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Executive Summary
The study is based on the project plan development associated with the Private Medical
Association of Australia (PMAA) where the three technical projects associated with the technical
developmental program in the hospital take solace. The projects that are developed by the
authority and the management of the PMAA are Private Electronic Patient Records (PEPR) as a
way of updating its existing theatre management system (TMS) and patient administration
system (PAS). These three are complex projects that are going to develop in the hospital for
providing facilities to all the customers. The management associated with this complex project
including quality, procurement, risk, stakeholder management has been evaluated in the study.

Table of content
Introduction 4

1. Quality planning effect on scope management of the project 4

2. Tools and the technique of quality control 5

3. Communication management plan 6

4. Ethical issues 8

5. Risk management 9

6. Procurement management plan 10

7. Stakeholder management 11

8. Stakeholder risk matrix 12

9. Conclusion and recommendation 14

Reference list 15


Project management is the practice associated with leading with the work of the team to achieve
the goal and the success criteria in a specific time. This study is associated with project
management in case of implementing a Private electronic patient record (PEPR), theatre
management system (TRMS), and patient administration system (PAS) in a private medical

1. Quality planning effect on scope management of the project

● The quality planning associated with the project will help in meeting and providing the
best customer service by fulfilling their needs and the demand.
● The quality management of the private electronic patient record will help in providing
the scope for storage of the data associated with the patients.
● On the other hand Lu et al. (2019) said that quality control is also associated with the
process approach and the relationship management by which the scope associated with
the project is managed efficiently.
● The quality management approach should be provided on the patient administration
system (PAS) by which better scope for managing the security and the service for the
patients is developed.
● A better quality administration system will also help provide the scope of the efficient
performance of all the employees associated with the company.
● In contrast Neyestani (2017) said that effective quality management in the project is
necessary because it will help in supervising the work performance of the employee's
towards the patient.
● The quality management associated with the theatre resource management system
(TRMS) of the project will help in providing the effective scope of visualizing the
patient's records by operating the software.
● The scope of the security in the medical sector will also increase with the quality
management associated with the proper administration system.

● The quality management of the TRMS will help in providing the scope of centralized
monitoring and the screening of the whole building as a result of which the security
system associated with the project will increase.
● The quality management of the project will help in providing the effective scope
associated with increasing the communication among the employees by which PAS is
● Thus the quality management will help in producing the effective scope associated with
the project by engaging the people and also by maintaining the communication with the

2. Tools and the technique of quality control

Statistical sampling
● This tool can be applied for improving the quality of the project because it helps in
drawing a set of observations by taking the data from a population distribution.
● The data collected from the observation will help in understanding the demand and the
need of the customers as well as the layback associated with TRMS, PAS.
● According to Fakeeh (2016), this collection of observations and the collection of the
information will help in improving the quality of the project based on the analysis of the
● Six-sigma is the process of the tool and the technique associated with improving the
quality of the project.
● Defining, controlling, and analyzing the project will help in understanding the things that
need to be improved in the project by which the quality may increase.

Figure 1: Six sigma
(Source: Fakeeh 2016)
Seven basic tools of quality
● The seven basic tools associated with the project are the cause-effect diagram, check
sheet, histogram, control chart, Pareto chart, scatter diagram and stratification.
● On the other hand Ellinas Allan and Johansson (2016) said that the use of this quality
control tool will help in understanding the points that need to be improved in the project
by visualizing various diagrams and the flow charts associated with PEPR.
● The testing of this project will help in understanding the quality control of the software
development of TRMS by which activity associated with the project is understood.
● Testing also helps in increasing the efficiency of the project by which the evaluating
information about the system and the software implementation for the PEPR, TRMS,
and PAS is developed by improving its quality.

3. Communication management plan

Communication Persons Time is Resources Importance

management plan involved in taken
the team

Synchronous Employees, 2 months Modern This communication

communication Project communication planning system includes
plan leaders, and technologies such as a live communication with

managers computer, PowerPoint employees by which
presenter and instant decision and the
conference room points of the employees
are included in the project

This communication management plan will be used for distributing the project management plan
because a live conference was held to better understand the project. In contrast Kautz, Johansen,
and Uldahl (2017) said that the advantages and disadvantages of the project will be made
understandable to the employees.
Importance of addressing individual communication needs
● The development of individual communication will help in understanding the specific
preference for the development of PAS, PTS, and PEPR.
● Individual communication also helps in evolving more ideas about the project of PAS
and the PTS from individual sources.
● They seek to appropriate support about the project is also understood by the development
of individual communication.
The number of a communication channel
● The communication channels associated with the project are conference calls, audio, and
computer-assisted conferences.
● According to Ishak and Saad (2016), these channels help in analyzing ideas and the
decision of every employee about each project plan.
● The live conference will also help in understanding the participation of the team members
in the project.

4. Ethical issues

The project has begun with the consultation of the private Medical Association of Australia with
the objective that PAS, TRMS, and PEPR will help in providing effective support and security to

all the patients by maintaining the records through advanced technology. The development of a
secure administration system with the implementation of advanced technology is the main
objective of this project.

Factors Issues

Quality If it is not maintained properly then the security associated with the patients
will not be maintained.

Lack in May create problems with the security as well as the privacy associated with
controlling the patient and patient administration system

Health and Impact on workers skills and performance


Diversity in the The ethical issues may also arise with different ideas from different staff
workplace (Neyestani 2017).

Unethical Harassment of the employees and the patient may take place with improper
observation management in the PAS.

Electronic and Fakeeh (2016) said that the problem is one of the most important ethical
technological issues

This improper management of the security would create problems in the maintenance of privacy
by creating an ethical issue associated with the security of the patient data in PEPR. The access
of other networks in the PAS and the PTS will create problems in maintaining the patient

5. Risk management

Identification of the risk

● The risks associated with this project are inaccurate patient information, the privacy of
the data, security issues associated with the administrative system.
● The risk register is needed to be used in the project for identifying the issues associated
with the project.
● In the first steps of the risk register, the issues need to be identified and implemented in
the table and then the impact of the risk in the project is assumed (Ndung'u, Were &
Mwangangi 2020).
● The root cause associated with risks needs to be identified based on which the impact of
the risks will be registered.

List of Risk Preventing method Responsible Resource


1. Inaccurate 1. Patient record in the Human resource Implementation of

patient displayed screen is manager other devices to cross-
information needed to limit check patient history.
2. Accuracy in the records is
needed to cross-checked
in another portal

2. Privacy of the 1. The data access system of Privacy The backup section in
data the PAS and PEPR needs management the computer where the
to be maintained properly department or proper data and the file
2. According to Ajibola, the IT will be stored and web
Omiyale, and Ogunwolu department of camera. The fingerprint
(2018), data acquisition the medical unlocks system will act
and the data utilization sector as another resource.
system is needed to be
controlled by providing
an authentic passcode.
3. Data should be backed up
in the computer in a safe


3. Security issues 1. Restricting access in the Administrative Supervisors in the

associated with administrative zone officer administrative
the 2. The login control of PAS department and the
administrative system in need to be CCTV footage.
system highly secure
3. A firewall for denying
any unauthorized source
in the PEPR, PTS, and
PAS is needed to be

6. Procurement management plan

Importance of procurement
● Procurement acts as the operation function of an organization that helps in maintaining
the supply chain along with achieving the overall objective of the PAS, PTS, and PEPR.
● Differently Tsiga, Emes, and Smith (2017) said that procurement is viewed as the
strategic function which also helps in increasing the profitability associated with the
Work involved in procurement management planning
● Development of the contract management responsibility for the project is the main work
associated with the procurement management plan where the development of the
requirement such as data system and the software development for the project is made.
● The proper planning, selection, and the administration are associated with the work of the
procurement management plan for the project.
● The contract type selected for this project will be a fixed price contract because it will
help in providing a detailed statement associated with the work.
● On the other hand Martens and Carvalho (2017) said that finalized design and the
material specification of the project by this contract type will help in the development of
strategic planning, selection, and administration of the project.

● This fixed contract type will also help in achieving the statement of work because the
finalized document of the project is routinely employed in the field of project
management by helping in the procurement management plan.
● The source selection criteria will help in the procurement management planning of the
project because it helps in setting attributes desired in the project by balancing the
objective measures.

7. Stakeholder management

Name Process of managing The way of engaging The use of an issue


The stakeholder The decision-making The stakeholders The issue log will
associated with this strategies of the need to be involved help in managing the
project are the employees need to be throughout the project record of the issues
employees implemented in the plan by which they that take place in the
development of the can understand their project.
electronic record. importance.

The decision of the

employees must be
implemented in the
project which will
help in engaging

A customer that is In the viewpoint of The expectations and On the other hand
patients Acıkara, Kazaz, and the need of the Velázquez et al.
Ulubeyli (2017), the customers need to be (2018) issue log can
impact and the estimated in the be effectively used
demand of the project for engaging for tracking the

customer need to be them actions that take place
understood. in the project to
resolve them with the
help of stakeholder

The PMAA The project planning The idea about the Management as a
authority and should be provided to financial investment result of which proper
management the PMAA authority about the project funding will be done.
and management by needs to be discussed
which the importance with the PMAA
associated with the authority
PAS, TRMS, and
PEPR is developed.

8. Stakeholder risk matrix

Stakeholder’s Name Power Interest Ways to manage

Employees of Low High The employees of the PMAA can be managed

PMAA by implementing the decision-making strategies
from them and also by

Customer / patients Low Low The patient and the patient parties can be
managed by showing them the advantages
associated with PAS, PEPR, and TRMS. This
will help in the development of their interest in
the implementation of the project.

PMAA authority High High The interest and the power both are high in the
and management case of the PMAA authority for this reason
proper strategic planning is needed to be
developed (Azman, Ramli & Zawawi 2018).
The managers of the project can develop the

interest of the managers for the project.

Government of High Low The power of the government for the project is
Australia high but the interest is low which may create a
barrier in the project of PAS, PEPR, and TMRS
planning. The proper idea and the advantages
associated with projects for the patients are
needed to make understanding to the
Government. The implementation of the proper
planning and the funding of the project for the
sake of Patients will help in increasing the
interest of the government towards the project.

Figure 2: Stakeholder management matrix

(Source: Azman, Ramli & Zawawi 2018)

9. Conclusion and recommendation

The development of the security check and the authentication portal in the PEPR and the PAS
will help in managing the privacy and the security of the data. The implementation of proper
supervisors and the proper networking system will help in mitigating the risk associated with
the project is maintained properly. The infrastructure of the hospital needs to be managed with

efficient technology by which the TRMS can be implemented properly. The skilled IT employee
is needed to be engaged in mobilizing the factors associated with the Project of TRMS, PAS,
PEPR. From the above study, it can be concluded that the development of the project plan in the
private hospital may have some risks associated with it. But mitigation of those problems will
help in providing efficient support to all the patients and employees.

Reference list

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