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Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School

160 Champaca Street, Maligaya Park Subdivision

Novaliches, Quezon City 1118
Tel. No.: 417-7212 Tel. Fax No.: 962-9907
Facebook page:

Audio-Visual Presentation
Goal: To present to young people that sainthood is still possible in the present time.
Role/s: The learners will act as advertisers.
Audience: Classmates, Schoolmates, and Teacher
Situation: In today’s situation, many young people believe that holiness is no longer a big deal or that sainthood or heroism is just a dream more than a reality or that
holiness is impossible and not doable. But in reality there are many ordinary people who are exemplars of holiness. One has to simply be observant.
Product/Performance: To come up with an audio-visual presentation advertising the “Search for Contemporary Saints and Heroes” highlighting on the criteria for
sainthood and heroism.

CATEGORY Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Progressing (3) Basic (2) POINTS

Content Shows a complete

Shows substantial Shows some understanding Shows lack of understanding
understanding and X5
understanding and and interpretation of the and interpretation of the
interpretation of the
interpretation of the search search for holiness and search for holiness and
search for holiness and
for holiness and heroism. heroism. heroism.

Organization Ideas are presented in a

and logical and interesting Ideas are presented in a The audience has difficulty The audience cannot
Presentation sequence which the logical sequence which the understanding the content understand the content X5
of Ideas audience can easily audience can understand. because the ideas are not because main ideas/concepts
understand. logically presented. are missing.
Creativity and Originality is apparent in Some originality is apparent There is little or no variation. The presentation is repetitive
Originality the presentation capturing with good variety and Materials presented with little with little or no variety. The X4
the audience’s attention. blending of materials/ originality. use of materials/ media is
media. insufficient

The output touches the The output slightly touches The output is incomplete and
Relevance hearts of viewers because the heart of the viewers not refined thus its message
The output lacks an effect to X3
of its dramatic because of its smooth failed to come across to the
touch the heart of the viewers.
presentation. presentation. viewers.

Almost missed to pass the
and Passed the PeTa and
Passed the PeTa and able Passed the PeTa and almost PeTa and accomplished the X3
Promptness of accomplished the given task
to accomplish the given able to accomplish the given given task 3 to 7 days after the
Submission of one to two days after the
task ahead of time. task on time. given time.
the Output given time.

Final Score 100

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