer
for analysis.
Advantages of Rinse sampling:
• It gives large surface area for sampling.
• Easy to take sample.

• Residue may be insoluble.
• Inability of detect location of residue.
• Residue may not be distributed equally.
• May reduce test sensitivity.

3. Placebo Sampling:
In these cases, Placebo is acknowledged as a possible cleaning procedure as well as a possible sampling technique.
The active ingredient is absent from the placebo substance, which contains all of the usual excipients. The placebo
premise is that it is passed along the same conduit as the substance, therefore it has the potential to wipe off residual
product along those channels.

4) Direct Sampling:
FTIR or photoelectron emission techniques are used to accomplish this. Specific spectra obtained from residue
remaining on the surface will be used to directly measure the quality of the surface using the approaches. The
downsides of employing these techniques include the fact that sample and analysis will be completed in one step, with
no true sampling system loss. 4,7,13,18


The level or degree of cleaning validation required depends on the undermentioned factors
• Nature of the contaminant (solubility, toxicity)
• Usage of equipment (dedicated equipment or not)
• Manufacturing stages (initial, intermediate, or final stage)
• Batch to batch change over
• Product to product change over11

Level 1 Cleaning:
This is used in the manufacture of different batches of the same product. This can be illustrated by taking the example
of the manufacture of 4 subsequent batches of paracetamol, say, batch 1, batch 2, batch 3, and batch 4; then, if the
manufacture of batch 1 is followed by batch 2 in the same equipment level 1 cleaning is to be followed, which is not
so rigorous.19,20

Level 2 Cleaning:
This level of cleaning is used for the equipment used in the manufacture of different products of different batches or
at the end of the manufacturing stage even if the same product is planned for the next batch. The above levels of
cleaning, level 1 and level 2, differ from each other in terms of their risk association, acceptance limit, degree of
cleaning, and even the method of verifying the effectiveness of cleaning. 20,21

Validation Protocol:
To specify the precise items and activities that will constitute a cleaning validation study, a Validation Protocol is
required. It is recommended that businesses have a Master Validation Plan on hand that outlines the overall Cleaning
Validation approach for the product line, equipment type, and entire site. The protocol must be prepared and approved
prior to the initiation of the study and must either include or reference the documentation required to provide the
following information:
• Specific Background
• Purpose of the validation study
• Scope of the validation study
• Responsibilities for performing the validation study
• Sampling procedure to be used and testing method to be used
• Acceptance criteria
• Change Control requirement
• Deviation during the study.22,23,24

Cleaning Validation Report:

The results and conclusion of the study must be represented in a validation report in order for the study to be approved.
• A summary of or reference to the cleaning, sampling, and testing procedures;
• Physical and analytical test findings or references for the same, as well as any important observations
• Any recommendations based on the results or pertinent information gained during the study, including
revalidation practises if necessary.
• Conclusions regarding the acceptability of the results and the state of the procedure(s) being validated.
• Approval of conclusions
• Review of any protocol deviations that occurred.
• If it's doubtful that more batches of the product will be created for a while, it's a good idea to generate interim
reports on a batch-by-batch basis until that time comes.24,25,26,27

Revalidation of cleaning procedure to be done if,
• Substitution of existing equipment with new equipment.
• Any major modification in the equipment.
• Any change in Standard Operating Procedure of cleaning.
• Introduction of new product /manufacturing process.
• Any failure of cleanliness acceptance criteria during monitoring. 28,29,30,31

The pharmaceutical industry is free from any contamination during manufacturing and it would be safe to consumer.
With the help of cleaning validation we can achieve high level of confidence in the cleaning process. Cleaning
validation minimize the cross contamination during manufacturing. Cleaning validation provide better customer care
and quality of products. Cleaning validation improves effectiveness of cleaning procedure. 32,33,34

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Received on 04.06.2022 Modified on 20.07.2022

Accepted on 27.08.2022 ©AJRC All right reserved
Asian J. Research Chem. 2022; 15(5):386-390.
DOI: 10.52711/0974-4150.2022.00068

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