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Let there be two pixels:

One pixel which is outside (A), and the other pixel which is inside (B) the circle boundary,

Let their coordinates be:

For A: (xk+1, yk)


For B: (xk+1, yk-1)


Then, the co-ordinates of mid-point be

MP= [((xk+1+xk+1)/2) , ((yk+yk-1) /2)]

(xk +1 , yk-1 / 2)

Now, put MP in the equation of circle x2 + y2 - r2 = 0

(xk +1 )2 + (yk-1 / 2)2 - r2

Let us define this equation as the decision parameter, using the mid-point M P:

Pk = ( xk+1 )2 + ( yk-1 / 2 )2 - r2                                                              -----(1)

 Let us define the successive decision parameter, Pk+1:

Pk+1 = ( xk+1 + 1 )2 + ( yk+1-1 / 2 )2 - r2                                                  -----(2)

Subtracting eq.(1) from eq.(2);

Pk+1- Pk = ( xk+1+1 )2 + ( yk+1-1 / 2 )2- r2 - [ (xk+1)2 + ( yk-1 /2 )2 - r2]

Now put xk+1 = xk+1

             = (xk+1 + 1)2 + (yk+1-1 / 2)2 - r2 - [ (xk+1)2 + (yk-1 / 2)2 - r2 ]
             = (xk+1 + 1)2 - (xk+1)2 + ( yk+1-1 / 2 )2- ( yk-1 / 2 )2
 Pk+1= Pk + 2xk +3 + (yk+1)2 – yk+1- (yk)2 + yk
If Pk < 0:           yk+1 =  yk                (choose point A)

Pk+1= Pk+ 2xk + 3

If Pk > 0:           yk+1 = yk - 1     (choose point B)                                                      

Pk+1 = Pk + 2xk + 2yk + 5

Let us calculate the initial decision parameter (P0) where the initial points will be defined as (0, r) [which is the first point to be
plotted of the first octant].

On putting these coordinates in eq. (1) in place of xk and yk, we get:

P0= ( 0 + 1 )2 + ( r-1 / 2 )2 - r2

P0 = 5/4 - r

If r is an integer:
P0 = 1 - r

If r is a floating point:
P0 = 5/4 - r

The Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm

Step 1: Start.

Step 2: Declare x, y, r, xc , yc , P as variables, where (xc , yc) are coordinates of the center.
Step 3: Put x = 0 and y = r

Step 4: Repeat the steps while x ≤ y;

Step 5: Plot (x, y).

Step 6: if (P < 0):

                 Set P = P + 2x + 3
             else if (P >= 0):
                  Set P = P + 2(x-y) + 5
                   y = y - 1
 Step 7: Do x = x + 1
Step 8: End

Formulas used:

For Pk < 0 :
Pk+1=Pk+ 2xk+3

For Pk ≥ 0 :
Pk + 2xk+2yk+5

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