How Does The Length of String and Mass of The Object Affect The Oscillation Period of A Pendulum

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By Paisley and Aadiya J

INTRODUCTION RESULTS Figure 2: Line Graph of experimental and theoretical calculations on the effect mass has. Results calculated
Some discrepancies within the results may have been caused as a result of the pivot point being altered. The length of

A pendulum is a mass that is attached to a fixed pivot point that can oscillate due to the

influence of gravity. This particular experiment will consider the model of a simple

TABLE AND GRAPHS in excel using the pendulum is the distance from the point of suspension to the centre of mass of the slotted weights. The pivot

=PI()*2*SQRT(L/9.8) where L = the length of the string in m

pendulum, with a massless and non-flexible string, and the absence of air resistance or
point being altered could affect the height and since the gravitational potential energy of an object is directly

friction. A simple pendulum can be described as a system where its point mass, a ball 'm' , is
proportional to its height. Simply put, the greater the height means the object will have more time to fall, and will gain

attached to a massless, inextensible string that is fixed at a pivot point 'P', refer to figure 1.
more speed as a result of gravity. Greater speed implies a greater kinetic energy. Hence, the object has a greater

The vertical line passing through the pivot point/fixed support is the mean position of a
potential to generate kinetic energy if placed higher. As the object starts falling, potential energy is converted into

simple pendulum. The vertical distance from the centre of mass of the suspended body and

kinetic energy gradually with the rate of gravity/acceleration, but total energy(PE+KE) of the object remains constant

the point of suspension is denoted as the length 'L'. When displaced at an initial angle, and

released, the pendulum will swing from one end to another in a periodic motion. By applying

under ideal conditions. Furthermore, human error could have taken place as initial velocity may have been imparted

Newton's second law for rotational systems, the equation of motion for the pendulum is
on the pendulum as it was released, thereby decreasing the time period.
Aim: To investigate how the length of the string and the mass of the
Subsequently, additional factors that are not considered by the formula include air resistance and friction. Due to

object affects the oscillation period of a pendulum external forces, the system loses its energy and will eventually be at rest; however the pendulum will go on forever if

Hypothesis: It is predicted that the period of oscillation will be

it is allowed to oscillate in the vacuum. There will be no resistive force on the pendulum to slow it down. Hence the

longer when the string’s length increases, and the mass will have no
pendulum will oscillate with time period remaining the same however this is not the case. The frictional force caused

effect. This is because the equation includes the length of the string
by air resistance dampens the pendulum motion, which can be described using the same equation as a damped

but not the mass.

oscillator. The motion of the pendulum is reduced by air resistance, and the swing eventually comes to a halt. The

Independent Variable: Length of pendulum string, weight of

pendulum swing's energy is dissipated in the air or atmosphere, which would then slow down the time period. To

pendulum avoid the effects of air resistance, one such solution would be to perform the experiment in a controlled environment

Dependent Variable: period of oscillation such as a vacuum where air resistance is controlled and kept the same throughout the entire experiment. Another

Controlled Variable: environment, temperature, height, where the

similar approach is to take air resistance into account during the calculations and forming numerical approximations.
mass is dropped from, string used
Extraneous Variable: Air resistance and friction It can be seen that the measured results are significantly lower than the calculated results. There is also some minor variability between

Other inconsistencies consist of inaccurate measuring caused by human error whilst using the stopwatch and not

Figure 1: Diagram of Ideal

the results, rather than them being consistent throughout.
Pendulum Figure 3: Line Graph of experimental and theoretical calculations on the effect the length of the stringhas.
having the exact length of string required. Human timers are not always as reliable as their reaction speeds are often

Results calculated in excel using inconsistent. Setting up a high-speed camera to capture the exact moment the pendulum reaches the peak of the

=PI()*2*SQRT(L/9.8) where L = the length of the string in m

period and using the length of the video to determine the true time could be one way to prevent this from happening.

DERIVATION OF THE FORMULA To compensate for these errors, it was decided that multiple trials would be performed to ensure the reliability and

accuracy of the result. Other methods to name a few included using formulas that take into consideration other

Newton's Second law for rotational systems can be rearranged to the

factors and having more than one person record the time. If these improvements were implemented the results would

following equation. have been more accurate and could be considered valid however due to other errors such as environmental factors

and equipment issues, it should be considered unreliable.

As it is assumed that θ is small, the calculation uses the approximation

The last issue was that the angle at which it was dropped may have differed between each trial. Human error may

sinθ and this then is further simplified into, have occurred during the angle measurement, which led to weights being dropped at incorrect angles. A protractor

should have been used, as well as another clamp and retort stand to hold the bob at exactly the right angle to ensure

that each trial is as accurate as possible (although this should not have had much of an impact).

In cases where the angle of oscillation is small, the small angle

As long as the angle (θ) is small (less than about 10°), the motion is very similar to that of a simple harmonic oscillator.

approximation is utilised. Hence the equation of motion reduces to the

Whilst conducting the experiment, the angle was much larger than this range. Between 10 and 20 degrees, the theoretical

equation of simple harmonic motion. For small oscillations the period

model begins to break down and the measured period deviates from the theoretical value as displayed by the graph. For

large angles, ‘this approximation no longer holds, and the motion is not considered to be simple harmonic

of a simple pendulum therefore is given by T = 2π/ω = 2π√(L/g). The

motion’(tmwilson26, 2015). Despite this, the pendulum still oscillates, however, the motion is not considered to be a

formula is independent of the mass and depends only on the strength

simple harmonic oscillator. This is mainly because the angular acceleration is not proportional to the negative of the

of the gravitational acceleration 'g' and the length of the string 'L'. angular displacement as it this motion significantly diverges after the angle surpasses 20 degrees. This further suggests

While there is a general trend of increasing values, the measured results do not exactly support the calculations, as they indicate a
that the theoretical values calculated through small angle approximation are inaccurate and hence the values vary. As the

plateau as the string increases in length. initial angle increases, the acceleration of the pendulum is proportional to sin(θ) instead of when θ is lower, resulting in a

larger time period as shown in figure 4. When the angular displacement is large enough the small angle approximation

The period of this system (time for one oscillation) is, cannot be applied and the equation of motion must be in its nonlinear form.

A simple pendulum's period and frequency are only determined by the length of the string and gravity's acceleration. As the period is

independent of the mass, it can be concluded that all simple pendulums that are of equal length and are at the same location (so that g
Another such error was the handling of the retort stand. As the

METHODOLOGY is constant) oscillate with the same period. This would indicate that mass shouldn't have effect in the oscillation time period as
retort stand was not completely stable, it could have affected the

Spool of string
Slotted weights set
swing of the pendulum and its period. The wobble was observed to

STRING EXPERIMENT suggested by the formula.

A simple pendulum's period Variables suchareasonly
and frequency mass and angle
determined byhave affected
the length of
the time taken although this is on a smaller scale with a less

with hanger be greater on one side causing the pendulum to swing more in one

1. Measure different lengths (10cm,

Retort stand with
notable difference.
the string Theacceleration.
and gravity's results further
As theevidence this and anyofslight
period is independent variations
the mass, it
occur due to there being a heavier mass. This would mean
direction, potentially influencing the results. This could be avoided

15cm, 20cm, 25cm) of string Stopwatch the force
can would increase
be concluded to cancel
that all simple out the
pendulums extra
that mass
are of equalcausing a small
length and difference in time. According to the formula, mass shouldn't

are at
by using a completely stable and sturdy retort stand that does not

2. Tie the weight hanger to the 10cm

the same
affect locationbecause
the period (so that gits
is constant) oscillate
slower forth withshould
swing the same period. This

counterbalance its faster backswing (in cite reference). This is similar to air
shift. The wobbling of the retort stand caused unreliability as it

string would indicate

resistance. Thisthat mass shouldn't
is further haveas
reinforced effect
massinandthe oscillation
force aretime period as
to one another, as a result of this the mass shouldn't affect the

proportional directly affected the dependent variable. Other reasonable

3.Attach the clamp to the retort stand 35cm above the base suggested by the formula. Variables such as mass and angle have affected the
improvements to the accuracy of the experiment include placing

period. If there is less/more mass there will be less/more force on the bob thus contradicting the results of the experiment which will

4.Attach the pendulum to the clamp time taken although this is on a smaller scale with a less notable difference. The
heavy objects such as weights onto the base of the retort stand to

lead to the assumption of other factors impacting the results for mass and others.
5.Hold the weight up so the string is parallel to the table results further evidence this and any slight variations occur due to there being a
eliminate the issue, , reducing the angle from 90 degrees to 60

6.Start stopwatch as the weight is released, and stop timing as it reaches its
heavier mass. This would mean the force would increase to cancel out the extra
Figure 4: Divergence from small angle approximation degrees to reduce the wobbling of the retort stand, or taping the
peak ‘The
masslength of athe
causing string
small affects
difference in the
According toperiod such 'mass

the formula, that the longer the length of the string, the longer the pendulum's
base of the retort stand to the table and potentially using a

7.Repeat steps 5-6 two more times shouldn't affect the period
period’(Heavner,2020). because
‘This its slower
also affects forth
the swing should
frequency counterbalance

of the pendulum, which is the rate at which the pendulum swings back and
different retort stand with a heavily weighted base.
8.Repeat steps 2-7 with the 15cm, 20cm, and 25cm strings its faster backswing'
forth’(Duren, 2020). (Duren, 2020). This
When working is similar
with to airpendulum,
a simple resistance. This
a fewis further

assumptions are made that do not always hold true. These

reinforced as mass and force are proportional to one another, as a result of this

assumptions include: all of the pendulum's mass is concentrated in the bob (slotted weight), the bob (slotted weight) is suspended by

MASS EXPERIMENT the mass shouldn't affect the period. If there is less/more mass there will be

1. Set up weights of 50g , 100g, 150g, 200g something that is fixed length (when under tension), inelastic and massless, and the restoring force from gravity is proportional to the

less/more force on the bob thus contradicting the results of the experiment

2. Tie the weight hanger to the 20cm string, with no weights on swing's angle.
which will leadThe first
to the two are frequently
assumption overlooked.
of other factors impacting As
the long asfor
results themass

string isn't too elastic, a heavy bob suspended from a string

3. Attach the clamp to the retort stand 35cm above the base usually meets those requirements. Compared to the bob, it’s extremely light-weight, and under tension its length is fixed. If the string

and others.
4. Attach the pendulum to the clamp were too flexible and elastic the string wouldn’t be inextensible. If the string were extensible, the gravity and the centrifugal force
This experiment intended to investigate how a difference in the length of the string and mass of the object would impact the

5. Hold the weight up so the string is parallel to the table would tend to cause extension in it, and the magnitude will be different at different points of the swing, it will not be possible to handle
oscillation period of a pendulum. The hypothesis that the oscillation period would increase with string length was

6. Start stopwatch as the weight is released, and stop timing as it reaches its

the analysis of such a pendulum. approximately supported. The prediction that mass would not impact the period of oscillation was mostly supported, but

with significant differences between measured and calculated results. These discrepancies could be caused by the

7. Repeat steps 5-6 2 more times

simplification of the pendulum, or from measuring or systematic errors.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 with the 100g, 150g, and 200g weights
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