PPST Final Explanation

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I’ll be discussing one of the standards that teachers should follow that is the PPST or
the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, when you become teachers you
really have to strive to be considered quality teachers so when we speak of quality
teachers they are the competent teachers they know what to do in the teaching arena
they know exactly what to teach the students they know how to teach the students and
they know how to mingle with everyone around them. alright and the quality teachers
are as well teachers with global competencies who are able to demonstrate knowledge
skills values and dispositions as mandated in the PPST or the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers and that is what we are going to discuss today and other than
that quality teachers are global teachers Ok when we speak of local teachers a
combination of being globally competitive and globally comparative and local teachers
meaning these teachers are able to conceptualize global contexts into local context OK
so when we speak of global teachers they are the teachers who think and act both
globally and locally with worldwide perspectives but teaching in communities or
localities where he or she is situated ,even if you’d be teaching later on in the far-flung
barrios or in the cities or in the town proper right then you have to think globally
meaning you think of global implications of all these learnings that you have and
contextualizing to your own society or to your own community.

Now let us start discussing the PPST or the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers is formerly known as NCBTS or the National Competency - Based Teacher
And this PPST has seven domains and these are the domains that teachers and future
teachers should be aware of and should practice so that you will be considered not only
efficient teachers but quality teachers
The first domain is content knowledge and pedagogy, second learning environment
followed by diversity of learners, curriculum and planning, assessment and
reporting ,community linkages and professional engagement and personal growth and
professional development.

So let us try to discuss all these seven domains briefly the first domain is content
knowledge and pedagogy OK and this content knowledge and pedagogy would
mandate all the details to have mastery of the content knowledge you cannot share
anything to your students if you do not master what you have to teach them all right and
there is a need as well to master the content knowledge so that you know how to
explain that to students you know what particular strategy should be implemented and

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you know very well how to contextualize that content to the kind of students that you
have because when you master the content it would just be easier for you to make that
content easier for the student to understand and it would just be easier for you to make
that content interesting so you’ll be able to catch everybody’s attention when you
discuss that content ,
this domain also will tell us that there is a need to critically understand the application of
theories and principles of teaching and learning ,so it’s not enough but you know the
principles the theories of teaching and learning the most important thing here is that you
know how to apply all these theories to real life, you know how they articulate these
theories and these laws to the teaching and learning process ,OK next one you also
have the display proficiency in mother tongue Filipino and English so we are not only
using Filipino and English as media of instruction in the basic education but we are
already having the mother tongue or they call it the MTB-MLE or the mother tongue
based -Multi Lingual Education. So teachers in the elementary education especially in
Grade 1 to Grade 3 they are supposed to be using mother tongue of the learners in
discussing the content or the subjects in that particular year level so as teachers you
are not supposed to be very proficient in English alone or in Filipino alone but in
mother tongue as well and this MTB MLE and mastery of Filipino in English these are all
mandated in the Republic of 10533 or otherwise known as the enhanced basic
education curriculum of 2014 and this MTB-MLE would tell us that learners would learn
best when teachers would start from where the learners are and from what they already
know proceeding from the known to unknown so this tells us that when you teach the
students using the language that they are already aware of ,and the language that they
understand it would just be easier for them to understand the content, so in grade one
when you would be teaching math using the language that they have in the classroom
and ilocano for example or Pangasinan for example when you teach them math using
the language , that they are comfortable with that it would just be easy for them to
understand the concept and to apply these concepts to real life that’s the defining
feature of MTB-MLE
and domain one also will tell us that teachers should positively use ICT or the
information communication technology especially now that we are in the pandemic and
that blended learning is what we are doing or asynchronous or synchronous learning is
what we are implementing in our schools there is really an for teachers regardless of
age to be aware of ICT and to positively use technology to teach students who are
everywhere ,and at the same time you also have to use strategies to promote HOTS or
higher order thinking skills now when you will be in the field we you will be encountering
HOTS and LOTS, LOTS or the Lower Order Thinking Skills and HOTS or the higher
order thinking skills ,OK I’m not telling that you have to get away from the lower order
thinking skills it’s just that you have to promote more higher order thinking skills, so you
have to ask your students questions like why or how you have to ask them to evaluate
or to create something out of nothing and when you are able to do that alright then you
are already promoting higher order thinking skills, give students activities like debates or
argumentative discussions give them activities like project making or project based
instructions and there and if you would use that they would be able to be developed
especially as their higher order thinking skills

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The second domain is the learning environment, OK that’s the second thing that you
have to ensure you have to ensure that the learning environment is really conducive to
learning or the learning environment contributes to students learning and development.
OK so the learner must feel safe and secure in that particular classroom in the learning
environment they really have to be to be treated fairly and that the teacher should
implement sound classroom management skill so the structure of the classroom must
be conducive to learning and activities given to students should as well let students feel
that they are, you know they are loved and that they are not and that it’s just OK for
them to create mistakes or to commit mistakes because from that those mistakes they
would be learning something.
OK that is why teachers should encourage students to constructive classroom
atmosphere where healthy competition would be promoted where openness and self
expression would be encouraged at the same time.

The third one is diversity of learners and the learners in a certain classroom really are
diverse because they come from different culture from different family backgrounds they
have different traditions, they also have different intellectual capacity .so they are
diverse and efficient and equality teacher should make sure that he knows how to
create unity amidst diversity he should know how to make students feel welcome and
accepted in a certain classroom that is why it is that the duty of the teacher to establish
environment that are responsive to learners diversity by means of demonstrating
knowledge of differentiated teaching that suit students diverse needs or meaning your
students who are in 8 section
OK are different from those who are in the lower section and so the strategies that
you’ll be using should also be different even the learning plans you will be implementing
should be different so or you might be using the same learning plan for all the grade for

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a certain grade level but the strategy the manner the technique that would you will be
employing should be based same on the ability and the background of your students
Now students are diverse like what I said because they have different backgrounds
others come from rich families others are not others come from the city others are from
the far-flung barrios they also have their own disabilities others are fast learners ,others
are not ,others or intellectually challenged, but others are easily being bored ,when the
teachers should be repeating the same thing over and over, they also have different
OK they are in different ways others are good in singing like the multiple intelligences
that you have are right and others also have different talents and they have learning
styles at the same time so when you become teachers you have to make sure that you
would be basing your teaching approaches and techniques on the diversity of your
learners and that these days you are not you know judging the intelligence of the person
based on the academic standing because kahit na hindi magaling ang studyante
academically ,he might be intelligent in some other areas so you have the multiple
intelligences by Howard Gardner And according to Einstein if you judge the fish by its
ability to climb a tree then it will forever saying that it is stupid OK students might not be
good in the academics but they are good in other areas so your job as teachers they’re
on would be to know these potentials and you to know these intelligences so that you
will be guided as to the manner of teaching and as the strategy that you will be giving

Next curriculum and planning so as teachers you have to interact with national and local
curriculum requirements and that you also have to translate curriculum content into
learning activities so you must know how to understand the curriculum guide the
teachers guide the teachers manual and then you also have to know how to come up
with a Lesson plan,
And you also have to make sure that your learning plan is properly translated or applied
in the classroom scenario. OK you also have to identify learning outcomes that are
aligned with the learning competency so that’s why the teachers curriculum guide is
very important for you to study because that guide would give you the different learning
competencies of a particular grade level and there is a need to master all those know
that when you graph you’re learning outcomes or your objectives those objectives that
you’ll be crafting should be aligned with the learning competencies as mandated by
Deped or by CHED alright and at the same time you can also ensure that your learning
outcomes where I aligned with the competencies and that your activities are also
aligned with this two,

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OK because if not if there is no alignment between and among outcomes competencies
and activities as well as the subject matter then you will not be able OK to ensure 100%
understanding sa mga studyante mo ,

the 5th domain is assessment and reporting so this applies variety of assessment tools
in monitoring evaluating and documenting learner’s needs progress and achievement
So we have the terms monitoring you use assessment tools to monitor students
learning to monitor students understanding you also make use of assessment tools to
evaluate whether they have understood or not the content that you have given them
whether they have grasped the geese of what you have given them and at the same
time assessment and reporting would help you document the needs of the learners as
well as the progress that they have in your own subject area OK
and you have just to make sure that when you give assessment tools to students and
you assess their learning then you would provide with timely and accurate feedback and
constructive feedback at the same time ,so make sure that your feedback is
constructive so that the students will not be come uninterested or the students will not
be heard or so that the students will not so that the students for your city will not be
broken at the same time so it must be constructive so you have to give them the
positive feedback first ,and then you give them the negative ones and then you end you
know feedbacking with the positive feedback at the same time so that students would
listen to their strengths and at the same time would be listening to their weakness and
the points that they have to strengthen or that they have to correct now there are
different kinds of assessments you have a
Periodic assessment
Formative assessment
Summative assessment

the 6th domain is community linkages and professional engagement and this would tell
you that you have to stablish very good school community partnership, because you are

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part of the community so you have to work well with the people in your community and
this one also responds to opportunity that link teaching and learning in the classroom to
the experience of the community, so there are also times when students are asked to
visit different places in the locality or to visit the marketplace for that matter because it’s
there where they could get an experience and authentic experience that are related to
your subject matter and the domain six also would help us promote professional and
harmonious relationship with the wider community not just with the people in the school
not just with our students and their parents but in everyone within the community.

The 7th Domain is the personal growth and professional development and this one tells
us that you have to maintain qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching and that you
have to exhibit high personal regard for the teaching profession ,meaning that you’ve
got to be proud na teacher ka, you have to be proud you are part of student success,
and you have to be proud that you are in the teaching profession ,right? and so that you
would be respected and you would be honored by the people around you.
you also have to make sure that you are dignified OK you talk well you dress well, you
act well, and that you do not do immoral things, and that you can be considered epitome
of model of values and of morals. OK .so you have to show your students that you are
worthy of such respect and of such honor you have to refrain from doing things which
would dampen your dignity which would dampen your honor as teacher and the 7th
domain would also tell us that you should not that you should never stop from studying
from learning because a teacher is always a student ,and for teachers to give something
new to students teacher should you know update himself professionally and personally
so those are the seven domains of PPST.

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