Important Structure of English Grammar

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Parts of Speech

‫الــــر ِحــــــــیم‬
َّ ‫حـــــم ِن‬
ٰ ‫الــــر‬
َّ ‫ِللا‬
ِ ‫ِبـــــــ۔س ِـم‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

All praises due to Allah (‫)سٰبحٰانـ ـٰہٰٰٰوٰتٰعٰ ــال ـٰی‬, Who granted me the
ability to write this booklet for my students. Writing a book is
not easy work, it requires hard work and frequent study. I have
been writing articles and booklets since class 8th. This is just
my keen desire that when I learn a single word, my thirst does
not quench until I convey that word to my students. I have
acquired my BS English Degree (in both Linguistics and
Literature) from University of Swat and now I am struggling
for M. Phil. I want to write more books in future Insha-Allah
(‫)اٰنشٰاٰاٰہلل‬. When I joined Little Scholars Public School Kuza
Bandai, all of my students appreciated my teaching’s method
and encouraged me to present a gift for LSPS in the form of a
booklet. It was very strange in outset but Allah (‫)سبحٰانٰہٰوٰتٰعٰالٰی‬
blessed me the ability to render this task. The Principal of LSPS
“MuhammadٰQarib Sahib”ٰhasٰaٰthirst for such kind of books;
he also motivated me to this service. He indicated some
mistakes in this booklet that I removed on the spot by his
expression. Our Vice Principle, “MiftahٰUddin Sahib”ٰ(known

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir) 2
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

as Bacha) supported me in this regard from the core of his

heart. Anyway, I cannot mention them all, I am very happy that
every teacher and student of LSPS appreciated me when they
came to know about this and other booklets. I completed this
booklet in the place of Haji-Malook at Jatkot (Kuza Bandai), so
I also tribute them cordially.

May Allah accept this service of mine ٰ(‫)اٰ ٰمـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــین‬.

Author’s sign

The Principal of LSPS

19, 11, 2019: 12:30 am Muhammad Qarib

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

There are thousands of words in every language. These words are put into
categories according to the function they perform within sentences. These
categories traditionally called parts of speech, or now usually known as word
classes. We can categorize English words into eight types or classes. These
classes are:
The name of a person, animal, place or thing is called noun. The word thing
includes qualities, actions and states.
Examples: Table, book, Pakistan, computer, sympathy, cup, boy, Umair, Nasar,
Neemat Ullah, hospital, friendship, goodness, thought, garden, man, hatred,
doctor, pen, pencil, etc.
Types of Noun
There are five types of nouns, which are Proper nouns; common nouns;
material nouns; abstract noun and collective nouns.
1. Common noun
The name of a common person, commonplace and common thing is called
common noun.
Examples are boy city, table, book, college, country and student.
2. Proper Noun
The name of a proper person, proper place and proper thing is called proper
noun. The first letter of a proper noun is always written in capital letter.
Examples are Roohul Amin, Peshawar, Pushto Language, etc.
3. Material Noun
A material noun denotes a matter or substance that other things are made
Examples are wood, stone, iron, plastic, marble, milk, gold, leather, silk, glass,
4. Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is usually the name of quality, action or state.
Examples of Quality are goodness, kindness, hardness, honesty, brightness,
wisdom, bravery, etc.
Action: Examples of action are theft, movement, judgement, hatred, enmity,

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Examples of State are childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, poverty, etc.

5. Collective Noun
A collective noun is the name of a group of people, animals or things, e.g.
army, team, herd, fleet, jury, family, nation, parliament, committee, crowd,

An adjective is a word that modifies noun or pronoun.

Nasar Ali is a small boy.
He is intelligent.
I do not like that man.
Neemat Ullah gave me five apples.
Umair gave me forty apricots.
In the first example, the word ‘small’ is an adjective, because it modifies the
noun ‘Nasar Ali’.
In the second example, the word ‘intelligent’ is an adjective, because it
modifies the noun pronoun ‘He’.
In the third example the word ‘that’ is an adjective, because it modifies the
noun ‘man.
In the forth example the word five is an adjective, because it modifies the noun
In the fifth example, the word forty is an adjective, because it modifies
Types of Adjective
There are five types of adjective, which are as under;
Adjective of Quality
Adjective of quality shows the kind of a person or thing.
Karachi is a large city.
He is an honest man.
You are intelligent boy.
Adjective of Quantity
Adjective of quantity shows how much of thing is meant.
Examples: I ate some rice.

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

He showed much patience.

Javid has little intelligence.
There are no pictures in this book.
He lost all his wealth.
Usman did not eat any rice.
There has not been sufficient rain this year.
Adjective of Number
Adjective of number shows how many persons or things are meant.
Examples: There are forty boys in the class.
There are no pictures in this book.
I have taught you many things.
All men must die.
Here are some ripe mangoes.
Most boys like cricket.
There are several mistakes in your essay.
Sunday is the first day of the week.
Demonstrative Adjective
Demonstrative adjective, points out which object or thing is meant.
Examples: This boy is stronger than Suhrab.
That boy is hard working.
These mangoes are sweet.
Those boys are the cricket players.
I hate such things.
Interrogative Adjectives
What, which, whose, and when are used with nouns to ask questions, are
called interrogative adjectives.
Examples: What kind of man is he?
Which way shall we go?
Whose book is this?
Note: Another portion of adjective is articles, which are mentioned below with
examples in detail.

‘A, an, the’ are called articles. They are not separate word class. They are

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

actually demonstrative adjectives. An article, like adjective, modifies a noun.

‘A’ and ‘an’ are called the indefinite article because they leave a person or
thing indefinite.
‘The’ is called definite article, because it points out some particular person or
thing. Examples: Adnan saw the doctor. (Some particular doctor)
‘A’ is used before the word beginning with consonant sound. Examples are a
woman, a student, a chair, a man, a book, a newspaper, etc.
‘An’ is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound, e.g. (a.e.i.o.u) an
apple, an enemy, an inkpot, , an orange, an umbrella, an hour, an honest, man,
an heir, etc.
Note: It should be noticed that words such as hour, bones and heir begin
with vowel sound, as the initial consonant ‘h’ is not pronounced.

Pronoun is a word, which is used instead of a noun.
Example: Roohul Amin is an intelligent student. He goes to school daily. He
studies a lot. He is preparing for examination. He hopes to get high marks in
the examination.
In the above paragraph, ‘he’ is used instead of ‘Roohul Amin’. If we do not use
the pronoun ‘he’ in the above paragraph, we will have to use the noun ‘Roohul
Amin’ repeatedly. Therefore, the purpose of pronoun is to avoid the repetition
of a noun.
He, she it, they, you, I, we, who, him, her, them, me, whom, his, its, their, our,
mine, your, those, myself, herself, yourself, which, this, that, these, those, are
the pronouns which are mostly used.
Types of Pronoun
There are eight kinds of pronoun. These kinds are:
Personal pronouns
‘I, we, you, he, she, it’, and they are called personal pronouns, because
except from ‘it, they all refer to persons.
The pronoun ‘I’ and ‘we’ are first person.
The pronoun ‘you’ is second person.
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

The pronouns ‘he, she, it and they’ are third person.

Indefinite Pronouns:
The pronouns, which refer to persons or things in general way, but do not
refer to any person or thing in particular called indefinite pronouns.
Examples: All were drowned.
Somebody has stolen my mobile.
Many of them were good players.
We did not see any of them again. Nobody was there to rescue the child.
Possessive Pronouns
The pronouns, which are used to show possession or ownership, are called
possessive pronouns.
Examples: Is this yours or hers?
Those books are theirs not ours.
Where is its collar?
Reflexive Pronoun
When the subject’s action affects the subject itself, is called reflexive
Examples: I hurt myself.
We hurt ourselves.
You hurt yourselves.
You hurt yourself.
He hurt himself.
They hurt themselves.
The horse hurt itself.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
Relative Pronoun
The word, which joins or connects two statements is called relative pronoun.
Examples: I met Sulaiman who had just returned.
I have found the pen, which I had lost.
Here is the book that you lent me.
These are the boys, whose exercises are done well.
Demonstrative Pronoun
A word, which is used to point out the object is called demonstrative pronoun.
Examples: This is a gift from my brother.
Both cars are good; but this is better than that.

Interrogative Pronouns
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

The pronouns, which are used to ask question, is called interrogative

Examples: Who is there?
Who are you?
Whom do you want?
Whose is this book?
What do you want?
What will the neighbours say?
What is the matter?

A verb is a word, which is used to describe an action or state of something.
Examples: Saifullah goes to school.
Abbas plays cricket.
Aftab is walking.
Nasar Ali went to school.
Gul Makkai is listening to the news.
Action verb
An action verb is a verb that expresses action. There are two kinds of action
Physical action verb
A verb that expresses physical action and that can be seen and heard is called
physical action verb.
Examples: The car skidded, left the road and smashed into a telephone pole.
(Skidded, left, and smashed express physical action).
Mental action verb
A verb that expresses mental action and that cannot be seen or heard is called
mental action verb.
Examples: They trust them because they knew them. (Trust and knew express
mental action).

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Linking Verb
A verb that links (connects) the subject with a word in the predicate that
describes or identifies the subject.
Examples: Aslam is angry with us.
Ibn Amin is not happy.
You are angry. They both were busy in machine. He was mature.
Helping Verbs
Helping verbs are verbs that come before and help the main verb.
Examples: Saddiqullah has completed Islamic study.
Zakir is not coming.
He has been searching information.
Amir Zaib was coming regularly.
Rizwan had forgotten the lamp.
Hamzah has been going for the picnic since morning.
Osama was wasting his time.
Verb Phrase
When a verb consists of one or more helping verbs plus a main verb is called
verb phrase.
Examples: He has reached there.
I had been going there.
They are reading early in the morning.
He has been working since morning.
He will work hard.
Types of verb
There are two types of verb: 1. Transitive Verb and 2. Intransitive Verb
1. Transitive Verb
A verb that requires (needs) object for complete meaning is called transitive
Examples: Khalilullah likes ice cream.
Mumtaz works every day.
He drew a picture.
They ask them.
2. Intransitive verb
A verb, which does not require (need), an object is called intransitive verb.
Examples: The sun shines brightly.
The baby cried.
They learn very fast.
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Students read at night.

He always drives very carefully.

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
Examples: They will play tomorrow.
You will play here.
1. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb.
Examples: They are working here.
He will come tomorrow.
Osama played cricket here.
2. An adverb is a word that modifies an
Examples: A very strange thing happened.
The cobra is highly poisonous snake.
A window was partly open.
3. An adverb is a word that modifies another
Examples: Aslam vey quietly closed the door.
Both teams played extremely well.
The fight began quite unexpectedly.
Types of Adverb
There are six types of adverb, which are as under;
1. Adverb of Manner
2. Adverb of Time
3. Adverb of Place
4. Adverb of Frequency
5. Adverb of Degree
6. Interrogative Adverb
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

1. Adverb of Manner
Some adverbs describe the manner in which things happen. They answer the
question ‘how’. Such adverb is called adverb of manner.
Examples: He was driving carelessly.
The plane landed safely.
You can buy fruit cheaply in the shop.
The story is well written.
The boy works hard.
2. Adverb of Time
Some Adverbs answer the question ‘when?’ They are called adverbs of time.
Examples: I am going to my new school tomorrow.
The train has already left.
I have heard this before.
He is now going to the market.
He came here a few minutes ago.
3. Adverb of Place
Some adverbs answer the question ‘where?’ They are called adverbs of time.
Stand here.
Go there.
He looked up.
Come in.
Walk backwards.
It is very cold outside.
The boys are playing upstairs.
I could not find my book anywhere.
They live in a house nearby.
4. Adverb of Frequency
Some adverbs answer the question ‘how often?’ They are called adverb of
Examples: I have met him twice.
He often makes mistakes.
He always tries to do his best.
Aslam practices the game regularly.
The newspaper is delivered daily.
5. Adverb of Degree

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Some adverbs answer the question ‘how much or what extent?’ They are
called adverbs of degree.
Examples: I am very happy.
I am fully prepared.
You are partly right.
The mangoes are almost ripe.
My rice is too hot.
Your excuse is completely unbelievable.
These old tools are completely useless.
6. Interrogative Adverb
When adverbs are used in asking questions, they are called interrogative
Examples: Where is Mumtaz?
When did you come?
How did you do it?
How high is that building?

Preposition is a word that shows relation between a noun and pronoun. A
word, which shows relation with another word or thing, is called preposition.
Examples: The cat jumped off the chair.
I was waiting for you.
Suliman is fond of tea.
He performed well in the examination.
Examples of Some Useful Prepositions are
about, by, out, despite, outside, across, down, over, after, during, against,
except, since, along, for, through, among, from, though, around, in, till,
instead, of, at, inside, to, because, of, in spite of, towards, in front of, in order
to, by means of, before, under, behind, into, until, below, like, etc.
Prepositional Phrase
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and

ends with a noun or pronoun.
Examples I wrote with a pen.
He wrote with a new pen.
Without him, they would have lost the game.

A conjunction is a word or phrase that connects other words or phrases or

Examples: Suliman and Javid are friends.
The winners were tired but happy.
I do not care if I win or lose.
1. Conjunction is a word that connects other
Examples: Examples: Alamgir and Ibn Amin are friends.
The players were tired but happy.
They do not care if they win or lose.
Abbas and Nasar are neighbours.
It rained gently but steadily.
2. A conjunction is a word that connects
Examples: The car is very old but still very reliable.
The quite weather was very sunny but quite cold.
I am older than Suliman but younger than Mumtaz.
I tell my parents and my friends all my secrets.
3. A conjunction is a word that connects
Examples: He does not go to school because he is ill.
What you eat and what you drink affects your health.
You will be ill unless you quit smoking.
We did not go to the market because it was raining outside.
Types of Conjunction
There are three types of conjunction; they are:
1. Coordinating Conjunction

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

2. Subordinating Conjunction
3. Correlative Conjunction

1. Coordinating Conjunction
A conjunction, which joins two parts of a sentence, is called coordinating
conjunction. Such conjunction joins words with words, phrase with phrase and
clause with clause, i.e. word+ word, phrase+ phrase, independent clause+
independent clause.
Examples: Word + Word: He will be here on Monday or on Tuesday.
Phrase + Phrase: He may be in the room or on the roof.
Independent Clause + Independent clause: Birds fly and fish swim.
2. Subordinating Conjunction
A conjunction joins subordinate clause (dependent clause) to main clause
(independent clause).
Examples: He does not go to school because he is ill.
They played football although it was raining.
Although it was raining, they played football.
As far as I know, this exam is very difficult.
Many things have happened since I saw you.
Nasar Ali will go if Neemat Ullah goes.

3. Correlative Conjunction
Conjunction, which joins words, phrases and clauses and has reciprocal or
complementary relationship, is called correlative conjunction.
Examples: Neither Javid and nor Aslam passed the exam.
Give me either a cup or a glass.
Both red and yellow are attractive colors.
I like neither tea nor coffee.
He will be either in the room or in the hall.
Roohul Amin can speak not only English but also Urdu.
I do not care you whether you go or stay.
Though he is suffering much pain, yet he does not complain.

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

An interjection is a word or short expression that shows sudden and strong

feelings and emotions.
Examples of interjection are:
Alas! He is dead.
Hurrah! We have won the match.
Ah! Have they gone?
Hush! Do not make a noise.
Ouch! It hurt.
****The End of Parts of Speech****

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا ہے‪ ،‬تی ہے‪ ،‬تاہوں‪ ،‬تے ہیں‪ ،‬تے ہو‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی افعال‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫”‪ “He, She, it‬کے ساتھ ورب کی پہلی فارم کے آخر میں ‪ ṣ‬یا ‪ ṣẹ‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫اور ”‪“They, We, You ,I‬کے ساتھ ‪ ṣ‬یا ‪ ṣẹ‬نہیں لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫”‪“es‬اس ورب کے ساتھ لگتا ہے جن ورب کے آخر میں‬

‫‪ “sh, ch, o, ss,‬آتا ہے۔‬

‫‪Examples:‬‬ ‫مثالیں‪:‬‬

‫‪He speaks the truth.‬‬ ‫وہ سچ بولتا ہے۔‬

‫‪She drinks water.‬‬ ‫وہ پانی پیتی ہے۔‬

‫‪Abdul Aziz plays cricket.‬‬ ‫عبدالعزیز کرکٹ کھیلتا ہے۔‬

‫‪Saqib runs.‬‬ ‫ثاقب دوڑتا ہے۔‬

‫‪Mehran and Sabir laugh.‬‬ ‫مہران اور صابر ہنستے ہیں۔‬

‫‪I get up early in the morning.‬‬ ‫میں صبح سویرے اٹھتا ہوں۔‬

‫‪Aslamah bakes the bread.‬‬ ‫اسلمہ روٹی پکاتی ہے۔‬

‫‪It rains in summer.‬‬ ‫گرمیوں میں بارش ہوتی ہے۔‬

‫‪You work.‬‬ ‫تم کام کرتے ہو۔‬

‫‪They eat the meal.‬‬ ‫وہ کھانا کھاتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا ہے‪ ،‬تی ہے‪ ،‬تاہوں‪ ،‬تے ہیں‪ ،‬تے ہو‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی افعال‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫”‪ “ “He, She, it‬کے ساتھ فعل حال نفی میں ورب سےپہلے‬
‫”‪ “does not‬لگاتے ہیں اور‬
‫”‪“they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ ”‪ “Do not‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Examples:‬‬ ‫مثالیں‪:‬‬

‫‪Aslam does not go to school.‬‬ ‫اسلم سکول نہیں جاتا ہے۔‬

‫‪Aslamah does not go to school.‬‬ ‫اسلمہ سکول نہیں جاتی ہے۔‬

‫‪It does not rain.‬‬ ‫بارش نہیں ہوتی ہے۔‬

‫‪They do not make a noise.‬‬ ‫وہ شور نہیں مچا تے ہیں۔‬

‫‪I do not play cricket.‬‬ ‫میں کرکٹ نہں کھیلتا ہوں۔‬

‫‪You do not read the lesson.‬‬ ‫تم سبق نہیں پڑھتے ہو۔‬

‫‪We do not tell a lie.‬‬ ‫ہم جھوٹ نہیں بولتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Aslam and Javid do not buy‬‬ ‫اسلم اور جاوید کتابیں نہیں خریدتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪The children do not make a‬‬ ‫بچے شور نہیں مچاتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪noise.‬‬ ‫تھ‪the‬‬

‫‪She does not cook the meal.‬‬ ‫وہ کھانا نہیں پکاتی ہے۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا ہے‪،‬تی ہے‪ ،‬تا ہوں‪ ،‬تے ہیں‪ ،‬تے ہو‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی افعال‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫فعل حال سوالیہ میں”‪ “He, She, it‬کے ساتھ ”‪ “does‬لگاتے ہیں اور‬
‫”‪ “They, We, you, I‬کے ساتھ ”‪“do‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Does he write a letter‬‬ ‫کیا وہ خط لکھتا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Does she recite‬‬ ‫کیا وہ تالوت کرتی ہے؟‬

‫‪Do they offer congregational‬‬ ‫کیا وہ باجماعت نماز آدا کرتے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Do you offer optional prayer‬‬ ‫کیا تم نفلی نماز آدا کرتے ہو؟‬

‫?‪Do the birds chirp‬‬ ‫کیا پرندے چہچہاتے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Do we understand‬‬ ‫کیا ہم سمجھتے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Do you like apple‬‬ ‫کیا تم سیب پسند کرتے ہو؟‬

‫?‪Does Aslam play football‬‬ ‫کیا اسلم فٹ بال کھیلتا ہے؟‬

‫‪Do the students solve all the‬‬ ‫کیا طلبا سارے سواالت حل کرتے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Does he work at his home‬‬ ‫کیا وہ اپنے گھر میں کام کرتا ہے؟‬

‫‪Do you get up early in the‬‬ ‫کیا تم صبح سویرے اٹھتے ہو؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردوفقرے کے آخر میں تا ہے‪ ،‬تی ہے‪ ،‬تاہوں‪ ،‬تے ہیں‪ ،‬تےہو‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی افعال‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫فعل حال نفی اور سوالیہ میں ”‪ “He, She, it‬کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں‬
‫”‪ “does‬اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ not‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬
‫”‪ “They, We, You, I‬کے ساتھ ‪ Do‬اوراسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Not‬لگاتےہیں۔‬

‫?‪Does he not take tea‬‬ ‫کیا وہ چایے نہیں پیتا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Do fish not swim in the water‬‬ ‫کی مچلی پانی میں نہیں تیرتے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Do you not deal in cloth‬‬ ‫کیا تم کپڑے کا کاروبار نہیں کرتے ہو؟‬

‫‪Do they not take breakfast at‬‬ ‫کیا وہ صبح سات بجے ناشتہ نہیں کرتے‬
‫?‪seven o’clock in the morning‬‬ ‫ہیں؟‬

‫‪Does Aslamah not recite the‬‬ ‫کا اسلمہ قرآن مجید کی تالوت نہیں کرتی‬
‫?‪Holy Quran‬‬ ‫ہے؟‬

‫?‪Do I not fly a kite‬‬ ‫کیا میں پتنگ نہیں اڑاتا ہوں؟‬

‫?‪Do you not speak Urdu‬‬ ‫کیا تم اردونہیں بولتے ہو؟‬

‫?‪Do we not work regularly‬‬ ‫کیا ہم باقاعدہ کام نہیں کرتے ہیں؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ رہے ہیں وغیرہ امدادی‬،‫ رہی ہوں‬،‫ رہاہوں‬،‫ رہی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آ خر میں رہاہے‬
“am” ‫“کے ساتھ‬I” ‫“ اور‬is” ‫“کے ساتھ‬he, she, it” ‫افعال استعمال ہو تے ہیں۔‬

‫ لگاتے ہیں۔‬are ‫“کے ساتھ‬they, we, you” ‫اور‬

‫“ کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬Ing” ‫اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬

He is listening to the news. ‫وہ خبریں سن رہا ہے۔‬

She is reciting the Holy Quran. ‫وہ قرآن مجید کی تالوت کررہی ہے۔‬
Nasar is presiding over the ‫ناصر اجالس کی صدارت کر رہا ہے۔‬
They are reading out their lesson. ‫وہ سبق سنا رہے ہیں۔‬
You are saving the money. ‫تم رقم بچارہے ہو۔‬
I am drawing the map of Pakistan. ‫میں پاکستان کا نقشہ کھینچ رہاہوں۔‬
The Mujahideen are fighting in ‫مجا ہدین میدان جنگ میں لڑ رہے ہیں۔‬
the battle field.
We are going to Peshawar by this ‫ہم اس گاڑی سے پشاور جارہے ہیں۔‬
You are ironing the clothes. ‫تم کپڑے استری کر رہے ہو۔‬

The cobbler is mending the ‫موچی جوتوں کو مرمت کر رہا ہے۔‬

The mouse is digging a hole. ‫چوہا سراخ کھود رہا ہے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ رہے ہیں وغیرہ امدادی‬،‫ رہی ہوں‬،‫ رہاہوں‬،‫ رہی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے اخر میں رہاہے‬
“am not” ‫“کے ساتھ‬I” ‫“ اور‬is not” ‫“کے ساتھ‬he, she, it”‫افعال استعمال ہو تے ہیں۔‬

‫ لگاتے ہیں۔‬are not ‫“کے ساتھ‬they, we, you” ‫اور‬

He is not listening to the news. ‫وہ خبریں نہیں سن رہا ہے۔‬

She is not reciting the Holy ‫وہ قرآن مجید کی تالوت نہیں کررہی ہے۔‬
Nasar is not presiding over the ‫ناصر اجالس کی صدارت نہیں کر رہا‬
meeting. ‫ہے۔‬
They are not reading out their ‫وہ سبق نہیں سنا رہے ہیں۔‬
You are not saving the money. ‫تم رقم نہیں بچارہے ہو۔‬
I am not drawing the map of ‫میں پاکستان کا نقشہ نہیں کھینچ رہاہوں۔‬
The Mujahideen are not fighting ‫مجا ہدین میدان جنگ میں نہیں لڑ رہے‬
in the battlefield. ‫ہیں۔‬
We are not going to Peshawar by ‫ہم اس گاڑی سے پشاورنہیں جارہے ہیں۔‬
this vehicle.
You are not ironing the clothes. ‫تم کپڑے استری نہیں کر رہے ہو۔‬

The cobbler is not mending the ‫موچی جوتوں کو مرمت نہیں کر رہا ہے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ رہے ہیں وغیرہ‬،‫ رہی ہوں‬،‫ رہاہوں‬،‫ رہی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے اخر میں رہاہے‬
‫امدادی افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔‬
“am” ‫“کے ساتھ‬I” ‫“ اور‬is”‫“کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں‬he, she, it”

‫لگاتے ہیں۔‬are ‫“کے ساتھ‬they, we, you” ‫اور‬

Is he listening to the news? ‫کیا وہ خبریں سن رہا ہے؟‬
Is she reciting the Holy Quran? ‫کیا وہ قرآن مجید کی تالوت کررہی ہے؟‬
Is Nasar presiding over the ‫کیا ناصر اجالس کی صدارت کر رہا ہے؟‬
Are they reading out their lesson? ‫کیا وہ سبق سنا رہے ہیں؟‬
Are you saving the money? ‫کیا تم رقم بچارہے ہو؟‬
Am I drawing the map of ‫کیا میں پاکستان کا نقشہ کھینچ رہاہوں؟‬
Are the Mujahideen fighting in ‫کیا مجا ہدین میدان جنگ میں لڑ رہے ہیں؟‬
the battle field?
Are we going to Peshawar by this ‫کیا ہم اس گاڑی سے پشاور جارہے ہیں؟‬
Are you ironing the clothes? ‫کیا تم کپڑے استری کر رہے ہو؟‬

Is the cobbler mending the ‫کیا موچی جوتوں کو مرمت کر رہا ہے؟‬
Is the mouse digging a hole? ‫کیا چوہا سراخ کھود رہا ہے؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے اخر میں رہاہے‪ ،‬رہی ہے‪ ،‬رہاہوں‪ ،‬رہی ہوں‪ ،‬رہے ہیں وغیرہ امدادی‬
‫افعال استعمال ہو تے ہیں۔‬
‫”‪“he, she, it‬کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں”‪ “is‬اور ”‪“I‬کے ساتھ ”‪“am‬‬
‫اور ”‪ “they, we, you‬کے ساتھ ‪ are‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫اور فقرے کے درمیان میں اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد‬

‫”‪ “not‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Is he not listening to the news‬‬ ‫کیا وہ خبریں نہیں سن رہا ہے؟‬

‫‪Is she not reciting the Holy‬‬ ‫کیا وہ قرآن مجید کی تالوت نہیں کررہی‬
‫?‪Quran‬‬ ‫ہے؟‬

‫‪Is Nasar not presiding over the‬‬ ‫کیا ناصر اجالس کی صدارت نہیں کر رہا‬
‫?‪meeting‬‬ ‫ہے؟‬

‫‪Are they not reading out their‬‬ ‫کیا وہ سبق نہیں سنا رہے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Are you not saving the money‬‬ ‫کیا تم رقم نہیں بچارہے ہو؟‬

‫‪Am I not drawing the map of‬‬ ‫کیا میں پاکستان کا نقشہ نہیں کھینچ‬
‫?‪Pakistan‬‬ ‫رہاہوں؟‬

‫‪Are the Mujahideen not fighting‬‬ ‫کیا مجا ہدین میدان جنگ میں نہیں لڑ‬
‫?‪in the battlefield‬‬ ‫رہے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Are we not going to Peshawar by‬‬ ‫کیا ہم اس گاڑی سے پشاورنہیں جارہے‬

‫?‪this vehicle‬‬ ‫ہیں؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

،‫ یا ہوں‬،‫ چکے ہیں‬،‫ چکی ہیں‬،‫ چکا ہوں‬،‫ چکی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہے‬
‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ فعل حال مکمل میں ورب کی تیسری‬،‫یے ہیں‬
‫حالت استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
“Have” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you, I” ‫“اور‬has” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, She, it, name”

‫لگا دیتے ہیں۔‬

I have taken tea. ‫میں چایے پی چکا ہوں۔‬

The birds have flown. ‫پرندے اڑچکے ہیں۔‬

The gardener has gone home. ‫مالی گھر گیا ہے۔‬

The peon has rung the bell. ‫چپڑاسی نے گھنٹی بجایی ہے۔‬

The rainy season has set in. ‫برسات کا موسم شروع ہوچکا ہے۔‬

The teacher has called the rolls. ‫استاد نے حاضری لی ہے۔‬

They have helped us. ‫انہوں نے ہماری مدد کی ہے۔‬

You have kept your promise. ‫تم نے اپنا وعدہ پورا کیا ہے۔‬

The washer-man has washed the ‫دھوبی نے کپڑے دھویے ہیں۔‬


The tailor has sewn the clothes. ‫درزی کپڑے سی چکا ہے۔‬

He has won any prize. ‫اس نے کویی انعام جیتا ہے۔‬

We have taken the meals. ‫ہم کھانا کھا چکے ہیں۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

،‫ یا ہوں‬،‫ چکے ہیں‬،‫ چکی ہیں‬،‫ چکا ہوں‬،‫ چکی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہے‬
‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ فعل حال مکمل میں ورب کی تیسری‬،‫یے ہیں‬
‫حالت استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
“Have not” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you, I” ‫“اور‬has not” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, She, it, name”

‫لگا دیتے ہیں۔‬

I have not taken tea. ‫میں چایےنہیں پی چکا ہوں۔‬

The birds have not flown. ‫پرندے نہیں اڑچکے ہیں۔‬

The gardener has not gone home. ‫مالی گھرنہیں گیا ہے۔‬

The peon has not rung the bell. ‫چپڑاسی نے گھنٹی نہیں بجایی ہے۔‬

The rainy season has not set in. ‫برسات کا موسم نہیں شروع ہوچکا ہے۔‬

They have not helped us. ‫انہوں نے ہماری مد د نہیں کی ہے۔‬

You have not kept your promise. ‫تم نے اپنا وعدہ پورا نہیں کیا ہے۔‬

The washer-man has not washed ‫دھوبی نے کپڑے نہیں دھویے ہیں۔‬
the clothes.

The tailor has not sewn the ‫درزی کپڑےنہیں سی چکا ہے۔‬

He has not won any prize. ‫اس نے کویی انعام نہیں جیتا ہے۔‬

We have not taken the meals. ‫ہم کھانا نہیں کھا چکے ہیں۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہے‪ ،‬چکی ہے‪ ،‬چکا ہوں‪ ،‬چکی ہیں‪ ،‬چکے ہیں‪ ،‬یا ہوں‪،‬‬
‫یے ہیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ فعل حال مکمل میں ورب کی تیسری‬
‫حالت استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫”‪“He,ٰShe,ٰit,ٰname‬کےٰساتھ فقرےٰ کےٰشروعٰمیںٰ”‪“has‬اورٰٰ”‪ “they,ٰwe,ٰyou,ٰI‬کےٰساتھٰ”‪“Have‬‬


‫?‪Have I taken tea‬‬ ‫کیا میں چایے پی چکا ہوں؟‬

‫?‪Have the birds flown‬‬ ‫کیا پرندے اڑچکے ہیں؟‬

‫?‪Has the gardener gone home‬‬ ‫کیا مالی گھر گیا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has the peon rung the bell‬‬ ‫کیا چپڑاسی نے گھنٹی بجایی ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has the rainy season set in‬‬ ‫کیا برسات کا موسم شروع ہوچکا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have they helped us‬‬ ‫کیا انہوں نے ہماری مدد کی ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have you kept your promise‬‬ ‫کیا تم نے اپنا وعدہ پورا کیا ہے؟‬

‫‪Has washer-man washed the‬‬ ‫کیا دھوبی نے کپڑے دھویے ہیں؟‬


‫?‪Has the tailor sewn the clothes‬‬ ‫کیا درزی کپڑے سی چکا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has he won any prize‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے کویی انعام جیتا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have we taken the meals‬‬ ‫کیا ہم کھانا کھا چکے ہیں؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہے‪ ،‬چکی ہے‪ ،‬چکا ہوں‪ ،‬چکی ہیں‪ ،‬چکے ہیں‪ ،‬یا ہوں‪،‬‬
‫یے ہیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ فعل حال مکمل میں ورب کی تیسری‬
‫حالت استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫”‪“He,ٰShe,ٰit,ٰname‬کےٰساتھ فقرےٰ کےٰشروعٰمیںٰ”‪“has‬اورٰٰ”‪ “they,ٰwe,ٰyou,ٰI‬کےٰساتھٰ”‪“Have‬‬

‫ٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰلگاٰدیےتٰہیں۔ٰاورٰاسمٰیاٰاسمٰضمیرٰ کےٰبعدٰٰٰٰ”‪ٰ “not‬لگاٰدیےتٰہیں۔ٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰٰ‬

‫?‪Have I not taken tea‬‬ ‫کیا میں نہیں چایے پی چکا ہوں؟‬

‫?‪Have the birds not flown‬‬ ‫کیا پرندے نہیں اڑچکے ہیں؟‬

‫کیا مالی گھر نہیں گیا ہے؟ ?‪Has the gardener not gone home‬‬

‫?‪Has the peon not rung the bell‬‬ ‫کیا چپڑاسی نے گھنٹی نہیں بجایی ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has the rainy season not set in‬‬ ‫کیا برسات کا موسم شروع نہیں ہوچکا‬
‫?‪Have they not helped us‬‬ ‫کیا انہوں نے ہماری مدد نہیں کی ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have you not kept your promise‬‬ ‫کیا تم نے اپنا وعدہ پورا نہیں کیا ہے؟‬

‫‪Has washer-man not washed the‬‬ ‫کیا دھوبی نے کپڑے نہیں دھویے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Has the tailor not sewn the‬‬ ‫کیا درزی کپڑے نہیں سی چکا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has he not won any prize‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے کویی انعام نہیں جیتا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have we not taken the meals‬‬ ‫کیا ہم کھانا نہیں کھا چکے ہیں؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

،‫ تے رہے ہیں‬،‫ تا رہا ہوں‬،‫ تی رہی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رہا ہے‬
‫وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫“ کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬Ing” ‫ساتھ‬ ‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے‬
‫ لگاتے ہیں۔‬have been ‫“ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you I” ‫“اور‬has been” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, she, it”

‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬since” ‫“ کے لیے‬point of time” ‫“ اور‬for” ‫“ کے لیے‬period of time”

He has been going to school. ‫وہ سکول جاتا رہا ہے۔‬

I have been waiting. ‫میں انتظار کرتا رہا ہوں۔‬

We have been working. ‫ہم کام کرتے رہے ہیں۔‬

I have been taking exercise for ‫میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش کر رہا ہوں۔‬
fifteen minutes.

The farmers have been working ‫کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام کر رہے‬
in the fields since morning. ‫ہیں۔‬

It has been snowing since ‫شا م سے برف باری ہورہی ہے۔‬


He has been playing cricket for an ‫وہ ایک گھنٹے سے کھیل رہا ہے۔‬

We have been going to school for ‫ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول جارہے ہیں۔‬
four weeks.
You have been running. ‫تم دوڑتے رہے ہو۔‬

We have been thinking. ‫ہم سوچتے رہے ہیں۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

،‫ تے رہے ہیں‬،‫ تا رہا ہوں‬،‫ تی رہی ہے‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رہا ہے‬
‫وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫“ کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬Ing” ‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کےسا تھ‬
have not been ‫“ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you I” ‫“اور‬has not been” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, she, it”

‫لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫“ لگاتے ہیں‬since” ‫“ کے لیے‬point of time” ‫“ اور‬for” ‫“ کے لیے‬period of time”

He has not been going to school. ‫وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا ہے۔‬

I have not been waiting. ‫میں انتظارنہیں کرتا رہا ہوں۔‬

We have not been working. ‫ہم کام نہیں کرتے رہے ہیں۔‬

I have not been taking exercise ‫میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش نہیں کر رہا‬
for fifteen minutes. ‫ہوں۔‬

The farmers have not been ‫کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام نہیں کر‬
working in the fields since ‫رہے ہیں۔‬

It has not been snowing since ‫شا م سے برف باری نہیں ہورہی ہے۔‬

He has not been playing for an ‫وہ ایک گھنٹے سے نہیں کھیل رہا ہے۔‬

We have not been going to ‫ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول نہیں جارہے ہیں۔‬
school for four weeks.

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رہا ہے‪ ،‬تی رہی ہے‪ ،‬تا رہا ہوں‪ ،‬تے رہے ہیں۔‬
‫وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫ہوتی ہے اورورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ ”‪ “Ing‬کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬
‫”‪“He, she, it‬کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں ‪“has‬اور ”‪ “they, we, you I‬کے ساتھ ‪have‬‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Been‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫”‪ “period of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “for‬اور ”‪ “point of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “since‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Has he been going to school‬‬ ‫کیا وہ سکول جاتا رہا ہے؟‬

‫?‪Have I been waiting‬‬ ‫کیا میں انتظار کرتا رہا ہوں؟‬

‫?‪Have we been working‬‬ ‫کیا ہم کام کرتے رہے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Have I been taking exercise for‬‬ ‫کیا میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش کر رہا‬
‫?‪fifteen minutes‬‬ ‫ہوں؟‬

‫کیا کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام کر ‪Have the farmers been working in‬‬
‫?‪the fields since morning‬‬ ‫رہے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Has it been snowing since‬‬ ‫کیا شام سے برف باری ہورہی ہے؟‬

‫?‪Has he been playing for an hour‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک گھنٹے سے کھیل رہا ہے؟‬

‫کیا ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول جارہے ہیں؟ ‪Have we been going to school‬‬
‫?‪for four weeks‬‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رہا ہے‪ ،‬تی رہی ہے‪ ،‬تا رہا ہوں‪ ،‬تے رہے ہیں۔‬
‫وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫”‪ “Ing‬کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬ ‫ساتھ‬ ‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے‬
‫”‪“He, she, it‬کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں ‪“has‬اور ”‪ “they, we, you I‬کے ساتھ ‪have‬‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ not been‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫”‪ “period of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “for‬اور ”‪ “point of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “since‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫کیا وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا ہے؟ ?‪Has he not been going to school‬‬

‫?‪Have I not been waiting‬‬ ‫کیا میں انتظارنہیں کرتا رہا ہوں؟‬

‫?‪Have we not been working‬‬ ‫کیا ہم کام نہیں کرتے رہے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Have I not been taking exercise‬‬ ‫کیا میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش نہیں کر‬
‫?‪for fifteen minutes‬‬ ‫رہا ہوں؟‬

‫‪Have the farmers not been‬‬ ‫کیا کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام نہیں‬
‫‪working in the fields since‬‬ ‫کر رہے ہیں؟‬

‫‪Has it not been snowing since‬‬ ‫کیا شام سے برف باری نہیں ہورہی ہے؟‬

‫‪Has he not been playing cricket‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک گھنٹے سے نہیں کھیل رہا‬
‫?‪for an hour‬‬ ‫ہے؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں ا‪،‬یا‪ ،‬ی‪ ،‬ے‪ ،‬یں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس‬
‫میں ورب دوسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬لکین نفی اور سوالیہ میں ورب پہلی‬
‫”‪ “he, she, it, they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ (یعنی سب کے ساتھ) کسی‬ ‫حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬

‫چیز کا اضافہ نہیں ہوتا۔‬

‫‪I bought a book.‬‬ ‫میں نے کتاب خریدی۔‬

‫‪We went to the zoo.‬‬ ‫ہم چڑیا گھر گیے۔‬

‫‪He made a good speech.‬‬ ‫اس نے بہت اچھی تقریر کی۔‬

‫‪Saqib won the first prize.‬‬ ‫ثاقب نے پہال انعام جیتا۔‬

‫‪I waited for you.‬‬ ‫میں نے تمہارا انتظار کیا۔‬

‫‪He resigned from his post.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنے عہدے سے استعفی دیا۔‬

‫‪He mixed water in milk.‬‬ ‫اس نے دودھ میں پانی مالیا۔‬

‫‪Aslam acted upon my advice.‬‬ ‫اسلم نے میرے نصیحت پر عمل کیا۔‬

‫‪Anas made fifty-two runs in the‬‬ ‫انس نے میچ میں پچاس رنز بنایے۔‬

‫‪I ate guava.‬‬ ‫میں نے امرود کھایا۔‬

‫‪You wrote an easy.‬‬ ‫تم نے مضمون لکھا۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں ا‪،‬یا‪ ،‬ی‪ ،‬ے‪ ،‬یں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس‬
‫میں ورب دوسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬لکین نفی اور سوالیہ میں ورب کی پہلی حالت‬
‫استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪ “he, she, it, they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ (یعنی سب کے ساتھ)‬
‫اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Did not‬لگا دیتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪I did not buy a book.‬‬ ‫میں نے کتاب نہیں خریدی۔‬

‫‪We did not go to the zoo.‬‬ ‫ہم چڑیا گھر نہیں گیے۔‬

‫‪He did not make a good speech.‬‬ ‫اس نے بہت اچھی تقریرنہیں کی۔‬

‫‪Saqib did not win the first prize.‬‬ ‫ثاقب نے پہال انعام نہیں جیتا۔‬

‫‪I did not wait for you.‬‬ ‫میں نے تمہارا انتظار نہیں کیا۔‬

‫‪He did not resign from his post.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنے عہدے سے استعفی نہیں دیا۔‬

‫‪He did not mix water in milk.‬‬ ‫اس نے دودھ میں پانی نہیں مالیا۔‬

‫‪Aslam did not act upon my advice.‬‬ ‫اسلم نے میرے نصیحت پر عمل نہیں کیا۔‬

‫‪Anas did make fifty two runs in‬‬ ‫انس نے میچ میں پچاس رنز نہیں بنایے۔‬
‫‪the match.‬‬

‫‪I did not eat guava.‬‬ ‫میں نے امرود نہیں کھایا۔‬

‫‪You did not write an easy.‬‬ ‫تم نے مضمون نہیں لکھا۔‬

‫‪She did not bake the bread.‬‬ ‫اس نے روٹی نہیں پکایی۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں ا‪،‬یا‪ ،‬ی‪ ،‬ے‪ ،‬یں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس‬
‫میں ورب دوسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬لکین نفی اور سوالیہ میں ورب پہلی حالت میں‬
‫استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪“he, she, it, they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ (یعنی سب کے ساتھ)‬

‫فقرے کے شروع میں”‪ “did‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Did I buy a book‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے کتاب خریدی؟‬

‫?‪Did we go to the zoo‬‬ ‫کیا ہم چڑیا گھر گیے؟‬

‫?‪Did he make a good speech‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے بہت اچھی تقریر کی؟‬

‫?‪Did Saqib win the first prize‬‬ ‫کیا ثاقب نے پہال انعام جیتا؟‬

‫?‪Did I wait for you‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے تمہارا انتظار کیا؟‬

‫?‪Did he resign from his post‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنے عہدے سے استعفی دیا؟‬

‫?‪Did he mix water in milk‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے دودھ میں پانی مالیا؟‬

‫?‪Did Aslam act upon my advice‬‬ ‫کیا اسلم نے میرے نصیحت پر عمل کیا؟‬

‫‪Did Anas make fifty-two runs in‬‬ ‫کیا انس نے میچ میں پچاس رنز بنایے؟‬
‫?‪the match‬‬

‫?‪Did I eat guava‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے امرود کھایا؟‬

‫?‪Did you write an easy‬‬ ‫کیا تم نے مضمون لکھا؟‬

‫?‪Did she bake the bread‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے روٹی پکایی؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں ا‪،‬یا‪ ،‬ی‪ ،‬ے‪ ،‬یں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس‬
‫میں ورب دوسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬لکین نفی اور سوالیہ میں ورب پہلی حالت میں‬
‫استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪“he, she, it, they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ (یعنی سب کے ساتھ)‬

‫فقرے کے شروع میں”‪“did‬اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Not‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Did I not buy a book‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے کتاب نہیں خریدی؟‬

‫?‪Did we not go to the zoo‬‬ ‫کیا ہم چڑیا گھرنہیں گیے؟‬

‫?‪Did he not make a good speech‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے بہت اچھی تقریرنہیں کی؟‬

‫?‪Did Saqib not win the first prize‬‬ ‫کیا ثاقب نے پہال انعام نہیں جیتا؟‬

‫?‪Did I not wait for you‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے تمہارا انتظارنہیں کیا؟‬

‫?‪Did he not resign from his post‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنے عہدے سے استعفی نہیں‬
‫?‪Did he not mix water in milk‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے دودھ میں پانی نہیں مالیا؟‬

‫کیا اسلم نے میرے نصیحت پر عمل نہیں ?‪Did Aslam not act upon my advice‬‬
‫‪Did Anas not make fifty-two runs‬‬ ‫کیا انس نے میچ میں پچاس رنزنہیں‬
‫?‪in the match‬‬ ‫بنایے؟‬

‫?‪Did I not eat guava‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے امرود نہیں کھایا؟‬

‫?‪Did you not write an easy‬‬ ‫کیا تم نے مضمون نہیں لکھا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬،‫ رہےتھے‬،‫ رہی تھی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہاتھا‬
‫ اور ورب کی پہلی حالت‬،‫ہوتےہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“کااضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬were ‫ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you,” ‫“ اور‬was”‫“ کے ساتھ‬he, she, it, I”

He was dozing in the class. ‫وہ کالس میں اونگھ رہاتھا۔‬

The child was crying. ‫بچہ رورہاتھا۔‬

The birds were flying in the air. ‫پرندے ہوا میں اڑ رے تھے۔‬

The children were sailing a boat in the ‫لڑکے دریا میں کشتی چال رہے تھے۔‬

The patient was groaning with pain. ‫مریض درد سے کراہ رہا تھا۔‬

The poor children were shivering with ‫غریب بچے سردی سے کا نپ رہے تھے۔‬

The people were sprinkling water on ‫لوگ سڑک پر پانی چھڑک رہے تھے۔‬
the road.

The farmer was ploughing. ‫کسان ہل چال رہا تھا۔‬

The sun was shining. ‫سورج چمک رہا تھا۔‬

He was making lame excuse. ‫وہ جھوٹے بہانے بنا رہاتھا۔‬

She was smoking a cigarette. ‫وہ سیگریٹ پی رہے تھی۔‬

We were swimming in the river. ‫ہم دریا میں تیر رہے تھے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫ رہےتھے‬،‫ رہی تھی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہاتھا‬
‫ اور ورب‬،‫استعمال ہوتےہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“کااضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬were not ‫ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you,” ‫“ اور‬was not”‫“ کے سا تھ‬he, she, it, I”

He was not dozing in the class. ‫وہ کالس میں نہیں اونگھ رہاتھا۔‬

The child was not crying. ‫بچہ نہیں رورہاتھا۔‬

The birds were not flying in the air. ‫پرندے ہوا میں نہیں اڑ رے تھے۔‬

The children were not sailing a ‫لڑکے دریا میں کشتی نہیں چال رہے تھے۔‬
boat in the river.

The patient was not groaning with ‫مریض درد سے نہیں کراہ رہا تھا۔‬

The poor children were not ‫غریب بچے سردی سے نہیں کا نپ رہے‬
shivering with cold. ‫تھے۔‬

The people were not sprinkling ‫لوگ سڑک پر پانی نہیں چھڑک رہے تھے۔‬
water on the road.

The farmer was not ploughing. ‫کسان ہل نہیں چال رہا تھا۔‬

The sun was not shining. ‫سورج نہیں چمک رہا تھا۔‬

He was not making lame excuse. ‫وہ جھوٹے بہانے نہیں بنا رہاتھا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫ رہےتھے‬،‫ رہی تھی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہاتھا‬
‫ اور پہلی حالت‬،‫استعمال ہوتےہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“کااضافہ ہوتا یے۔‬ing” ‫کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬were ‫ کے ساتھ‬they, we, you,” ‫“ اور‬was”‫“ کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں‬he, she, it, I”

Was he dozing in the class? ‫کیا وہ کالس میں اونگھ رہاتھا؟‬

Was the child crying? ‫کیا بچہ رورہاتھا؟‬

Were the birds flying in the air? ‫کیا پرندے ہوا میں اڑ رے تھے؟‬

Were the children sailing a boat in ‫کیا لڑکے دریا میں کشتی چال رہے تھے؟‬
the river?

Was the patient groaning with ‫کیا مریض درد سے کراہ رہا تھا؟‬

Were the poor children shivering ‫کیا غریب بچے سردی سے کا نپ رہے‬
with cold? ‫تھے؟‬

Were the people sprinkling water ‫کیا لوگ سڑک پر پانی چھڑک رہے تھے؟‬
on the road?

Was the farmer ploughing? ‫کیا کسان ہل چال رہا تھا؟‬

Was the sun shining? ‫کیا سورج چمک رہا تھا؟‬

Was he making lame excuse? ‫کیا وہ جھوٹے بہانے بنا رہاتھا؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں رہاتھا‪ ،‬رہی تھی‪ ،‬رہےتھے‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬
‫ہوتےہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬اور پہلی حالت‬
‫کے ساتھ ”‪ “ing‬کا ا ضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬
‫”‪ “he, she, it, I‬کے ساتھ فقرے کے شروع میں”‪ “was‬اور ”‪ they, we, you,‬کے ساتھ ‪ “were‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Not‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Was the child not crying‬‬ ‫کیا بچہ نہیں رورہاتھا؟‬

‫‪Were the birds not flying in the‬‬ ‫کیا پرندے ہوا میں نہیں اڑ رے تھے؟‬

‫‪Were the children not sailing a‬‬ ‫کیا لڑکے دریا میں کشتی نہیں چال رہے‬
‫?‪boat in the river‬‬ ‫تھے؟‬

‫‪Was the patient not groaning with‬‬ ‫کیا مریض درد سےنہیں کراہ رہا تھا؟‬

‫‪Were the poor children not‬‬ ‫کیا غریب بچے سردی سے نہیں کا نپ‬
‫?‪shivering with cold‬‬ ‫رہے تھے؟‬

‫‪Were the people not sprinkling‬‬ ‫کیا لوگ سڑک پر پانی نہیں چھڑک رہے‬
‫?‪water on the road‬‬ ‫تھے؟‬

‫?‪Was the farmer not ploughing‬‬ ‫کیا کسان ہل نہیں چال رہا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Was the sun not shining‬‬ ‫کیا سورج نہیں چمک رہا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Was he not making lame excuse‬‬ ‫کیا وہ جھوٹے بہانے نہیں بنا رہاتھا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا تھا‪ ،‬چکی تھی‪ ،‬چکے تھے‪ ،‬چکی تھیں‪ ،‬یا تھا‪ ،‬ے تھے‪،‬‬
‫ی تھی‪ ،‬ے تھے‪ ،‬ے تھیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب‬
‫تیسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪ He, she, it‬اور”‪ “they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ ‪“had‬‬

‫لگا تے ہیں۔‬
‫‪The patient had died before the‬‬ ‫ڈاکٹر کے پہنچنے سے پہلے مریض مر چکا‬
‫‪doctor arrived.‬‬ ‫تھا۔‬

‫‪I had knocked at the door.‬‬ ‫میں نے دروازے پر د ستک دی تھی۔‬

‫‪It had snowed.‬‬ ‫برف باری ہویی تھی۔‬

‫‪The hen had laid an egg.‬‬ ‫مر غی نے انڈا دیا تھا۔‬

‫‪He had wasted his time.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنا وقت ضایع کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪He had sold his house.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنا مکان پروخت کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪You had taken the tea before the sun‬‬ ‫سورج نکلنے سے پہلے تم چایے پی چکے‬
‫‪rose.‬‬ ‫تھے۔‬

‫‪The sun had risen.‬‬ ‫سورج طلوع ہو چکا تھا۔‬

‫‪The thief had escaped before the‬‬ ‫سپا ہی کے پہنچنے سے پہلے چور بھا گ‬
‫‪soldier came.‬‬ ‫چکا تھا۔‬

‫‪The bell had rung before you came.‬‬ ‫تمہا رے آنے سے پہلے گھنٹی بج چکی تھی۔‬

‫‪The teacher had forgiven him.‬‬ ‫استاد نے اسے معا ف کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪The vehicle had left before I‬‬ ‫میرے پہنچنے سے پہلے گا ڑی جا چکی تھی۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا تھا‪ ،‬چکی تھی‪ ،‬چکے تھے‪ ،‬چکی تھیں‪ ،‬یا تھا‪ ،‬ے تھے‪،‬‬
‫ی تھی‪ ،‬ے تھے‪ ،‬ے تھیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری‬
‫حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪ He, she, it‬اور”‪ “they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ‬

‫”‪ “had not‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫‪The patient had not died before the‬‬ ‫ڈاکٹر کے پہنچنے سے پہلے مریض نہیں مر‬
‫‪doctor arrived.‬‬ ‫چکا تھا۔‬

‫‪I had not knocked at the door.‬‬ ‫میں نے دروازے پر د ستک نہیں دی تھی۔‬

‫‪It had not snowed.‬‬ ‫برف باری نہیں ہویی تھی۔‬

‫‪The hen had not laid an egg.‬‬ ‫مر غی نے انڈا نہیں دیا تھا۔‬

‫‪He had not wasted his time.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنا وقت ضایع نہیں کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪He had not sold his house.‬‬ ‫اس نے اپنا مکان فروخت نہیں کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪You had not taken the tea before the‬‬ ‫سورج نکلنے سے پہلے تم چایے نہیں چکے‬
‫‪sun rose.‬‬ ‫تھے۔‬

‫‪The sun had not risen.‬‬ ‫سورج طلوع نہیں ہو چکا تھا۔‬

‫‪The thief had not escaped before the‬‬ ‫سپا ہی کے پہنچنے سے پہلے چورنہیں بھا‬
‫‪soldier came.‬‬ ‫گ چکا تھا۔‬

‫‪The bell had not rung before you‬‬ ‫تمہا رے آنے سے پہلے گھنٹی نہیں بج چکی‬
‫‪came.‬‬ ‫تھی۔‬

‫‪The teacher had not forgiven him.‬‬ ‫استاد نے اسے معا ف نہیں کیا تھا۔‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا تھا‪ ،‬چکی تھی‪ ،‬چکے تھے‪ ،‬چکی تھیں‪ ،‬یا تھا‪ ،‬ے تھے‪،‬‬
‫ی تھی‪ ،‬ے تھے‪ ،‬ے تھیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری‬
‫حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪ He, she, it‬اور”‪ “they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ‬

‫”‪“Had‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪Had the patient died before the‬‬ ‫کیا ڈاکٹر کے پہنچنے سے پہلے مریض مر‬
‫?‪doctor arrived‬‬ ‫چکا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had I knocked at the door‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے دروازے پر د ستک دی تھی؟‬

‫?‪Had it snowed‬‬ ‫کیا برف باری ہویی تھی؟‬

‫?‪Had the hen laid an egg‬‬ ‫کیا مر غی نے انڈا دیا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had he wasted his time‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنا وقت ضایع کیا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had he sold his house‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنا مکان پروخت کیا تھا؟‬

‫‪Had you taken the tea before the sun‬‬ ‫کیا سورج نکلنے سے پہلے تم چایے پی چکے‬
‫?‪rose‬‬ ‫تھے؟‬

‫?‪Had the sun risen‬‬ ‫کیا سورج طلوع ہو چکا تھا؟‬

‫‪Had the thief escaped before the‬‬ ‫کیا سپا ہی کے پہنچنے سے پہلے چور بھا‬
‫?‪soldier came‬‬ ‫گ چکا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had the bell rung before you came‬‬ ‫کیا تمہا رے آنے سے پہلے گھنٹی بج چکی‬

‫?‪Had the teacher forgiven him‬‬ ‫کیا استاد نے اسے معا ف کیا تھا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا تھا‪ ،‬چکی تھی‪ ،‬چکے تھے‪ ،‬چکی تھیں‪ ،‬یا تھا‪ ،‬ے تھے‪،‬‬
‫ی تھی‪ ،‬ے تھے‪ ،‬ے تھیں‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری‬
‫حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ ”‪ He, she, it‬اور”‪ “they, we, you, I‬کے ساتھ “‬

‫”‪ “had not‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Had the patient not died before the‬‬ ‫کیا ڈاکٹر کے پہنچنے سے پہلے مریض نہیں‬
‫?‪doctor arrived‬‬ ‫مر چکا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had I not knocked at the door‬‬ ‫کیا میں نے دروازے پر د ستک نہیں دی تھی؟‬

‫?‪Had it not snowed‬‬ ‫کیا برف باری نہیں ہویی تھی؟‬

‫?‪Had the hen not laid an egg‬‬ ‫کیا مر غی نے انڈا نہیں دیا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had he not wasted his time‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنا وقت ضایع نہیں کیا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had he not sold his house‬‬ ‫کیا اس نے اپنا مکان پروخت نہیں کیا تھا؟‬

‫‪Had you not taken the tea before the‬‬ ‫کیا سورج نکلنے سے پہلے تم چایے نہیں‬
‫?‪sun rose‬‬ ‫چکے تھے؟‬

‫?‪Had the sun had not risen‬‬ ‫کیا سورج طلوع نہیں ہو چکا تھا؟‬

‫‪Had the thief not escaped before the‬‬ ‫کیا سپا ہی کے پہنچنے سے پہلے چورنہیں‬
‫?‪soldier came‬‬ ‫بھا گ چکا تھا؟‬

‫‪Had the bell not rung before you‬‬ ‫کیا تمہا رے آنے سے پہلے گھنٹی نہیں بج‬
‫?‪came‬‬ ‫چکی تھی؟‬

‫?‪Had the teacher not forgiven him‬‬ ‫کیا استاد نے اسے معا ف نہیں کیا تھا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ تے رہے تھے وغیرہ‬، ،‫ تی رہی تھی‬، ،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رتھا‬
‫امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫“ کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬Ing” ‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬had been” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, we you, i”
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬since” ‫“ کے لیے‬point of time” ‫“ اور‬for” ‫“ کے لیے‬period of time”

He had been going to school. ‫وہ سکول جاتا رہا تھا۔‬

I had been waiting. ‫میں انتظار کرتا رہا تھا۔‬

We had been working. ‫ہم کام کرتے رہے تھے۔‬

I had been taking exercise for ‫میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش کر رہاتھا۔‬
fifteen minutes.

The farmers had been working in ‫کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام کر رہے‬
the fields since morning. ‫تھے۔‬

It had been snowing since ‫شام سے برف باری ہورہی تھی۔‬


He had been playing cricket for ‫وہ ایک گھنٹے سے کھیل رہا تھا۔‬
an hour.

We had been going to school for ‫ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول جارہے تھے۔‬
four weeks.
You had been running. ‫تم دوڑتے رہے تھے۔‬

We had been thinking. ‫ہم سوچتے رہے تھے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ تے رہے تھے وغیرہ‬، ،‫ تی رہی تھی‬، ،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رتھا‬
‫امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫“ کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬Ing” ‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬had not been” ‫“کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, we you, i”
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬since” ‫“ کے لیے‬point of time” ‫“ اور‬for” ‫“ کے لیے‬period of time”

He had not been going to school. ‫وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا تھا۔‬

I had not been waiting. ‫میں انتظارنہیں کرتا رہا تھا۔‬

We had not been working. ‫ہم کام نہیں کرتے رہے تھے۔‬

I had not been taking exercise for ‫میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش نہیں کر‬
fifteen minutes. ‫رہاتھا۔‬

The farmers had not been ‫کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام نہیں کر‬
working in the fields since ‫رہے تھے۔‬

It had not been snowing since ‫شام سے برف باری نہیں ہورہی تھی۔‬

He had not been playing cricket ‫وہ ایک گھنٹے سے نہیں کھیل رہا تھا۔‬
for an hour.

We had not been going to school ‫ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول نہیں جارہے‬
for four weeks. ‫تھے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رتھا‪ ، ،‬تی رہی تھی‪ ، ،‬تے رہے تھے وغیرہ‬
‫امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ ”‪ “Ing‬کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬
‫”‪ “He, she, it, they, we you ,i‬کے ساتھ جملے کے شروع میں”‪“had‬‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد”‪ “been‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫”‪ “period of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “for‬اور ”‪ “point of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “since‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Had he been going to school‬‬ ‫کیا وہ سکول جاتا رہا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had I been waiting‬‬ ‫کیامیں انتظار کرتا رہا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had we been working‬‬ ‫کیاہم کام کرتے رہے تھے؟‬

‫‪Had I been taking exercise for‬‬ ‫کیا میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش کر رہاتھا؟‬
‫?‪fifteen minutes‬‬

‫‪Had the farmer been working in‬‬ ‫کیا کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام کر‬
‫?‪the fields since morning‬‬ ‫رہے تھے؟‬

‫‪Had it been snowing since‬‬ ‫کیاشام سے برف باری ہورہی تھی؟‬


‫‪Had he been playing cricket for‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک گھنٹے سے کھیل رہا تھا؟‬
‫?‪an hour‬‬

‫‪Had we been going to school for‬‬ ‫کیا ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول جارہے تھے؟‬
‫?‪since weeks‬‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں تا رتھا‪ ، ،‬تی رہی تھی‪ ، ،‬تے رہے تھے وغیرہ‬
‫امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال‬
‫ہوتی ہے اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ ”‪ “Ing‬کا اضا فہ ہو تا ہے۔‬
‫”‪ “He, she, it, they, we you ,i‬کے ساتھ جملے کے شروع میں”‪“had‬‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد”‪ “ not been‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫”‪ “period of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “for‬اور ”‪ “point of time‬کے لیے ”‪ “since‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬

‫کیا وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا تھا؟ ?‪Had he not been going to school‬‬

‫?‪Had I not been waiting‬‬ ‫کیامیں انتظارنہیں کرتا رہا تھا؟‬

‫?‪Had we not been working‬‬ ‫کیاہم کام نہیں کرتے رہے تھے؟‬

‫کیا میں پندرہ منٹ سے ورزش نہیں کر ‪Had I not been taking exercise for‬‬
‫?‪fifteen minutes‬‬ ‫رہاتھا؟‬

‫کیا کسان صبح سے کھیتوں میں کام نہیں ‪Had the farmer not been working‬‬
‫?‪in the fields since morning‬‬ ‫کر رہے تھے؟‬

‫‪Had it not been snowing since‬‬ ‫کیاشام سے برف باری نہیں ہورہی تھی؟‬

‫‪Had he not been playing cricket‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک گھنٹے سے نہیں کھیل رہا تھا؟‬
‫?‪for an hour‬‬

‫‪Had we not been going to school‬‬ ‫کیا ہم چار ہفتوں سے سکول نہیں جارہے‬
‫?‪since four weeks‬‬ ‫تھے؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں‬،‫ گے‬،‫ گی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں گا‬
‫ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

She will go home. ‫وہ گھر جا یی گی۔‬

We shall go for a walk by tomorrow. ‫ہم کل سیر کو جا یں گے۔‬

He will act upon my advice. ‫وہ میری نصیحت پر عمل کرے گا۔‬

The smoke will rise to the sky. ‫دھواں آسمان کی طرف ا ٹھے گا۔‬

The teacher will punish him. ‫استاد اسے سزا دے گا۔‬

He will send for the doctor. ‫وہ ڈاکٹر کو بال یے گا۔‬

I shall shake hands with him. ‫میں اس کے ساتھ ہاتھ مالؤں گا۔‬

You will accompany me. ‫آپ میرا ساتھ دیں گے۔‬

He will send you a gift. ‫وہ تمہیں تحفہ بھیجے گا۔‬

He will come here. ‫وہ یہاں ضرہر آیے گا۔‬

We shall win the match easily. ‫ہم آسا نی سے میچ جیت لیں گے۔‬

He will knock at the door. ‫وہ دروازے پر دستک دے گا۔‬

Dark clouds will come. ‫کا لے بادل آییں گے۔‬

The milkman will bring milk. ‫گواال دودھ الیے گا۔‬

Nasar will pluck the flower. ‫نا صر پھول توڑے گا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں‬،‫ گے‬،‫ گی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں گا‬
‫ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall not” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will not ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

She will not go home. ‫وہ گھرنہیں جا یی گی۔‬

We shall not go for a walk by ‫ہم کل سیرنہیں کو جا یں گے۔‬


He will not act upon my advice. ‫وہ میری نصیحت پر عمل نہیں کرے گا۔‬

The smoke will not rise to the sky. ‫دھواں آسمان کی طرف نہیں ا ٹھے گا۔‬

The teacher will not punish him. ‫استاد اسے سزا نہیں دے گا۔‬

He will not send for the doctor. ‫وہ ڈاکٹر کونہیں بالیے گا۔‬

I shall not shake hands with him. ‫میں اس کے ساتھ ہاتھ نہیں مالؤں گا۔‬

You will not accompany me. ‫آپ میرا ساتھ نہیں دیں گے۔‬

He will not send you a gift. ‫وہ تمہیں تحفہ نہیں بھیجے گا۔‬

He will not come here. ‫وہ یہاں ضرہرنہیں آیے گا۔‬

We shall not win the match easily. ‫ہم آسا نی سے میچ نہیں جیت لیں گے۔‬

He will not knock at the door. ‫وہ دروازے پر دستک نہیں دے گا۔‬

Dark clouds will not come. ‫کا لے بادل نہیں آییں گے۔‬

The milkman will not bring milk. ‫گواال دودھ نہیں الیے گا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں‬،‫ گے‬،‫ گی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں گا‬
‫ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ فقرے کے شروع میں‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

Will she go home? ‫کیا وہ گھر جا یی گی؟‬

Shall we go for a walk by tomorrow? ‫کیا ہم کل سیر کو جا یں گے؟‬

Will he act upon my advice? ‫کیا وہ میری نصیحت پر عمل کرے گا؟‬

Will the smoke rise to the sky? ‫کیا دھواں آسمان کی طرف ا ٹھے گا؟‬

Will the teacher punish him? ‫کیا استاد اسے سزا دے گا؟‬

Will he send for the doctor? ‫کیا وہ ڈاکٹر کو بالیے گا؟‬

Shall I shake hands with him? ‫کیا میں اس کے ساتھ ہاتھ مالؤں گا؟‬

Will you accompany me? ‫کیا آپ میرا ساتھ دیں گے؟‬

Will he send you a gift? ‫کیا وہ تمہیں تحفہ بھیجے گا؟‬

Will he come here? ‫کیا وہ یہاں ضرہر آیے گا؟‬

Will the dark clouds come? ‫کیا کا لے بادل آییں گے؟‬

Will the milk man bring milk? ‫کیا گواال دودھ الیے گا؟‬

Will Nasar pluck the flower? ‫کیا نا صر پھول توڑے گا؟‬

Will Muhammad Alamgir teach ‫کیا محمد عالمگیر انگریزی پڑھا یے گا؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں گا‪ ،‬گی‪ ،‬گے‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں‬
‫ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ فقرے کے شروع میں‬
‫”‪ “He, she, it they, you‬کے ساتھ ‪ Will‬اور”‪ “I, we‬کے ساتھ ”‪“shall‬لگاتے ہیں‪ ،‬اور‬

‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Not‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Will she not go home‬‬ ‫کیا وہ گھرنہیں جا یی گی؟‬

‫‪Shall we not go for a walk by‬‬ ‫کیا ہم کل سیر کونہیں جا یں گے؟‬


‫?‪Will he not act upon my advice‬‬ ‫کیا وہ میری نصیحت پرنہیں عمل کرے گا؟‬

‫?‪Will the smoke not rise to the sky‬‬ ‫کیا دھواں آسمان کی طرف نہیں ا ٹھے گا؟‬

‫?‪Will the teacher not punish him‬‬ ‫کیا استاد اسے سزا نہیں دے گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he not send for the doctor‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ڈاکٹر کو نہیں بالیے گا؟‬

‫?‪Shall I not shake hands with him‬‬ ‫کیا میں اس کے ساتھ ہاتھ نہیں مالؤں گا؟‬

‫?‪Will you not accompany me‬‬ ‫کیا آپ میرا ساتھ نہیں دیں گے؟‬

‫?‪Will he not send you a gift‬‬ ‫کیا وہ تمہیں تحفہ نہیں بھیجے گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he not come here‬‬ ‫کیا وہ یہاں ضرہرنہیں آیے گا؟‬

‫?‪Shall we not win the match easily‬‬ ‫کیا ہم آسا نی سے میچ نہیں جیت لیں گے؟‬

‫?‪Will he not knock at the door‬‬ ‫کیا وہ دروازے پر دستک نہیں دے گا؟‬

‫?‪Will the dark clouds not come‬‬ ‫کیا کا لے بادل نہیں آییں گے؟‬

‫?‪Will the milkman not bring milk‬‬ ‫کیا گواال دودھ نہیں الیے گا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬،‫ رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ رہی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخررہا ہوگا‬
‫ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall be” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will be” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

He will be sleeping. ‫وہ سو رہا ہوگا۔‬

The dogs will be barking. ‫کتے بھونک رہے ہوں گے۔‬

He will be staying in an inn. ‫وہ ایک سرایے میں قیام کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

He will be going on leave. ‫وہ چھٹی پر جا رہا ہو گا۔‬

He will be leaving for Karachi. ‫وہ کراچی روانہ رہا ہوگا۔‬

He will be offering the morning ‫وہ فجر کی نماز ادا کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

Javid will be crossing the river. ‫جاوید دریا کو عبور کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

I shall be taking rest. ‫میں آرام کر رہا ہوں گا۔‬

He will be losing his fame. ‫وہ اپنی شہرت کھو رہا ہوگا۔‬

It will be raining cats and dogs. ‫مو سال دھار بارش ہو رہی ہوگی۔‬

The sun will be shining. ‫سورج چمک رہا ہو گا۔‬

The bee will be flying in the air. ‫شہد کی م ّکھی ہوا میں اڑ رہی ہو گی۔‬

They will be helping the poor. ‫وہ غریبوں کی مد د کر رہا ہو گا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬،‫ رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ رہی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخررہا ہوگا‬
‫ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall not be” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will not be” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

He will not be sleeping. ‫وہ نہیں سو رہا ہوگا۔‬

The dogs will not be barking. ‫کتے نہیں بھونک رہے ہوں گے۔‬

He will not be staying in an inn. ‫وہ ایک سرایے میں قیام نہیں کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

He will not be going on leave. ‫وہ چھٹی پر نہیں جا چکا ہو گا۔‬

He will not be leaving for Karachi. ‫وہ کراچی نہیں روانہ رہا ہوگا۔‬

He will not be offering the morning ‫وہ فجر کی نماز ادا نہیں کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

Javid will not be crossing the river. ‫جاوید دریا کو عبورنہیں کر رہا ہوگا۔‬

I shall not be taking rest. ‫میں آرام نہیں کر رہا ہوں گا۔‬

He will not be losing his fame. ‫وہ اپنی شہرت کھونہیں رہا ہوگا۔‬

It will not be raining cats and ‫مو سال دھار بارش نہیں ہو رہی ہوگی۔‬

The sun will not be shining. ‫سورج نہیں چمک رہا ہو گا۔‬

The bee will not be flying in the ‫شہد کی م ّکھی ہوا میں نہیں اڑ رہی ہو گی۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخررہا ہوگا‪ ،‬رہی ہوگی‪ ،‬رہے ہوں گے‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬
‫ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ فقرے کے شروع میں‬
‫”‪ “He, she, it they, you‬کے ساتھ ”‪ Will‬اور”‪ “I, we‬کے ساتھ ”‪ “shall‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬
‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ”‪ “be‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Will he be sleeping‬‬ ‫کیا وہ سو رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Will the dogs be barking‬‬ ‫کیا کتّے بھونک رہے ہوں گے؟‬

‫?‪Will he be staying in an inn‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک سرایے میں قیام کر رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Will he be going on leave‬‬ ‫کیا وہ چھٹی پر جا رہا ہو گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he be leaving for Karachi‬‬ ‫کیا وہ کراچی روانہ رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫‪Will he be offering the morning‬‬ ‫کیا وہ فجر کی نماز ادا کر رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Will Javid be crossing the river‬‬ ‫کیا جاوید دریا کو عبور کر رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Shall I be taking rest‬‬ ‫کیا میں آرام کر رہا ہوں گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he be losing his fame‬‬ ‫کیا وہ اپنی شہرت کھو رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Will it be raining cats and dogs‬‬ ‫کیا مو سال دھار بارش ہو رہی ہوگی؟‬

‫?‪Will the sun be shining‬‬ ‫کیا سورج چمک رہا ہو گا؟‬

‫‪Will the honeybee be flying in the‬‬ ‫کیا شہد کی م ّکھی ہوا میں اڑ رہی ہو گی؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
‫)‪Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir‬‬

‫اردو فقرے کے آخررہا ہوگا‪ ،‬رہی ہوگی‪ ،‬رہے ہوں گے‪ ،‬وغیرہ امدادی آفعال استعمال‬
‫ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ فقرے کے شروع میں‬
‫”‪ “He, she, it they, you‬کے ساتھ ”‪ Will‬اور”‪ “I, we‬کے ساتھ ”‪ “shall‬لگاتے ہیں۔‬
‫اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد ‪ Not be‬لگا تے ہیں۔‬

‫?‪Will he not be sleeping‬‬ ‫کیا وہ نہیں سو رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Will the dogs not be barking‬‬ ‫کیا کتےنہیں بھونک رہے ہوں گے؟‬

‫?‪Will he not be staying in an inn‬‬ ‫کیا وہ ایک سرایے میں قیام نہیں کر رہا‬
‫?‪Will he not be going on leave‬‬ ‫کیا وہ چھٹی پرنہیں جا رہا ہو گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he not be leaving for Karachi‬‬ ‫کیا وہ کراچی نہیں روانہ رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫‪Will he not be offering the‬‬ ‫کیا وہ فجر کی نماز نہیں ادا کر رہا ہوگا؟‬
‫?‪morning prayer‬‬

‫‪Will Javid not be crossing the‬‬ ‫کیا جاوید دریا کو عبورنہیں کر رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫?‪Shall I not be taking rest‬‬ ‫کیا میں آرام نہیں کر رہا ہوں گا؟‬

‫?‪Will he not be losing his fame‬‬ ‫کیا وہ اپنی شہرت نہیں کھو رہا ہوگا؟‬

‫‪Will it not be raining cats and‬‬ ‫کیا مو سال دھار بارش نہیں ہو رہی ہوگی؟‬

‫?‪Will the sun not be shining‬‬ ‫کیا سورج نہیں چمک رہا ہو گا؟‬

‫‪A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai‬‬ ‫)‪(From Muhammad Alamgir‬‬
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ‬،‫ چکا ہوں گا‬،‫ چکے ہوں گے‬،‫ چکی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہو گا‬
‫امدادی افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“لگاتے ہیں۔‬Shall have ‫“ کے ساتھ‬i, we” ‫ اور‬Will have ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, you”

He will have finished his work. ‫وہ اپنا کام ختم کر چکا ہو گا۔‬

You will have read the book. ‫تم کتاب پڑھ چکے ہوں گے۔‬

My mother will have pressed the ‫میری ماں کپڑے استری کر چکی ہو گی۔‬

He will have gone to Karachi ‫تمہارے آنے سے پہلے وہ کراچی جا چکا‬

before your come. ‫ہو گا۔‬

The patient will have run before ‫ڈاکٹر کے آنے سے پہلے مریض دوڑ چکا‬
the doctor come. ‫ہوگا‬

The people will have eaten the ‫لوگ کھانا کھا چکے ہوں گے۔‬

We shall have return before ‫ہم شام سے پہلے واپس ہو چکے ہوں گے۔‬

The chief minister will have paid a ‫وزیر اعظم ہسپتال کا دورہ کر چکے ہوں‬
visit to the hospital. ‫گے۔‬

He will have reached the home. ‫وہ گھر پہنچ چکا ہو گا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Future Perfect Interrogative: ‫فعل مستقبل مکمل سوالیہ‬

‫ وغیرہ‬،‫ چکا ہوں گا‬،‫ چکے ہوں گے‬،‫ چکی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہو گا‬
‫امدادی افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔۔‬
‫“لگا تے ہیں اور اسم یا‬Shall ‫“کے ساتھ‬i, we” ‫ اور‬Will ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, you”

‫ لگا تے ہیں‬Have ‫اسم ضمیر کے بعد‬

Will he have finished his work? ‫کیا وہ کام ختم کر چکا ہو گا؟‬

Will you have read the book? ‫کیا تم کتاب پڑھ چکے ہوں گے؟‬

Will my mother have pressed my ‫کیا میری ماں کپڑے استری کر چکی ہو‬
clothes? ‫گی؟‬

Will he have gone to Karachi ‫کیا تمہارے انے سے پہلے وہ کراچی جا‬
before your come? ‫چکا ہو گا؟‬

Will the patient have died before ‫کیا ڈاکٹر کے آنے سے پہلے مریض مر‬
the doctor come? ‫چکا ہوگا؟‬

Will the people have eaten the ‫کیا لوگ کھانا کھا چکے ہوں گے؟‬

Shall we have return before ‫کیا ہم شام سے پہلے واپس ہو چکے ہوں‬
evening? ‫گے؟‬

Will the chief minister have paid a ‫کیا وزیر اعظم ہسپتال کا دورہ کر چکے ہوں‬
visit to the hospital? ‫گے؟‬

Will he have reached the home? ‫کیا وہ گھر پہنچ چکا ہو گا؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ‬،‫ چکا ہوں گا‬،‫ چکے ہوں گے‬،‫ چکی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہو گا‬
‫امدادی افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“لگا تے ییں۔‬Shall not have ‫“ کے ساتھ‬i, we” ‫ اور‬Will not have ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, you”

He will not have finished his work. ‫وہ کام ختم کرنہیں چکا ہو گا۔‬

You will not have read the book. ‫تم کتاب نہیں پڑھ چکے ہوں گے۔‬

My mother will not have pressed ‫میری ماں کپڑے استری نہیں کر چکی ہو‬
my clothes. ‫گی۔‬

He will not have gone to Karachi ‫تمہارے آنے سے پہلے وہ کراچی نہیں جا‬
before your come. ‫چکا ہو گا۔‬

The patient will not have died ‫ڈاکٹر کے آنے سے پہلے مریض نہیں مر‬
before the doctor come. ‫چکا ہوگا‬

The people will not have eaten the ‫لوگ کھانا نہیں کھا چکے ہوں گے۔‬

We shall not have return before ‫ہم شام سے پہلے واپس نہیں ہو چکے ہوں‬
evening. ‫گے۔‬

The chief minister will not have ‫وزیر اعظم ہسپتال کا دورہ نہیں کر چکے‬
paid a visit to the hospital. ‫ہوں گے۔‬

He will not have reached the ‫وہ گھرنہیں پہنچ چکا ہو گا۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ‬،‫ چکا ہوں گا‬،‫ چکے ہوں گے‬،‫ چکی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخر میں چکا ہو گا‬
‫امدادی افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب تیسری حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔۔‬
‫“لگا تے ہیں اور اسم یا‬Shall ‫“کے ساتھ‬i, we” ‫ اور‬Will ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it, they, you”

‫ لگا تے ہیں۔‬not have” ‫اسم ضمیر کے بعد‬

Will he not have finished his work? ‫کیا وہ کام ختم نہیں کر چکا ہو گا؟‬

Will you not have read the book? ‫کیا تم کتاب نہیں پڑھ چکے ہوں گے؟‬

Will my mother not have pressed ‫کیا میری ماں کپڑے استری نہیں کر چکی‬
my clothes? ‫ہو گی؟‬

Will he not have gone to Karachi ‫کیا تمہارے انے سے پہلے وہ کراچی نہیں‬
before your come? ‫جا چکا ہو گا؟‬

Will the patient not have died ‫کیا ڈاکٹر کے آنے سے پہلے مریض نہیں‬
before the doctor come? ‫مر چکا ہوگا؟‬

Will the people not have eaten ‫کیا لوگ کھانا نہیں کھا چکے ہوں گے؟‬
the meal?

Shall we not have return before ‫کیا ہم شام سے پہلےنہیں واپس ہو چکے‬
evening? ‫ہوں گے؟‬

Will the chief minister not have ‫کیا وزیر اعظم ہسپتال کا دورہ نہیں کر‬
paid a visit to the hospital? ‫چکے ہوں گے؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫اردو فقرے‬
‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫تے رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ تی رہی ہوگی‬،‫استعمال کے آخرتا رہا ہوگا‬
‫کا‬ ‫ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫“اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall have been” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will have been” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

He will have been watching ‫وہ صبح سے میچ دیکھ رہا ہوگا۔‬
march since morning.

He will have been going to school. ‫وہ سکول جاتا رہا ہو گا۔‬

Kamran will have been flying the ‫کامران صبح سے پتنگ اڑاتا رہا ہو گا۔‬
kite since morning.

They will have been reading the ‫وہ دو دنوں سے کتاب پڑھ رہے ہوں گے۔‬
book for two days.

Abdul Aziz Will have been reading ‫عبد العزیز جٹکوٹ میں پڑھتا رہا ہو گا۔‬
in Jat-Kot.

We shall have been offering the ‫ہم با جما عت نماز ادا کرتے رہے ہوں‬
congregational prayer. ‫گے۔‬

It will have been raining. ‫بارش ہوتی رہی ہوگی۔‬

They will have been studying. ‫وہ مطا لعہ کرتے رہے ہوں گے۔‬

You will have been running. ‫تم دوڑتے رہےہوں گے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫تے رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ تی رہی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخرتا رہا ہوگا‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“ کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬shall not have been” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will not have been” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

He will not have been watching ‫وہ صبح سے میچ نہیں دیکھ رہا ہوگا۔‬
march since morning.

He will not have been going to ‫وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا ہو گا۔‬

Kamran will not have been flying ‫کامران صبح سے پتنگ نہیں اڑاتا رہا ہو‬
the kite since morning. ‫گا۔‬

They will not have been reading ‫وہ دو دنوں سے کتاب نہیں پڑھ رہے ہوں‬
the book for two days. ‫گے۔‬

Abdul Aziz Will not have been ‫عبد العزیز جٹکوٹ میں نہیں پڑھتا رہا ہو‬
reading in Jat-Kot. ‫گا۔‬

You will not have been going to ‫تم سوات کو نہیں جاتے رہے ہوں گے۔‬

It will not have been raining. ‫بارش نہیں ہوتی رہی ہوگی۔‬

They will not have been studying. ‫وہ مطا لعہ نہیں کرتے رہے ہوں گے۔‬

You will not have been running. ‫تم نہیں دوڑتے رہےہوں گے۔‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫تے رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ تی رہی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخرتا رہا ہوگا‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“ کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔ اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد‬shall” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

‫“لگا تے ہیں۔‬have been”

Will he have been watching ‫کیا وہ صبح سے‬

march since morning?
‫میچ دیکھ رہا ہوگا؟‬
Will he have been going to ‫کیا وہ سکول جاتا رہا ہو گا؟‬

Will Kamran have been flying the ‫کیا کامران صبح سے پتنگ اڑاتا رہا ہو‬
kite since morning? ‫گا؟‬

Will they have been reading the ‫کیا وہ دو دنوں سے کتاب پڑھ رہے ہوں‬
book for two days? ‫گے؟‬

Will Abdul Aziz have been reading ‫کیا عبد العزیز جٹکوٹ میں پڑھتا رہا‬
in Jat-Kot? ‫ہو گا؟ا‬

Will you have been going to ‫کیا تم سوات جاتے رہے ہوں گے؟‬

Will it have been raining? ‫کیا بارش ہوتی رہی ہوگی؟‬

Will they have been studying? ‫کیا وہ مطا لعہ کرتے رہے ہوں گے؟‬

Will you have been running? ‫کیا تم دوڑتے رہےہوں گے؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

‫ وغیرہ امدادی آفعال‬،‫تے رہے ہوں گے‬،‫ تی رہی ہوگی‬،‫اردو فقرے کے آخرتا رہا ہوگا‬
‫استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ اس میں ورب پہلی حالت میں استعمال ہوتی ہے‬
‫“ کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔‬ing” ‫اور ورب کی پہلی حالت کے ساتھ‬
‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔ اور اسم یا اسم ضمیر کے بعد‬shall” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬I, we”‫ اور‬Will” ‫“ کے ساتھ‬He, she, it they, you”

‫“ لگاتے ہیں۔‬not have been”

Will he not have been watching ‫کیا وہ صبح سے میچ نہیں دیکھ رہا ہوگا؟‬
march since morning?

Will he not have been going to ‫کیا وہ سکول نہیں جاتا رہا ہو گا؟‬

Will Kamran not have been flying ‫کیا کامران صبح سے پتنگ نہیں اڑاتا رہا‬
the kite since morning? ‫ہوگا؟‬

Will they not have been reading ‫کیا وہ دو دنوں سے کتاب نہیں پڑھ رہے‬
the book for two days? ‫ہوں گے؟‬

Will Abdul Aziz l not have been ‫کیا عبد العزیز جٹکوٹ میں نہیں پڑھتا‬
reading in Jat-Kot? ‫رہا ہو گا؟‬

Will not have been going to ‫کیا تم سوات کو نہیں جاتے رہے ہوں‬
Swat? ‫گے؟‬

Will it not have been raining? ‫کیا بارش نہیں ہوتی رہی ہوگی؟‬

Will they not have been ‫کیا وہ مطا لعہ نہیں کرتے رہے ہوں گے؟‬

Will you not have been running? ‫کیا تم نہیں دوڑتے رہےہوں گے؟‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Basic Rule
➢ Subject takes the place of object and object takes the place of
➢ Helping verbs are used according to the tense.
➢ Helping is followed by third form of the verb.
➢ The word “by” is added.
➢ In negative sentences “not” is used after the helping verb.
➢ In interrogative sentence, helping verb is used in the beginning of
the sentence.

Helping verbs (is, am, are), are used. “Is, am” are used with singular and “are”
is used with plural.
➢ In negative sentence (do not / does not) are replaced by is not / are not.
➢ In interrogative sentence (is, are) is used in the start of the sentence.
For examples:
Active voice Passive Voice
He writes a letter. A letter is written by him.
I take tea. Tea is taken by me.
She drinks water. Water is drunk by her.
They recite the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is recited by them
We teach English. English is taught by us.
You attend the class. The class is attended by you.
Aslam miss a class A class is missed by Aslam.

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Helping verb (is being, am being) are used.

➢ In negative Sentence, “is not being” and “are not being” is used.
➢ In interrogative Sentence, “is” and “are” are used in the beginning of the
For examples:
He is playing cricket. Cricket is being played by him.
She is closing the door. The door is being closed by her.
They are cutting the trees. The trees are being cut by them.
You are inviting the guest. The guest is being invited by you.
Ihtesham is wasting the time. The time is being wasted by Ihtesham.
We are opening the door. The door is being opened by us.

Present Perfect Tense: ‫فعل حال مکمل‬

➢ Helping verbs (has been/ have been) are used.
➢ In negative sentence (has not been/ have not been) are used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (as/ have are used in the begging of the
For examples;
You have rung the bell. The bell has been rung by you.
You have called me. I have been called by you.
He has asked him He has been asked by him.
I have helped him. He has been helped by me.
We have supported them. They have been supported by us.

Helping verb (was/were) are used.

➢ In negative sentence (was not, were not) are used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (was not, were not) are used in the beginning
of the sentence.
For examples:
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

We bought two books. Two books were brought by us.

He wrote a letter. A letter was written by him.
He surprised a man. A man was surprised by him
You called him. He was called by you.

Helping verb (was being, were being) are used.

➢ In negative sentence (was not being, were not being) are used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (was, were) are used in the beginning of the
For examples:
I was writing a letter. A letter was being written by me.
He was pushing the door. The door was being pushed by him.
She was breaking the mirror. The mirror was being pushed by her.
They were supporting the poor. The poor were being supported by
He was breaking the chair. The chair was being broken by him.

Helping verb (had been) is used.

➢ In negative sentence (had not been) is used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (had) is inserted in the start of the sentence.
For examples:
He had sold his car. His car had been sold by him.
She had baked the bread. The bread had been baked by her.
You had plucked the flowers The flowers had been plucked by you.
He had broken the glass. The glass had been broken by him.
He had injured them. They had been injured by him.

Helping verbs (will be, shall be) are used.

➢ In negative sentence (will not be, shall not be) are used.
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

➢ In interrogative sentence (will, shall) are used in the beginning of the

For examples:
Kamran will help me. I shall be helped by Kamran.
You will take the tea. The tea will be taken by you.
He will call you. You will be called by him.
He will make the tea. The tea will be made by him.
I will write an essay. An essay will be written by me.

Helping verb (will being, shall being) are used.

➢ In negative sentence (will not being, shall not being) are used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (will, shall) are used in the beginning of the
For examples:
He will be closing the door. Te door will being closed by him.
You will be inviting me. I shall being invited by you.
I shall be plucking the flower. The flower will being plucked by me.
I shall be calling you. You will being called by me.
He will be stopping him. He will being stopped by him.

Helping verb (will have been, shall have been) are used.
➢ In negative sentence (shall not have been, will not have been) are used.
➢ In interrogative sentence (will, shall) are used in the beginning of the
For examples;
They will have eaten the mangoes. The mangoes will have been eaten by
You will have helped him. He will have been helped by him.
He will have broken the window. The window will have been broken by
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

They will have co-operated them. They will have been cooperated by
They will have opened the door. The door will have been opened by

“Let” is used in the beginning of the sentence.

➢ “Object” is placed immediately after the word “let”.
➢ Then the word “be” is used.
➢ Then 3rd form of the verb is used.
For examples:
Open the door. Let the door be opened.
Do not make a noise. Let a noise be not made.
Give me your book. Let your book be given to me.
Stop writing. Let writing be stopped.
Let me do my work. Let my work be done by me.
Obey your teachers. Let your teachers be obeyed.
Switch on the light. Let the light be switched on.
Do it. Let it be done.

A drowning man catches at a ‫ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا۔‬

A word to the wise ‫عقل مند کواشارہ ہی کافی ہے۔‬
A friend in need is a friend indeed ‫دوست وہ ہے جومصیبت میں کام آیے۔‬
A little knowledge is a dangerous ‫ نیم مال خطرہ ایمان۔‬،‫نمیم حکیم خطرہ جان‬
An idle brain is the devil’s ‫بیکار سے بییگار بھلی۔‬
A man is known by the company ‫آدمی اپنی صحبت سے پہچانا جاتا ھے۔‬
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

he keeps.
A lie has no legs to stand upon. ‫جھوٹ کے پاؤں کہاں۔‬
A wolf in sheep’s clothing. ‫بغل میں چھری منہ میں رام رام۔‬
A bird in hand is worth two in the ‫نو نقد نہ تیرا ادھار۔‬
A bad worker quarrels with his ‫ناچ نہ جانے آنگن ٹیڑھا۔‬
A rolling stone gathers no moss. ‫غیر مستقل مزاج شخص کامیاب نہں ہو تا۔‬
All is well that ends well. ‫انت بھال سو بھال۔‬
All that glitters is not gold. ‫ہاتھی کے دانت کھانے کے آور دکھانے‬
‫کے آور۔‬
A burnt child dreads the fire. ‫دودھ کا جال چھاچھ پھونک پھونک کر پیتا‬
A blind man is no judge of ‫اندھا کیا جانے بسنت کی بہار۔‬
As you sow, so shall you reap. ‫جیسا کروگے ویسا بھروگے۔‬
Barking dogs seldom bite. ‫جو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیں۔‬
Beauty needs no garments. ‫نہیں محتاج زیور کا جسے خوبی خدا نے‬
Cut your coat according to your ‫جتنی چادر دیکھو اتنے پاؤں پھیالؤ۔‬
Blood is thicker than water. ‫اپنا اپنا ہے پرایا پرایا۔‬
Do not put off till tomorrow what ‫آج کا کام کل پر مت چھوڑو۔‬
you can do today.
Easy come, easy go. ‫ بجایے حرام رفت۔‬،‫مال حرام بود‬
Be good and have good. ‫ا ہوبھال۔‬،‫کر بھال‬
As long as there is life there is ‫جب تک سانس تب تک آس۔‬
Between two stools one cometh ‫دو گھروں کا مہمان بھوکا رہتا ہے۔‬
to the ground.
Empty vessels make much noise. ‫تھوتھا چنا باجے گھنا۔‬
Cleanliness is next to godliness.‫صفایی پارسایی سے دوسرے درجےپر‬
Christmas comes but once a year. ‫ہر روز عید نیست عید کہ حلوہ خور‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Every tide has its ebb; every rise ‫ہرکمالے راز والے۔‬
has its
First come, first served. ‫پہلے پایے۔‬،‫پہلے آیے‬
God helps those who help ‫ مدد خدا۔‬،‫ہمت مرداں‬
Gone is the goose that laid the ‫وہ دن گیے جب خلیل خان فاختہ اڑایا‬
golden eggs. ‫کرتے تھے۔‬
Grapes are sour. ‫انگور کھٹے ہیں۔‬
Great boast, small roast. ‫پھیکا پکوان۔‬،‫اونچی دکان‬
Haste makes waste. ‫جلدع کام شیطان کا۔‬
He who digs a pit for others ‫چاہ کن راچادرپیش۔‬
himself falls into it.
Health is wealth. ‫تندرستی ہزار نعمت ہے۔‬
Honesty is the best policy. ‫دینتداری بھترین حکمت عملی ہے۔‬
It takes two to make a quarrel. ‫تالی ایک ہاتھ سے نہیں بجتی۔‬
It is casting pearls before swine. ‫یہ منہ اور مسور کی دال۔‬
Charity begins at home. ‫یول خویش بعدہ درویش۔‬
Let’s see which way the wind ‫دیکھیں اونٹ کس کروٹ بیٹھتا ہے۔‬
Think before you speak. ‫ پھر منہ سے بولو۔‬،‫پہلے بات کو تولو‬
Time and tide wait for none. ‫وقت کسی کا انتظا رنہیں کرتا۔‬
Tit for tat. ‫ادلے کا بدلہ۔‬
Two kill two birds with one stone. ‫آم کے گھٹلیوں کے دام۔‬
To nip the evil in the bud. ‫گریہ کشتن روزاول بہ‬
Too many cooks spoil the broth. ‫مالؤں میں مرغی حرام۔‬
Too much familiarity breeds ‫قدر کھوتا ہے ہر روز کا آنا جانا۔‬
Truth fears no examination. ‫سانچ کو آنچ نہیں۔‬
Two of a trade seldom agrees. ‫ایک میاں میں دو تلوار نہیں سماسکتیں۔‬
Union is strength. ‫اتفاق میں برکت ہے۔‬
What cannot be cured must be ‫ تو مو سلو کا کیا‬،‫جب اوکھلی میں دیا سر‬
endured. ‫ڈر۔‬
Where there is a well there is a ‫ وہاں راہ۔‬،‫جہاں چاہ‬
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

While in Rome, do as the Romans ‫ ویسا بھیس۔‬،‫جیسا دیس‬
Look before you speak. ‫ پھر بولو۔‬،‫پہلے تولو‬
Lover begets love. ‫دل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہے۔‬
Make hay while the sine shines. ‫بہتی گنگا میں ہاتھ دھولو۔‬

Might is right ‫اسکی بھینس۔‬،‫جس کی الٹھی‬

Money makes the mare go. ‫دام بنایے کام۔‬
Necessity is the mother of ‫ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے۔‬
Out of sight, out of mind. ‫آنکھ اوجھل پہاڑ اوجھل۔‬
Out of the frying pan into the fire. ‫ کجھور میں اٹکا۔‬،‫آسمان سے گرا‬
Penny wise, pound foolish. ‫اشرفیاں لٹیں کویلوں پر مھر۔‬
Practice makes the man perfect. ‫کام کو کام سکھاتا ہے۔‬
Prevention is better than cure. ‫پر ہیز عالج سے بہتر ہے۔‬
Pride has a fall. ‫غرور کا سر نیچا۔‬
Rome was not built in a day. ‫ہتھلی پر سرسوں نہیں جمتی۔‬
Self done is well done. ‫آپ کا مہا کاج۔‬
Self praise is no recommendation. ‫اپنے منہ میاں میٹھو۔‬
The face is an index of the mind. ‫آدمی اپنے چہرے سے پہچانا جاتا ہے۔‬
The nearer the church, the ‫چراغ تلے اندھیرا۔‬
farther from heaven.

Some important verb phrases
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Abide by ‫پاسداری کرنا‬ We should abide by the teaching‫ س‬of

the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
Abound in ‫ بکثرت پایا جانا‬Wild animals abound in Africa.

Abstain from ‫بچنا‬ Every Muslim should abstain himself

from unlawful (‫ )حرام‬act.
Accede to ‫مان لینا‬ Anas acceded to my suggestion and
listened to my lecture attentively.
Accompanied by ‫ہمراہ ہونا‬ Umar Hussain was accompanied by
Rahim Ullah when he went to offer
the prayer.
According to ‫کے مطا بق‬ I am working according to the time
Accuse of ‫الزام لگانا‬ The villager was accused of stealing
the books from the school.

Acquaintance with ‫تعارف ہونا‬ I have no acquaintance with your

Acquit of ‫بری کرنا‬ A man is acquitted of the charge of
Adapt to ‫کے مطابق ڈھالنا‬ We should not adapt ourselves to the
new customs.
Addicted to ‫عادی ہونا‬ Some people have addicted to heroin.
Adhere to ‫عادی ہونا‬ Aslam has adhered to his belief.
Admit to The patient has admitted to a hospital.
Affect by ‫متاثر ہونا‬ He has affected by a severe disease.
Affected with ‫ مبتال ھونا‬He was affected with cancer.
Agree to ‫ اتفاق رکھنا‬I cannot agree to his advice.
Alarmed at ‫خوفزدہ ہونا‬ My friend was alarmed when he heard
Alive to ‫ حساس ھونا‬He is quite alive to his weaknesses.

A light from ‫اترنا‬ Abdul Aziz began to alight from the car.
Ambition of ‫خواہشمد ہونا‬ Our scholar has no ambition of worldly
Amused at ‫خوش ہونا‬ Kamran was amused at seeing a match.
Annoyed with ‫ ناراض ہونا‬I am annoyed with Noman at his
negligence in studies.
Antipathy to ‫ نفرت‬We should not do antipathy to our
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Anxious for ‫فکر مند ہونا‬ Do not anxious for my job.
Appeal to ‫التماس‬ He has appealed to the court.
Appetite for ‫شوق ہونا‬ Hayat has appetite for vegetable.
Appoint to ‫مقررکرنا‬ He was appointed to the post of
Apt to ‫مایل کرنا‬ You are apt to make mistake.
Arrive at ‫آنا‬ My brother will arrive at 7 o’ clock.
Asked for ‫ طلب کرنا‬He asked him for a book.

Assist in ‫مدد کرنا‬ I always assist my students in studies.

Assure of ‫یقین دالنا‬ Most of the students assured me of
their full studies.
Attached to ‫ملحق ہونا‬ Our house is attached to our
neighbor’s home.
Attend on ‫خدمت کرنا‬ Many people attended on the
Authority for ‫اختیار‬ This is my authority for giving you my
‫ہونا‬ money.
Avail of ‫فایدہ اٹھانا‬ Mehran availed himself of this golden
Averse to ‫متنفر ہونا‬ Javid is averse to all types of hard
Aware of ‫باخبر ہونا‬ I m aware of his failure.
Bark at ‫بھونکنا‬ Dogs barked at Aslam.
Bear away ‫ حاصل کرنا‬Anas khan was lucky enough to bear
away first prize in English.
Bear out ‫تصدیق کرنا‬ The judge commanded to criminal to
bear out his statement.
Bear upon ‫اثر اندازہونا‬ My advice did not bear upon them.
Beat about ‫ ادھر ادھرکی باتیں کرنا‬Please come to the point, do not beat
about the bush.
Beg for ‫بھیک مانگنا‬ The beggar begs for help.
Begin with ‫آغاز‬ Began the program in Little scholars
‫ہونا‬ Public School with the recitation of
the Holy Quran.
Belong to ‫ملکیت‬ Our principal Sahib belongs to a noble
‫ہونا‬ family.
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Bestow on ‫عطا کرنا‬ Allah (‫ )سبحانہ وتعالی‬has bestowed on

us many blessings
Beware of ‫ٰباخبر رہنا‬ Beware of Satan that he is our enemy.
Bless with ‫نوازنا‬ Allah Almighty had blessed
Muhammad (‫ (ﷺ‬with good qualities.
Blind to ‫بے خبر ہونا‬ Our minister is blind to the problems
of our people.
Blow out ‫پھونک مارکر‬ Please blow out the candle.

Blow up ‫بارود سے اڑانا‬ Some stranger people tried to blow up

a film-shop.
Born of ‫ گھرانے سے تعلق ہونا‬He was born of wealth family.
Borrow from ‫قرض لینا‬ We should not borrow the money
from our friends.
Bound for ‫ جانے واال‬The ship is bound for Karachi.
Break down ‫ خراب ہو جانا‬If you do not sleep, your health will
break down
Break into ‫ نقب لگانا‬The thieves broke into the house of a
poor man.
Break open ‫ تالہ توڑنا‬The thieves broke open the house of a
wealthy man.
Break with ‫ دوستی ختم کرنا‬We should not break with Muslim
Bring down ‫ گرادینا‬The new taxes in Pakistan have
brought down our standard of living.
Bring out ‫ شایع کرنا‬Insha-Allah I will bring out my books.
Burst into ‫ بے اختیار رونا یا ہنسنا‬Aslam burst into tears.
Buy from ‫ کسی جگہ سے خریدنا‬I bought a pen from a small shop in
Kuza Bandai.
Call for ‫بالنا‬ Please call for the doctor.
Call on I called on my friend yesterday.
‫ملنے آنا‬
Capable of ‫اہل ہونا‬ You are not capable of doing this
Care of ‫خیال رکھنا‬ We should take care of small children.
Careful of ‫کسی چیز کی احتیاط کرنا‬ Hayat should be very careful of his
Carry on ‫جاری رکھنا‬ The teacher said to Umar Hussain to
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

carry on his presentation.

Catch at ‫سہارا لینا‬ A drowning man catches at a straw.
Caution against ‫آگاہ کرنا‬ The teacher cautioned the children
against fire.
Celebrate with ‫منانا‬ The entire Muslims celebrate Eidul
Azha with great pomp and show.
Charge with ‫الزام لگانا‬ A man was charged with damaging the
school property.
Check from ‫باز رکھنا‬ I checked Aslam from smoking.
Close to ‫قریب ہونا‬ Little Scholars Public School is close to
Umar ibn Khattab Mahalla.
Coincide with ‫منطبق ہونا‬ My opinion coincides with you.
Come about ‫واقع ہونا‬ How did this accident come about?
Come by ‫حاصل کرنا‬ How did Javid come by such a good
Come down upon ‫مالمت کرنا‬ Our principal came down upon
Come off ‫منعقد ہونا‬ When will such program come off?
Come up with ‫ساتھ جاملنا‬ My friend Basharat Qari Sahib soon
came up with me.
Comment on ‫تبصرہ کرنا‬ I want to comment on my some
Common to ‫مشترکہ ہونا‬ This quality is common to all metals.
Compare with ‫موازنہ کرنا‬ Swat is often compared with
Complain against ‫کسی سے شکایت کرنا‬ The peon complained to the principal
against students.
Comply with ‫تعمیل کرنا‬ The people must comply with the
order of their sincere king.
Condole with ‫تعزیت کرنا‬ I condoled with my neighbor on the
death of his father.
Confide to ‫اعتبار کرنا‬ Do not confide secretes to
Confident in him ‫یقین ہونا‬ I am confident in Saqib that he will get
first position in his class.
Connection with ‫تعلق ہونا‬ He has no connection with stranger
Consists of ‫مشتمل ہونا‬ Pakistan consists of four provinces.
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Conversation with ‫کسی سے گفتگو‬ I held a long conversation with my

Correct in ‫ درست ہونا‬He was correct in his opinion.
Count on ‫ بھروسہ کرنا‬Do not count on the friendship with
Deal in ‫ کاروبار کرنا‬Aslam deals in Islamabad.
Dear to ‫ عزیز ہونا‬I am dear to my mother.
Delight in ‫ خوشی محسوس کرنا‬He takes delight in the company of his
Delighted with ‫خوش ہونا‬ He has delighted with my success.
Demand from ‫ طلب کرنا‬The people have demanded from
government to solve their problems.
Die of ‫بیماری سے مرنا‬ He was died of TB.
Devoted to ‫ وقف کرنا‬We should ourselves to Islam.
Dispose of ‫ فروخت کرنا‬Abdul Aziz has disposed of his car.
Do up ‫باندھنا‬ Do up your luggage.
Due to ‫ کی بدولت‬He has got success due to his study.
Employ in ‫ میں مالزم ہونا‬My brother is employed in a shop.
Enlist in ‫ بھرتی ہونا‬Akram has enlisted as a doctor in
Enquire after ‫ بیمار پرسی‬I enquired after my friend in hospital.
Enquire of ‫معلوم کرنا‬ You may enquire of Aslam about the
health of his father.
Entrust to ‫حوالہ کرنا‬ I have entrusted my money to my
Envious of ‫حسد کرنا‬ He is envious of his neighbor.
Fail in ‫ناکام ہونا‬ Hamza has badly failed in English.
Faith in ‫اعتماد ہونا‬ He has no faith in him.
Fall in ‫قطار میں کھڑا ہونا‬ The soldiers were commanded to fall
Fall into ‫کسی چیز میں گرنا‬ He who digs a pit for other himself
falls into it.
Feed on ‫پرورش پانا‬ Certain animals feed on grass.
Get along ‫گزارہ کرنا‬ How are you getting along these days?
Get into ‫سوار ہونا‬ He got into rickshaw.
Get over ‫غلبہ پانا‬ You should try to get over your
Give up ‫ترک کرنا‬ A Jew gave up his religion and
A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

accepted Islam.

Harmful to ‫نقصان دہ‬ Smoking is harmful to our health.

Hide from ‫کسی سے کچھ چھپانا‬ Do not hide anything from me.
Hint at ‫اشارہ کرنا‬ He hinted at the possibility of his
going to abroad country.
Honest in ‫دیانتدار ھونا‬ The shopkeeper is honest in his
dealing with the customers.
Hope of ‫امید ہونا‬ There is no hope of his coming today.
Ignorant of ‫بے خبر ہونا‬ I am ignorant of your brother.
Impart to ‫ظا ہر کرنا‬ He will impart this information to his
Import from into ‫در آمد کرنا‬ Suzuki cars are imported from Japan
into Pakistan.
Impose on ‫عاید کرنا‬ Principal Sahib has imposed a heavy
fine on the absentees.
Impress with ‫متاثر کرنا‬ I was impressed with his character.
Jealous of ‫حاسد ھونا‬ Javid was jealous of my position in the
Jeer at ‫مذاق اڑانا‬ Do not jeer at the poor people.
Join in ‫شامل ھونا‬ All of the students joined in the
Junior to ‫مرتبہ چھوٹا ھونا‬ He is junior to me.
Judge of ‫اندازہ لگانا‬ Never judge the enemy at the time of
Keep away ‫دور رکھنا‬ Keep away yourselves from
Keep up ‫بر قرار رکھنا‬ I hope that you will keep up your
Kind to ‫کسی پر مہربان ہونا‬ Be kind to animals.
Knock at ‫دستک دینا‬ He knocked at the door of his friend.
Knock against ‫ٹکرا جانا‬ He was knocked against the wall.
Lack in ‫کسی شخص میں کسی چیز کی کمی‬ His brother lacks in courage.
Lack of ‫کمی ہونا‬ Crop died for the lack of water.
Lame of ‫لنگڑا ہونا‬ His horse is lame of one leg.
Laugh at ‫مذاق اڑانا‬ Do not laugh at poor.
Look at ‫کی طرف دیکھنا‬ Please look at your books.
Listen to ‫غور سے سننا‬ Listen to my advice attentively.
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Look after ‫دیکھ بال کرنا‬ She looks after her baby.
Made from ‫سے بنا ہونا‬ Paper is made from straw.
Made of ‫کا بنا ہوا‬ This chair is made of wood.
Make for ‫کی طرف بھاگ جانا‬ The criminals made for the hill.
Make out ‫سمجھ میں آنا‬ I cannot make out the meaning of this
Marry to ‫کسی سے شادی کرنا‬ She was married to a rich man.
Necessary for ‫ضروری‬ Pure water is necessary for good
Necessity for ‫ضرورت ہونا‬ There is necessity for rain in these.
Need for ‫ضرورت‬ Javid has no need for your help.
Need of ‫ضرورت ہونا‬ Aslam is need of money.
Notorious for ‫بدنام‬ He is notorious for gambling.
Obedient to ‫فرمانبردار‬ We should be obedient to every
command of Allah (‫)سبحانہ و تعلی‬.
Object to ‫اعتراض کرنا‬ The students objected to their class
Oblige to ‫ممنون ہونا‬ The clerk is obliged to his officer for
supporting him.
Occupy in ‫کام میں مصروف ہونا‬ The student is occupying in study.
Order for ‫آرڈر دینا‬ He has ordered for a new car.
Pass away ‫فوت ہوجانا‬ MY father has passed away in 2003.
May Allah grant him Jannatul-Firdus.
Pardon of ‫معافی مانگنا‬ I beg pardon of you.
Pass by ‫قریب سے گزرنا‬ The passenger passed by our house.
Pass over ‫نظر انداز کرنا‬ He passed over the detail of my
Plot against ‫سازش کرنا‬ The minister plotted against the king.
Qualify for ‫قابلیت رکھنا‬ He is not qualified for teaching.
Quarrel with ‫جگھڑنا‬ Aslam quarreled with Javid over his
Quote from ‫حوالہ دینا‬ The reader quoted several Ayahs
(verses) from the Holy Quran.
Reason with ‫کسی شخص سے بحث کرنا‬ He reasoned with him about his
Reckon on ‫بھروسہ‬ Pakistan should not reckon on the
help of other countries.
Reconcile with ‫کسی سے صلح کرنا‬ The muslims should reconcile with
each other.
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Regard for ‫لحاظ ہونا‬

He has no regard for my services.
Rejoice at ‫خوشی منانا‬
My mother rejoiced at the brilliant
success of my brother.
Save from ‫بچانا‬ Allah saves us from danger.
Senior to ‫ عمر یا مرتبہ میں بڑا‬He is senior to me.
Sorry for ‫ افسوس کرنا‬You must feel sorry for your wrong
Side with ‫ حمایت کرنا‬Aslam always sides with the week
against the strong.
Similar to ‫ مشابہ ہونا‬Your car is similar to my car.
Take after ‫ مشابہ ہونا‬The son takes after his father.
Take off ‫ راوانہ ہونا‬The airplane took off at the right time.
Talk over ‫تبادلہ خیال کرنا‬ We shall take over this matter by
Turn down ‫ مسترد کنا‬He turned down my advice.
True to ‫ قول کا سچا‬He is true to his word.
Useful for ‫ مفید ہونا‬Exercise is very useful for health.

Pairs of Words
Except ‫کے عالوہ‬ All the students were present except Aslam.
Affect ‫اثر کرنا‬ The murder affected his heart disease.
Effect ‫اثر کرنا‬ My speech has some effects when you
listen to it.
Artisan ‫کاریگر‬ He is a famous artisan.
Artist ‫فن کار‬ He is an artist of painting.
Air ‫ہوا‬ I like cool air in the morning.
Heir ‫وارث‬ Javid is an heir of a huge property.
Angels ‫مالیک‬ Allah revealed angels to help Muslims in
the Battle of Badr.
Angle ‫زاویہ‬ Triangle has three angles.
Bad ‫برا‬ I do not like such student whose character
is bad.
Bade ‫حکم کرنا‬ The king bade him to leave his court.
Bail ‫ضمانت‬ The court released a person on bail.
Bale ‫بنڈل‬ The shopkeeper has sold so many bales of
Bare ‫ننگا‬ The women should not keep their heads
bare before men.
Bear ‫ریچھ‬ I have not seen bear.
Berry ‫ایک پھل کا نام‬ He sells berries in the street.
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Bury ‫دفن کرنا‬ He was buried in Karachi.

Berth ‫نشت‬ This berth was revised for him.
Birth ‫پیدایش‬ Tell me about your date of birth.
Born ‫پیدا ہونا‬Ihtesham was born in Kuza Bandai.
Borne ‫برداشت کرنا‬ The followers of the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
have borne many hardships.
Break ‫ توڑنا‬He breaks the sticks of jungle.
Brake ‫ رکنے کا آلہ‬The brake of motor is out of order.
Cannon ‫توپ‬ The cannons are used in the war.
Canon ‫اصول‬ There is a separate canon for every
Canvas ‫ موٹا کپڑا‬My green bag is made of canvas.
Canvass ‫ ترغیب دینا‬Canvass to your friend for hard work.
Cast ‫ ڈالنا‬Cast your glance according carefully.
Caste ‫ذات‬ He is Mia by caste.
Ceiling ‫ چھت کا اندرونی حصہ‬The ceiling of our class has painted.
Sealing ‫گوند‬ He sold the sealing-wax.
Cattle ‫ مویشی‬The cattle are grazing in the field.
Kettle )‫ دیگچی (چایے کا برتن‬My mother put the kettle on fire.
Cell ‫ کوٹھڑی‬The prisoner is imprisoned in a cell.
Sell ‫ فروخت کرنا‬He is selling the vegetable across the
Check ‫ پڑتال کرنا‬The police did not check the vehicle.

Direct and Indirect Speech

The words spoken by a person can be conveyed to another person in two
Direct 2. Indirect
Suppose your friend, whose name is Rooh-Ul- Amin, tells you in school, “I have
lost my umbrella. You come home and want to tell your brother that your
friend has told you. There are two ways to tell him.
Direct speech: Rooh-Ul -Amin said, “I have lost my umbrella.”
Indirect speech: Rooh-Ul-Amin said that he had lost his umbrella.
In indirect speech, the original words of the person are repeated and enclosed
in inverted commas (“…”). No change is made in the original words of the
speaker. The sentence consists of two parts: the part enclosed in inverted
commas is called reported speech and the part not enclosed in inverted
commas is called reporting speech. The verb of the reported speech is called

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

reported verb and the verb of the reporting speech is called reporting verb.
The first letter of the reported speech always begins with a capital letter.
In indirect speech, some changes are made in the original words of the speaker
because indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past. Therefore, the
tense and pronouns are changed accordingly. In indirect speech the word of a
person are not enclosed in inverted commas. The conjunction ‘that is usually
used to introduce words. However, in many cases ‘that may also be omitted;
He told him that he was happy.
He told him he was happy.
Rules for Changing Direct Speech into
When we change direct speech into indirect some changes are usually
necessary, which are as follow:
The pronouns of the reported speech are changed according to the pronouns
of the reporting speech.
Direct speech: He said to me, “I don’t help you.”
Indirect Speech: He said to me that he did not help me.
Direct speech: He said to him, “I don’t help you.”
Indirect speech: He said to him that he did not help him.
Direct speech: I said to him, “I don’t help you.”
Indirect speech: I told him I did not help him.
Direct speech: I said to you, “I don’t help you.”
Indirect speech: I told you I did not help you.
If the reporting speech is in the past tense then the tense of the reported
speech will change. If the reporting speech is in the present or future tense
then the tense of the reported speech will not change.
Direct speech: She said, “I have finished my work.”
Indirect speech: She said that she had finished her work.
Direct speech: She says, “I have finished my work.”
Indirect speech: She says that she has finished her work.
Direct speech: She will say, “I have finished my work.”
Indirect speech: She would say that she has finished her work.
Rules for Present Indefinite Tense
If the reporting speech is in the past tense, the present indefinite
tense in the reported speech is changed is changed into the past
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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Direct speech: She said, “He goes to school daily.”

Indirect speech: She said that he went to school daily.
Direct speech: They said, “We love our country.”
Indirect speech: They said that they loved their country.
Rules for Present Continuous Tense
If the reporting speech is in the past tense, the present continuous
tense in the reported speech is changed into the past continue
Direct tense: I said, “It is raining.”
Indirect tense: I said that it was raining.
Direct speech: He said, “He said, “Nasar Ali is listening to the news.”
Indirect speech: He said that Nasar Ali was listening to the news.
Rules for Present Perfect Tense
If the reported speech in the past tense, the present perfect tense in
the reported speech is changed into the past perfect tense.
Direct speech: They said, “We have gone to Peshawar.”
Indirect speech: They said that they had gone to Peshawar.
Direct speech: I said, “He has eaten the meal.”
Indirect speech: I said that he had eaten the meal.

Rules for Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I the reporting speech is in the past tense, the present perfect
continuous tense in the reported speech is changed into the past
perfect continuous tense.
Direct speech: He said, “I have been studying since 3 o’clock.’
Indirect speech: He said that he had been studying since 3 o’clock.
Direct speech: They said, “It has been raining for three days.”
Indirect speech: “They said that it had been raining for three days.
Rules for Past Indefinite Tense
If the reporting speech in the past tense, the past indefinite tense in
the reported speech is changed into the past perfect tense.
Direct speech: He said, “I spoke the truth.”
Indirect speech: He said that he had spoken the truth.
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Direct speech: Abbas said, “They went to school.”

Indirect speech: Abbas said that they had gone to school.
Rules for Past Continuous Tense
If the reporting speech is in the past tense, the past continuous in
the reported speech is changed into the past perfect continuous
Direct speech: He said to me, “I was waiting for you.”
Indirect speech: He said to me that he had been waiting for me.
Direct speech: Usman said, “I was going to Matta.”
Indirect speech: Usman said that he had been going to Matta.
Rules for Universal Truth
If the reported speech is a universal truth, then its tense does not
change in the indirect speech.
Direct speech: He said, “The sky is blue.”
Indirect speech: He said that the sky is blue.
Direct speech: The old man said, “Allah (SWT) is one.”
Indirect speech: “The old man said that Allah (SWT) is one.
Rules for future Tense
If the reporting speech is in the past tense then shall or will in the
reported speech is changed into would, can into could, may into
might and must into had to.
Direct speech: He said, “I shall come.”
Indirect speech: He said that he would come.
Direct speech: They said to me, “We will send you gifts.”
Indirect speech: They said to me that they would send me gifts.
Direct speech: She said, “I can drive a car.”
Indirect speech: She said that she could drive a car.
Direct speech: He said, “I may visit a doctor.”
Indirect speech: He said that he might visit a doctor.
Direct speech: I said, “I must work hard.”
Indirect speech: “I said that I had to work hard.
Direct speech: He said to me, “You must learn this lesson.”
Indirect speech: He said to me that I had to learn that lesson.
Rules for Common Information

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Words indicating nearness of time or place in the direct speech are

changed into those indicating distance of time and place in the
direct form. Thus,
Today changes that day or the same day.
Tomorrow changes the next day or the following day.
Yesterday changes to the previous day or the day before.
Next week, month, year, changes to the following week, month and
Last week, month, year changes to the previous week, month and
Last week, month and year changes to the previous week, month
and year.
The day before yesterday, changes to two days before.
The day after tomorrow changes to in two days time or two days
Now changes to then
Ago changes to before
Here changes to there
This changes to that
These changes to those
Direct speech: He said, “I will buy a book tomorrow.”
Indirect speech: He said that he would buy a book the next day.
Direct speech: He said, “I am happy now.”
Indirect speech: He said that he was happy then.
Direct speech: Saqib said, “I like this book.”
Indirect speech: Saqib said that he liked that book.
Direct speech: They said, “We arrived here yesterday.”
Indirect speech: They said that they had arrived there the previous day.”
Direct speech: He said, “I saw that man long ago.”
Indirect speech: He said that he had seen that man long before.
Rules for Interrogative Sentences
For changing the interrogative sentences from the direct into the indirect
speech, we follow the follow rules:
1. The reporting verb is changed into words such as asked, enquired,
demanded, etc.
2. The conjunction ‘that is not used to introduce the reported
3. The sign of interrogation (?) is replaced by full stop.
Direct speech: He said to me, “Why are you late
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Indirect speech: He asked me why I was late.
Direct speech: I said to him, “Who are you?”
Indirect speech: I enquired of him who he was. Or I asked him who he
4. When the question begins indirect speech: Teacher asked him what
his name was.
5. When the question begins with the auxiliary verb (is, have, may, are
can, shall, etc.) if or whether is used to introduce reported speech.
With an interrogative word (why, where, what, which, who, etc.) the
same word is used o introduce the reported speech.
Direct speech: He said to me, “How are you?”
Indirect speech: He asked me how I was.
Direct speech: Teacher said to him, “What is your name?”
Direct speech: He said to me, “Are you feeling well?”
Indirect speech: He asked me if I was feeling well.
Direct speech: I said to him, “Will you come tomorrow?”
Indirect speech: I asked him if he would come the next day.
Direct speech: Hamzah said to me, “Did you go to university?”
Hamzah asked me whether I had gone to university.
Direct speech: He said to his son, “Have you taken the breakfast?”
Indirect speech: He asked his son whether he had taken the breakfast.
Rules for Imperative sentences
A sentence that expresses command, request advice, or
suggestion is called imperative sentence.
While changing such sentences from direct into indirect speech we
follow the following rules:
1. The reporting verb is changed into word like ordered, requested, asked,
advised, suggested, etc. depending upon the nature of the imperative
sentence in the reported speech.
2. The conjunction ‘that is not used to introduce the reported speech.
3. The reported verb is changed into an infinitive the word to before it
Direst speech: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen.”
Indirect speech: He requested his friend to lend him his pen.
Direct speech: He said to his son, “Work hard if you want to succeed.”
Indirect speech: He advised his son to work hard if he wanted to
Direct speech: The teacher said to him, “Get out.”
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Indirect speech: The teacher ordered him to get out.

Direct speech: The father said to his son, “Don’t mix with bad boys.”
Indirect speech: The father advised his son not to mix with bad boys.
Direct speech: I said to him, “Let us go for a walk.”
Indirect speech: I suggested to him to go for a walk.

Rules for Exclamatory Sentences

A sentence, which expresses emotion of joy, sorrow, wonder, etc.
is called exclamatory sentence. When we change such sentences
from direct indirect speech, we follow the following rues:
1. The reporting verb is changed into expression such as exclaimed
with joy, exclaimed with sorrow, exclaimed with wonder, etc.
depending upon the nature exclamation in the reported speech.
2. All interjections are omitted and the sigh of exclamation is
replaced by full stop at the end of each sentence.
Direct speech: He said, “Hurrah! I won the prize.”
Indirect speech: He exclaimed with joy that he had won the prize.
Direct speech: He said, “Alas! I failed in the exam.”
Indirect speech: He exclaimed with sorrow that he had failed in the
Direct speech: “Gul Makkai said, “Wow! What a nice shirt it is?”
Indirect speech: Gul Makkai exclaimed with wonder that it was a nice a
Direct speech: He said, “Oh no! “I missed the train.”
Indirect speech: He exclaimed with sorrow that he had missed the train.
Direct speech: He said to him, “May you live long!”
Indirect speech: He prayed (wished) that he might live long.
Direct speech: He said to him, “May you succeed.”
Indirect speech: He wished his success.
Direct speech: He said to him, “Good bye.”
Indirect speech: He bade him farewell.

1. Dialogue between a Teacher and a Student
who comes late
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Student: May I come in, Sir?

Teacher: Yes, stand here. Why do you always come late?

Student: Sir it is the bus, which makes me late.

Teacher: What time do you leave home?

Student: I always leave home at quarter to eight.

Teacher: How far is your home from here?

Student: It is about three kilometers from here.

Teacher: That is why you get late. You leave your home very late.

Student: Sir, I take my breakfast at 7:30 am.

Teacher: What time do you get up?

Student: I get up about 7: am.

Teacher: Don’t you offer your prayer?

Student: Not regularly.

Teacher: My dear. It is a bad habit. Change your routine. Always get up early
in the morning. Offer your prayers and go for a morning walk.

Student: Sir, there is no park near our village.

Teacher: No problem. You can walk along the street in the morning. Take
breakfast at right time and then leave for school.

Student: You are right, Sir. Insha-Allah from tomorrow, I shall never be late.

Teacher: Good. One thing more keep in mind, regularity and punctuality
conquer the mountains.

Student: Thank you very much for your good advice. May I sit now, Sir?

Teacher: Oh Yes, of course.

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2. A Dialogue between Customer and

Customer: Assalamo Alaikum!

Shopkeeper: Walaikum Salam, Sir, What do you want?

Customer: A pair of shoes and a pair of socks.

Shopkeeper: Here are they all.

Customer: Thank you. Let me see. This pair of shoes will not suit me. It is
too tight.

Shopkeeper: Well I shall change it.

Customer: This fits me see the socks.

Shopkeeper: Here it is.

Customer: No, this will not do, I do not like the colour.

Shopkeeper: What colour do you prefer, sir?

Customer: Black.

Shopkeeper: We have not got that in our stocks. But I show you far super
quality of different colour.

Customer: No, thank you. I don’t want it. What is the bill amount?

Shopkeeper: Take one thousand and seven hundred only.

Customer: Here is the sum.

Shopkeeper: Thanks.

Customer: Assalamo Alaikum.

Shopkeeper: Walaikum: Salam.

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Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

3. A Dialogue between a Teacher and a

Student about Homework
Teacher: Assalamo Alaikum.

Student: Walaikum Salam, Sir.

Teacher: Nasar, bring your homework notebook to me.

Nasar: Sorry sir. I forgot my note book at home.

Teacher: Did you do your homework at home?

Student: Yes, sir. But I left my note book at home.

Teacher: How is it possible? I think you have not completed your homework
and it is just an excuse.

Student: Sorry Sir. In fact, I had to go to my uncle’s yesterday.

Teacher: Do you prefer other things to your studies? Very strange thing!

Student: My father asked me to go there.

Teacher: That’s right. After coming back, you could have completed your

Student: It was late at night when I came back.

Teacher: If you do not work regularly, you will fail in the exam. Keep in mind
that regularity and punctuality conquers mountains.

Student: Next time, I shall be careful.

Teacher: One more thing. There is nothing important than studies in the

Student: I have realized it Sir.

Teacher: Now you must develop your routine and show me your note book

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Student: O.K .Sir. I will complete my note-book today.

Teacher: Now you sit down.

Student: Thank you Sir.

4. A Dialogue Between two Friends Regarding

Umair: Assalamo Alaikum, Nasar.

Nasar: Walaikum Salam. Where are you going?

Umair: I am going to mosque to offer my prayers. It is morning time. What

about you?

Nasar: I am going to garden for a morning walk.

Umair: Don’t you offer your prayers?

Nasar: I do sometimes but not regularly.

Umair: It is very bad. Man must offer his prayers regularly. You know man
finds real peace and comport only in prayers.

Nasar: I know but it is just laziness.

Umair: Alhamdulillah (All praise is to Allah)’ I always prefer prayers. I offer

my prayers. If I miss my prayers, I get disturbed.

Nasar: That is a good thing. I will also try.

Umair: You must make up your mind to offer your prayer. If a person shuns
his prayers accidentally on purpose, it is a great sin.

Nasar: If someone is busy at prayers time then?

Umair: He should stop his business and offer his prayers.

Nasar: You are right.

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Umair: When a man offers his prayers, he lives neat and clean life. Everybody
respect him.

Nasar: From today, I will also offer my prayers five times a day.

Umair: That’s very good. We are getting late. Let’s go and offer our prayer

Nasar: Let’s go.

6. A Dialogue Between two Boys Discussing

the Holidays Plans
Akram: Hurrah! Only ten days to the holidays

Anwar: I know. I have been counting the days. I am just sick of school.

Akram: So am I. What are you going to do with your holidays?

Anwar: I should like to go to the hills for a change. But that means money,
and I don’t think my father will give it to me. What are you going to do?

Akram: Oh, I shall go home. My home is in the hilly part, where it is fairly
cool in the summer; and I think I shall find plenty to do there.

Anwar: You are lucky. My home is in the plains and it is very hot, and I soon
get tired of the small village life.

Akram: Well, look here! Why not come to my home and stay with me for a
few weeks?

Anwar: That would be fine. But I don’t suppose your father would want me
there. I should only be in the way.

Akram: Not at All! Father told me last year, when I was at home, that I
should bring one of my school fellows with me, and have a good time. So come

Anwar: I should like it! It’s very kind of you.

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Akram: Splendid! We can have some good time together, let’s go.

7. A dialogue Between a Student and a Bus

Conductor about Fare
Conductor: Ticket. Ticket please.

Student: I am a student. How much up to Lahore?

Conductor: Rs, 16, Sir

Student: But student gets half fare concession.

Conductor: Are you going to your school?

Student: No, I am going to my uncle.

Conductor: Do you thing that you deserve concession?

Student: Yes, because I don’t earn money.

Conductor: It is the wrong policy of the government to give concession to

the students wherever they go.

Students: It is better for the students.

Conductor: I don’t agree. In this way, most of the students keep on


Student: Without purpose nobody goes anywhere.

Conductor: This is the problem. Most of the students misuse this facility.
They have given up their studies and keep on moving about.

Student: I don’t believe. The students who are supposed to study they are

Conductor: Do you have your identity card?

Student: Sorry. I forgot it back home.

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Conductor: How can I come to know that you are a student? Is it written on
your face?

Student: I am sorry. Here is half ticket.

Conductor: Ok. But next time, you must have your card with you.

Student: Ok. Sir, thank you.

8. A Dialogue between a Policeman and a

Policeman: Excuse me. Stop. The light is red.

Student: I am sorry. I did not notice.

Policeman: Most of the people are in hurry.

Student: If a man is in a hurry, he has to violate a signal.

Policeman: The signals are for you people.

Student: But sometimes, they are very long.

Policeman: It depends. Laws are for everybody.

Student: I don’t agree. Laws are usually for the poor.

Policeman: No one is rich or poor in the eyes of a law. It is equal to all.

Student: But it is usually does not happen. The poor are challenged and fined,
not the rich.

Policeman: You are mistaken. Throughout my service, I have treated


Student: Exceptions are there. You may do your duty honestly.

Policeman: It is the same with everybody. If you are good, everyone is


A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Student: It is not a general practice. I have different experience. If you do a

good turns, you get a bad one.

Policeman: No. Always keep in mind. Do well and have well.

Student: It is an old saying now.

Policeman: This is a universal truth. It is ever green. It never becomes old.

Student: O.K. If you say, I agree.

Policeman: Thank you. One thing always keeps in mind. Don’t find fault
with other.

Student: Thank you for your advice. Good bye.

Policeman: Good bye.

9. A Dialogue between a Patient and a Doctor

Patient: Assalamo Alaikum doctor Sahib! May you spare me a few minutes?

Doctor: Walaikum Salaam. Certainly! Come in and sit down, what is the
matter with you?

Patient: That is just what I want you to tell me.

Doctor: Well, tell me how you are suffering?

Patient: I seem to be generally out of sorts. I have no appetite for my food,

and yet I am always suffering from indigestion.

Doctor: Are you trouble with headaches?

Patient: Yes, I am. What is worse I cannot sleep at night.

Doctor: I see, what is your work?

Patient: I am a clerk in an office, and have to work long hours.

Doctor: What sort of exercise do you take in the evening?

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Patient: I am afraid, I don’t take any. I feel so tired when I get home that I
simply want to sit down, or go to bed.

Doctor: I see. Well, you are evidently run down, and need a rest and change.
All your troubles are signs of nervous exhaustion. I will give you a nerve tonic
but the main thing is rest. If you do as I say, you will soon be all right.

Patient: I will follow your advice, thank you.

Doctor: Good bye

10. Conversation between a New Student and

the Class Teacher
Student: Assalamo Alaikum. May I come in, Sir?

Teacher: Walaikum Salaam. Yes, come in.

Student: Sir, I am a new student of your class.

Teacher: What’s your name?

Student: My name is Adnan.

Teacher: This is class 9th section A.

Student: Sir, I have been Admitted to class 9th, section A.

Teacher: Where’s your admission card?

Student: Here it is, Sir.

Teacher: Where did you pass your previous examination?

Student: I passed my previous examination from Government High School

Lower Sher Palam.

Teacher: What was your division?

Student: I obtained first division with distinction in English and Mathematics.

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)
Important Structure of English Grammar (by Muhammad Alamgir)

Teacher: Very good, you seem to be a good student.

Student: May I have your introduction, please?

Teacher: Yes, I am Muhammad Alamgir.

Student: What subject do you teach, Sir?

Teacher: I teach General English.

Student: English is my favorite subject.

Teacher: Adnan, where do you live?

Student: Sir, I live at Muslim Abad.

Teacher: How will you come to school?

Student: Sir, I will come by playing coach.

Teacher: O.K. Please sit down in the second row. There is vacant seat.

Student: Thank you, Sir.

**‫*اَلــــــ َحــــــمــــ ُد ِلـــــلّٰــــہ‬

A gift to Little Scholars Public School Kuza Bandai (From Muhammad Alamgir)

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