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Nama : Lambas Ronaldo Sormin

NIM: 190707023


Internet Dangers for Teens

Chapter 1


1. Background of the problem

The internet is now very embedded in everyday life, especially in the world of teenagers. The internet is
indeed very helpful in completing a lot of work. However, it turns out that the internet is also
inseparable from negative things that have a bad impact. Moreover, adolescence is a time of instability,
so they are often dragged by the current. For this reason, research on the dangers of the internet for
adolescents is important to do.

2. Formulation of the problem

How dangerous is the internet for teenagers?

3. Research objectives Can explain the dangers of the internet for teenagers.


Discussion Internet dangers for teens In today's youth, the internet seems to have become a basic need.
However, not all teenagers use the internet properly and correctly. There are many teenagers who use
the internet incorrectly so that it has a bad impact on themselves and their environment. Based on in-
depth research, there are several dangers of misuse of the internet among teenagers, namely as follows:
Bullying behavior through social media Easy access to pornographic content that results in sexual crime
behavior The rise of kidnapping cases among teenagers after getting acquainted through social media.




The internet is indeed very helpful in life, but it still has its drawbacks. Therefore, parents have a very
important role in supervising their children. So that teenagers can stretch a series of negative things in
internet use




Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara


The music of the gondang sabangun ensemble is one of the traditional music in the Toba area, North
Tapanuli, North Sumatra, which is still found today. At the time of the traditional party, the Gondang
Sabangun music ensemble is always played by the Toba people, as a party they celebrate the traditional
ceremony, which is in accordance with what they expect from the one and only God. This is where the
development of the Gondang Sabangun music ensemble in the Toba community, the Gondang
Sabangun music ensemble is not only played alone when bored or feeling bored, but outside of
traditional parties sometimes this ensemble is often played. But along with the times, the music of the
Gondang Sabangun ensemble began to be played together and began to use vocals, by playing musical
instruments together. This study describes the reality on the ground in accordance with the problems of
its existence in the Toba society, the form of the musical structure of the Gondang Sabangun ensemble
of the Toba people. Based on the above, this research focuses on the formulation of the problem that
will discuss (1) How the existence of the music ensemble Gondang Sabangun, (2) What is the form of the
musical structure of the Gondang Sabangun ensemble in the Toba community, North Tapanuli Regency,
North Sumatra Province.

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