19 Smartime 4 Test 4

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TEST 4 (Units

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................
CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 60 minutes)

Vocabulary & Grammar 10 We don’t want to go to a(n) .......... beach with

lots of people.
A Choose the correct answer. A sandy C crowded
1 Paul makes .......... eggs on toast for breakfast B unspoilt D peaceful
every Sunday. Marks ____
A scrambled C baked 102 20
B roasted D battered B Choose the correct answer.
2 Tim’s ankle felt very .......... after he twisted it at
1 If I .......... you, I’d eat more fruit and vegetables.
football practice.
A am C had been
A itchy C sore
B were D will be
B exhausted D ageing
2 Gemma’s new suitcase is far ..........; she can’t fit
3 .......... products like cream and cheese are high
all her things inside.
in fat.
A too small C small enough
A Dairy B Poultry C Grain D Seafood
B small D smallest
4 Using sunscreen will .......... your skin from
3 I wish I .......... afford to travel to Australia.
harmful UV rays.
A would B will C could D can
A prevent C protect
B avoid D promote 4 ......... on the beach is my idea of a good holiday.
A Relaxes C To relax
5 If you don’t stretch before exercising, you
B Relax D Relaxing
might .......... a muscle.
A twist B swell C burn D pull 5 Lucy went to the gym every day .......... get in
shape for her holiday.
6 We decided to .......... theatre tickets for the last
A to C in case
night of our trip.
B in order D so that she
A rent B book C hire D join
6 Daniel travelled to Wellington, .......... is the
7 When we went travelling, we stayed in a
capital of New Zealand.
youth .......... because it was very cheap.
A whose B which C where D what
A hostel C centre
B campsite D site 7 John had .......... amazing time in Spain that he
booked to go again the following year.
8 John was happy to find that there was no queue at
A such an C such
the .......... desk because his suitcase was very
B so D such a
A check-in C boarding 8 I think .......... is the best way to keep fit.
B control D tourist A run B to run C running D runs
9 Nathan booked a(n) .......... ticket to Edinburgh 9 I feel sick. I wish I .......... so much cake.
as he planned to go back to Glasgow the A couldn’t eat C hadn’t eaten
following day. B don’t eat D will eat
A return C overnight 10 If I had taken an umbrella, I wouldn’t ..........
B luxury D all-inclusive walking home.
A had got wet C have got wet
B get wet D had been getting wet
Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

TEST 4 (Units

C Choose the correct response.

1 A: I broke my leg playing football. 4 A: We had an awful time on holiday.

B: a It was very painful. B: a What a shame!
b Get well soon. b It was terrible!

2 A: The hotel room was filthy. 5 A: Fast food is so unhealthy.

B: a That’s terrible! B: a That’s a good idea.
b It’s not bad. b You’ve got a point.

3 A: Do you want to play golf today? Marks ____

B: a Yes, I won! 52 10
b Absolutely.

D You are going to read a text about diets. For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D.

A Many people who want to lose weight or become these diets are often unsuccessful in the long run
fitter and healthier often choose to go on a diet. and most people who follow them eventually put
But is this really the best method? With the weight they lost back on.
celebrities speaking in magazines and on C Generally, following a strict diet or cutting out a
television about new diets that have helped them particular food group is not an effective way to
slim down, it is not surprising that more and lose weight. The most effective way is to reduce
more people are turning to dieting. Shops and your calorie intake. The recommended calorie
supermarkets have noticed this trend and are intake for an adult male is 2,500. If a man
stocking their shelves full of diet products such consumes more than 2,500 calories each day,
as diet milkshakes, snack bars and even diet then he is likely to gain weight. However, if he
pills in the hope of getting consumers to spend consumes less, then he is likely to lose weight,
more money. But, such products and the diets especially if he exercises.
they are associated with are often found to be D So, instead of spending money on trendy diet
extremely unhealthy and some are even pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat
dangerous. healthy balanced meals containing foods from all
B Most of these popular diets work by cutting out a the food groups. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
certain nutrient from your food intake. For vitamins and minerals all play an important role
example, there are diets that work by cutting out in staying healthy, which is why they all should
carbohydrates. This means the body must use be included in your meals each day. Of course,
its fat reserves for energy. But while this might some foods should be eaten in moderation as an
be an effective way to lose weight, there have occasional snack. For example, a bar of
been some negative effects associated with such chocolate every once in a while won’t cause you
methods. By cutting a particular food group out any problems. So, next time a friend of yours
of your diet, you are starving your body of a tells you that they are going on a diet, let them
nutrient that it needs, which could leave you know that eating a healthy balanced diet is a
feeling weak, tired or even grumpy. Furthermore, much better choice.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

TEST 4 (Units

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

TEST 4 (Units
1 What does the writer state about popular diets? F Answer the following questions based
A They are often promoted by celebrities. on the text.
B That only celebrities use them.
C That they are all risky. 1 Why are more people deciding to go on diets?
D That they are expensive to follow. ...........................................................................
2 What advice is given about calorie intake?
2 The writer says that not consuming a particular
A reduces your fat reserves.
B makes you feel hungry.
C can cause a change in your mood.
D is the best way to lose weight.
Marks ____
3 According to the writer, the best way to lose
22 4
weight is by
A strictly planning your meals.
B cutting down on the calories you consume.
G Listen and mark the sentences Yes or
C eating important vitamins and minerals.
D not eating a particular type of food.

4 The main idea of paragraph D is that YES NO

A people shouldn’t buy diet pills. 1 Stacey recently changed her
B weight loss products are very expensive. opinion about fast food.
C snacking is unhealthy. 2 Ben thinks that it is cheaper to buy
D following a diet with a variety of nutrients is fast food.
ideal. 3 Ben is currently unemployed.
4 Ben prefers the taste of home-
cooked food.
5 They agree to do an activity
Marks ____ together the next day.
42 8

E Read the text again and match the Marks ____

following statements to the correct 52 10
paragraph of the text.

Which paragraph
1 suggests having unhealthy foods in small
amounts? .........
2 warns readers of problems associated
with following a diet? .........
3 explains how a person can become
overweight? .........
4 describes a recent trend? .........

Marks ____
42 8

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

TEST 4 (Units


H Write an answer to ONE of the questions in this part.

1 Your friend wants to go abroad on holiday and 2 You have had a class discussion on the
has asked you for a recommendation. Write a best ways to exercise and stay in shape.
letter (120 -160 words) to your friend suggesting Now your teacher has asked you to write
where they could go on holiday. Include details an essay (120 -160 words) about the
about what they can do and see there. pros and cons of joining a gym.


Marks ____
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 20

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