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Saint Francis Xavier Catholic School

160 Champaca Street, Maligaya Park Subdivision

Novaliches, Quezon City 1118
Tel. No.: 417-7212 Tel. Fax No.: 962-9907
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Creative Symbolic Artifact

Goal: To create a creative symbolic artifact showing the relevance of the liturgical seasons in one’s life and how it can bring about transformation of the society and the
environment, as well as the meaning of being a member of the Church.
Role/s: You are advocates campaigning for an understanding and appreciation of the chosen Liturgical Season by the members of your parish.
Audience: Everyone
Situation: There is a need for awareness and discernment on the messages of the chosen Liturgical Season to human life and the society.
Product/Performance: Taken photo/s of the creative symbolic artifact.

ACTIVITY Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Progressing (3) Basic (2) POINTS

Shows a complete Shows a substantial Shows some understanding Shows lack of

understanding about the understanding about the about the significance or understanding about the
Concept of the
significance or impact of the significance or impact of the impact of the messages of the significance or impact of X5
Creative Symbolic
messages of the chosen messages of the chosen chosen Liturgical Season to the messages of the chosen
Liturgical Season to human Liturgical Season to human life human life and the society at Liturgical Season to human
life and the society at large. and the society at large. large. life and the society at large.

Project reveals student Either the justification is

Symbolism Project reveals student Neither the justification
interpretation and explicit adequate for less than four X5
Interpretation and interpretation and adequate nor interpretation is
justification of the meaning symbols or the symbols are not
Justification justification of the meaning sufficiently explained by
behind all symbols sufficiently interpreted and
behind all symbols. student.
represented. explained.
Some originality is apparent
Originality is apparent in the There is little or no variation. The presentation is X4
Originality with good variety and blending
presentation capturing the Materials presented with little repetitive with little or no
of materials/ media..
audience’s attention. originality variety.

Written explanation makes Written explanation

clear and convincing Written explanation makes adequately focuses and Written explanation lacks
Captions connections to the text with connections to the text with develops ideas with detail. focus or development and X3
important and relevant sufficient necessary evidence. Analysis isn’t thorough or isn’t thorough.
evidence. lacks connections.

Timeliness and
Passed the PeTa and able to Passed the PeTa and almost Passed the PeTa and Almost missed to pass the
Promptness of X3
accomplish the given task able to accomplish the given accomplished the given task PeTa and accomplished the
Submission of the
ahead of time. task on time. one to two days after the given given task 3 to 7 days after
time. the given time.
Final Score

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