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Uplink Throughput Problem

By Panji Ryan Widhi

When drive test has been done and found uplink throughput was very low, we should
check what the caused is.

Step 1: Identify cell with low UL (uplink) throughput

This is case in a site having low UL throughput with low MCS while the radio condition is good

Step 2: Identify Uplink interference

Check RSSI report , in this case we’ve found that this cell has normal RSSI which is under -105
dBm. Cells with uplink interference are those whose RSSI values are high (higher than -90dBm,
for instance).

Typical scenarios where these values are high are indoor environments (i.e : arenas, airports, etc.
Then check P0-nominalPUCCH and P0-nominalPUSCH setting are they have correct value or
not (P0 nominal PUCCH default value is -116 dBm and P0 nominal PUSCH default value is -80
Step 3: BLER Values

Run a report for BLER in the cells identified. The BLER should be smaller or equal than 10%. If
the value is larger, then, there is an indication of bad RF environment. Typical causes of bad
BLER are uplink interference, bad coverage (holes in the network, etc.)

Step 4: Low Demand

a) Run a report using the counters provided by the OEM to find

1. Maximum number of RRC connections supported per cell (parameter or feature)

2. Maximum number of RRC connections active per cell

3. Average number of RRC connections active per cell

4. Maximum number of users per TTI supported per cell (parameter or feature)

5. Maximum number of users scheduled per TTI in the cell(s) of interest

6. Average number users scheduled per TTI in the cell(s) of interest

b) If the maximum number of RRC connections active per cell is close or equal to the maximum
number of RRC connections supported, then. The cause for low throughput is load.

c) A high number of scheduled users per TTI does not necessarily mean that demand is the
cause for low throughput.

Step 5: Scheduler Type

a) Find the scheduler types your OEM supports

b) Select the one that is more convenient for the type of cell you are investigating. Examples of
schedulers are: round robin, proportional fairness, maximum C/I, equal opportunity, etc. OEMs
allow you to switch the scheduler in your network but recommend one in particular.

c) The wrong scheduler may be the reason for bad throughput.

In this case this site is using same scheduler with other sites which is proportional fair

Step 6: Power Headroom

a) Run a report to find out the average power headroom that UEs have in your network.
b) A low value of power headroom means that UEs do not have available power to transmit in
the uplink and hence, the throughput is low.

c) Low values of power headroom are 5 dB or smaller.

d) Typical causes of low power headroom are uplink interference and/or incorrect power control
parameter settings, to mention a few.

Power Headroom = UE Max Transmission Power - PUSCH Power = Pmax - P_pusch

From the table shows that we have low power headroom (around -11 dB).

Step 7: Other

a) Run a VSWR report.

b) High values of VSWR result in low throughput due to losses.

c) Check backhaul capacity. Often times, the backhaul links are shared among multiple RATs.
Make sure backhaul is properly dimensioned.

At the end of this methodology, we will be able to determine if the reasons for low throughput in
cells is one of the following or a combination, thereof:
- BLER (bad coverage)

- Uplink Interference (high RSSI)

- Low Power headroom

- Scheduling algorithm

- Low Demand

- Other (VSWR, Backhaul capacity, or UE ant problem)

Another way to detect low throughput is to check UE/antenna equipment first by see RS
SINR value between 2 antenna, if there is an error equipment or not. Best result is both antenna
is having approximately equal with each other. As we’ve seen below RS SINR 0 and SINR 1 is
having differences while RSRP and SINR in a good condition.

Now let’s try to change the equipment and do uplink throughput test once more. The result
(picture below) is UL throughput is improve significantly, RS SINR 0 and RS SINR 1 is having an equal
value (approximately), and because of that UE could get better MCS and RB.
Another parameter could increase uplink throughput are define here :

- ulpcAlpha
- initial amount of PRB in UL
- max number of HARQ transmission in UL

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