TV Broadcast 1

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TV Broadcast (News Frontier)

Balabaran: For today’s headlines business and economy policy group voice concern maharlika wealth

Belon: The DSPC opened strong despite preparation at backs.

Belon: Philippines holds OFW deployment to India.

Balabaran: Haydelen Dias got three gold medals and weight lifting World Championship.

[ Music Entry]

Odasan: Good day! Cotabato City. Today is February 27,2023. I’am Myra Odasan live and exposing the
truth on the Frontline, news frontier.

Odasan: House bill 6398 creating the 275 billion peso maharlika world found harbors question and
concern from several business and economy policy groupsbas intents should have pirate and public
fashion contribution.

Senators reasons for concern includes the prevailing economic conditions like

Budget deficit, Mounting debts and high inflation rate one of them is senator “Rica Vontiveros” who
called Maharlika world found as unnecessary, unaffordable and wasteful.

Adteg: Despite lapses, In preparation the DSPC is back to prometes, responsible journalism, and press
freedom within and beyond the classroom, further details, lives at Bonifacio Luis Native Education
Fundation Incorporated. Nhis!

Nhis: Yes Corina, Student in Bonifacio Luis Native Education Fundation Incorporated, are eagerly
awaited, the division school conduct, best conference for two years, however, following the pandemic,
hayati students were the only place, through shortages for tv broadcasting, facilitator contract during

According to Manuel he’s principal of Bonifacio Luis Education Foundation this School had to prepare
and short film fest.

Nhis: let us demonstrate that the school combined effort during the contest helped in assuming the
program with the theme learning recovery to campus journalism this is Nhis Abdullah on the Frontline.

Odasan: Next on news frontier!

Adteg: Haydelen Dias back three gold. Medals in weightlifting world championship more of these news
we will return.

[ Commercial break ]


Pagkailangan ng gamot
[ Start to sing]

Wag mahihiyang magtanong

Kung may Ritemed ba nito?

May Ritemed ba nito?

Pag may kailangang gamot,

Wag mahihiyang magtanong

Kung may Ritemed ba nito

[ Normal ]

Ang Ritemed ay premium na gamot na kayang bilhin.

[ Sang again ]

Dahil gusto namen na gumaling kayoo

Adteg: we’re back at news frontier

Odasan: The government holded the deployment of overseas Filipino workers to India over the latters
failure to meet the criteria to be considered a compliant destination country here’s Corina Adteg for the
full details

Adteg: Oversea an employment administration receive a Philippines embassy report in new belhi that
the government has bond the deployment of overseas Filipino workers in India, as it does not meet the
requirement to be a compliant destination country, the ban on deployment came to effort on December

According to POEA date there are now move more 2,000 temporary Filipino migrants in India with valid
documentation. However, Olalia gave assurance that Philippine embassy and other government
agencies are ready to extend assistance to the ofw’s in India, who need it.

This is Corina Adteg back to you Odasan.

Odasan: Olympic gold medalist Haydelen Diaz ruled the women’s 55 kilograms in the word weightlifting
Championship in Bogate.

Let’s catch up with Balabaran

[Music Entry Game Sport]

Balabaran: Game, on include world championship Olympic gold medalist Haydelen Dias outstanding list
of achievement on Wednesday in Bogate Cambodia. The Filipino prodigy women’s 55 kilograms division
at the international weightlifting federation world championship.

Chili fit 93 klg on snactch and 114 kilograms and clean and dirt for 207 kilogram. This is balabaran on
news frontier
[ Music ]

Odasan: those are the latest news for today’s before we end I’am Myra Odasan bringing incredible
news on the Frontline news frontier.

The End

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