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CABLES AND SUSPENSION BRIDGES o dip fk tole of Be span ilibriwm of. cable Equiilriam of ob We Ma Ws Ma = Vgoee Ni OA) Wn 6) Aa 7H = m » Ve Sirice. the oshle ns feaibl. ae M0 p93 7 vy = Vane by (os) Gets) 4p = eam FM 7 . Cable. sublectol bb concenbvalist Fe Mau ? Ips Mijeom + anu He Ff 0 calle. sh simile. th Ge Goan pm, Sf My Maxton Br beam tn ab lead ard 4, The cleflections N11 ths Ye and tq Me gw by te te Me toe Np and ae 428 Lente of the. frreiconlod Aunke a tension on pusin & able any one pioinle 4 knedn , fit Oy pile ai tee ealalall are The stipe found. Fe achial tng. of he cable 48 the. asim Gf he tgs € Prsbatel Vd Ughl able u suppeatel of tio pinks 20m whith aad he same tout. Ge able Pa to dio: tm: edivmutt, ti Geeta si Hee ifecent rgmentane] Bll dingh: Gf te able AY Sm 5m pap ey By A —Vp (Zo > Vp = 40M ZV =0 3 Vy = 40780420-40 = SOW. Th. beam rromunte of pint 1, 2and 3 are Mon (ep) (5) = AED lM WR = (50) (10) —He)U) = 300 lor Meo" = (60) (is) ~ Gt) (la) 0) (5) = 260 ri bye “wo pe ase = SIZEM LN pe en 300. = 0.4Gm i 315 © Me" 200 b> “3 = Spe > OC4am Of= toi Hh. Lal OF 5 G09" Oe doa! "aot. La (096208) = tasd 5s 5S a> bul bp = te! (osexo) = 3662 ss 2 dan’ a L O64 = F294" 5 = 7 aati of Coins ia @ A TsQ= 4 4 Ne seas y 4 a T+ 32s Gs959° = 316-42lw. 7 Ti G6 = Toso, ae > Te BEAT 054-64 je Ges VBS" “tr = 312-66hnr ——_~ Thls@ = Ta Obs a > Be 326i t8ar &" Os ars 36662" Sot = 313-14% WN Talos8, = 3 2125. oe The at igs" Biss i a rns = 40 5in @0-B.) “sin ea) “sin((e0-G18) Be A_. 7 > 3 40x Gnd —b83) ana *Sy6 * Sh” Saal ten ana hoa bh of he cable = 5 506 + oui le + asians sey = 2olltm- q | \ £=0 We Wr kph Wg >i] Taw = (aye (e)Y = By ve. Ps st. ede 7 oo (gw ie L > We +f @- aon) da. (bx #2") = le) Substtaling te “alee of He Ber we get, ype ODy £4 2 Helen ~ ~ parubole. aes dad : es > dsr=4 (ey) ic ° & = |e Ge ue wee le x 44h Te a Ls fuss ffs cece a [xa #8 Alans 2 )e = Lt BHr(a> — ara 4e?) Le gh L+ # SUSPENSION PARIDGE WITH THREE WINGED STIFFENING GIKDER shiffened &y a. Tre a Unkowa rst We, Ra KB or & Re. 2 Wo Syualins f epusliboiions <=V=o0 Va Vp, =M=d vs 7 bh Mz =O — 4 Iie tam tee coliomsioed 8G EM Ney TR from Me =O. far ah © dae te Ie = Mh” Gogging moment). ermal ¢ ducts eabirn| dead wail only = Rar — (4-4) t f , Wa ae) Ri! + ke ie . © Fras Hae hing sf ga af fen am fs sill ts hn pr lah Ee 360 ln ad he cbilanus 25m anal som from te ff ond. Sid te shah foc. god tant ont go ad a dilinte, 30m fram the be cred. The rah bid cable 4x0 a contol dip Lom « Feed als iy onaresneny insta wi he bl, " Grin “ Bonsiolowig 4 ling Hb. gon and Wh Cem =0 e Teempdoe Pie > Pb = 206 were Ry! = 200 4800-200 ‘ sas . = 300 lw a at e Me 20 é, \ > amdue heading atin om clea Me =0 t# pp = (R00) (Bo) — mex fi) = Ry edo FO he =e 30 > We= slurfn: =e | Rye 390 20Wr Soba = Boeke uw Veoh adisloun, tom fiom Ch ol @ = gp due. to grin loaching + Split & Wo = (Ky 200) + (—Ry + 8x 80) = 300-200 — 4004240 = —¢olum : «pn clue. ty quien lascleige Ft ee pam ad thes seolion = PA anne =SR x 20 — 200 (80-6) {+ $= RA x80 + 8480% at = (B06) ne — (400) Go) + (8) (39) (s) =~ 4sourm CAgachg.), Anabysis Gecalale Va me de» (6) CG2) + ater He Well (@ (too) eee (0) ——— ax linen vi the cobble nants [Pu o [4007 (lon) = lo7rosly Ty 3 you want th cluble te ase Om oF ra, Ex 12 C Mughu etal.) > -h 828- AM>- Me = 36 Wy vis OK , Mz Fboo ku-m Cole - wee 2 BE KN , Va = 2160 kM, Hy = SYK, & = 21°y@"

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