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Angela B Ordas

GAS C - 11

Hi my name is Angela orders from san Francisco Legaspi city. This is story of my life my dream is a teacher at first I was a bit hesitant but after a while I also
liked it and what l always do at home is like dancing singing telling stories. those are the things I want to do. I grew up in hardship. No proper place to live.
No food sometime. The roof of our house had a hole that still leaked when it rained. Sometimes we sit down and slept because we didn’t have a place to
sleep. I’m the youngest of 15 siblings. I have of jobs just to survive because my father no longer has a job and my mother got sick So that I need to focus on
my school to have a great future for my family and help them make them happy see me how I accomplish and achieves goals and I thank you.

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