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Consultant Form http://leasesys/mk/consprint.aspx?


Application No.:210704301


Applicant's Status Old Customer Telephone 0908 774 560 Date 02/07/2021
Contact Person TRẦN MINH TRÍ (N.A) Telephone 0908774560
Address Transaction office:70/14 C, Quarter 1, Tam Hoa Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam
Introduced By Direct call to new customer by Marketing Officer
Business Produce construction steel bar Tax Code 3602524221
Incorporated On 01/07/2011 Paid-up Capital 217,391 USD
Funding Purpose New Orders Credit Type Local financial leasing
Outstanding Prin. (A) 72,513 USD (1,676,501,009 VND) Payment Method Equal principle - Monthly in advanced
Credit Line App. (B) 86,972 USD (2,010,800,000 VND) Tenor 48 months
Total (=A+B) 159,485 USD (3,687,301,009 VND) Risk Premium 12.46% Program: Normal
Guarantor TRẦN MINH TRÍ (Director); VÕ VĂN VƯƠNG (Shareholder) Risk Premium Method Cost down
Leased Assets Electrical pulse machine - Sodik - used -2010
No. of Pending Items 0 Black List No
Down=20%, Deposit=10% (Setoff Y/N: Yes), Residual=2%, Credit Granting=0%, Ex.Rate: 23120,
Int.Rate=10.15% [CILC VND Standard Rate (floating)(6%) + Margin(4.15%)]
Collateral & Other Conditions - Steps payment detail: 0->9:120%; 10->37:100%; 38->47:80%
Insurance program for Guarantor : period = tenor , amount = TE
Date of Received Date of Cr. Report Finished
Item Confirm Essential Data For The Credit Process Remarks
1 Y Business license and its amendments (if any)
2 - Company Charter
3 - Tax code certificate
4 - Company Seal Registration Certificate
5 - Passports or ID cards of guarantors
6 - Land rent contract and /or certificate of ownership of building
7 - CIC of company
8 - CIC of guarantors
9 Y Tax or audited financial report of the latest 2 years (include 3 year figure)
10 Y Monthly VAT report and VAT details of at least 2 months
11 Y Bank statements (occupy at least 70% transaction amount)
12 Y List of fixed assets (with investment, depreciation and book value)
13 Y Copy of VRCs (For Transportation companies)
14 - Lease application form (CILC's standard)
List of leased assets and Full docs of leased assets (Invoice, Custom declaration, C/O, Payment orders,….) (For S&L
15 -
16 - Business contract with main Buyers/Suppliers
17 - Offer sheet from suppliers of leased assets
18 - List of historical and in-hand projects (For Construction companies)
19 - Corporation Guarantor's information (Business license, FS, VAT, Bank statements)
Opinions of Sales Department Comments of Credit Department
Funding purpose: they want to get higher capacity in order to get more order from customer.
1. This business was set up in 2011 with paid up capital 220,000$ (~ 5 billion VND) major in manufacturing metal mold, metal spareparts, electrical components and repairing eletrical equipments.
2. Customer: Towa Industry, Panasonic, Ohmi Kako, Asti Electric, Aureole and some mechanical companies
3. Sales: sales of 2020: $723,576 increased 27% compared with the same period.
4. They have many contracts on-hand.
5. Bank loan: $16,000 - no bad debt record and CILC $78,000- good payment record.
6. Good profit margin, high liquidity asset.
Junior Officer - Marketing Department Acting Manager - Marketing Department Deputy Credit Manager

Online confirmed on: 02.07.2021 Online confirmed on: 02.07.2021

Nguyen Hai Duong Hung Shun Wen (Kevin) Tran Viet Hang

1 of 1 10/25/2021, 1:31 PM

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