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Area of Study 1: How can motion be described and explained?

The following information relates to Question 1.

A dog runs up a 20° slope at a constant speed as shown in Figure 1. The mass of the dog is 16 kg.

Question 1
a. What is the net force on the dog when she is travelling up the slope? (2 marks)

Constant speed, therefore, no acceleration.

ΣF = ma

A few seconds later the dog spies a cat and turns around and runs at a constant speed down the slope
to chase the cat.

b. Calculate the magnitude of the total frictional forces that are acting on the dog whilst running down
the slope. (3 marks)

ΣF = 0 N Therefore the frictional forces must be equal to the weight component acting
down the hill.

Frictional forces = mg sin θ

= 16 × 9.8 × sin 20
= 53.63 N

Question 2
A tourist is taking a selfie on the world’s highest bridge, Beipanjiang Bridge in China. He accidently
drops his phone from the bridge. The distance from the bridge to the water is 565 m and the mass of
the phone is 0.192 kg. The phone reaches a maximum speed of 30 ms-1 when it has fallen 100 m.

a. Explain why the speed of the phone doesn’t increase further after 100 m. (2 marks)

Phone has reached terminal velocity. Air resistance equals weight of the phone.

b. Calculate the net force on the phone after it has fallen 100 m. (2 marks)

c. Determine how long it will take for the phone to reach the surface of the water after it has fallen 100
m. Note the speed remains constant after the phone reaches its maximum speed (ignore air resistance).
(2 marks)

= 15.5 s

Question 3
The local high school has a running course that goes around the school as shown in Figure 2.
The PE teacher runs the course

a. Calculate the PE teacher’s average speed around the course. (2 marks)

𝟑.𝟓 ×𝟔𝟎
= 5.52 m/s

b. Determine the PE teacher’s average velocity if she starts and finishes at point A. (1 mark)

Velocity =

c. Explain your reasoning for your answer in Question 2b. (2 marks)

Zero displacement because there is no change in position.

Question 6
A new driver is testing his driving skills and new car on a straight section of road. The car has a mass
of 1.5 tonne and the engine provides a constant driving force. The car accelerates from rest to 20 ms-1
in 10 seconds. Assume that air resistance and friction are negligible.

a. Calculate the acceleration of the car. (2 marks)

Use v = u + at
20 = 0 + a × 10
a = 2 m/s2

b. Calculate how far the car travels in 30 seconds. (2 marks)

Use d = ut + ½ at2
= 0 + ½ × 2 × 302
= 900 m

Area of Study 3: Practical Investigation

Data Analysis and Interpretation (Total 40 marks)
Beth and Minh set up the following experiment with a digital camera. A series of objects are dropped
from 5m above the ground and their position is logged at various intervals. The positive direction is
taken as vertically downwards. (Assume that g = 9.8 m/s².) The objects are:

Question 1 (8 marks)
a. Graph the displacement-time curve for A. (2 marks)
b. Plot the displacement-time curve for B on the same axes. What do you notice? Why? (3 marks)

Correct placement of points. The points for B should fit on the same curve. This is
because the motion of falling bodies does not depend on their mass.

c. Graph the estimated velocity-time curve for B (consider whether it should go through (0,0)). (3

It should be a straight line. Through (0,0), because the mass starts from rest.

Question 2 (6 marks)
a. Estimate the kinetic energy of B after one second. 2 marks

Since v = 9.8 m/s (or near enough) E = ½ mv²

= ½ × 1 × 9.8²
= 48 J

b. Where did this kinetic energy come from? Be specific. 2 marks

Gravitational potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy.

c. Estimate the kinetic energy of A just before it hits the ground. 2 marks

Use the potential energy of

mgh = 0.05 x 9.8 x 5
= 2.45 J

This will be virtually all converted into kinetic energy after a fall of 5 m.

If we extrapolate from the velocity-time graph, it is suggested that anything between 2.3 and 2.6
J is accepted.
Question 3 (8 marks)
a. Now plot displacement-time curves for C and D on the same axes. (2 marks)

b. Graph the estimated velocity-time graphs for C and D on the same axes. (4 marks)

c. Account for the difference between the velocity-time graphs for C and D. (2 marks)

Both are heavily affected by air resistance, but the balloon very soon reaches equilibrium where
the air resistance is (more or less) equal and opposite to the gravitational force.

Question 4 (10 marks)

a. Estimate the kinetic energy of the wombat after one second. 2 marks

The wombat is travelling at around 6.2 m/s.

E = 𝟐 x 0.2 x 6.22
= 3.8 J

Accept answers between 3.6J and 4.0 J

b. How much potential energy has the wombat lost in falling? 2 marks

The wombat is at d = 3.6 m; PE = mgh

= 0.2 x 9.8 x 3.6
= 7.06 J

c. Account for the difference between the answers to Questions 4a and 4b. 2 marks

3.2 J (or consequential correct deduction) has been dissipated by air resistance.

d. Estimate the balloon’s maximum speed. 2 marks

0.98 m/s

e. Describe the forces acting on the balloon when and if it is falling at constant velocity. 2 marks

The gravitational force downwards is balanced by an equal and opposite air resistance
force acting upwards.

A 7000 kg truck is at rest, with its handbrake engaged, on a road with a 15° incline as shown
in Figure 3.

a. On Figure 3, draw and correctly label arrows using the convention ‘force on A by B’
to represent the forces acting on the truck. (3 marks)
b. Calculate the size of the force(s) acting on the truck that is/are parallel to the slope of
the road. (3 marks)

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