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I. THE PARTIES. This will be done on 02.27.2023

by and between:
Sylwia Martensen postal address from
NiendorferKirchenweg 1E 22459 Hamburg Germany
Willy Deus Kitata with a mailing address from
5160 Las Verdes Cicrle 315 33848 Delray Beach .
Subject to the conditions set forth in this waiver and
hereby confirms that Mr. Willy Deus Kitata waives
any and all claims to the apartment at 5160 Las
verdes Circe 315 33484 Delray Beach
Therefore, subject to the terms and reasonableness of
this Agreement, hereby
acknowledged, you hereby release and exonerate the
dismissed including his
Agents, employees, successors and assigns and their
respective heirs, personally
Agents, affiliates, successors and assigns, and any
person, firm or
Entities that are liable or for which liability may be
claimed, whether named herein or not,
none of them admits any liability to the undersigned,
but all expressly disclaim liability,
from any claim, demand, damages, suit, cause of
action or suit of any kind
Type or texture that may have now or later, arising
out of or into
in any way in relation to any injury and damage of
any kind to both
person and property, as well as all injuries and
damages that may arise in the
future, as a result or in any way related to liability.
III. PAYMENT. As part of this release, the parties
agree as follows: (check one)
☐ - No payment by the exemptee to the approver.
☐ - A payment of $________________ by the
Releaseee to the Releaser.
It is assumed and agreed that this release will be
made and received in full and complete
Discharge and satisfaction of said causes of action,
claims and demands
here in; that this release contains the entire agreement
between the releaser and
Release; and that the terms of this Release are
contractual and not merely a recital.
IV. BINDING EFFECT. This release is binding on
the undersigned and his dependents
respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal
representatives, legal successors, etc
Signature of the releaser:
_________________________________ Date
Printed Name:
Signature of exemptee:
_________________________________ Date
Printed Name:

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