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 To our very own Medical Center Chief – Dr. Ray P. Suanding, to our lovely FMO – Ma’am
Liwliwa L. Laureta, to our Head Ma’am Jane Manalo, employees of Billing & Claims, visitors and
to everyone who are gathered here today.
 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning! We are all enthusiastically gathered here this
morning to celebrate and witness the Blessing Ceremony and Ribbon Cutting of the Newly
renovated Office of Billing and Claims Unit. We are so thankful to many of you, who have been
with us and included on the process starting from the planning until implementing the
renovation of our new office, and now, this day finally came.
 We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this memorable
occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all today.
 Ladies and Gentlemen, without further a due, let us welcome our dearest Unit Head,
Ma’am Jane T. Manalo to give her opening and welcoming message. (Ma’am Jane………………)
 Thank you and we appreciate that Ma’am Jane!
 Now, may we also lend our ears to an inspirational message from our beloved Division
Head, Ma’am Wowie. (Ma’am Wowie……………)
 Well thank you for that inspiring message, Ma’am Wowie!

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