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Date 29/102

Expt. No.
Page No. 2g


1 Composihon and
Guantiy of the
Waste (MSw) Gjoneraded Muncpal Soud
The municipal9oud wasBe (MSw) 1s
vasiousKinds ot Solid aagtes_oand incude
amipture ot

foad wOstes called qanbage and biodeqradable
nonputrescible Solud woSte
like paper,glasseBc alled ubbish
i heAatbage includesall Sortta at_ putrteable (bia-deasadable)
0xaanic uadte9 hese CagteA ate osqanic 10 nokurre his
ukelu to
demmpose 9uickluThe densihu ot
garrbon varie
beueon Y50 to 900 kalm3
i Therubbish vaxiety at materuialg uhich mau
extherr be combushible. (such ad papet plashc ete o
ncombushble such a9 metal, masonTy ete) The densitu
rubb1sh uSual varies rom 50 to tdo KaIm3
iv The lncombushbe shes from household heortha Cchulhas). alled
nshes may also 9tand included in M3wThe denaihu
ofashas vàre between 0 0 to 850 q/m
Besideshe above imposBant ompon end he M9W alsa include
hne duet, 9and 9and obtained trom 9hraet Swoeping s
)ManSolud wasBes Ote normalu not the respanSib1kty OF
muniipal bodies cohich include htrumal pouer planta,
uaste wotert treakmant plant waste trro m animal tee d etc
Muniupal Solud woste is Verty Small Cupto 57:ot total solidaaste
Reu9e may also be closshed dapend ing on_its 90urce
a3C) House Retuse Ci) Street Refuse ) Trade Retusee

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No.
Page No. 21_

viGenernadon o Sald woskes in lndha ot nahanal leeuet

CPCB ho9 estimated thot th dailu par capita aaud
in lnda Tanaeso m obout 0:1 kq in
Small towns to about 0.5kq in laraerr Cihes

ViThequantiy memusa producod in a cit nat onlu dapands

upon thepaoho
upoo tho
cihy and on tha lidnq Standardg_af
the Tesidents but oalsa dopdnda upon tho Sebson
examplei In Lndia, avorrago Summor TOtuge 1 abaut 251
naher than tho eory avorrag due to laxqo
Casiag and ConSumphiao oruits
t r u L t s.

ixThe presonce ot tubbish in lndianretuse as compare.d 4

hat in uSA 19
Vory Small 0s hose ane picked up and mmovod
by a g pickers orto the retuse Teachasho dsposa site
TAs a l duces tho. aalorhc value of lodian reku$o
x)The donsity ot lndian ehuse 1aenoraly hnhor han ho
o the daudlbpad countruies and henc the ndaan 1eBuge con
b Caried ehaentu ond economicalluby mechnical trans pa
tore land ilungs Since, tha calohcvodue of lndianreuse
is much 9malldt and itsmorsture_content 19 hugh, it cannat be
9ilu bumt
i) Tha bio.medicalwoasBestrom hospitalaond nursina. homeA arre

rmuinedto be ollected and troated Sepaatel Afer the

nohhcamon o Biomedical wastos (Manaqemont ond andlina
Rules, 1Q8 enatod underc Environmen Protachon Act,16,a
aat empho.sis15 beinq laid andpresgurre 9 being mounted
an hospials andnurstna ho.mes o ha Ountr fo ouolop
Cmbined treadtmen planfá or individual rzeament and
dispasal planta to ollec, treat, and dispose ot thai
t tw os tes
Expt. No.
Page No.. 2 2

Collechon and
Iranspontahon of Municipal Soid Waste (m8w
In lodia, ho etuso 19 gen@rral colleced Incividuol hause in-
Small Cootainera, ond trom thortb it 19 collected bu Sweepons in
Small hand drivon,losaies carts and thondumpeo nto tho
masonrH Chambertg onstruucled by tho muncipolihies Olong

n Tha ehuse 1s inally aarded Ouay bu- municipa truekg forr

taethor dspasal duruno dau imQ The methodh adopBed horo ane
hghlu unsahsackaryand need remondaus improvemet
it Thehduse Suwoopors and Stra Scavenaerrs do aot botho much
Horc carrinqetuse Prroport . ho entranca poi
Evon a+
of ha mudicpalrehuse hambor they just throw tho
Tetuse Scndlerred around in_and out oiks aate. This leads
to scatBerting of tho retuge Teaulhing in hahlu in9anitar
Condihons dd hoalth hozar.ds.
iv imalarty, themunicipal rucks,do not enerall clean ond
clean h etuse chamborca prspanly and tho d u a l rekse
Temains dumpeed forr a long imeTesulthi ngq in its demmpoßihan
and eualuton at obnox iousae and cousIng hoalth haz.and
Even mun'cipal trucks while Corhing reBuge bro genorall
not closed- hadted and hence 0 0n hrouinq Totuse 00 oa
and also ivingpungent Smells
The procosa oTetuse collechon and its caraiage thorotone
needs voast changes in this ountry. Roadside Tuse
Collechon maSony ehamberrS needcomplete eli'mla.athao
uncapa trucksahouldbe ompletelu cloge d and should
isi homel and house tuice a day
Teacher's Signature _
Expt. No
Page No. 23

iThe trrans porthing truucks

durable and w atert hah+ houldbo
of hgh quality Stron
and be made ot Staint9 Steel
cwth Smooth lntertuor
having sounded Cortn ert9 d edges an
fartaciliky afcleaning OMechancal devices 9houl d be
installedininhos vehales for ufhng the
body to the
gides 0r back o tort pushin the aetuse out
vi TERLCTata Ene Researtch Ingtihute Carzed out Surtve4 a
the erhconcu tha prreserHy
P preuailing 9yatam oF
collechon ot reuge in lndia
vii?t toakes On4&whorre rro m3tot day9 far tho soud wasies
to be dsposd of trroom the hime N is
aenertated The
Collecon,tranSporohooond dispasal of M3in lndia
labaur intengive a.ctivie Asa regult. oo

an avaron le39 honhree-outh ot tho M3) 19s

ix Consideminq On ragepart capita produchan oB M3w
of 5 katho Rapected mag9 o daily Municipal sol'd
twaste prroduned per million of papulatton ot 5,00, 000 k
tuith an avorroga dengity o MSw a$ 500 kalm Thevolme
ot MS praduced per mlli'on populaon Cwold be 1000m
Available capacit Gies (2.)
in_mmallkon populahon. Sarveyed
100-20o 34.6

200-3o0 29 G

300-00 25.0


pard of unollecded ond untronsporded Mgw,norunallnds

wainto Sewets. Teacher's Signature

Expt. No.
Page No. 24

Separahan or Recycling and Rouge o Plaghc9, poperr and

Glass from the MMunieußal Saluid WagBe (m9c)

In adevelopina COuntreu uke lnda papers, plashca,alosses

Tubber tarou9 ,non-teruroug moBals and otherr metais
that can be TeCucled o r e Galvaged from the
8oud uastes to praduce lo co`tprroducts eetengive
(sed for lowerr-incame 0upg 0ot Sacie
Racycleng has aluuays heon ommon prracto ln Indea
Sellina old neuwspaderrs, magazin, boaks, empty hottlea _ok alass
oca the kabarus 1s common prachce na tamila
lll a He eor0ao he omaaasis i nIndta dds on
'Tecovor and euse whuch hos now change.d to
Tecuartand Tecucle
The eceluna ot plastics papers and alassesha+ arce
mostl adap+äd in lndia arte dscugsed helaw

Kecycling_ot Culaste Plashres :

Ovo the Lagt faur demdas (1961-200a) ha produchon and
Consumphon ot plaghc3 in lndia has incrrea9ed by moT.
than abou 100 hmes inCrreasing fro.m h e meogre

0.02.ko/ capita annum oabout 2a kaleopito annum

i Conseaonty the gharte o plash cs in IndianMSu ha9
isen Tapid fram ahout 0.4 7 in 19 toabaut 5-107 in-
000 Naarl dll ho plaghc waste 1S Sold in India to
kaboriuwaltaa adho arm the irgt link in the chain ot recucling
plosc. 9mall scale plashc mecucluirg unts have mushtomad
inmetrocihes.These unids ars uaingadated achnolba
Jhese unit arepraduatn d e anae o plosthc producds
Crs Sicnctur
vpt. No.
Page No. 25

ke chappals muas, utenails ,toya ekc. These unds although

not Complying Cut Indu 9trual area requlathonS Ond
envino omdtal lauws
i Ovarall
Overall tho annual nsumphonot plashc in India 9
eshimated to be obout k part parson (2000) 09
Comporced wtm tho arld 'savarage Congumpthon ot abou
20kal pernson and that ot dovolape-taold 8 o kal perSon
Tndra Tecuele9 about yo7. ot itg plashc awaste os
compared *o 15 to 20 in tho devoloped co0rld hn
dewoloped aosld S

prumanilyrospansible for hrouing

on burtning the non biodearodla haretul plashc w a s e
tathlodn coptrubutiog totony bs 2 vortu Small oetet
urtin 1990-2000, In Inda, the use of plashcs in India
15 aud to be. increa9ina by a tarao epten+and conSiderunq
the 9correity pekrolerlm prroducda here is an
need +o oraani7e tho plo9hc gocueuna Industru

Kecyeltng o ogBe. fapor

Ovor th last teu decmde, India has Tealsed he ds advataqeS
ot Cuthin ro@ for manutackuruing poper and o.ccortdina
the tocu has changed ro m the paper made trom
Caood pulp to the papor made trom he agrucultural rasidues
hased pulp _ond an apart made from aldwaste paport.
L n 1940, 5 at our total paper preo duucthao was being
dertuived rom tuood pulp by Cuttina ree9, In lQ9y-95, dhlu
3267 aour todal paport precoduchon as being madebu-
uslno Coood pup
inTheincrteoSing se_ot uaste papereYor man utauru'n9
no paper indtcadte very aood pmoqres9made by lodwa

Teacher's Signature.

E t . No
'age No 26

to 9ave. Ourt valuable. forrogt Tesourrcos. Tw0 thinds ot wale

papet base dd
papert hase Indan paper mills
beca 9e
9e of s betlor quautu
use impored hbrre
in tortmg ot
aoSte paport
9trrenqth trren ath
The uagapopor hasodproduchon ot no TeCucled
papert 19tart e s polluting
i Tha BoD valuesOt the tuagta. Cuaterr uen discharsaed
om a twagBecunterr mill s ap proximato 25 malL hch
Isfar below the vaue of 150 mall fot aarro-baged paport
mll and
mall ond 100 malL tart uaod -based paper ploan+ Waske
papere based paport mill prroduces leg9 polluhina water and
a l90 Teauurestarr leg9 enorgu than the oneray Tequred
by paperr mill9boged on othet raw materuals
The annual per copita ConSumptioo o papart in lnda has
Stadi T9enfrcom about 3.6 ko in 198 6 to abaut 6
h200-06 The consumphon of papo in Inda has
incroa9ed due t o + incrrao9ing uga ot packaain
MApresent 8 to 127 ot the Nougehold wast ons949s
ot papot ohich ends up beina used fort land hll alonq
tuth mo othor ype of wastds becou9e primaru
hepockaaing papor,a larqN porcon of whuch1s na+
Sonded and epaaded.
vii) 4 Small portcontag
o pcker
ecoverted bA the va9t netwovk
pckers and s fhnally ugedfore Tecclung.
In tho abon ce. ot hnan caal incontives a 4J lateg
rechnolo ert reeyeling ndutry in Indiaremain9
undevolop ed 1ndustrey

Tencher's Signature

Expl. No. Page No.. 2t

Recycung ot lag9e9

Gla99 the thirnd

thirtdimporctand omponont of municipal Soud
G) Glasg 19
19 the municipal Solud.
nste tha 19 n artmallu TeCycled

( 1+ 9normalu picked up in our Coutu bu tha

by tha T04
picker9 andhoal. roacheag ho alossindustr
hrouah dealerg.U
Ctn ThebStoglasg 1S enoraly uged inmanutacturin9
glas9 Containdrr and hollow uare) tarr hch 4
laraes ug(more than 097.)_o aloss 13 mnacda in lndia
Thoprroponhon ot woste glasgo the aw maderual
Vaie- rom 251 ta g07,

Driapasa o Municipal Solid aste (M3w)

) Themunicipal Solud uogte g collected in loda frrom hou309
Yoads, 9hreetsmarkets and rom #he. Commortaalothce
bulding9 by tho pruivate or muncipal Sauoop orS nd
SCovengrg n hand l0ortieond COruuedand
the municipa rouse chambars (papularly called dhalaos)
GiDuruing tho hm the Teuge 1s dscarded ond hrcown
Quwaond ill the hime t loaded in truuoks tort
rans ortatioo a lot of rtecyclable maderaals kke plashc9
ap.orrg and glagge Orce emoved by 0ag pickerS.
Aor the wadkes orte loaded in truks dt1s takan fo its
hnal daposal eithor or dumping on low levelled land
Or tor sanitaru land lLing or torn Comp0Shng
A s an as India s_concerned, he MS 1S noally
brauaht and dumped into he desig nated land -Al\ U 3ite,
Teacher's Signature.

//Y. No
P'age No. 28

normallya low ying

nortmal area on tho outskints ot he uty
&)4bout 907. ot M`ug thus dspoged b lond dumpio
oau 88.57 19 disposed of by compos tingahle ho
romaun ing about 1.57 13 dsposod o bothort mothads

Lke peletizahon ete.

of ho land lingprochces adopted in the ountru Ore
) Most
thuS bntined 0nto Corring anddumpinq the wa9Be
Tathor than adaping tho Cnaneeed land nq technique
uhich inutura9oingta be adopBed morre dnd mort
wtm advancing+echno logto9 and shortage of land illina
Io ggnorcaltho following 9contnhimly managed methods ca
beuged Yorr dsposa omniaipdl saud wogte (nekuse):
)Santtay land Rling also called Cootreolled ipping
(a) Shredding andpul voru'9ahon
(3) Composhing includin9 Vormicompesting
Cy) Inainoraoo and Thornal pyroly9r9
(5) Barrainq it out into tho Sea
of MSt bu 9onitarsy arc antroled Tppina
Land Hling
Method In thus method ehuse dS posal, rokuse isU
Cortrueo and dumped Into h
low uing artea nder an
and aperrated in a n
engineerced opercaion , designed
09 nat to cauG any Pubuc
onuronmantall ound mannert
health art 9atety
nSanco art hazartdsta pubuc
uit ln thg method, the re-kige. i dumped and ompated io
and oftor ho
laer oB abou 0.5m thuckn9s,
twkan the depth o ling becomesabout 15mt 1g
Coyored ba good earth of about 45 thuckne99. Thus cm

Teacher's Signature -
i y t .N o

Page No. 29

Covert of
@od earth
sCalled the. dai ovort .9incehe
ge 19 tuell
Compacted oth bull dozortg trueks, rollerg
ohc and19 cuell coverred dau coith god eorcth. It does
etc anc

notCou9e Ony pubuc nusoanc

uke scattoruing Otot wind
bloun Litto and ovoluehoo of
unpleagant odaurrs ond
Lul Bmells as may be caLsed by an ortdinard dumping o t
T e s on land
Gx The ILing
ling ot etuse 1s actually donein 9anu-arty land
AIling b dividing the enhite ndAlaneo ina
SmalerrparconsU lled celle Thase collg_arte inithally
Alled wih daiu Compacked reuse of abaut 1.5m depth
shurna The prodess cuill Cotinue il the top most lif+
pled u

9ubmitted By
Name- Anshuman eherta
Branch-Ctvil Engincertina
Seo ACA-1)
Rad No- 210 203000 2

Teacher's Signature.

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