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Virology Case 2

Patient History
*Neorotropic – tends to attact the
- Working on a roadside clean-up
nervous system
- Visual hallucinations Rabies
- Muscle Pains Vomiting
- Findings of agitation and
Vital Signs hydrophobia are specific for
rabies encephalitis
- High Temp (37 C)
- High Pulse (116/min)
- Respiration ? (28/min)
- BP tass 168/104 mmHg
Patient Presentation
Clinical Features
- Hypersthesia over the right side
of the body - Weakness at the bitten
- Agitated and less well oriented extremities might be evident at
- Developed hydrophobia initial presentation
- Hypersalivation - Fluctuating consciousness
- Wide fluctuations in body tem and - Hydrophobia
BP - Inspiratory spasms
- Autonomic dysfunction
- Normal blood work but with
increased lymphocytes with CSF Pathogenesis and pathophysiology
- Chest X ray is normal, and no - Transmission
abnormal findings were found on o Infected saliva from a bite
brain CT of an infected animal
- Nuchal skin biopsy tested positive o Inhaling aerolised rabies
for neurotropic virus with DFA virus
test o Tissue and organ
- Saliva and skin tested positive transplants
with RT-PCR o Handling and skinning of
infected carcasses
o Contamination of an open
wound, scratch, abrasion,
or mucous membrane
- Viremia does not occur
- Incubation period phase can vary
from weeks to years but lasts 1-2
months on average
Alabata Almagro
- Zoonotic from infected animals
like dogs, raccoons, skunks, bats,
and foxes Chavez
- Affects the central nervous
system Llanera
- Can be transmitted via non-bites Tabal
exposure and human to human
transmission Vailoces
- Fatal

Clinical Diagnosis in Human [SCRIPT]
- First symptom is neuropathic pain Case Presentation
at the site of infections or wound
- Diagnosis can only be confirmed A 31 year old man went to the ER of the
by lab tests preferably conducted hospital with complaints fever and visual
post mortem on cns hallucinations, muscle pains and
- Tests are also performed on the vomiting
samples of saliva, serum and skin Four days ago, he was already
biopsies of hair follicles at the experiencing back pains and malaise
nape of the neck while working for a roadside clean-up On one hand, his vitals were abnormal
10.1186/1743-422X-9-50 with high temperature, increased pulse
respiratory rate, and blood pressure
His physical examination shows that
there is an increasing sensation in his
forearm with hyperesthesia over the
entire right side of body, signs of
agitations, hydrophobia, and
Although his blood work was normal, an
analysis of his CSF shows significant
increase in lymphocytes. Also, his
biopsy shows Negri bodies
With these in mind, we have narrowed
down the possible viral agent and

Viral agent and Disease

- First, it should be noted that the
patient is experiencing a viral
infection based on the significant
increase of lymphocytes in his
CSF analysis. According to
Keohane et al. (2019), increased
lymphocytes is often associated
with viral infections
- Going back to the patient
presentation, increased sensation
of an affected area such in the
case of the patient’s right forearm
are one of the first symptoms of
rabies according to Hemachudha
et al. (2013). Although there was
no animal bite, rabies can still be
transmitted via exposure of an
open wound to an infected saliva.
Probably, the patient had an open
wound and it got infected during
roadside clean up
- Meanwhile, references have
consistently associated
hydrophobia, agitation,
hypersalivation, and impaired
mental status with rabies
- Lastly, there were Negri bodies
appearing in his biopsy, but it is
not specific to rabies, there are
cases that Negri bodies do
appear in histological
examinations according to CDC

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