Need Statement and Management Plan

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Needs Statement and Management Plan

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Need Statement and Management Plan

Programs after school are important since they bolster good morals among the youth in

the community. These programs help in parenting since they engage the kids and keep them

active and healthy in the hours after school. During this period, typically from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.,

students often are engaged in the ill-intentioned activities like the street crimes and drug

trafficking. This is after students get bored during the after school hours. In this assignment, I

will assume that I work for a school organization and create a needs statement and the

management plan as part of the proposal to receive funding and a grant for a project. I will

describe the features of the agency, deliberate the conceivable capital sources to contact for the

grant proposal, establish specific problems the proposed project will address and lastly, I will

describe the responsibilities of the project director and any staff employed to implement the



Our mission here at the Hollywood After School Community Center (HASCC) is to offer

numerous services to the youths to enhance them use their after school time favorably and avoid

being involved in the ill-fated activities. We also focus on creating the community together

through the after school activities of leisure, workouts training, computer training and many

more. HASC also offers copious activities and sports games to ensure the society is staying

healthy and vibrant.

Describe the characteristics of your fictitious agency or organization.

Youths often aspire to change some orders in the society or to be involved in the existing

orders. This paradox has led the youth to engage themselves in the ill-fated activities in the

community like crimes. Hollywood After School Community Center is an educational


organization that aims the youths and the kids to participate in different activities with the

community and keep them safe during the formless hours of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. HASCC often

keeps the school kids busy and engage them in different co-curricular activities hence keeping

them off the streets. This helps them from getting into the traps of committing crimes in the

streets. HASCC is a non-profitable organization that need grants to reinforce its mission and

aims as it serves a wide variety of communities in the Hollywood town. The after school

programmes keeps the youth out of trouble by engaging them and keeping them busy hence

preventing the occurrence of crimes in the streets (Taheri & Welsh, 2016). HASCC utilizes many

community resources to help the youth adopt good morals in the society. The organization also

utilizes resources to prevents the youth from future engagements in the acts of crime and help

them from entering adult criminal systems in future.

Discuss the possible funding sources you might contact for this grant proposal.

Many possible sources of funding and grants can fund a proposal. However, for the

Hollywood After School Community Center, the possible source of funding could be the

UNICEF. This organization can be helpful since it supports children’s and the efforts to engage

them in a helpful way, hence reducing the crime rates in the streets (Edberg, 2017). Another

source of funding is the department of justice. This agency is the most preferred since it supports

the efforts made to fight the sources of crimes in the society. Another source of funding could be

through the federal government or the state government. Equally, another source of funding that

can be contacted is through philanthropy (Harvey et al. 2018). People who believe in the

reduction of crime rates in the society will give grants to this organization without demanding

the money back. This is because of their own believes.

Need Statement

Establish the specific problem the proposed project will address

The rate at which the school kids and the youth are entering into the criminal justice

system has increased from the past years. The program will address issues present in the

juveniles and juvenile offenders. The program will also address the after school hours and the

impact this period has on the youth activity (Taheri & Welsh, 2016). This is because most of the

youths engage themselves in the ill-fated activities after they are out of school hours and prior to

the time they meet their parents in the evenings. The after school programs provide the

responsible adult supervision to the children and avoid them from being involved in the harmful

peer pressure activities that can lead them to involve in the illegal activities, such as the abuse of

drugs and the gang involvement. The program will also help to increase the public safety in the


Management Plan

Describe the responsibilities of the project director (you) and any staff you will employ to

implement the grant

The project director will be the one overseeing every aspect of the program. This is from

the period of obtaining the grant, implementing the program, employing the needed staff, and

providing the guidance to the employed personnel while interacting with the children and the

employees. The project director will also perform the performance evaluation of the program and

develop stringent plans for the staff and the organization to ensure the maintenance of the high-

level quality of services rendered (Turner, 2017). The employed staff will have many

responsibilities due to the issues that the program needs to cater. Part of the staff will compose

students with guidance and counselling techniques since they will be responsible for mentoring

the community. After school program, also long for the working parents for the kids to help the

organization ensure that there are no dropouts in the course of trainings.


The after school program ensures that students are less engaged in activities that can lead

them to do crimes in the society. These activities also help the students develop positive attitude

towards education, hence their school attendance levels will highly increase. Equally, the

program instills improved attitude to the students who attend the after school activities. With the

help of a grant, we can therefore create a program that best utilizes the after school time for the

students and help them develop good morals which are vibrant to parents and the society. This

program aims at reaching the society with safety and with productive youths.


Harvey, C., Maclean, M., Price, M., & Harizanova, V. (2018). Philanthropy. Economy and

Society in North East England: The Early Modern Era, 1501-1750.

Turner, J. R. (2017). Contracting for project management. Routledge.

Taheri, S. A., & Welsh, B. C. (2016). After-school programs for delinquency prevention: A

systematic review and meta-analysis. Youth violence and juvenile justice, 14(3), 272-290.

Edberg, M., Shaikh, H., Rimal, R. N., Rassool, R., & Mthembu, M. (2017). Development of a

communication strategy to reduce violence against children in South Africa: A social-

ecological approach. African Journal of Information and Communication, 20, 49-76.

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