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My Training Need Analysis 2022 - 2023


Department : Mechanical Engineering College Name : GP, Bhuj

According to my academic interest and institutional responsibility, I would prefer to obtain Training
during 2022 - 2023 as per following:

Sr. No Training Discipline Training Area Month Range

Priority 1 Induction Induction Phase-I Apr-2022 TO Jul-2022

Justify, Why you required this To Enhance Teaching learning methodology and upgrade my teaching skills. To aware
training? about new methods of teaching -learning, evaluation techniques and Design of Question
papers. development in laboratories. this training will be helpful in detail content
development of related subject.
Justify, How will you use outcome
of the training It will upgrade my teaching skills, methodology, evaluation techniques and it will also
beneficial to students. By having knowledge of different domains of technical education. I
will able to deliver lecture in more efficient manner.

Priority 2 Mechanical Manufacturing Aug-2022 TO Nov-2022

Justify, Why you required this To Enhance Teaching learning methodology and upgrade my teaching skills and
training? Development in laboratories. this training will be helpful in detail content development of
related subject. To upgrade my knowledge in advanced manufacturing system.

Justify, How will you use outcome

of the training It will upgrade my teaching skills, methodology, evaluation techniques and it will also
beneficial to students. By having knowledge of advanced manufacturing system, I will
able to deliver lecture in more efficient manner.

Priority 3 INTER DISCIPLINE Production Planning Dec-2022 TO Mar-2023

Justify, Why you required this To Enhance Teaching learning methodology and upgrade my teaching skills and
training? Development in laboratories. this training will be helpful in detail content development of
related subject. To upgrade my knowledge in industrial processes.

Justify, How will you use outcome It will upgrade my teaching skills, methodology, evaluation techniques and it will also
of the training beneficial to students. By having knowledge of industrial management it will beneficial to
guide students for recent industrial management as well as their project work.

Tentative month For the training suggested above, I will attend to the training as per my TNA from Training Calender
at least prior to one month.

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