3 SA SF BM Relation

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Relation between $-F ard B.A: — wear Ed) cat4 t +hEFy-0 V-w)-AL- (vray) =0 > AV =-WD)-AL > Se = we ; i x0, oe 36) Se Gremeo SW Vary Wha). 66a) + ram =o => AM= VAL-WlDe @y 2 Ah. ve wo ese If A170, du wv —(i) <— tomD. We wl) : he Senet - — ( intendty of dlstribube Load) < Foom(t) pl estes onp = Chooy foree- e = ; > jave [vt dx >| Ave = fwopde Le Chanpely ¢P= - CAvea.cf distribided lod). Sina [Ame f vou he Change in BM = Aron Sheoveforee diagram: < Pointload (Foxe $ momar!) :— n( ra ‘ora + Efyeo v VrAy V-pHyrAd = 0 Ane ov V-PV- Av 20 > (Bve-?] Thus achon P aek downward SF shown & clownwWord Juan Gremeo 4 vat —W rt SE aytram =o 5 Ame VAL pAL As Ai20, AM>0 = om ™ ineam +P Sty? V- (vrs 20 nd “fa y view GrSM20 > — Ve MAA AM 2 0 At 5 Ame Me VAL. asAtoo [AM> M Thu, if an external couple is applied cloewise, Me BMD J up alard, and Bho’ M’ ack bountorcloewwite BUD 7 Jianps Aoanioard @ “Relationsip between loading | Shoay and momert:— Load’: ing Shoay Diagram Moment Diog 2am oe —w0n) ey 2 att —— yy LS %,. + VL Ve Zevnslepe, iu mh Me Sopot =~ orev, Positive Consanctslofe ‘ mM 2 Ber she I< Gensie I ae ae =Wo Lig, _ Pathe deceyte o_o aoc | Constant Slope. e. m slot Vp SH yp —_—" frstordenans ih, wey i = * naga) igen et shee ee eeinaes ae vaca gl tate et LOADING AND BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAMS FROM SHEAR FORCE DIAGRAM, — The loading and bending moment— diagrams can easily he drawh from ke shearforee. iagoam if hese poink are kogt in mind. The. Shear foree. diagram Consisl +} i) Rectangles In Case “f- point load. i) Inclined Lines for he portion = Uniformly chsbibuted load: Wi) Parabolic Curve for Ke. Portion 4 triangular oy toapezum loa: ‘The bending moment cllagram Consicks G) Inelined Lines in Case pointloads. ch) Parabolic. corvep for kee portion 4 Uniferhky distributed load. , {hy Cubie Che. for Ke portion & triangelay or trapezium load. hep. ebtain Loadliny anf draw buy for lke. folow! beam foom Ihe given SED -Asstone no Couple is achy, or c kp Te eg To bin loading Qu» -wex) ip 1) Portion DB ° 40 BY » constad = -'Be 5 ~. Wis 5HYm. — Uy Portion cp zon ag | 4 2 = WX) Abc, Hereis Sudden ju > A Se pslepe, In€FD ond ke Charyeint-p Vie 28-10 = 10 9 Apuinudind 5 10 tHonee, down ward oreo H4 : NWN ate. | omy BMD) Conde tae qoom lire, hoody Now. How evey BALD Aveve is obtain From GFp Jo obtain mp & a eV 2 ju = [vd Portion bb :— ~. Mo20;. Cinee. Drove i¢ no Couple inte bean. oe ee ee fe - Jv => Mp-Mp = 42s Une 10KN-m -]Mp= —10 em au _ d , On & D140 ard AM op = he Bmp Slope decreas yy &) Portion Dp Mp-Me= Ware Arlo) = 40 eN- m. 2) Me = —404Mp = — 50 Kem. au 40 = Constad: $6 BM Varlah'on|s Nea Gi) Portion Fe Ota Pde J, =) Me-Ms * (x2) Mae Me-40 2 -50- 4b = -Fo nlm, Again Variation 1 BM \g Lineaw in ins Tangy, a) pe pti loading and doaw BMD fale followy boty To obtain loading , W - wor) Ma pe loadin > an 2 KT. ve Bt a 2 4S Be ge. - 20 (1-9) . B Ee 70 © (t-0) SED : e — -". WOD=e LP (t-9) ~ linear for g ec tla A Ax=6; wide w amp atxets wO=0 To ebtain BMD. dy yy faa. Fite > My My = Specie D- ye = 2 af 6 — BT wt ‘ iL" P] EES =] Maz - wt b slate Tea =) Ma-My = Jhotde 2 inet > ecery--3 he -£7 uty tan fF .2 My 2 Wh 2 Wh ada? = alley 7 ” htatn loadi and doaw Bu) fox Ihe flowy beam ~ WAY dome Sivek srr. Assume 10 ooo ove dei ~ yn ee To ebtain Joadl jet. H <— ts ve wel) ——.... -! __dV__fo : By ae on” Tate Siva = + Sh . i wi PRo- = = ge To obtain BMD _ % _ et dam Ve (ea) a de [du = J Bread. nw 0 / l Mg My= [ie-2 > Mae BLOB. wth >| Ma = -¥ “L x o. fdue (2 (be de »& Ja eB =) Nay = ales = Me tM tee *") » wh 2 My = (WE wl we?) phe Obtain loading and doaw amp for ke followiy beam baiet from be Gd, be. Assume eee chy. vw To obtain BAND aw we ee V 7 My =O My 2 0- a - f dw Jude a. n 2 MW = (4) (29 4) Z 7) Me = wl x x6 J > fre =) Me-M = Test-wode 2 wear e 2 pyab¥® obiedn Loading and doaw BMD forlre (lows bea wie te. avo SED - Assume No re cup oe eh eding ce haves gall ei Ge wie) 3 ae “ae *, WD = oe WE, Linenlevialy “wl -4 wWiD=W- Toobtoin buy — | GH av ma mao fn fale ndition Ma20 = OF Me We ee 2) = We é 2 To gut mop" rs) Bid O Ls a ah Ae Mmay = (why) od (Ly | a ote #09 re D> C=O uy : ’ poe SED Ts Shown. Defermina fre leading and doan pap” L Assume no Couples are acting. ' To ettain To ebiin loading pms Fe wee) - wx) ch) In portion AB We. 0-12, 6 a” 3-0 =) WiD= 6 Wy, Iakw. gd) In portion Be bc ° A dy 2 0 = teneere|eal wi) Snpertion

Ne Ma = Le)(2) > 12KM => Mp > d2la-w Loom Ato ; Om Variation bs pavatolle Since SP} 3 naan Cimilarly Me ~My = (b)(2)C2) = [2am =) Me = [2K Mm. In oC portion, bm vaniah'on is Constant, Sinte SF20- In ¢-p portion Gm variah'on Varies Lincurly Since Fis Constant - Prov 4 # Asurg me ctl chi on Me beam obtain te endgame JS BMD drem the geen SED. Te Obtotn Leow Ab aye Ta Ww Cx) = ~2be = boat | wt 5-0 10m. .WOD £ ok Ym. = Skv JL deem Fong & ack, ak & 2-8 - 3S 2 HL Kem, n2U x a-Y ~\ x26 x26 = 2 a Be: é OBTAIN LOADING AND DRAW SFD_ From eee feb HA on Zo oblun_sFD pf dn on fostien ABLAL, MMe v=o, Aimee. pe om of develps iM WwW fie team. | LD olslewleadtiig 2 Fon spd. Sn the enti decam, FF =O, -- Hea 1f)-0 + Wa wesbia) fervas tet the. Ce w Fim PMD Tire ob a sudden virrtan in Amat B fom-nizo. Lene a ehachwiae couple aes at Gf ryrilie 7 a) wh v. © tn portion 0B Mt he cpualion F he furaticle Ge Mos (arre+0), eats and he oregon 23 aD. obi © Ab X20, Mz -l0 ab y-2)M= 0, ad x22, MH no, ae arb , > 62 44th D4ath ~o—O ab 220 Me-109 @ sco ab 422, M20 3 0 = 4a¢b4o-€2) Sebring O LO, weget, Aaa be fld. = 2.50 -HOL 10 dy . Ti ~ FOr 10 2 2=10 © Sp partion ep ws dy, -lo- C49 _ 19 Va puotion Ae,” ty =O. Portion RC M eQO 46K +0, Maxce = HO Moree = 2 (3) I fics ae aa-af bam, c=”

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