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Fan & Kak : Ladies and gentlemen you may have a seat...
Each students of the first batch of ISO were chosen directly by
God from several cities of and from different stage of level, although they
came with different characters yet God called and shaped them to be ready
for the nations (translate)

Many of you are wondering how did they do that?

For 1 and half year all of the students were obligated to join classes from
English standard lessons and News Teaching, day and night and also they
were trained to preach or teach in English (translate)

Were taught by overall ...... local lecturers and ....... international lecturers
from several countries such as

. United States

. Puerto Rico

. Philippines


Not only got to learn the theories, God also continuously proccesed each
one of them to have a strong and firm faith so that they will be great and of
course annointed preachers of God (translate)

But before we start the ceremony we will open this event first with a service
as an action of inviting God to be the one that will anointing the student and
for the service I will hand over the time now to Pastor as the worship leader.

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