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Hi, I am Remar Ecal, 22 years old, from Legaspi City, and now I am officially
a Student Teacher at Gogon High School. It’s my honor to be part of this up-
growing institution as my training ground for becoming a teacher, and I hope we’ll
get along with each other.

As a person, I am honestly very sensitive in different ways, but I am also

enthusiastic, understanding, and kind. I do have a traumatic experience when it
comes to facing crowds or even starting a conversation with them, and I have been
trying to overcome it for about a decade now. I hope that I’ll be able to come
across with it here at Gogon High. I am also an easy-going person, and talkative
when I am comfortable with someone.

I hope that our cooperating teacher will be understanding, and I hope she will
motivate us even better because I am a very motivated person. I mean, when
someone is motivating me, I am even more dedicated to learn new things. What I
promise is that I will give my hundred percent dedication to this training and will
put in an extra effort for the things about which I don't have much knowledge. I’m
just so excited to work with the best people. I really wanted to gain lots of
knowledge from my cooperating teacher, and I know that she will give us the best
learning and teaching techniques that she has. I don’t have much to say; I’m just
too thrilled for my upcoming days here. Thank You!

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