Ordering Food at A Restaurant

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Use the following words to complete this conversation.

bill  bottle  dessert  drinks  fish and chips hungry  menu  non-smoker  order  table

Guest: A ____________________________ (1) for two, please.

Waiter: Smoker or _______________________________ (2)?

Guest: Non-smoker, please.

Waiter: Here you go. Would you like to see the ______________________________ (3)?

Guest: Yes, please. We are very _______________________________ (4).

(The guests look at the menu.)

Waiter: Are you ready to ________________________________ (5)?

Guest: We'd like ________________________________ (6), please.

Waiter: Would you like any ________________________________ (7)?

Guest: An orange juice, a coke and a ____________________________ (8) of red wine.

(The guests have finished their meals.)

Waiter: Would you like a ________________________________ (9)?

Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the ___________________________ (10), please?

Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases below:

 Anything else  Can I have two  Anything to  That’s Here you are 
 Can I have some  Can I help you 

Girl: Hi! __________________________________________________ (1)?

Rosie: Yes. __________________________________________________ (2) hamburgers, please?

Girl: ________________________________________________________ (3)?

Rosie: Yes. ___________________________________________________ (4) chips, please?

Girl: Sure. _________________________________________________ (5) drink?

Rosie: Yes, an orange juice and a bottle of mineral water, please.

Girl: __________________________________________ (6) £5.75, please.

Rosie: __________________________________________ (7).

Girl: Thanks.


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