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Michael B. Lodge

I want to thank you for taking the time to look at my resume. I trust God to speak to your heart and lead us all in the search for a youth minister in your church and a position for me to exercise my calling in life. As you look through this resume, I pray for the Spirit to speak to us and show us if we are a good fit to minister together. I grew-up in the home of a pastor and therefore had a life long experience in church ministry. I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was seven and began independently seeking God at 13. After a mission trip to Jamaica, I received Gods calling into ministry. This experience created in me a desire to help students understand the depths of Gods love and the reality of Gods purpose and call for all of us as Christians. I married my love, Stacia, in 2000 and we have three children. We are an active family that loves the outdoors, martial arts, and dancing (more my wife and daughter). My family is my first priority in ministry and realizes our calling as a family is to love our world. Thus, my wife and I parent through our familys mission statement, So they know His name by our love. In 2003, I began full-time student ministry and matured in my giftings through experience, mentorship, and education. God developed my passion to inspire students and parents into the true Gospel Life that our Father created us for. I believe Christian maturity is SEEN when life change happens in an individual. Also, I believe Christian maturity is DEMONSTRATED when the changed believer becomes a conduit of Gods heart in the hurting world around them. A successful ministry is one that sees students changed and mentored into leadership that influences the church community and the world around them. I am a relationally driven pastor who seeks to develop a ministry through teaching, discipleship, Life groups, and serving experiences, which leads students into building authentic relationships with others. I believe this is the healthiest path to building a strong student ministry. When the students live out their faith, the Gospel finally becomes real for them and in turn influences their families and peers. I look forward to talking with you. If you are a church that wants to make a difference in the community around them and believes there is more to church than just what happens on Sunday mornings, then we may be a good fit. Thank you for your consideration. Godspeed, Michael Lodge

Helping families Be The Transformation in our world


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