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Release Notes for PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.

September 2009

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Release Notes for PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Purpose Statement This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in the PeopleTools 8.50 release. It is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to PeopleTools 8.50 and to plan your I.T. projects. Disclaimer This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle software license and service agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code. This documentation is in prerelease status and is intended for demonstration and preliminary use only. It may not be specific to the hardware on which you are using the software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to this documentation and will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to the use of this documentation. Restricted Rights Notice If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. Third Party Content, Products, and Services Disclaimer This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products or services. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Release Notes Preface ..................................... 1 PeopleSoft Release Information Publications .................................................................... 1 Release Value Proposition ............................................................................................. 1 Prerelease Notes ............................................................................................................ 1 Release Notes ................................................................................................................ 2 Additional Information.........................................................................................................2 PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Value Proposition ................................................. 1 Before You Begin................................................................................................................... 1 Platform Support Enhancements ........................................................................................... 2 Whats Added and Dropped From Support ........................................................................ 2 Deprecation Notice For PeopleTools Mobile Technology and Mobile Agent..................... 4 Dropping Support for HP-UX PA-RISC For IBM DB2 Database Environments ................ 4 Dropping Support for Oracle Application Server ................................................................ 4 JRE Support ....................................................................................................................... 4 BusinessObjects Enterprise Support ................................................................................. 5 System Administration Enhancements .................................................................................. 6 Installation Changes...........................................................................................................6 PeopleSoft Internet Architecture Installation Location.................................................... 6 Installation Programs ...................................................................................................... 7 PeopleTools Running on Windows................................................................................. 8 Verity Installation ............................................................................................................8 Oracle Tuxedo Environment Variables in 8 Oracle Configuration Manager Installation ..................................................................... 9 PeopleSoft Configuration Manager ................................................................................ 9 Decoupled PS_HOME Binary and Configuration Files .................................................... 10 Search Server................................................................................................................... 12 Search Server Failover ................................................................................................. 12 Increased Support for Search Server (Type-3) Configurations .................................... 13 HP Itanium Support ...................................................................................................... 13 PSADMIN Search Domain Administration Menu.......................................................... 13 Windows Service Now Includes Search Server Domains ............................................ 13

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Search Server Configuration File Changes .................................................................. 14 PSADMIN ......................................................................................................................... 14 Spawning ...................................................................................................................... 14 Number of PSAPPSRV Processes in Delivered Templates......................................... 15 Windows Service .......................................................................................................... 15 Maximum Open Cursors............................................................................................... 15 JavaVM Options ........................................................................................................... 15 PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager .............. 16 PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in Documentation ................................... 16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Certification ........................................................ 16 Process Monitor Integration.......................................................................................... 16 Usability Enhancements ............................................................................................... 17 Security Enhancements................................................................................................ 18 Loading Shared Cache Performance Improvements ....................................................... 18 PeopleTools Security ....................................................................................................... 20 User Profile Synchronization ........................................................................................ 20 SAML support for Web Services Security .................................................................... 20 Oracle Access Manager Integration ............................................................................. 20 PeopleSoft Encryption Technology Changes ............................................................... 20 LDAP Library Changes ................................................................................................. 21 Oracle Database Enhancements ..................................................................................... 21 Optimize Database CPU Usage with Oracle Control Groups ...................................... 22 Support for Oracle Transparent Data Encryption ......................................................... 23 Enhanced MODULE and ACTION Monitoring Information .......................................... 23 Oracle Database Vault Support.................................................................................... 24 Enhanced User ID Monitoring Information ................................................................... 24 Increase in Oracle Long Object (LOB) File Size Limit.................................................. 25 Increase in Oracle Minimum Number of OPEN_CURSORS........................................ 25 FIRST_ROWS Hint Feature No Longer Used .............................................................. 25 Oracle 11g Case-Sensitive User IDs............................................................................ 25 Microsoft SQL Server Enhancements.............................................................................. 25 Access ID......................................................................................................................25 SQL Server 2008 .......................................................................................................... 26 IBM DB2 Enhancements .................................................................................................. 26

2 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

DB2 LUW AUTORESIZE.............................................................................................. 26 DB2 z/OS Database Level Auditing Changes .............................................................. 27 Increased Monitoring Information ................................................................................. 28 Data Mover ....................................................................................................................... 28 IMPORT Command Modifications ................................................................................ 29 Data Mover Environment Variable Modifications.......................................................... 29 PeopleSoft Performance Monitor ..................................................................................... 30 Save and Ping PPM Button .......................................................................................... 30 PPM Console Display and Security.............................................................................. 31 General System Administration Enhancements............................................................... 32 Tuxedo Log Directory Character Limit.......................................................................... 32 Timeout Settings........................................................................................................... 32 Jolt ................................................................................................................................ 33 Signon Trace Link......................................................................................................... 33 IDDA Logging ............................................................................................................... 34 WebLogic Session Cookie Name Changes.................................................................. 34 SYSAUDIT Additions .................................................................................................... 34 Authentication Timeout Setting..................................................................................... 35 URL PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................... 35 Development Tools Enhancements..................................................................................... 36 User Interface ................................................................................................................... 37 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.............................................................................. 37 Partial Page Refreshes................................................................................................. 37 Modal Prompt Pages and Modal Alert Dialog Boxes ................................................... 37 Modal Grids and Long Edit Boxes ................................................................................ 38 Menu Navigation........................................................................................................... 38 Floating Drop-Down Navigation.................................................................................... 38 Favorites Menu Enhancements.................................................................................... 40 Type Ahead ..................................................................................................................41 Processing Icon Changes............................................................................................. 42 Search Page Enhancements ........................................................................................ 42 Style Sheet Modification ............................................................................................... 43 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Based Tabs .................................................................. 43 Application Designer ........................................................................................................ 44

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Radio Button Label Changes........................................................................................ 44 Free Form Stylesheets ................................................................................................. 44 Command Line Password Prompt................................................................................ 45 Summary Attribute for Tables in Pages........................................................................ 45 Active Hyperlinks on Display Only Pages..................................................................... 45 Scrollable Grid Layout (Grid Enhancements) ............................................................... 46 Image Definition Changes ............................................................................................ 48 Integrated Rich Text Editor ........................................................................................... 48 Long Character Field Limit............................................................................................ 49 PeopleTools Portal Technologies .................................................................................... 50 Related Content Framework......................................................................................... 50 Pagelet Wizard Enhancements .................................................................................... 51 Pagelet Drag and Drop ................................................................................................. 51 Pagelet Search ............................................................................................................. 52 Pagelet Help ................................................................................................................. 52 OBIEE to PeopleSoft URL Integration.......................................................................... 52 OBIEE Report Integration ............................................................................................. 52 PeopleCode...................................................................................................................... 53 Search Events for Prompt Dialogs ............................................................................... 53 PeopleCode Debugger ................................................................................................. 54 PeopleCode Editor........................................................................................................ 54 PeopleCode Functions ................................................................................................. 54 File Processing ............................................................................................................. 55 Meta-SQL...................................................................................................................... 55 Charting ........................................................................................................................ 55 PeopleCode API ........................................................................................................... 58 Global Technology ........................................................................................................... 67 Changes to Supported Character Sets......................................................................... 67 Changes to the Swap Audit Report .............................................................................. 68 New PeopleSoft Language Codes ............................................................................... 68 Non-ASCII Characters in File Names Uploaded to FTP Servers Prior to 8.50 ............ 69 PeopleSoft Hot Keys Do Not Function As Expected on a non-U.S. Keyboard ............ 69 Time Zone Data ............................................................................................................ 69 Translating Application Definitions ............................................................................... 70

4 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Updated Font Support .................................................................................................. 70 Using Extended Japanese Characters ......................................................................... 70 Reporting and Analytic Tools ............................................................................................... 71 Process Scheduler ........................................................................................................... 71 Increase Process Instance and Report IDs .................................................................. 72 Viewing Limitations ....................................................................................................... 72 Report Distribution By Role .......................................................................................... 72 Retention Days ............................................................................................................. 72 Data Mover Scripts to Delete Reports .......................................................................... 73 Renaming Database in Process Request Data Tables ................................................ 73 New Process Category LOADCACHE ......................................................................... 74 Runtime Parameters..................................................................................................... 74 Reporting Console ........................................................................................................ 74 Process Scheduler Web Service .................................................................................. 76 XML Publisher ..................................................................................................................76 Descriptive Names........................................................................................................ 77 Deprecated Data Sources ............................................................................................ 77 Deprecated Schema Files ............................................................................................ 77 Connected Query Data Source .................................................................................... 78 Global Properties Settings ............................................................................................ 78 Performance Enhancements ........................................................................................ 79 PDF Full Path Mapping................................................................................................. 79 Alternate XML Preview ................................................................................................. 79 Iterative Template Design............................................................................................. 79 Support for Email .......................................................................................................... 79 Query Access Service ...................................................................................................... 79 Connected Query ............................................................................................................. 80 Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft......................................................................................... 80 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 3.1 Upgrade.................................................. 81 Crystal Reports and Crystal Report Print Engine 2008 Upgrade ................................. 81 HKEY_CURRENT_USER ............................................................................................ 81 Local Directory of crw32.exe ........................................................................................ 81 Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime Environment ................................................................ 82 Crystal Reports Concepts............................................................................................. 82

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Crystal Reports Execution Environments ..................................................................... 83 Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues................................................................... 84 Cube Builder..................................................................................................................... 85 Oracle Smart View for Office Upgrade ........................................................... 85 Essbase Cube Builder .................................................................................................. 85 Cube Manager.................................................................................................................. 91 Tree Manager ...................................................................................................................92 Optimization Framework .................................................................................................. 93 iLog CPLEX 11.0 Upgrade ........................................................................................... 93 PS/nVision ........................................................................................................................ 93 Accepting Tree Effective-Date When User Define Criteria........................................... 93 Supporting Not-in Criteria ............................................................................................. 95 Ability to Define the Types of Report Requests............................................................ 96 Restoring Query Prompts to Web Version of nVision .................................................. 96 Default Configuration under %PSHOME%................................................................... 96 Drilling Down PS/nVision Reports Using Web Services (nVisionDrill VSTO add-in) ... 96 Query................................................................................................................................ 97 Ability to Add an In-Tree Criteria Prompt...................................................................... 97 Ability to Email Application Engine Results .................................................................. 97 Drilling URL in PSQUERY ............................................................................................ 98 Schedule Query with In Tree Prompt ........................................................................... 98 Temp Files of the Query-to-Excel................................................................................. 98 Download Query Results to XML File........................................................................... 99 Security Join Optimizer................................................................................................. 99 Integration Tools Enhancements .......................................................................................100 Integration Broker...........................................................................................................100 Integration Broker PeopleBooks.................................................................................101 Deprecated Integration Technologies and Utilities.....................................................102 Integration Gateways..................................................................................................102 Target Connectors and Listening Connectors ............................................................104 New Managed Objects: WSDL and Message Schema..............................................104 Messages....................................................................................................................105 Message Schemas .....................................................................................................110 Services and Service Operations ...............................................................................112

6 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Service Operation Handlers........................................................................................114 Service Operation Routings........................................................................................116 Service Operation Queues .........................................................................................122 Web Services..............................................................................................................122 WSDL Documents ......................................................................................................122 Transformations..........................................................................................................123 Integration Broker Security .........................................................................................125 Integrations with Oracle ESB-Based Services ...........................................................127 Integration Broker Logging, Tracing and Debugging..................................................127 Tuning Messaging System Performance....................................................................128 Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor ..........................................................130 Integration Broker Testing Tools and Utilities.............................................................134 PeopleSoft Feed Publishing Framework........................................................................138 Overview .....................................................................................................................138 My Feeds ....................................................................................................................138 Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds...............................................................138 Worklist Feeds ............................................................................................................138 Query Feeds ...............................................................................................................139 Developing New Feed Data Types.............................................................................139 Component Interfaces ....................................................................................................139 Excel to Component Interfaces Utility.........................................................................139 Viewing Log Files........................................................................................................141 MultiChannel Framework ...............................................................................................142 CTI Screen Popup ......................................................................................................142 SSL Support for Email ................................................................................................142 Sample Pages ............................................................................................................142 Web Chat Enhancement.............................................................................................142 Debug Tracer Enhancement.......................................................................................142 Virus Scanning for Email Attachments .......................................................................143 Lifecycle Management Enhancements..............................................................................144 Running Upgrade Steps With Process Scheduler .........................................................144 Additional Database Definition Available .......................................................................146 Exporting Change Assistant Templates .........................................................................147 Retaining Manual Modifications to Change Assistant Templates ..................................147

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Automatic Merge Process for Integration Broker Projects .............................................148 Update Gateway Detects and Downloads Superseded Change Packages ..................149 Update Gateway Now Points to Oracle Metalink ...........................................................149 Creating Projects With Multiple Definition Types ...........................................................149 Deploying Files Performance Improvements .................................................................150 New Step Property: From Tools Release ....................................................................152 Review and Apply Option Added to Apply Change Packages Wizard ..........................153 #NT Step Parameter Modifications ................................................................................154 Compare Report Improvements .....................................................................................154 Command Line Option to Filter Report Output ...........................................................155 Database Name Appears on Compare Report Output...............................................156 Alter Analyzer .................................................................................................................156 Dropped Support for Upgrade Assistant ........................................................................156 PeopleBooks Enhancements.............................................................................................157 PeopleSoft Application Designer Lifecycle Management Guide....................................157 Deprecated Documentation............................................................................................157 Document Change History.................................................................................................158

8 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Release Notes Preface

This document provides an overview of the value proposition that is associated with the new features and enhancements that are planned for PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50. It is a roadmap that is intended to help you assess the business benefits of PeopleTools 8.50 and to plan your information technology (IT) projects and investments. The new features and enhancements that are included in this release are grouped according to functional area. Our goal is to ensure that you leverage technology to its fullest to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations. Please note that the final release may not have every feature that is discussed in this document, and a specific feature may become part of a different application or have a product name that is different from those cited in this document. Also note that the prerelease notes do not contain a comprehensive description of all the features and changes that will become parts of the upcoming release. The release notes, available when the release becomes generally available, contains the comprehensive set of descriptions for the features and changes available in the final product. This preface discusses PeopleSoft release information publications.

PeopleSoft Release Information Publications

This section discusses the following publications that provide in-depth technical and functional information that is available at the time of publication: 1. Release value proposition 2. Prerelease notes 3. Release notes

Release Value Proposition

The release value proposition provides functional details, identifies major enhancements, and articulates the expected business benefit. This document is designed to help you determine whether new product features might warrant upgrading from an old release or embarking on a new PeopleSoft implementation. With this information, managers will be able to initiate preliminary budget planning and begin putting together a project team to further evaluate specific PeopleSoft products. The release value proposition is published before a release.

Prerelease Notes
Prerelease notes provide more functional and technical details than the release value proposition. This document describes how each enhancement functions within the context of the greater business process. This added level of detail should enable project teams to answer the following questions: What delivered functionality will change? What customizations may be affected?

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

How will an upgrade or new implementation affect other systems? How will these changes affect the organization?

After the project team has reviewed and analyzed the prerelease notes, business decision makers should be able to determine whether to allocate budget and initiate implementation plans. Prerelease notes are published before a release.

Release Notes
Release notes are published when the product is made generally available and validate the final scope of the release. The release notes discuss the features and enhancements that are available with the GA release of each product, describing the finalized functional and technical details that will enable project teams to confirm budgets and complete implementation plans.

Additional Information
Upon the general availability of this release, you can find additional information on Oracle Technology Network and My Oracle Support. Resources include: Hardware and Software Requirements guide Installation guides Upgrade guides Oracle Consulting Certification documents

See Also PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools Documentation Homepage on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 847882.1)

2 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Value Proposition

The PeopleTools 8.50 release continues Oracles commitment to protect and extend the value of your PeopleSoft implementation, provide additional technology options and enhancements that reduce ongoing operating costs, as well as improve the end users experience. Key areas of investment include: Extending the PeopleSoft service-enabled architecture. Improving the user experience. Lowering your total cost of ownership.

The value of PeopleTools 8.50 is grounded in our normal process of including accumulated bug fixes as well as enhancements based upon customer feedback. As a result, we added features that will simplify the integration of your heterogeneous environments, run your business more efficiently, improve the end users experience, and increase cost effectiveness. Many of the enhancements of this release involve improving the end users productivity through improved usability enhancements, page performance, and integrated related content. In sum, PeopleTools 8.50 continues to deliver unparalleled customer choice that ensures support of the latest technical innovation with the industrys lowest cost of ownership and improved user satisfaction. Key areas and features of PeopleTools 8.50 are: Related content Improved integration technology Greater end-user productivity Supported platforms

Before You Begin

Before you upgrade to Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, always make sure that you have read any updates to the following: PeopleSoft upgrade documentation. PeopleSoft installation documentation. Hardware and Software Requirements documentation. Certification information on My Oracle Support. Operating System, RDBMS & Additional Component Patches Required for Installation on PT 8.50.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Platform Support Enhancements

This section covers some of the major changes for the platform support, including: Whats Added and Dropped From Support. Deprecation Notice For PeopleTools Mobile Technology and Mobile Agent. Dropping Support for HP-UX PA-RISC For IBM DB2 Database Environments. Dropping Support for Oracle Application Server. JRE Support. BusinessObjects Enterprise Support.

Whats Added and Dropped From Support

The following table highlights some of the major support changes. Platform Operating System AIX 6.1 IBM z/OS 1.9, 1.10 Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.1 x86-64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.1 x86-64 SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 11 x86-64 Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) RDBMS IBM DB2 zOS 9.1 IBM DB2 UDB 9.1, 9.5 IBM Informix 11, 11.5 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Oracle 11g Web Server IBM WebSphere 7.0 WebLogic 10gR3 Application Server 64-bit binaries on Linux Added iMac OS 9 Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 4.x Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4.x SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 9 & 10 Solaris 9 Windows Server 2000, 2003 32-bit IBM DB2 UDB on HPUX PA RISC IBM DB2 UDB 8.2 IBM DB2 zOS 7.1 IBM Informix 9.4 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 IBM WebSphere 6.1 Oracle Application Server 10g WebLogic 9.2 32-bit Linux Discontinued IBM z/OS 1.6, 1.7


Tuxedo 10gR3

BEA Tuxedo 9.1

2 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Platform Verity Verity 6.2.1

Added Verity 6.1.2


Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager 10gR5

Enterprise Manager 10gR3, 10gR4


Crystal Reports 2008 SP1 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3 .1

Crystal 9 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 2 Firefox 1.5, 2.0 Internet Explorer 6 Mozilla Netscape Safari 2.0.4, 3.0.4


Firefox 3.5.1 Internet Explorer 7, 8 Safari 3.1.x, 3.2.x


Java 6

Java 4 Java 5

Importan!!! The table above does not contain a comprehensive list of our support policy, nor does it replace what appears in the certification pages of My Oracle Support (see Doc ID 747587.1). The information provided is a snapshot of the current plans for platform support as of general availability for this release. Always refer to Doc ID 747587.1 on My Oracle Support for the current and most comprehensive support information. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Hardware and Software Requirements My Oracle Support: Planned PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools PT 8.50 Certifications (Doc ID 804670.1) My Oracle Support: PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools Certifications (Doc ID 747587.1) My Oracle Support: Tech Update - Main Page (Doc ID 764222.1)

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Deprecation Notice For PeopleTools Mobile Technology and Mobile Agent

The PeopleTools Mobile technology and Mobile Agent is being deprecated as of June 5, 2009. Following this date the functionality will no longer be available to any new customers who have not already licensed it. Customers that have already licensed mobile applications may continue to use (and/or upgrade and use) the functionality with PeopleSoft applications (8.8, 8.9 or 9.0). Customers licensed to mobile applications that wish to perform a PeopleTools upgrade to 8.49 or 8.50 and continue using the PeopleTools Mobile functionality should contact Global Customer Service prior to the upgrade. GCS will provide the instructions on enabling mobile functionality following the PeopleTools upgrade. See Also My Oracle Support Tech Update: Deprecation Notice for PeopleTools Mobile technology and Mobile Agent (Doc ID 832874.1)

Dropping Support for HP-UX PA-RISC For IBM DB2 Database Environments
For PeopleTools 8.50, the HP-UX PA-RISC operating system is not supported for running the IBM DB2 database or server elements requiring connection to IBM DB2 database. This includes applications servers, Process Scheduler servers, Data Mover, and so on. If you run DB2 databases, and want to continue running your PeopleSoft elements on an HP operating system, it is recommended that you use the HP-UX Itanium operating system. Otherwise, you will need to select an operating system from the other supported options. Note. Customers running DB2 databases may still use web servers running on the HP-UX PA-RISC operating system. Note. This restriction applies only to environments in which IBM DB2 databases are being used. For example, environments running Oracle or Informix databases may still run their PeopleSoft elements on the HP-UX PA-RISC operating system.

Dropping Support for Oracle Application Server

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.50, Oracle Application Server is no longer supported as a web server option. The two supported web server options are: Oracle WebLogic IBM WebSphere

JRE Support
Oracle provides and supports JRE 1.6x with your PeopleTools installation. The exact version depends on your operating system. The JRE version provided by PeopleTools is the minimum version required for support. You can upgrade your system to newer versions of 1.6x and still be in a supported environment.

4 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

JRE 1.4x or JRE 1.5x is not provided or supported for PeopleTools 8.50.

BusinessObjects Enterprise Support

As of the PeopleTools 8.50 release date, PeopleTools 8.50 Integration with BOE XI 3.1 running on HP-UX for PA-RISC is pending certification. Oracle expects to release this integration as a post-release certification in a PeopleTools 8.50 patch and will announce support in the accompanying patch documentation. In the interim, you can install BOE XI 3.1 on other certified platforms (Windows, Linux, AIX, or Solaris).

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

System Administration Enhancements

This section discusses enhancements made in the area of server administration, including: Installation Changes Decoupled PS_HOME Binary and Configuration Files Search Server PSADMIN Loading Shared Cache Performance Improvements PeopleTools Security SYSAUDIT Additions Oracle Database Enhancements Microsoft SQL Server Enhancements DB2 Enhancements Data Mover PeopleSoft Performance Monitor General System Administration Enhancements

Installation Changes
This section describes the major changes to the PeopleTools installation process, including: Installation Programs PeopleTools Running on Windows Verity Installation Oracle Tuxedo Environment Variables in Oracle Configuration Manager Installation PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

PeopleSoft Internet Architecture Installation Location

With PeopleTools 8.50, you have the option of installing the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA) outside of PS_HOME. In previous releases, the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture installation program prompted you to install PIA within the PS_HOME directory structure.

6 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleSoft Internet Architecture installation program

Now, the installation program to specify a custome location for the PIA install, which could be inside or outside the PS_HOME directory structure. Some sites may choose to install PIA into separate directory structures or separate server machines. Decoupling your PIA installation from PS_HOME can provide a more modular and flexible implementation, if desired. For example, you may elect to install PIA to a directory outside PS_HOME if you are implementing a secure PS_HOME. Or, in some cases, having multiple PIA installations on multiple servers referencing a single PS_HOME installation is desired. Because the location of where you can install PIA can vary, you will notice that in the PeopleTools documentation a new variable appears, PIA_HOME. For example, to illustrate where PIA has been installed, the documentation uses PIA_HOME\webserv, as opposed to PS_HOME\webserv. Note. Decoupling PIA installations from PS_HOME was technically possible in previous PeopleTools releases, however, it is not until PeopleTools 8.50 that Oracle formally tests and supports this configuration option. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation <for your platform>

Installation Programs
The various installation programs (setup.exe) that you use to install PeopleTools and PeopleSoft application files to the servers in your environment have been updated to use the Java-based InstallAnywhere.

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleTools Running on Windows

PeopleTools 8.50 is developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005. Microsoft, as part of VC++ 2005, changed the way applications use and ship the required C Run Time (CRT) files. These required files must now be installed onto each machine that will run PeopleTools 8.50 Programs. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ onto a computer. During your PeopleTools installation, the install programs automatically update the machine performing the installation. If, for some reason, the update does not take place during the install program run, you will not be able to launch PeopleTools client or server executables on that machine and may receive errors. Likewise, if you are running PeopleTools executables from a machine on which the PeopleSoft installer did not run, the executables may not work and you may receive error messages. If you encounter these errors, you can update the Windows machines CRT files by running vcredist_x86.exe manually.

To run vcredist_x86.exe manually:

1. Go to PS_HOME\setup\vcredist. 2. Run vcredist_x86.exe.

Verity Installation
In previous releases, Verity, the software used for PeopleSoft Search, was installed automatically when you installed the PeopleTools software. In PeopleTools 8.50, the installation of Verity software has been decoupled from the PeopleTools installation. Running the separate Verity integration installation is a mandatory step after you have installed the PeopleTools software into PS_HOME. The installation files for Verity are part of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools files that you download from Oracle E-Delivery. Detailed information and step-by-step procedures are included in your PeopleTools installation documentation. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for <your platform>

Oracle Tuxedo Environment Variables in

Tuxedo environment settings are no longer included in The following environment settings must now be set explicitly using the .profile file in user's home directory.

8 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Variable $TUXDIR

Description $TUXDIR must be set to the correct Oracle Tuxedo installation directory. For example:
TUXDIR=/home/user/Oracle/tuxedo10gR3; export TUXDIR


$TUXDIR/lib must be prepended to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, or SHLIB_PATH, whichever is appropriate for your platform. For example:


$TUXDIR/bin must be prepended to PATH. For example:


Oracle Configuration Manager Installation

Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) is used to collect configuration data from customer environments and upload it the customer configuration repository (CCR) at Oracle. OCM is delivered to customers through My Oracle Support and can be configured for PeopleSoft deployments for collecting customer configuration data and providing services to the customer. With PeopleTools 8.50, you will have the option of installing and configuration OCM as part of the PeopleTools 8.50 installation. Some of the benefits of using Oracle Configuration Manager are: Reduces time for resolution of support issues. Provides proactive problem avoidance. Improves access to best practices and the Oracle knowledge base. Improves understanding of your business needs and provides consistent responses and services.

Including OCM a part of PeopleTools installer enables Oracle support representatives to analyze environment and configuration data and provide better service to customers. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools Installation for <your platform> Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with Oracle Configuration Manager

PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

This section discusses these changes to PeopleSoft Configuration Manager: Registry structure changes. ODBC installation.

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Registry Structure Changes

The structure of the registry for PeopleSoft settings has changed beginning with PeopleTools 8.50. While this is transparent for most situations, it will be noticeable if you intend to run prior versions of Configuration Manager on the same workstation where you will also run the Configuration Manager for PeopleTools 8.50. The Configuration Manager for PeopleTools 8.50 will delete settings stored in the registry by previous versions of PeopleTools. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager

ODBC Installation
In previous releases, on the Client Setup tab there is an option to Install PeopleSoft ODBC Driver. This option has been removed for PeopleTools 8.50. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for your platform

Decoupled PS_HOME Binary and Configuration Files

With PeopleTools 8.50 you can implement improved security and streamline administration of your servers by taking advantage of the new PS_HOME directory structure that, by default, stores binary files and configuration files in different locations. The PS_HOME directory refers to the high-level directory into which you install the PeopleSoft software. The new feature discussed in this section refers only to the PS_HOME directory structure on the following PeopleSoft Servers: PeopleSoft Application Server. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server. PeopleSoft Search Server.

In previous releases, the PS_HOME directory on these servers contained both the static binary files, such as .EXE and .DLL files, as well as the dynamic and modifiable files, such as configuration files, log files, and scripts. Because of this varied collection of file types sharing the same location, administrators had difficulty limiting write access to the PS_HOME directory structure. For example, while an administrator may have wanted to restrict write access to PS_HOME, many of the processes running within a domain required write access to PS_HOME for generating log and trace files. To address this challenge, in PeopleTools 8.50 the default implementation of an application server, a Process Scheduler server, or a search server, splits the binary files from the configuration files. When you install the PeopleSoft software to your server, just as in previous releases, the system installs all of the necessary files for that server to the specified PS_HOME directory. This directory can be referred to as the PeopleSoft Binary Home. Then, when you create a domain, PSADMIN creates the domain and its associated configuration files in a separate location, referred to as PS_CFG_HOME, or the PeopleSoft Configuration Home.

10 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

By default, the system creates the PS_CFG_HOME directory in the user directory of the owner of the domain. For example, depending on the operating system of the server, the system creates PS_CFG_HOME in the following location. Operating System UNIX/Linux Windows PS_CFG_HOME Location $HOME/psft/pt/<version> %USERPROFILE%\psft\pt\<version>

After you create a domain, the domain exists under PS_CFG_HOME\appserv\<domain>. Domains can exist on the same physical machine or a different physical machine as PS_HOME. That is, multiple domains on different machines can leverage a single installation of PS_HOME installed on a location accessible through your network. Splitting the location of the server binary and configuration files provides a variety of benefits, enabling you to: Restrict write access to server binary files and domain configuration files to one user, limiting the possibility of accidental or malicious tampering with installed binaries and domain configuration. Deploy PeopleTools binaries to a single location that multiple domains can use, reducing the time and complexity involved with installations. Save significant disk space. Streamline upgrades and updates because the upgrade, update, patch, or bundle needs to be installed to fewer locations.

Note. If you do not want or need to split the location of the PeopleSoft server binary and configuration files, you can configure your installation to operate the same as previous releases, with the binary files and domain configuration files existing within the same directory structure. Note. If you are an existing customer, consider that some of the previous configuration settings will have new default values. For example, in situations where an output directory was previously located within PS_HOME, that output directory setting will now need to reference a location under PS_CFG_HOME or some other writeable location. By default, the PS_HOME directory is now designed to be read only. So, when configuring nVision, Process Scheduler, Data Mover, and so on, be careful in considering any output locations. Note. In environments that include the IBM z/OS operating system, in many cases the length of the default PS_CFG_HOME directory will exceed z/OS character limits (70 in some cases). In these cases, you have the option to override the default PS_CFG_HOME value, replacing it with a shorter path value. Or, you can also symlink the directory and use the short path from inside your JCL scripts. Oracle developers are currently addressing this. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with Domain Configurations Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for your platform

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Search Server
This section discusses enhancements to the search server technology: Search server failover HP Itanium support. Edit configuration/log files menu Windows service now includes search domains.

Search Server Failover

PeopleTools 8.50 enables you to configure a failover search domain for search server configurations (Type-3) in case the primary search domain is unavailable. Being able to define and configure backup, or complementary, search domains provides higher availability and greater resilience for your search functions. The failover domain begins handling search requests only when the primary search domain becomes unavailable, which may be caused by such issues as network failure, machine outage, or a problem in the search domain itself.

Application Server Domain 1 Application Server Domain 2 Application Server Domain n

Primary Search Server Domain Failover Search Server Domain

Multiple application server domains configured to use the same primary and failover search domains
You configure an application server domain to connect to a failover search domain by modifying the Remote Search Server Credentials parameter in the [Search] section in PSADMIN, or PSAPPSRV.CFG, for the application server domain. [Search] Deployment Type=3 Application Server Port=7077 Remote Search Server Credentials=SRCH_PRIMARY|stsun04:7777,SRCH_FAILOVER|st-sun05:7777 Where SRCH_PRIMARY and SRCH_FAILOVER represent the Domain ID value in the [Domain Settings] section of PSADMIN.

12 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Configuring Search and Building Search Indexes, Configuring a Separate Search Server (Type 3), Setting up Failover Search Domains

Increased Support for Search Server (Type-3) Configurations

In previous releases, only select operating systems could host the PSSRCHSRV process in the Type-3, search server configuration. The Type-3 configuration, involves the use of a remote search server domain handling the search requests from application server domains. In this scenario, the application server domain acts as a client submitting requests to the server (the remote search domain). The feature enables system administrators to take full advantage of PeopleSoft search capabilities even when native support for search features are not available for the operating system on which their application server domains are installed. There is also the added benefit of a centralized solution for search facilities, bringing efficiency to administration, configuration, and usage. With PeopleTools 8.50, the Type-3 search configurations (both the client and server elements) are supported on all the same operating systems that are also supported for running the application server. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Configuring Search and Building Search Indexes, Configuring a Separate Search Server (Type 3)

HP Itanium Support
HP Itanium is now supported as a Type-1 search server. In previous releases, Itanium search server support was limited to specific configuration types.

PSADMIN Search Domain Administration Menu

The PSADMIN menu PeopleSoft Search Domain Administration now contains these menu options: Edit configuration/log files menu option. This is the equivalent option that appears on the PeopleSoft Domain Administration menu for the application server. Domain Gateway TUXEDO command line option. Provides dmadmin Tuxedo command line options specific to the domain gateway, similar to the tmadmin command line.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Configuring Search and Building Search Indexes, Configuring a Separate Search Server (Type 3)

Windows Service Now Includes Search Server Domains

A search server domain can now be configured to start automatically as a Microsoft Windows service, just as application server and Process Scheduler server domains in previous releases.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PSADMIN Windows service configuration

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Using PSADMIN Menus, Setting up the PeopleSoft Windows Service

Search Server Configuration File Changes

For PeopleTools 8.50, these changes appear in the PSSRCH.CFG and PSADMIN for search servers: Add To Path now appears in the [Domain Settings] section. A [Search Indexes] section now appears for specifying custom index locations for search servers, the same as application servers and Process Scheduler servers in previous releases.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Configuring Search and Building Search Indexes

In PeopleTools 8.50, you will notice the following changes to PSADMIN: Spawning Number of PSAPPSRV Processes in Delivered Templates Windows Service Maximum Open Cursors JavaVM Options

By default, spawning is now disabled. Spawning refers to the configuration option to enable a domain to start additional server processes, such as PSAPPSRV, to meet increasing demand. In previous releases, spawning was enabled by default. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration

14 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Number of PSAPPSRV Processes in Delivered Templates

The number of PSAPPSRV server processes configured, by default, in the delivered domain configuration templates (small, medium, large, developer) has changed. Configuration Template Small Medium Large Developer PeopleTools 8.49: Default Number of PSAPPSRVS 3 5 9 2 PeopleTools 8.50: Default Number of PSAPPSRVS 2 8 25 2

Windows Service
The name of the configuration file for the Windows service that starts an application server domain on Windows automatically has been changed. In previous releases, the name of the configuration file was PSNTSRV.CFG. In PeopleTools 8.50, the configuration file is PSWINSRV.CFG. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Using PSADMIN Menus, Setting up the PeopleSoft Windows Service

Maximum Open Cursors

In the [Database Options] section of PSADMIN, you can now configure the maximum number of open cursors for your database using the PSDB Maximum Cursors parameter. The maximum number of cursors that can be open at one time within PeopleTools is 64,000. However, some database platforms place greater restrictions on the number of cursors that can be open at one time. You can now set this value as needed per your database and system requirements. The default value is 1024 cursors. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Setting Application Server Domain Parameters, Database Options

JavaVM Options
With PeopleTools 8.50, you can now include custom Java options per server process. In previous releases, you set Java options per domain by modifying the JavaVM Options setting in the [PSTOOLS] section in the PSAPPSRV.CFG and PSPRCS.CFG configuration files. You can now add that option to any configuration settings section for a server process to specify custom Java Options for that server process. This applies to any server process, such as PSAPPSRV, PSQRYSRV, PSAESRV, and so on.

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Setting Application Server Domain Parameters, PSTOOLS Options, JavaVM Options

PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager

This section discusses changes and enhancements users of the PeopleSoft EM Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager can take advantage of, including: PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in documentation. Oracle Enterprise Manager Certification Process Monitor Integration Usability Enhancements Security Enhancements

PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in Documentation

The documentation has been updated based on the 8.50 version of the PeopleSoft Environment Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager. For this release, the installation instructions and the implementation guide have been split into two separate documents, which you can find in the following locations: Installation documentation: You can find the installation instructions with the plug-in software you downloaded from E-Delivery in the Disk1\doc folder. Implementation guide: You can download the PeopleSoft Enterprise Environment Management Plug-in 8.50 for Oracle Enterprise Manager Implementation Guide from

Oracle Enterprise Manager Certification

PeopleSoft EM plug-in is now certified on Oracle Enterprise Manager, which offers the Add-On Framework, providing a single consistent interface for all Add-Ons to use while configuring and installing the add-ons.

Process Monitor Integration

With PeopleTools 8.50, you can now monitor and manage PeopleSoft processes and jobs run through the Process Scheduler using the Process Monitor interface in the EM Console. Several new pages appear in the EM Console enabling you to perform various administration tasks such as set up the Process Monitor target, schedule processes, view processes, analyze performance, and so on. If youve used the Process Monitor before, many of the pages will appear familiar.

16 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Process Monitor in Enterprise Manager Console

See Also PeopleSoft Enterprise Environment Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager Implementation Guide

Usability Enhancements
With PeopleTools 8.50, a variety of usability enhancements are available including an improved method for viewing targets on the PeopleSoft Target page. In previous releases, PeopleSoft targets were displayed in a list form without showing any relationship to a particular environment. Now, PeopleSoft targets are shown in a hierarchical form where child targets, such as application servers, Process Scheduler servers, and search servers appear nested within the environment they belong. That is, the page displays their association with a particular database.

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleSoft targets associated with a particular database environment

The targets that are not associated with any database appear under Unlinked targets. See Also PeopleSoft Enterprise Environment Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager Implementation Guide

Security Enhancements
With PeopleTools 8.50, the following security enhancements have been added to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Environment Management Plug-in: The constraint of multiple users being required to be in the same primary group for multiuser installation has been removed. You can now perform a multi-user installation with users in the same secondary group. For example, the EMAgent user and PeopleSoft user can be in a secondary group. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides support for a Sudo/Power Broker with use of the PDP (Preferred Delegation Provider) API. PeopleSoft plug-in will use PDP APIs to extend the functionality and support Sudo/Power Broker for PeopleSoft target related administrative actions like Start, Stop, Configure, and so on.

Loading Shared Cache Performance Improvements

With PeopleTools 8.50, you now have these options for loading the shared cache for application server domains: Serial cache loading Parallel cache loading.

18 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Serial cache loading refers to the existing process for loading shared cache. In previous releases, when loading the shared cache for application server domains, system administrators ran an Application Engine program named LOADCACHE. The LOADCACHE program, adds each applicable cache object to the shared cache, sequentially. The LOADCACHE program is in place in PeopleTools 8.50, and it runs if you choose Serial LoadCache on the Process Request page after clicking Run on the Load Application Server Cache page. Parallel cache loading refers to a new option intended to reduce the time required to build a shared cache. Parallel cache loading splits the work of the LOADCACHE program into two separate Application Engine programs that run simultaneously within the PSJob PLCACHE, which runs when you select Parallel LoadCache on the Process Request page after clicking Run on the Load Application Server Cache page.

Process Scheduler Process Request page

The PLCACHE job runs a basic setup process and these cache loading processes: Process LCACHE_INDEP LCACHE_DEP Description Loads all the cacheable objects that are independent of other cached objects. Loads all the cacheable objects that are dependent on other cached objects. Objects that are dependent on other cached objects are those objects that, when loaded into cache, cause instances of other objects to be loaded as well.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleTools Security
This section discusses the changes to PeopleTools Security, including: User Profile Synchronization. SAML support for Web Services Security. Oracle Access Manager integration. PeopleSoft Encryption Technology changes. LDAP library changes.

User Profile Synchronization

User Profile synchronization across multiple databases now has two types of behavior: Standard user profile synchronization Configurable user profile synchronization

Standard User Profile Synchronization (SUPS)

Standard user profile synchronization is the same as in past releases.

Configurable User Profile Synchronization (CUPS)

Configurable user profile synchronization is comparable to the standard type. However, CUPS enables you to configure which fields the subscribing database receives. The published message is the same; it is the message on the subscribing database that is configurable. See Also See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBooks: Security Administration, Working with User Profiles Across Multiple Databases

SAML support for Web Services Security

Security Assertion Markup Language is an XML standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between entities. SAML provides a standard security tokena SAML assertionthat can be used with standard web services security frameworks. PeopleSoft applications now support the use of the SAML token for WSS. All SAML token messages are digitally signed, but security administrators also have the option of encrypting the token.

Oracle Access Manager Integration

PeopleSoft applications now support Oracle Access Manager (COREid) for Single Sign On.

PeopleSoft Encryption Technology Changes

PeopleSoft Encryption Technology changes include:

20 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Encryption terminology. Application Engine programs to encrypt and decrypt tables.

Encryption Terminology
PeopleSoft Pluggable Encryption Technology is now referred to as PeopleSoft Encryption Technology.

Application Engine Programs to Encrypt and Decrypt Tables

There are two Application Engine programs that do full table encryption and decryption: PTENCRYPTPET: If you use Data Mover to export data from a PeopleTools version that pre-dates PET to the current tools version, run PTENCRYPTPET on the target database after the import to encrypt the table data. PTDECRYPTPET: If you use Data Mover to export PET table data from the current version into a version of PeopleTools that predates the introduction of the encrypt and decrypt field object methods, run PTDECRYPTPET on the source data prior to exporting to decrypt the table data.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBooks: Security Administration, Using Application Engine Programs to Encrypt and Decrypt Tables

LDAP Library Changes

PeopleTools 8.50 uses only JNDI libraries for LDAP clients to connect to LDAP Directory Servers. JNDI requires no added installation as it is part of the standard PeopleTools installation. Oracle and Sun Libraries are no longer supported. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBooks: Security Administration, Employing LDAP Directory Services

Oracle Database Enhancements

PeopleTools 8.50 offers a variety of features incorporated for sites using the Oracle database, including: Optimize Database CPU Usage with Oracle Control Groups. Support for Oracle Transparent Data Encryption. Enhanced MODULE and ACTION Monitoring Information. Enhanced User ID Monitoring Information. Increase in Oracle Long Object (LOB) File Size Limit. Increase in Oracle Minimum Number of OPEN_CURSORS.

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

FIRST_ROWS Hint Feature No Longer Used. Oracle 11g case-sensitive user IDs.

Optimize Database CPU Usage with Oracle Control Groups

PeopleTools now provides a way for you to monitor and manage the database resource usage of PeopleTools executables through the features of the Oracle Database Resource Manager. This integration between PeopleTools and Oracle database technology enables you to manage and optimize a fundamental system resource, the CPU, and how the CPU allocates its resources to the PeopleSoft application processes running on the system. With PeopleTools 8.50, PeopleTools delivers a set of predefined PeopleSoft Resource Groups to which one or more PeopleTools executables are assigned. For example, PSRUN is assigned to the COBOL resource group and PSQRYSRV is assigned to the QUERY SERVER resource group. If you want to limit the amount of CPU resources a long-running query can consume on the database server, then you could create a resource plan with a consumer group, named PSFT Query, for example. You then manage PeopleSoft Querys CPU usage by specifying the appropriate parameters when you define the corresponding consumer group. After you have created the consumer groups, you use the Pt Ora Resource page to map the Oracle consumer groups to the predefined PeopleSoft resource groups.

Pt Ora Resource page

After mapping the appropriate PeopleSoft resource group to its corresponding consumer group, the system automatically imposes the limits that you have defined in the consumer group upon the PeopleTools executables within that resource group.

22 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Taking advantage of this new feature enables database administrators a flexible and configurable method of aligning database resources with the real-world demands of your business on your PeopleSoft system and realigning those resources as demand changes. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8:50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle, Working With Oracle Resource Groups Oracle Database Administrators Guide, Using the Database Resource Manager

Support for Oracle Transparent Data Encryption

PeopleTools now supports the use of Oracles Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), which enables encryption of sensitive data in database columns as it is stored in the operating system files. In addition, it provides for secure storage and management of encryption keys in a security module external to the database. Using an external security module separates ordinary program functions from those that pertain to security, such as encryption. Consequently, it is possible to divide administration duties between DBAs and security administrators, a strategy that enhances security because no administrator is granted comprehensive access to data. External security modules generate encryption keys, perform encryption and decryption, and securely store keys outside of the database. TDE is a key-based access control system that enforces authorization by encrypting data with a key that is kept secret. There can be only one key for each database table that contains encrypted columns regardless of the number of encrypted columns in a given table. Each table's column encryption key is, in turn, encrypted with the database server's master key. The Master key is stored in an Oracle wallet, which is part of the external security module. To implement this feature within your PeopleSoft system you need to: Set up the Master key in the Oracle wallet. Determine the fields to be encrypted with TDE, and in Application Designer, in the Field Properties dialog box, select Encrypt check box. Enter the desired encryption algorithm in the Database Encryption Algorithm edit box on the PeopleTools Options page.

Enhanced MODULE and ACTION Monitoring Information

With PeopleTools 8.50, PeopleTools populates the MODULE and ACTION fields of the V$SESSION and V$SQL views. This provides increased monitoring capabilities if you use Oracle performance monitoring utilities, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Database Resource Manager, Oracle Automatic Workload Repository, and so on. You can now view system resource usage per these PeopleSoft application modules that populate the module and action fields as described in the table. PeopleSoft Connection Type Application Server (PIA connections) Module PeopleSoft component Action PeopleSoft page (PIA page)

Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Integration Broker Application Engine

service operation PSAE

PeopleCode event program name

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8:50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle, Monitoring PeopleSoft Database Connections

Oracle Database Vault Support

PeopleSoft databases are now certified to use Oracle Database Vault to increase your information security. PeopleTools has validated the use of Database Vault 9i, 10g, and 11g with PeopleTools PT8.50. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8:50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle, ORACLE DATABASE VAULT Certification With Oracle PeopleSoft Applications

Enhanced User ID Monitoring Information

Additional monitoring information was included enhancing the availability of PeopleSoft user information in Oracle products like Oracle Audit Vault and Oracle Enterprise Manager. PeopleSoft user ID information is also stored in the CLIENT_IDENTIFIER column of the V$SESSION table. The CLIENT_IDENTIFIER column contains only the user ID, whereas the CLIENT_INFO column also contains the user ID value, but it is typically accompanied by other user information, like machine name for example. Displaying only the user ID simplifies the retrieval of user information by products like Oracle Audit Vault and Oracle Enterprise Manager to obtain the User ID information from PeopleSoft applications. Database administrators can also retrieve the information directly from the database with queries similar to the following: SELECT module, client_identifier, client_info FROM v$session where module ='pside.exe';

MODULE ------

CLIENT_IDENTIFIER -----------------

CLIENT_INFO ----------------QEDMO,bng2,BENG-

pside.exe QEDMO PC,,pside.exe, See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8:50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle, Monitoring PeopleSoft Database Connection

24 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Increase in Oracle Long Object (LOB) File Size Limit

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.50, the LOB size limit for the Oracle database has increased to 50 MB. In previous releases, the largest LOB that could be stored was 2 MB. In addition to allowing larger amounts of data in a single database field, this new limit allows much larger file attachments to be stored in the database without having to be divided into separate chunks.

Increase in Oracle Minimum Number of OPEN_CURSORS

The new minimum number of OPEN_CURSORS required for PeopleSoft applications on an Oracle database is 1000. In previous releases, the minimum was 255. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for Oracle

FIRST_ROWS Hint Feature No Longer Used

PeopleSoft applications no longer utilize the FIRST_ROWS hint feature on an Oracle database for the SQL generated for search lists appearing on application pages. The original intent of adding the hint was to provide a performance benefit. The Oracle implementation of FIRST_ROWS hint works differently than on other RDBMS platforms, and the PeopleSoft application usage of the FIRST_ROWS hint feature, as originally implemented, did not provide any clear performance benefits for the Oracle platform. In addition, the use of this hint made the analysis of other reported performance issues difficult. Going forward, there is no longer a need to enable or disable the use of this feature. In PeopleTools 8.50, the OracleDisableFirstRowsHint parameter has been removed from the application server configuration file (PSAPPSRV.CFG).

Oracle 11g Case-Sensitive User IDs

With Oracle 11gR1 the database user ID is case-sensitive. So, when running the installation, system administrators need to make sure the database user ID, such as SYSADM is represented consistently, wherever it needs to be supplied in the configuration tools and scripts as well as on any signon screen.

Microsoft SQL Server Enhancements

This section discusses these Microsoft SQL Server enhancements: Access ID. Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Access ID
On PeopleTools 8.50 the SQL Server login utilized as an ACCESSID does not require being a member of the SQL Server sysadmin server role.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

This restricts the type of activities this login can be used for which enhances overall application security. The PeopleSoft ACCESSID is now a member of the following fixed database roles: db_datareader db_datawriter db_ddladmin Additionally it is necessary to grant ALTER TRACE permissions to the ACCCESSID in order to be able to utilize different tracing capabilities available in PeopleTools. On PeopleTools 8.50 you will find the installation scripts were updated to reflect the changes above. It is important to take into consideration that utilizing these roles for the PeopleSoft ACCESSID login will restrict the ability to run administrative tasks not required for PeopleSoft applications like creating backups and restoring them, defining new server logins, modifying server settings, creating databases, dropping them, and so on. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation <for your platform> Enterprise PeopleTools 8:50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server 2008

With PeopleTools 8.50, PeopleTools supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

IBM DB2 Enhancements

This section discusses enhancements for IBM DB2, including: DB2 LUW AUTORESIZE DB2 z/OS Database Level Auditing Changes Increased Monitoring Information


With PeopleTools 8.50, PeopleSoft databases running on the DB2 LUW platform can take advantage of the IBM DB2 Auto-Resize option for table spaces. The auto-resize option creates a table space that automatically increase its size, in configurable increments, to accommodate system needs with no limit. Implementing auto-resize reduces manual ad hoc and preplanned intervention by administrators to increase table space sizes to keep up with the insertion of transactional data. Table spaces that can dynamically increase their size as needed enable you to set a reasonable, initial size and appropriate resize increment. This reduces the initial footprint of your database and translates into optimized space usage as your transactional database grows. In previous releases the delivered table space create scripts appeared similar to the following;

26 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

CREATE TABLESPACE PTTLRG MANAGED BY DATABASE USING ( FILE '/data1/psdb2/ptdbname/PTTLRG.DBF' 18000 ) EXTENTSIZE 16 PREFETCHSIZE 48 DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY OFF; In this example, table space PTTLRG will be created with 18000 4k pages. The number of pages is hard-coded in the script. If the actual numbers of records loaded into table space PTTLRG exceeds the 18000 4k page capacity, a table space full condition occurs. To add more free space to the table space, the DBA can either add more free pages or add more containers, manually. In PeopleTools 8.50, the delivered table space create scripts appear similar to the following: CREATE TABLESPACE PTTLRG MANAGED BY DATABASE USING ( FILE '/data1/psdb2/ptdbname/PTTLRG.DBF' 10 M ) EXTENTSIZE 16 PREFETCHSIZE 48 DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY OFF AUTORESIZE YES INCREASESIZE 10 M MAXSIZE NONE ; Here, the script will create the PTTLRG table space with an initial allocation of 10 Mb of free space, space will be increased by DB2 automatically in increments of 10 Mb when the file container becomes full, with no maximum size limit other than that imposed by the amount of space on the server machine. The automatic space management activity is transparent to any application connected to the database. Note. For new PeopleSoft databases, the delivered DDL scripts create table spaces with auto-resize one, by default. For existing databases, you can submit a SQL ALTER command to enable auto-resize for desired table spaces. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2 z/OS Database Level Auditing Changes

In previous releases of PeopleTools, users of the database level auditing feature for DB2 on z/OS were required to create a user defined function (UDF), named AUDIT01, using IBM z/OS assembler language. The audit triggers created by the PeopleSoft Audit Triggers page required the AUDIT01 program to capture the user information that the system eventually inserted in the audit tables. With PeopleTools 8.50, the AUDIT01 program is no longer required. PeopleSoft now retrieves this information from these two sources, depending on the connection type:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Source Sqlseti (Set Client Information)

When Used Used for distributed connections, which are process using DB2 Connect, such as PIA transactions and Process Scheduler servers (running on Windows or UNIX). Used for local connections, which are processes running under UNIX System Services, such as Application Engine, Process Scheduler servers (running on OS/390), Report Distribution Server, and so on.


If you are new to PeopleTools with the 8.50 release, or you have never used the database level auditing feature (on DB2 for z/OS) you do not need to perform any additional steps to implement this feature other than those described in PeopleBooks. However, if you have used the database level auditing feature and you are upgrading from a previous release of PeopleTools, you need to make sure to complete the steps described in your PeopleSoft upgrade instructions. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Employing Database Level Auditing, Using DB2 for z/OS Trigger Information

Increased Monitoring Information

DB2 system administrators can gather increased information associated with specific DB2 connections. Using the features of the DB2 Connects sqleseti API (set client information) function, PeopleTools previously provided information for tracing the user, the workstation, and the application server domain associated with a specific connection. In PeopleTools 8.50, PeopleTools captures Module information and stores it in the DB2 ACCOUNTING field as follows: Module PIA Integration Broker Application Engine component name service operation name PSAE Value Captured

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 z/OS Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 LUW

Data Mover
This section covers Data Mover enhancements, including:

28 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

IMPORT Command Modifications Data Mover Environment Variable Modifications

IMPORT Command Modifications

The Data Mover IMPORT command has been modified to allow the following usage: IMPORT * AS record_name This is allowed in cases where the imported data file consists only of a single record. In previous releases, the use of * with AS was not recommended or supported. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Using PeopleSoft Data Mover Commands, IMPORT

Data Mover Environment Variable Modifications

Because of the decoupling of the executables and configuration files on the application server and Process Scheduler server and the introduction of the secure PS_HOME option, some of the default Data Mover environment settings have changed. If you intend to implement a secure (or read-only) PS_HOME, then some of the environment variables from previous releases (such as output locations) need to point to writeable locations. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Appendix: Using the PSADMIN Utility Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Using the PeopleSoft Data Mover Command-Line Interface

Data Mover Environment Variables on UNIX

For the PSDMTX command line interface, a new environment variable, $DM_HOME, has been added. It defines the writeable location for Data Mover the output, log file and trace file path. The default setting is $HOME/PS_DM. Note. $DM_HOME applies only to the UNIX environment. Variable PS_DM_DATA PS_DM_DATA_IN PS_DM_DATA_OUT PS_DM _LOG Description This variable no longer exists in PeopleTools 8.50. It has been replaced by PS_DM_DATA_IN. Specifies the Data Mover input directory. PS_DM_DATA_IN=$PS_HOME/data Specifies the Data Mover output directory. PS_DM_DATA_OUT=$DM_HOME/data Specifies the location of PeopleSoft Data Mover log files. The default is $DM_HOME/log, as in $HOME/PS_DM/log.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Variable TraceFile

Description Specifies the trace file location. TraceFile=%DM_HOME%/datamover.trc

Data Mover Environment Variables on Windows

For the Windows environment, these default settings in the Configuration Manager have changed for Data Mover: Variable Output Directory Description In previous releases, it pointed to PS_HOME\data. Now, it should point to a writeable location, such as PS_CFG_HOME\data. Log Directory This location must allow Data Mover write access in the case of a read-only PS_HOME configuration. The default is C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp

Data Mover Settings Within the Process Scheduler Configuration

In the Process Scheduler configuration file (PSPRCS.CFG), the Data Mover OutputDir now points to a location within PS_CFG_HOME, by default. For example, OutputDir=%PS_CFG_HOME%\data

PeopleSoft Performance Monitor

This section discusses these changes to PeopleSoft Performance Monitor: Save and Ping PPM button. PPM Console Display and Security.

Save and Ping PPM Button

On the Specify Monitor page a new button, Save and Ping PPM, has been added, enabling increased verification that your Performance Monitor configuration is ready for use. In previous releases, only the Ping Test button appeared on the page. The Ping Test button verifies that the URL youve entered is in the correct format and that the URL is accessible. The Save and Ping PPM button saves the new URL to the URL catalog, performs registration, and launches the PPM console in a separate browser window displaying all registered agents. This increased verification enables you to confirm that the agents are running and able to transmit data to your monitoring system.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Specify Monitor page

Note. Because the Save and Ping PPM button saves the entered URL, the Save button has been removed from the bottom of the page. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Performance Monitor, Setting Up the Performance Monitor, Enabling the Required Elements on the Monitored System

PPM Console Display and Security

In previous releases, you enabled the PPM Console for display using the PPMConsole web property in the web profile. You now enable the PPM Console for display, by selecting Enable PPMconsole in the PPMConsole Settings group box on the Global Administration page. In addition, you can now configure password security for accessing the PPM Console. Enter a password in the Password text box, reboot the web server, and then any administrator requiring access to the PPM Console will need to enter the password.

PPMConsole Settings group box on the Global Administration page

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Performance Monitor, Administering the Performance Monitor, Setting Global System Options

General System Administration Enhancements

This section covers these general system administration features: Tuxedo Log Directory Character Limit Timeout Settings Jolt Signon Trace Link IDDA Logging WebLogic Session Cookie Name Changes SYSAUDIT additions. Authentication timeout setting. URL Properties page.

Tuxedo Log Directory Character Limit

The log directory contains log files the system generates for a domain, such as Tuxedo logs (TUXLOG) and APPSRV logs. The default log directory for a domain is %PS_SERVDIR\logs. For example, if your domain name is 'PSFT', then the logs directory would be in PS_CFG_HOME\PSFT\logs, by default. If you elect to specify a custom log directory, uncomment the Log Directory setting in the domain's PSAPPSRV.CFG file, and enter the desired location. When entering custom log directory locations, keep the following length restrictions in mind. Domain Type Application Server Process Scheduler Server Search Server 60 70 80 Log Directory Character Limit

Timeout Settings
The default value for the Receive Timeout setting has increased from 600 seconds to 1300 seconds to compensate for longer running service timeout values, such as the ICQuery service timeout setting. The Receive Timeout setting appears in the Web Server Jolt Settings group box on the Security tab for web profiles.

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See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Appendix: PeopleSoft Timeout Settings, Web Server Timeouts

This section describes changes made to Oracle Jolt, including: Jolt Failover String Jolt Session Pooling

Jolt Failover String

The syntax of the Jolt failover string, specified in the psserver property in the file, has changed slightly in PeopleTools 8.50. In previous releases, failover servers appeared within angled brackets, [ ]. In PeopleTools 8.50, to be compatible with both IPV4 and IPV6 specifications, the failover servers appear within curly brackets, { }. PeopleTools Release 8.49 8.50 Jolt Failover String
psserver=<host>:<port>#wt[failover servers] psserver=<host>:<port>#wt{failover servers}

Note. The above IPV6 compatibility applies to Jolt only.

Jolt Session Pooling

In previous releases, Jolt session pooling was set per servlet in the web.xml file. For PeopleTools 8.50, you set Jolt session pooling at the site level in the file. A new property has been added to the file: joltPooling=true See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with Jolt Configuration Options, Configuring Jolt Session Pooling

Signon Trace Link

The wording of the signon trace link has changed. If you enable the signon trace link to appear on the signon page using the Show Trace Link at Signon web profile property, the link now appears as: Set Trace Flags In previous releases it read: To set trace flags, click here.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Portal Technology, Configuring the Portal Environment, Configuring Web Profiles

IDDA Logging
The Instrumented Development Diagnostic Aid (IDDA) logging feature provides enhanced: scope of logging information across multiple functional categories, including Portal, Integration Broker, and the report repository. configurable logging levels, including INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, and so on. improved content and layout of the log output, including a log file header showing such information as PeopleTools and Java versions, as well as additional metadata associated with each log message, such as message sequence, Java thread ID, user ID, machine IP address, and so on.

Note. In most cases, you only enable IDDA logging when instructed to do so by an Oracle support contact seeking specific information, but, it can also be a valuable tool for your own troubleshooting efforts. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Tracing, Logging, and Debugging, Enabling IDDA Logging

WebLogic Session Cookie Name Changes

The name of the WebLogic Server session cookie within the WebLogic Server web application has changed beginning with WebLogic Server 8.1 SP X. As a result, when configuring plugins for reverse proxy servers or when configuring clusters, you need to include the new cookie name within the relevant configuration files. The name has changed as follows: "CookieName" has been changed to "WLCookieName". If you use the previous value, the system displays a warning message. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with Oracle WebLogic, Configuring Reverse Proxy Servers

SYSAUDIT Additions
The following new SYSAUDIT audits have been added. SEC-31: Verifies roles contain valid user profile definitions. SEC-32: Flags any inactive roles existing in the system. SEC-34: Checks for orphaned service operations assigned in permission lists. IBRK-23: Checks operation definitions with no service relationship.

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IBRK-24: Checks DMS Handlers referencing invalid messages. SYSLANG 16: Checks for invalid language codes assigned to users. PRCSHED-18: Checks for queued processes in tables used by Process Scheduler containing a DBNAME different than the current database name. Connected Query Audits (SYSCONQRY 1-10): Check the integrity of the Connected Query definitions. Style Sheet Audits (STYLESHEET 1-04): Checks for orphaned free form style sheets and missing parent and sub style sheets. Feeds Framework Audits (FEEDS 01-10, GENERICFEED-01, WORKLISTFEED 01-05, QUERYFEED 01-03): Checks for references to nonexistent feeds framework definitions.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Ensuring Data Integrity

Authentication Timeout Setting

To limit the effectiveness of DOS attacks on failed authentications, you can use the psft_failtimeout Java option. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with Oracle WebLogic, Setting Authentication Failure Timeout Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Working with IBM WebSphere, Setting Authentication Failure Timeout


The new URL Properties page enables you to define URLIDs to store in the database to be used for FTPS and the PeopleCode attachment functions. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, Using PeopleTools Utilities, Using Administration Utilities, URL Maintenance

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Development Tools Enhancements

This section covers changes and updates related to the development of PeopleSoft applications: User Interface. Application Designer. PeopleTools Portal Technologies. PeopleCode. Global Technology. PeopleSoft Mobile Agent.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

User Interface
This section provides an overview of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and the changes to the graphical user interface, including: Partial page refreshes. Modal prompt pages and modal alert dialog boxes. Modal grids and long edit boxes. Menu navigation. Floating drop-down navigation. Favorites menu enhancements. Processing icon changes Search page enhancements. Style sheet modifications. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) based tabs.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

PeopleTools 8.50 has incorporated the use of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), which is a web 2.0 technology that enables better, faster, and more interactive PeopleSoft applications. AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests) between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages. The AJAX technology makes Internet applications smaller, faster and more user-friendly.

Partial Page Refreshes

PeopleSoft applications use Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology to limit server trips and perform partial page refreshes. With a partial page refresh, the browser refreshes the entire page only when the user navigates to a new page. Any server trips triggered by PeopleCode functions such as FieldChange and FieldEdit for related display fields do not redraw the entire page; the refresh updates only the changed fields. Because of AJAX technology, much of the communication with the server occurs in the background. You continue to work uninterrupted during the process.

Modal Prompt Pages and Modal Alert Dialog Boxes

All Look Up (prompt) pages and alert dialog boxes are modal and appear in front of the primary page, which is grayed out while the prompt page is active. When working with these pages, you can: Resize the page.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Minimize or collapse the page to the title bar. Close the page from the title bar close icon.

Modal Grids and Long Edit Boxes

You can configure grids and long edit boxes to display in their own modal window above the grayed out main page. When you click the Zoom icon in a grid or on a long edit box, the control appears in its own modal page where you can continue to work with the control as though it were on the main page. Modal grids and long edit boxes can be moved around over the page for ease of viewing and use. This is an example of a modal scrollable grid:

Menu Navigation
There is a new left navigation menu pagelet (Menu 2.0). Because of AJAX, when you click the expand/collapse icons in the new menu pagelet, the system redraws only the appropriate hierarchy for the selected link or folder, instead of refreshing the entire menu pagelet. If you click the folder name, the entire structure is refreshed. Note. You can choose to use the non-AJAX based menu pagelet for ease of use with screen readers.

Floating Drop-Down Navigation

PeopleTools 8.50 offers floating drop-down menu navigation. As you mouse over any section of the menu, the menu cascades to the right, revealing more components that you have access to view. Advantages of the new floating navigation are:

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

You can sort the menu Click the sort icon on the main menu to toggle between alphabetic ascending, descending, and portal sequence number presentation of folders. The menu is scrollable Click the scroll arrows that appear at the top and bottom of the menu when the menu is too long for you to view in its entirety. When you find the folder or page, select it. You can search the menu Enter a keyword or phrase and the search index will generate matching entries as you type. When you see a match, select the item in the list. The menu leaves breadcrumbs As you navigate, breadcrumbs appear across the top of the page to inform you of your location.

Example: Floating Drop-Down Navigation

This is an example of the new floating drop-down navigation:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Example: Search Menu

This is an example of the Search Menu enhancement showing the results for a search of the phrase User Pro and the sort icon in the blue header:

Note. You must run the Build Registry Search Index process to populate the search.

Favorites Menu Enhancements

The Favorites menu has been enhanced to include a Most Recently Used (MRU) list. The last five (5) most recently accessed pages appear at the top of the Favorites list. The Favorites menu also includes the primary key as part of any Favorite that you save. For example, as a Security Administrator you can create a generic Employee user profile on the Copy User Profile page and save it as a favorite. When new employees are hired, you can navigate directly to this profile within the Favorites menu and quickly create a new employee. You are no longer taken to the search page.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Example: Favorites Menu

This is the new favorites menu showing the Recently Used list and the Base EE User Profile favorite in the My Favorites list:

When you click the BASE EE link, this page appears showing the primary key:

Type Ahead
Prompt Fields now include a type ahead text. As you type, the system searches in the background and matches entries in the record to the text you enter. Type ahead is configurable through User Personalizations, and appears on search pages and in prompt dialog boxes.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Example: Type Ahead

This is an example of type ahead on a Vendor page where the user is searching for a buyer with the letter a in the ID:

Processing Icon Changes

The processing and saved icons have changed. The new processing icon looks like this:

The confirmed save icon looks like this:

Search Page Enhancements

Search pages now include a Maximum number of rows to return field. When you perform a search using a transaction search page, you can determine the number of entries that the search can return. The maximum value and the default value are set in the Search Settings on the PeopleTools Options page. You can limit the number of search items returned by entering a lower value in the Maximum number of rows to return field on the search page; you can set the number of entries that the search returns to any value less than the maximum. If the search retrieves more than the maximum number of listings, the Search Results grid displays the total number of results above the search results.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Style Sheet Modification

There are two new style sheets for Peopletools 8.50. PSSTYLEDEF has been updated to have a more contemporary, sleek look and feel. Another style sheet, PSSTYLEDEF_SWAN, has an updated look and feel and matches Oracle corporate application standards. Customers upgrading to PeopleTools 8.50 will be unaffected by the SWAN style sheet, as it wont be the default style sheet for the PeopleTools interface. However, PSSTYLEDEF_SWAN is the default style sheet for PeopleSoft application releases 9.1 and later.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Based Tabs

Page tabs are now set with cascading style sheets (CSS). To provide a greater number of tabs and simpler user-level configuration, the PeopleSoft applications use the sliding door technique for tabs. Cascading style sheets (CSS) have the advantage of layering background images which enables them to slide over each other. The default style sheet and the SWAN style sheet contain CSS tabs. You can change the background colors of folder tabs and grid tabs. To change the background colors of tabs, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of how tab definitions are built and stored in the database.

Sliding Doors Technique

The sliding door tabs employ expansion and contraction of the tabs based on the size of the text with just two separate background images: one image to render the left side of a tab and the other image to render the right. The images can be thought of as the sliding doors that complete one doorway. The doors slide together and overlap more to fill a narrow space, or slide apart and overlap less to fill a wider space. Keep in mind that background images only show in the available doorway of the element to which they are applied (content area + padding). The two images are anchored to the outside corners of their respective elements. The visible portions of these background images fit together inside the doorway to form a tab-like shape.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Application Designer
This section details the modifications in Application Designer definitions, including new features and enhancements, such as: Radio button label changes. Free form stylesheets. Command line password prompt. Grid and scroll area summary attribute for tables in pages. Active hyperlinks on read-only pages. Scrollable grid layout (grid enhancements). Image definition changes. Integrated rich text editor.

Radio Button Label Changes

You can change or set radio button labels dynamically with PeopleCode.

Free Form Stylesheets

Free form sub style sheets are text-based sub style sheets that enable you to take advantage of Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 (CSS2), AJAX, and DHTML features. With a free form sub style sheet, you can create the style sheet in a third-party editor and then copy the style sheet text into the Free Form tab of the free form sub style sheet definition. On free form sub style sheets, the Fixed Form tab is grayed out because free form sub style sheets do not support inheritance or aggregation. Free form sub style sheets cannot have parent style sheets nor can they be used as parent style sheets. Note these important points regarding the use of free form sub style sheets: Like other sub style sheets, to use free form sub style sheets, you must insert them in a standard style sheet or in a sub style sheet that is part of a standard style sheet. When creating free form style sheets, style class names must be identical to the PeopleTools default style class names. If you replace the default style sheet or override the page style sheet with a style sheet that includes only free form text, the free form sub style sheet must define and include all default style classes used by the application. Unexpected results will occur in both Application Designer and PeopleSoft Internet Architecture pages if a default style class is missing.

Note. At runtime, style classes in free form sub style sheets take precedence over PeopleTools-formatted style classes of the same name. Free form sub style sheets are supported in PeopleTools 8.50 and higher.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

If you attempt to import a free form sub style sheet into an earlier release, the free form sub style sheet imports as an empty standard style sheet. This is an example of a free form style sheet:

Command Line Password Prompt

When using the command line to access the PSIDE.EXE executable (Application Designer), if you do not include the - CP <password> argument, the user is now presented with a dialog box to enter the password. This eliminates the requirement of entering the password argument as clear text in the command line.

Summary Attribute for Tables in Pages

Grids now include a Summary attribute which enables the developer to provide a brief description of the functionality and content of the grid or scroll area. This property is pertinent for end users running screen readers. For existing grid areas, the default value for the Summary Text field is the same as the Title of the grid. For existing controls, the value of the field is populated during an upgrade. For new grids, default value for the Summary Text field is the same as the Title of the grid. For new grids, if the control Title is set to Message Catalog, then the Summary text will also be set to Message Catalog with short text chosen as default. The attribute is accessible by clicking the Summary Properties button located at the bottom right of the Label tab of any grid, analytic grid, or scroll area.

Active Hyperlinks on Display Only Pages

This enhancement adds the Enable When Page is Display Only property to certain controls so that the application developer can enable hyperlinks to be active even on display only pages. The property is accessible on the Use tab for the following supported controls: Edit Box Check Box Radio Button

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Drop-Down List Image Long Edit Box

Scrollable Grid Layout (Grid Enhancements)

In addition to the current grid functionality, application developers can enable a scrollable grid layout. You can specify the grid layout style at the system level (PeopleTools Options page) and at the individual grid level. The scrollable grid layout offers several functional differences from the original grid layout. In the scrollable grid layout, you can enable horizontal and vertical scroll bars, which appear within the grid control and enable you to scroll through data within the grid. You can scroll data within the grid without having use the browser scroll bar, thus other data on the page stays in view. In the scrollable grid layout, frozen columns and column headers are stationary when you scroll through grid data. You can configure a scrollable grid to display the horizontal and vertical scroll bars independently of one another. Grid scroll bars and grid tabs can be configured to work together or separately. In scrollable grid layout, you can navigate through cells by using the SHIFT+ <DIRECTION> ARROW keys. For example, press SHIFT+ UP ARROW to move one cell up. Press SHIFT+ RIGHT ARROW to move one cell to the right. Note. When using these methods to navigate, the cursor will move to fields within the grid. If grid scroll bars are present, the cursor will cause the grid to scroll as it moves through rows. If grid tabs are present, the cursor will not cause the tab to change as it moves through rows and columns. In scrollable grid layout, you can designate the number of rows to appear in the scrollable area. In scrollable layout, the user can find the string in all tabs of the grid. The search looks through all rows in the buffer. If the string is found, the page brings the tab where the field and value are into view, making it the active tab. In scrollable grid layout, you can change the sort order of a grid column directly on the transaction page by clicking the column header; sort indicator icons appear to the left of the column heading label.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

In scrollable grid layout you can drag to resize the column directly on the transaction page.

In scrollable grid layout, you can drag and drop to columns to change column order.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

This Grid Properties dialog box shows the Grid Layout and the Scrollbar properties on the Use tab:

Image Definition Changes

GIF files no longer require an alternate image to display in Application Designer; GIF files are supported.

Integrated Rich Text Editor

You can configure the long edit box control to use the CK Editor, a third party rich text editor, which is integrated into a standard PeopleTools installation. The Enable Rich Text property of the long edit box control provides you with a simple way to implement this rich text editor as part of any PIA page without the need for customization or special configurations.

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At design time in Application Designer, place the long edit box control on the page. Open the properties sheet and check the Enable Rich Text Editor property on the Options tab. At runtime, the long edit box becomes a Rich Text Editor on PIA Pages. The editor includes a default set of toolbar buttons that appear as part of the editor page control. However, application developers can create configuration settings files which compliment the default toolbar set. Users can specify custom toolbar configurations for each Rich Text Editor control. Based on the value you enter in the Configuration Settings Id field in the Rich Text Editor options, the respective toolbar set is loaded at runtime along with the default toolbar set. The rich text editor enables you to store inline images along with your text. The rich text editor tool bars are highly configurable. Any customizations are maintained through HTML definitions in the database and become managed definitions. You can use the rich text editor as it is delivered or switch to your own configuration without deleting the basic configuration. You can configure elements such as style sheet and plug-in style to control the look and feel of the editor in addition to configuring the basic tool bar to control the formatting elements, which control the look of the text. The existing PeopleTools Spell Check is associated with this control.

Long Character Field Limit

For PeopleTools 8.50, there is a limit of 20 long character fields per record definition.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleTools Portal Technologies

This section discusses the changes to PeopleTools portal technologies, including: Related Content Framework. Pagelet Wizard enhancements. Pagelet drag and drop. Pagelet search. Pagelet help. OBIEE to PeopleSoft URL integration. OBIEE report integration.

Related Content Framework

The related content framework is a new feature that enables you to combine PeopleSoft transaction pages with collaborative, analytical and informational content. A related content frame can be configured to appear at the bottom of any PeopleSoft application page. It will allow you to easily display additional content to assist users in completing a business transaction without leaving PeopleSoft applications. The information in the related content frame can be tied to specific application transaction data, providing context-sensitive information to the user. This means that as the user works on different instances of a transaction, the information displayed in the related content frame changes, showing information specific to the transactional data. Some important aspects of related content: Configurable by functional business users (does not require development or IT intervention). Displays related content relevant to the specific transactional page. Available in a PeopleTools-only upgradethat is, it works with earlier application versions. Can display information from other areas within the PeopleSoft application or from external systems such as from a data warehouse or a third party. Three PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 related content services are delivered with PeopleTools, ready to use. Additional services can be easily deployed based on PeopleSoft content, such as PS Query and OBIEE report pagelets. You can develop custom related content services and deploy these using the framework. Users can interact directly with information in the related content framethat is, the information is not read-only. Leverages the same PeopleSoft security as the application transaction. Extends the functionality and value of PeopleSoft applications without requiring

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

application upgrades or customizations. The PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 related content services include: Related Discussion service Providing threaded discussions that groups can use to discuss topics of interest. Related Links service Providing links to external URLs or to content residing in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portalspecifically, blogs, discussions, or collaborative workspaces. Related Tags service Allowing you to characterize or bookmark transactional or business objects with terminology of your choosing, providing ease of access as well as collaborative classification of the information.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, "Working with Related Content Services" PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1 PeopleBook: Using Portal Features, "Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal-Delivered Related Content Services"

Pagelet Wizard Enhancements

The Pagelet Wizard now enables you to: Define OBIEE reports as a data source when creating pagelets. See OBIEE Report Integration Define pagelet specific help information. See Pagelet Help Define pagelet search information. See Pagelet Search

Pagelet Drag and Drop

Users can now dynamically drag and drop pagelets on their homepage without going to the Personalize page. To move a homepage pagelet, click the pagelet title and drag the pagelet to the desired location. Because some components can render themselves differently based on the column width, pagelet content references now have a Force Pagelet Refresh property. When a homepage has a 2 column layout, and the user moves a PIA based component pagelet to a different sized column by using the drag and drop method then this pagelet needs to be refreshed so that the content displays correctly. The drag and drop iScript that persists the pagelet changes forces a homepage refresh only when all of the following conditions are met: A pagelet changes columns. The homepage layout is 2column. The pagelet is a PIA component. You select the Force page refresh property for the pagelet.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Pagelet Search
Pagelet Wizard enables you to embed a search field within homepage and embeddable pagelets. The pagelet search uses PeopleCode Application Classes to define the scope, format, and results of the search. PeopleTools provides a sample search application class, which uses the portal registry index to perform the search. You are able to use this sample search class to test the pagelet search functionality for any pagelet. During pagelet design, you configure the search application class, and other attributes of the search properties of the pagelet, such as location within the pagelet. At runtime, a search field appears in the pagelet. When the user enters the search string and clicks on the search button on a pagelet for which the search has been enabled, a pop up window appears and the search results are displayed. The results also include a link to the result and a brief description.

Pagelet Help
Pagelet Wizard enables you to associate help information for each pagelet. At the beginning of pagelet design, the user enters a help document URL in the Help URL field. This URL should point to the help document or the section of the help document directly. When the pagelet is published as a homepage pagelet, a PTPPB_PAGELET_HELP_LINK content reference attribute is added to the homepage pagelet content reference definition corresponding to the pagelet. The value of this content reference attribute is the help URL entered by the user.

OBIEE to PeopleSoft URL Integration

Developers and OBIEE administrators can enable navigation from OBIEE Answers or Dashboards to the PeopleSoft transaction page without hard coding the PeopleSoft URL during OBIEE setup and configuration. PeopleTools exposes a component API as a standard Web Service that can be consumed by OBIEE at design time. In addition, the web service can expose the key structure information when appended to the URL as a query string. Including the key information enables the system to identify a specific transaction row within a PeopleSoft table. After successfully defining and embedding the action links to specific PeopleSoft table columns (DeptID and SETID), when the user clicks on the action links for a given row of data (DeptID = 10000 and SetID = SHARE) the bind parameters of the PeopleSoft Component URL are mapped to their actual runtime values. The user is then directly navigated to the PeopleSoft Department component, which displays transaction details specific to the row of data in the OBIEE Answers of Dashboards.

OBIEE Report Integration

PeopleTools enables you to integrate OBIEE reports with PeopleSoft applications. To enable OBIEE report integration, PeopleTools includes the Analytics servlet, an Oracle BI Presentation service plug-in and part of Oracle BI Web Component. This servlet communicates to the Oracle BI Presentation server and acts as a client which forwards the request made from PeopleSoft to the listening Oracle BI Presentation service. The OBIEE server provides the HTML markup to be displayed in its entirety in the PeopleSoft user interface.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

After configuring and deploying the Analytics servlet, you must define the analytics server in the PeopleSoft application. Once the PeopleSoft application recognizes the analytics server, you can retrieve, access, and view OBIEE report details as your security permits. In this implementation, you must configure and store the OBIEE administrator credentials in the PeopleSoft application. The PeopleSoft application uses these credentials to login to the OBIEE server, impersonate a real user, and establish a session. You can configure OBIEE reports as pagelets, embedded pagelets, and as transaction pages. As part of OBIEE integration, Pagelet Wizard supports the use of OBIEE reports as the data source for any of the supported output types. Embeddable pagelets can be used to create Related Content services for the OBIEE reports. Using the related content framework, these OBIEE report type of related content services can be used with application transaction pages in a context sensitive manner. The context is provided by the page fields on the transactional page, and is used to render OBIEE reports, based on these page field values.

This section discusses changes and enhancements made to PeopleCode, including: Search Events for Prompt Dialogs PeopleCode Debugger PeopleCode Editor PeopleCode Functions File processing Meta-SQL Charts

Search Events for Prompt Dialogs

If the Allow Search Events for Prompt Dialogs checkbox is selected for the Record Field properties for a search key on a prompt table record, the search processing events are enabled for that field. When a user selects the prompt icon, the SearchInit event for that field executes before the search dialog displays. When a user selects the Look Up button on a prompt dialog the SearchSave event for the field executes. Search event processing on prompt dialogs can affect performance. Oracle recommends that you limit the use of search events in prompt dialogs to simple tasks such as showing and hiding fields or character manipulation By default, Allow Search Events for Prompt Dialogs is off, in which case no PeopleCode events are initiated as a result of prompts. No PeopleCode events are initiated as a result of a user returning to the search page or displaying a calendar. This process is controlled automatically by the system. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Application Designer, Creating Record Definitions

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developers Guide, PeopleCode and the Component Processor

PeopleCode Debugger
The PeopleCode debugger now includes a Call Stack pane. The Call Stack pane displays a stack of PeopleCode functions and methods that are currently active but not completed. You can use the Call Stack pane to observe the flow of an application as it executes a series of nested functions. When a function is called, it is pushed onto the top of the stack. When the function returns, it is removed from the stack. The debugger also enables you to change the value of a variable in the Local Variables pane. Setting the value of a variable in the Debugger gives you the flexibility to try out changes and see the results in real time, or to recover from a logic error and continue testing. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developers Guide, Debugging Your Application

PeopleCode Editor
Just as you have always been able to navigate to a function definition by right-clicking the function name, the PeopleCode Editor now provides similar access to application packages and application classes. You can right-click an application package name and select View Application Package to open the application package definition. You can right click on an application class or method name and select View Application Class or View Application Class Method to open the definition in a new PeopleCode editor window. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developers Guide, Using the PeopleCode Editor

PeopleCode Functions
This section covers general updates made to PeopleCode functions. CompareStrings compares the content of two text strings and returns an XML-formatted text string detailing the differences between the two strings. GetPageField enables your PeopleCode to access and modify the labels on radio buttons. The GetField function references a record field name, which creates a problem with radio buttons since all the radio buttons in a set share the same record field name. GetPageField solves the problem by referencing a field by its unique page field name. StripOffHTMLTags strips all HTML tags in an HTML-formatted string. GetOrgChart returns a reference to an organization chart. GetRatingBoxChart returns a reference to a rating box chart.

54 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Charting Classes

File Processing
The ftpunx script is deprecated as of PeopleTools 8.50. If you have made customizations to this script and need to continue to use these customizations in PeopleTools 8.50, run PS_HOME\scripts\PT_FILEATTACH850.dms.

This section covers general updates made to meta-SQL. The new %Cast meta-SQL function converts PeopleSoft date, datetime, and time data types to character values. The meta-SQL function %DatabaseRelease evaluates to the current database release version. You can use the meta-SQL functions %UuidGen and %UuidGenBase64 in a SQL Insert or Update statement to generate a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). %UuidGen generates a globally unique 36-character string and %UuidGenBase64 function generates a globally unique 24-character base64 string. %UuidGen and %UuidGenBase64 can only be used in Insert or Update statements. You will get an error if you use the functions in any other type of SQL. The %ResolveMetaSQL meta-SQL function can be used in PeopleCode to return the resolved SQL from meta-SQL construct as a text string. The %GETPROGTEXT meta-SQL function will return the full text of an Application Engine PeopleCode program.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference, Meta-SQL

This section covers new charting features. Organization charts Rating box charts Interactive Gantt charts

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Organization Charts
A PeopleSoft organization chart represents hierarchical data as boxes arrayed in horizontal rows, or levels. Vertical connectors show parent and child relationships between boxes on adjacent levels and horizontal connectors show relationships among siblings on the same level.

Organization chart
You can build an organization chart based on record data or based on PeopleSoft trees. An organization chart can invoke an auxiliary chart that displays additional related data for a chart node. Nodes in the both the main chart and auxiliary charts can be configured with multiple links. When a user clicks on a link, field change processing is triggered. FieldChange PeopleCode can be used to invoke an auxiliary chart, change chart display attributes, or perform other related tasks. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Charting Classes

Rating Box Charts

A rating box chart is an interactive chart that displays icons on a two-dimensional grid. A user can move the icons from one box to another on the grid. When the user moves an icon the underlying data updates automatically. Using PeopleCode, you can associate each icon with an image and a description. The rating box chart in this example displays ratings on the dimensions of potential and performance.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Rating Box chart with a pop-up displaying all nodes for a rating box
See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Charting Classes

Interactive Gantt Charts

In addition to expand/collapse tasks and drilldown, Gantt charts now support these user interactions: Resize the task bar. Reposition the task bar. Reposition a milestone glyph. Reposition the line that associates two task bars. Move the separator between the table section and the chart section. Scroll vertically and horizontally. Change the scale of the chart. Update task details, including task name, task start time and end time, and task predecessor and successor information.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Charting Classes

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleCode API
New built-in functions. New classes. New methods. New properties. Modified built-in functions. Modified methods. Modified properties. System setup for Java classes. Deprecated products. Deprecated methods. Deprecated XML Publisher items. XML Publisher items no longer supported. Corrected information. Classes not supported on IBM z/OS and Linux for IBM System z.

New Built-in Functions

In PeopleTools 8.50, the following new built-in functions have been added to the PeopleCode API: Field class, GetPageField function. Chart class, GetOrgChart. Chart class, GetRatingBoxChart

The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each new built-in. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

New Classes
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following new classes have been added to the PeopleCode API: Charting classes: OrgChart class RatingBoxChart class Connected query classes:

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

CONQRS_CONST class CONQRSMGR class QUERYITEMPROMPT class SCHED_INFO class SEC_PROFILE class UTILITY class Feed classes: Feed class FeedFactory class DataSource class DataSourceParameter class DataSourceParameterValue class DataSourceSetting class Utility class The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each new class including constructors, methods, and properties as is appropriate for each class. The new methods and properties for these classes have not been listed in these release notes. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

New Methods
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following new methods have been added to the PeopleCode API: BPELUtil class, UpdateConnectorResponseProperties method. Chart class, SetLegendImg method. Field class, DecryptPETKey method. Field class, EncryptPETKey method. Grid class, EnableColumns method. Grid class, LabelColumns method. Grid class, SetProperties method. Grid class, ShowColumns method. IBInfo class, AddAEAttribute method. IBInfo class, AddAttribute method. IBInfo class, ClearAEAttributes method.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

IBInfo class, ClearAttributes method. IBInfo class, DeleteAEAttribute method. IBInfo class, DeleteAttribute method. IBInfo class, GetAEAttributeName method. IBInfo class, GetAEAttributeValue method. IBInfo class, GetAttributeName method. IBInfo class, GetAttributeValue method. IBInfo class, GetNumberofAEAttributes method. IBInfo class, GetNumberOfAttributes method. IBInfo class, GetTransactionIDforAE method. IBInfo class, InsertAEResponseAttributes method. IntBroker class, GetIBTransactionIDforAE method. IntBroker class, SwitchAsyncEventUserContext method. MCFMailUtil class, IsDomainNameValid method. MCFMailUtil class, ParseRichTextHtml method. Query class, AddTrackingURL method. Query class, CopyPrivateQuery method. Query class, FormatBinaryResultString method. Query class, GetTreePromptCount method. Query class, RunToString method. Query class, RunToTemplate method. Query class, SetTrackingURL method. QueryDBRecordField class, GetImageFormat method. QueryField class, GetImageFormat method. ReportDefn class, Close method. Rowset class, GetFirstUserSortedRow method. Rowset class, GetLastUserSortedRow method. Rowset class, IsUserSorted method. Rowset class, MapBufRowToUserSortRow method. Rowset class, MapUserSortRowToBufRow method.

60 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Session class, GetActualRemoteNodes method. XmlDoc class, GenXmlFile method.

The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each new method. Note. The preceding list does not include the methods that are new due to the addition of a new class in the PeopleCode API. The new classes are listed in these release notes. See Also Release Notes for PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, "Development Tools Enhancements," PeopleCode, PeopleCode API, New Classes Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

New Properties
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following new properties have been added to the PeopleCode API: AnalyticGrid class, SummaryText property. Chart class, RevertToPre850 property. Field class, HoverText property. Field class, IsRichTextEnabled property. Field class, MouseOverMsgNum property. Field class, MouseOverMsgSet property. File class, TerminateLines property. File class, ZeroExtend property. Gantt class, InteractiveEnd property. Gantt class, InteractiveMove property. Gantt class, InteractiveProgress property. Gantt class, InteractiveStart property. Gantt class, RevertToPre850 property. Grid class, SummaryText property. IBInfo class, CompressionOverride property. IBInfo class, FuturePublicationDateTime property. IBInfo class, WSA_Action property. IBInfo class, WSA_FaultTo property. IBInfo class, WSA_To property. MCFMailUtil class, badaddresses property.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

MCFMailUtil class, imagesLocation property. MCFOutboundEmail class, BackupSMTPSSLClientCertAlias property. MCFOutboundEmail class, BackupSMTPSSLPort property. MCFOutboundEmail class, BackupSMTPUseSSL property. MCFOutboundEmail class, SMTPSSLClientCertAlias property. MCFOutboundEmail class, SMTPSSLPort property. MCFOutboundEmail class, SMTPUseSSL property. Query class, MoreRowsAvailable property. Query class, OutputUnicode property. ReportDefn class, ProcessInstance property. SMTPSession class, BackupSSLClientCertAlias property. SMTPSession class, BackupSSLPort property. SMTPSession class, BackupUseSSL property. SMTPSession class, SSLClientCertAlias property. SMTPSession class, SSLPort property. SMTPSession class, UseSSL property. TransformData class, RejectTransform property. TransformData class, RoutingDefnNameproperty.

The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each new property. Note. The preceding list does not include the properties that are new due to the addition of a new class in the PeopleCode API. The new classes are listed in these release notes. See Also Release Notes for PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, "Development Tools Enhancements," PeopleCode, PeopleCode API, New Classes Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

Modified Built-in Functions

In PeopleTools 8.50, the following built-in functions have been modified in the PeopleCode API: GetRowsetCache now takes an optional language parameter.

The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each modified built-in function.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Language Reference

Modified Methods
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following methods have been modified in the PeopleCode API: MCFMailUtil class, ValidateAddress method. 1. This method now validates a comma- or semicolon-separated list of email addresses, rather than a single email address. Invalid email addresses are now returned as an array in the badaddresses property of the MCFMailUtil class. ProcessRequest class: AddDistributionOption method, SetEmailOption method, SetItemFolder method, and SetOutputOption method. 2. These methods now take an optional ItemJobSeq parameter. ReportDefn class, Publish method. 3. The ReportPath parameter is not used and must be specified as the null string, "". RowsetCache class, Save method. 4. This method now takes an optional language parameter. The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each modified method. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

Modified Properties
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following properties have been modified in the PeopleCode API: Message class, Size property. 5. The Size property is the approximate size of the uncompressed XML data generated when the message is published. This property applies to rowset-based messages as well as to rowset message parts within a container message. The 8.50 PeopleBooks contain complete documentation on each modified property. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

System Setup for Java Classes

When PeopleTools loads the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), PeopleTools builds a class path for the JVM from multiple elements. In PeopleTools 8.50, the elements used to construct the class path for the JVM and their order in the class path has changed. Therefore, the search order that the JVM would use for locating a specified Java class is different in PeopleTools 8.50. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Java Class, System Setup for Java Classes

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Deprecated Products
The following products have been deprecated: PeopleSoft Business Interlinks PeopleSoft Mobile Agent

Consequently, the PeopleCode classes, functions, methods, properties, and system variables associated with these products have also been deprecated. However, the documentation for these items remains in the PeopleBooks for backward compatibility only. PeopleSoft Business Interlinks The following information regarding PeopleSoft Business Interlinks has been marked as deprecated and remains in the PeopleBooks for backward compatibility only: Business Interlinks class. BIDocs class. GetContentBody method of the Request class.

PeopleSoft Mobile Agent The following information regarding PeopleSoft Mobile Agent has been marked as deprecated and remains in the PeopleBooks for backward compatibility only: Mobile class. PropertyInfo collection. CI collection. Data collection. ListViewAttrs class. PropertyAttrs class. PeerDefaultAttributes class. SyncServer class. SystemIDFieldName1 property of the Record class. TimeStampFieldName1 property of the Record class. IsMobile property of the Folder class. IsMobile property of the ContentReference class. IsMobile property of the ContentReference link.

This property was previously misidentified as a property of the Field class.

64 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Appendix: Quick Reference for PeopleCode Classes, Deprecated Items and PeopleCode No Longer Supported, Deprecated Products and Classes

Deprecated Methods
In PeopleTools 8.50, the following methods have been deprecated: Chart class, Refresh method (use the SetData method or SetOLData method instead). Gantt class, Refresh method (use the SetTaskAppData method or SetTaskData method instead).

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Appendix: Quick Reference for PeopleCode Classes, Deprecated Items and PeopleCode No Longer Supported, Deprecated Methods and Properties

Deprecated XML Publisher Items

In PeopleTools 8.50, the following XML Publisher classes, methods and properties have been deprecated. These items remain in PeopleTools for backward compatibility only: ReportDefn class, SetRuntimeDataRowset method. ReportDefn class, SetRuntimeDataXMLDoc method. RowsetDS class. OutputEditable.

The PeopleBook contains details on equivalents to use instead. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Appendix: Quick Reference for PeopleCode Classes, Deprecated Items and PeopleCode No Longer Supported, Deprecated XML Publisher Items

XML Publisher Items No Longer Supported

In PeopleTools 8.50, a number of XML Publisher classes, methods and properties are no longer supported. The following items remain in PeopleTools for PeopleSoft internal use only and should not be implemented in PeopleCode programs: All methods and properties of the DataSourceDefn class. Certain methods and properties of the ReportDefn class. All methods and properties of the TemplateDefn class. All methods and properties of the TemplateFile class. All methods and properties of the TranslationFile class. All methods of the XMLPManager class.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

All methods of the QueryDS class. All methods and properties of the EFTPRocessor class. All methods and properties of the FOProcessor class. All methods and properties of the FormProcessor class. All methods and properties of the FOUtility class. All methods and properties of the PDFMapTool class. All methods and properties of the RTFProcessor class.

The PeopleBook contains a detailed list of the affected classes, methods, and properties, and provides equivalents if available. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Appendix: Quick Reference for PeopleCode Classes, Deprecated Items and PeopleCode No Longer Supported, XML Publisher Items No Longer Supported

Corrected Information
Previous versions of the PeopleCode API Reference included incomplete or incorrect information. In the PeopleTools 8.50 version of the PeopleCode API Reference, the following significant corrections have been incorporated: Chart class and Gantt class TransformData class Corrected properties

Chart Class and Gantt Class In previous versions, some of the methods and properties of the Gantt class were not clearly differentiated from the methods and properties of the Chart class. The methods and properties of each of these classes have been reorganized so that each class describes all methods and properties that apply. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Charting Classes TransformData Class In previous versions, a chapter on the TransformData class was missing from the book. The PeopleCode API Reference now includes a chapter providing an overview of the TransformData class and its properties. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, TransformData Class

66 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Corrected Properties In the PeopleCode API Reference, the following properties have been moved to their proper location in the book: SystemIDFieldName (from the Field class to the Record class). TimeStampFieldName (from the Field class to the Record class).

Classes not Supported on IBM z/OS and Linux for IBM System z
The following classes are not supported on IBM z/OS and Linux for IBM System z: Analytic Calculation Engine classes. Analytic Calculation Engine Metadata classes. Analytic grid classes. Analytic type classes. Optimization PeopleCode classes.

Global Technology
This section covers changes and updates to PeopleTools Global Technology, including: Changes to supported character sets. Changes to the swap audit report. New PeopleSoft language codes. Non-ASCII characters in file names uploaded to FTP servers prior to 8.50. PeopleSoft hot keys do not function as expected on a non-U.S. keyboard Time zone data. Translating application definitions. Updated font support. Using extended Japanese characters.

Changes to Supported Character Sets

In PeopleTools 8.50, there have been changes to supported character sets: In PeopleTools 8.50, two new character sets have been added to the PSCHARSETS table: Character Set Name UTF-8 UTF8BOM Description Unicode UTF-8 (the existing UTF8 character set code is equivalent to this new name). Unicode UTF-8 with BOM (byte-order mark).

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Selecting and Configuring Character Sets and Language Input and Output, Understanding Character Sets, Character Sets in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture The PSCHARSETS table is now a translated table. With PeopleTools 8.50, when creating an Oracle Unicode database, use the AL32UTF8 database character set. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Installation for Oracle Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Selecting and Configuring Character Sets and Language Input and Output, Selecting Character Sets, Selecting Database Character Sets Although Oracles JA16SJISTILDE database character set has been supported since PeopleTools 8.46, that fact was not specifically noted in the PeopleBooks until PeopleTools 8.50. In Verity 6.2.1, the supported ISO encoding for Turkish documents is ISO-8859-9, superseding ISO-8859-3.

Changes to the Swap Audit Report

The swap audit report, SWPAUDIT.SQR, includes a new audit, SWAP-8. SWAP-8 detects a mismatch between the record type of the base record definition and its related language record definition. Note. The SYSLANG-17 audit was removed from SYSAUDIT and renamed as SWAP-8. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Using Related Language Tables, Swapping the Base Language, Running the Swap Audit Report

New PeopleSoft Language Codes

The following three-letter PeopleSoft language codes have been added in PeopleTools 8.50: PeopleSoft Language Code BUL CRO ROM SER SLK SLV Description Bulgarian Croatian Romanian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Corresponding ISO Locales bg hr ro sr sk sl Database Character Set Unicode Unicode Unicode Unicode Unicode Unicode

68 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

PeopleSoft Language Code UKE See Also

Description UK English

Corresponding ISO Locales en_GB

Database Character Set Unicode or non-Unicode

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Controlling International Preferences, Applying Browser Language Preferences, Using Browser Language Settings to Determine the Sign-in Language

Non-ASCII Characters in File Names Uploaded to FTP Servers Prior to 8.50

If you previously uploaded files with names containing non-ASCII characters to an FTP server using a PeopleTools version earlier than 8.50, then depending upon your application server character set at the time of upload, these files might be stored on your FTP server with encoded file names. This file name encoding is no longer performed in PeopleTools 8.50. Therefore, you might encounter problems downloading only those files with encoded file names. If this occurs, please contact GSC for assistance.

PeopleSoft Hot Keys Do Not Function As Expected on a nonU.S. Keyboard

Certain PeopleSoft hot keys do not work as expected on alternate, non-U.S. keyboard layouts. For example, ALT+', ALT+\, and ALT+/ do not produce the expected results on the AZERTY keyboard. This occurs because some keys on non-U.S. keyboards produce different key codes than the same key on a U.S. keyboard (also known as a QWERTY keyboard). An appendix has been added to the PeopleBooks to help troubleshoot this issue. See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Appendix: PeopleSoft Hot Keys Do Not Function As Expected on a non-U.S. Keyboard.

Time Zone Data

PeopleTools 8.50 includes several revised time zone definitions and new daylight saving time IDs (DST IDs). Changes include two new DST IDs and seven, revised time zone definitions (for AKST Alaska Time, AST Atlantic Time, CST Central Time, EST Eastern Time, MST Mountain Time, NST Newfoundland Time, and PST Pacific Time) to comply with the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005. In addition, errors in European time zone data were fixed for five time zones (CET Central European Time, EET Eastern European Time, GMT Greenwich Mean Time, MSK Moscow Time, and WET Western European Time). Depending on your status as a new or existing customer, you might be required to manually update your time zone data: If you are installing PeopleTools 8.50 as a new release, you have received updated time zone data. You do not have to manually update your time zone definitions. If you are an existing PeopleTools customer upgrading to PeopleTools 8.50 and you already manually updated your time zone definitions to comply with the Energy Policy Act

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

of 2005 or to fix errors in European time zone definitions, your updated time zone data will not be changed during upgrade. You do not have to manually update your time zone definitions again. If you are an existing PeopleTools customer upgrading to PeopleTools 8.50 and you have not updated your time zone definitions to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 or to fix errors in European time zone definitions, your noncompliant time zone data will not be changed during upgrade. You will have to manually update your time zone definitions to for them to be correct. See your PeopleBooks for more information.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Setting and Maintaining Time Zones, Updating Time Zone Definitions to Comply with Legislative and Other Changes

Translating Application Definitions

In PeopleTools 8.50 the following new translation pages have been added for translating application definitions: Translate Activity Definitions page (select PeopleTools, Translations, Translate System Definitions, Activities). Prior to PeopleTools 8.50, activity definitions were translated in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Translate Connected Query Definitions page (select PeopleTools, Translations, Translate System Definitions, Connected Query Definitions).

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Translating Application Definitions, Translating Definitions

Updated Font Support

System font support in PS_HOME\fonts\truetype has been updated in PeopleTools 8.50: Albany fonts were updated to version 5.41. Barcode font 128R00.TTF has been added to PeopleTools.

Using Extended Japanese Characters

Note. To use certain extended Japanese characters in incoming or outgoing email messages, use a JRE or JDK of the same release level (for example, 1.6.0_x) with a patch level equal to or greater than the release and patch level provided with your PeopleTools installation. In addition, JVM options must be set to enable these extended characters. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Global Technology, Selecting and Configuring Character Sets and Language Input and Output, Selecting Character Sets, Selecting Email Character Sets

70 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Reporting and Analytic Tools

This section covers changes made to the PeopleSoft analytic tools, including: Process Scheduler XML Publisher Query Access Service Connected Query Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Cube Builder Cube Manager Analytic Calculation Engine Tree Optimization Framework PS/nVision Query

Process Scheduler
This section discusses the enhancements and changes for Process Scheduler, including: Increase Process Instance and Report IDs Viewing Limitations Report Distribution By Role Retention Days Data Mover Scripts to Delete Reports Renaming Database in Process Request Data Tables New Process Category LOADCACHE Runtime Parameters Reporting Console Process Scheduler Web Service

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Increase Process Instance and Report IDs

The Content ID fields (CONTENTID field) have increased to 12 integer positions (999999999999). These fields include: CDM_ID CONTENTID PSRF_REPORT_ID REPORT_ID REPORT_INST_VAL REPORT_INSTANCE TRANSFERINSTANCE

Process Instance ID Max sequence is increased to 2147483647. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support Information, Defining System Settings

Viewing Limitations
For Process Monitor-List and Report Manager-List pages, the filter for Last has been changed to include Years and a Date Range option has been added. Using the Date Range filter, you can select a From and To date for viewing. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Using Process Monitor, Viewing the Status of Processes Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Using Report Manager, Viewing Reports

Report Distribution By Role

When a new user is added to the system or a new role is added to an existing user, the user will be able to view existing reports authorized to the role. If a role is removed from a user profile, the user will no longer be able to view the reports authorized by that role.

Retention Days
The maximum retention days setting allowed in the system has been changed from 999 to 9999. Users can define the default process (report) output retention days at the following definition levels: Process Type Definition Process Definition Job Definition

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Schedule JobSet Definition

Users can overwrite the process output retention days at schedule time. That is, when they schedule a process request using PeopleCode ProcessRequest Class or a Component Interface. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Process Scheduler Table Maintenance, Understanding the Purge Process

Data Mover Scripts to Delete Reports

Data Mover Scripts are available to delete the entries in Process Request tables, Report Manger tables and report entries. Theses scripts should only be run if you want to delete all of the data in the associated tables. The scripts are located in $PS_HOME/scripts. Script PSCSCLR.DMS RPTCLR.DMS PSRFCLR.DMS Description Purges all entries in the Process Request tables. Purges all entries in the Report Manager tables. Purges all report entries registered for a report folder. Note: This script only deletes the report entries on the database where it is run. If you have multiple databases that populate the report folder, you will need to run the script on each database to clean up all report folder entries. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Process Scheduler Table Maintenance Using Data Mover Scripts to Delete Reports

Renaming Database in Process Request Data Tables

When you copy a database or rename a database during an upgrade, if there are processes Queued, Pending, or On Hold, they will cause data corruption. These processes will be listed in the SYSAUDIT in section (PRCSSCHED-18) Queued processes in PSPRCSPARMS and PSPRCSRQST which contain DBNAME different than current database name. After copying your database or renaming a database, bring down all Process Scheduler servers and run the Application Engine program MGRPRCSTBL This Application Engine program will: Update PSPRCSPARMS table with the new database name. Update PSPRCSRQST table with the new database name.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Process Scheduler Table Maintenance, Renaming a Database in Process Request Data Tables

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

New Process Category LOADCACHE

A new process category has been added LOADCACHE. Parallel LoadCache has been assigned to the LOADCACHE process category. That means it will run only on servers that have a LOADCACHE process category whose MaxConcurrent value is greater than 0. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support Information, Defining Process Categories

Runtime Parameters
New runtime parameter pages have been added to process definitions and job definitions. The runtime parameter page is used to determine if the process or job can be run from the Reporting Console. This is an example of the Runtime Parameters page for a process definition:

Runtime Parameters page

The Enable Generic Prompting check box indicates this process can be run from the reporting console. This page also defines what security to enforce and what parameters will be displayed when the process is initiated from the Reporting Console. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Defining Process Definitions

Reporting Console
The Reporting Console provides a single interface for a user to manage and schedule reports. From the Reporting Console users can run a report, schedule a report, organize reports and share reports. This is an example of the Reporting Console:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Reporting Console example

Reporting Console Preferences allow each user to define the information to display in the Reporting Console. This is an example of the Preferences page:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Edit Preferences page

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, Using Reporting Console

Process Scheduler Web Service

A new web service PROCESSREQUEST has been created that takes advantage of PeopleSoft Integration Broker and service-oriented architecture. This web service provides third-party applications the ability to schedule PeopleSoft processes and jobs through the Process Scheduler, as well as retrieve process statuses and reports. A new PeopleBook Reporting Web Services has been created which documents all the Process Scheduler service operations.

XML Publisher
This section discusses new features and changes for XML Publisher, including: Descriptive Names

76 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Deprecated Data Sources Deprecated Schema Files Connected Query Data Source Global Properties Settings Performance Enhancements PDF Full Path Mapping Alternate XML Preview Iterative Template Design Support for Email

Descriptive Names
A new field File Name has been added to the Output page in the Report Definition component. This field is used to specify a file name template that gets translated at runtime to a physical file name. The file name field accepts a combination of output variables and plain text. Output variables are enclosed between percent signs (%). The following variables are supported. %ASD% will insert the As of Date. %RID% will insert the Report ID. %BTV% will insert the burst field value. %field% where field is a the name of a field from the XMLdata that lies below the first repeating field. For example, if you have an EMPLID field, use %EMPLID%, at runtime the value of that field will be used. All burst key candidates on the on the bursting page are eligible.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, Defining Report Definitions Creating Report Definitions, Setting Output Options

Deprecated Data Sources

Rowset and XMLDoc have been deprecated as a data source. All existing reports using these data source type will continue to run, however you will not be able create a new Rowset or XMLDoc data source, use XML file instead.

Deprecated Schema Files

Schema files are no longer necessary for bursting. XML sample data file can be used for bursting. Schema files will still be used for backwards compatibility.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Connected Query Data Source

Connected Query has been added as a data source. The data source must be created before you can use it in a report definition. XML sample data can be system generated for a Connected Query data source.

Global Properties Settings

A new page has been added to define global properties. Global properties are shared by all reports and override the xdo engine default property values. The following example shows the Global Properties page:

Global Properties page

The following property groups are available from the dropdown box: PDF Output FO Processing HTML Output PDF Security PDF Template RTF Output RTF Template

For each property group, the properties will be displayed, as well as the default value. Use the prompt column to select a new value for the property. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, Setting Up XML Publisher, Defining Global Properties

78 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Performance Enhancements
XML generation for query data source is now in C++ which provides better performance and less memory usage. A new XMLDoc to XML API has been created, this API provides better performance and less memory usage. This can be used to replace your XMLDoc data source with XML file.

PDF Full Path Mapping

Full path mapping has been added as an option when defining the template for a report. Full path mapping should only be used if your XML data has repeating fields at different levels. Full path mapping is not supported on BI Publisher Server, it is only supported through the PeopleSoft integration to Desktop Publisher. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, Defining Report Definitions Creating Report Definitions, Associating Templates

Alternate XML Preview

An option has been added on the template page of the report definition to use an alternate XML file for previewing the report. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, Defining Report Definitions Creating Report Definitions, Associating Templates

Iterative Template Design

When defining the template in the report definition, it is no longer necessary to create a new effective-dated row when you change the template. You can download and upload (override) the same effective dated template file.

Support for Email

Email has been added as an output option for XML Publisher reports.

Query Access Service

Query Access Service (QAS) has been enhanced to take advantage of PeopleSoft Integration Broker and service-oriented architecture. QAS_QRY_SERVICE is published as a web service providing third-party applications the ability to create and execute PeopleSoft queries. A new PeopleBook Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Reporting Web Services has been created which documents all the QAS service operations.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Connected Query
Connected Query provides the ability to create a single XML file based on a set of queries with parent-child relationships. A Connected Query is a hierarchical object built with existing PeopleSoft Queries. A parent query can nest n levels of child queries and any child query can have m sibling queries within a hierarchy. There are no artificial limits to n and m, but typical use will involve a single parent-child relationship or a few levels of nesting. Fields in a child query are mapped to related fields in the immediate parent query. A Connected Query will return a hierarchical data set in which data returned by child queries is filtered by the results of its immediate parent query. The output for connected query is always an XML file. Connected Query can be used as a data source for XML Publisher reports that require sub reports. A new folder for Connected Query has been added under Reporting Tools. Connected Query has the following components: Component Connected Query Quick Start Description The Connected Query Quick Start is a wizard that walks you through creating a simple Connected Query with a single parent query and a single child query linked using a set of related fields. Connected Query Manager provides a report developer the ability to create a new Connected Query, edit an existing Connected Query, copy existing Connected Queries, delete a Connected Query object, as well as run it in three modes: Preview XML Run to window Schedule Connected Query Viewer Connected Query Viewer is used to run the Connected Query in three modes: Preview XML Run to window Schedule Schedule Connected Query Schedule Connected Query allows you to run the connected query in the Process Scheduler.

Connected Query Manager

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, Using Connected Query

Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft

This section discusses enhancements that are made to Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, including:

80 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 3.1 upgrade. Crystal Reports 2008 upgrade. HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Local directory of crw32.exe. Crystal Reports 2008 runtime environment. Crystal Reports concepts. Crystal Reports execution environments. Crystal Reports 2008 compatibility issues.

BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 3.1 Upgrade

For Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 3.1 is supported. If you had used BusinessObjects Enterprise in previous releases, you need to upgrade.

Crystal Reports and Crystal Report Print Engine 2008 Upgrade

PeopleTools 8.50 upgrades the version of Crystal Report and Crystal Report Print Engine from version 9 to version 2008. Note. Crystal 2008 is the latest version of Crystal Reports. The Crystal 9 is not supported starting with PeopleTools 8.50.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER replaces HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the previous Tools releases. For example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BusinessObjects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\Database\. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Using Crystal Reports 2008, Running Crystal 2008 Reports from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Local Directory of crw32.exe

The local directory of crw32.exe is installed in C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Working with Multiple Languages, Understanding How to Work with Multiple Languages, Crystal Reports Designer/Runtime Language Versions

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime Environment

Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime Environment replaces Crystal Reports Runtime .dlls in previous releases.

Crystal Reports Concepts

Crystal Reports has two key sets of components as it relates to PeopleSoft applications: Report design components. Report execution components.

The following diagram illustrates, at a high level, the components of Crystal Reports:

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Report Design Components

The Report Design Components include: PS/Query. Crystal Reports 2008 sp1 Designer.

You first create queries using the PS/Query Designer, and then you design report layouts in the Crystal Reports 2008 sp1 Designer application referencing the fields defined in the queries that you created.

Report Execution Components

You can run Crystal Reports in these two alternative environments: Crystal Report Engine. Crystal Report Engine is the default Crystal Reports execution environment, which is available when you install or upgrade PeopleTools. BusinessObjects Enterprise XI. BusinessObjects Enterprise XI is an optional Crystal Reports execution environment, which is available when you install or upgrade PeopleTools. This table summarizes the two alternative report execution technology options: Alternative 1 Crystal Report 2008 Engine (Embedded in PeopleTools Windows Application Server) PeopleTools OpenQuery PS/Query execution environment PeopleSoft database See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Crystal Reports Concepts Alternative 2 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI (on Unix, Linux, orWindows) PeopleSoft Query Access Services (QAS)Web Services PS/Query Execution Environment PeopleSoft Database

Crystal Reports Execution Environments

This table lists the different scenarios that you may have in PeopleTools 8.50: PT 8.50 and Crystal Print Engine Report Execution Scenario A: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and PeopleSoft Applications 9.1. Scenario B: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft PT 8.50 and BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Report Execution Scenario D: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and PeopleSoft Applications 9.1 Scenario E: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft

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Release Notes

Applications 9.1 that use Crystal Reports 9. For example, a PeopleTools-only upgrade. Scenario C: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft 8. For example, a PeopleTools-only upgrade.

Applications 9.1 that use Crystal 9. For example, a PeopleTools-only upgrade. Scenario F: You use PeopleTools 8.50 and versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft 8. For example, a PeopleTools-only upgrade

Depending on the Crystal Report execution environment that you use with PeopleTools 8.50 and your current Crystal Report execution environment, you have different considerations. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Crystal Reports Execution Environments

Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues

When you upgrade to Crystal Reports 2008, consider the following new compatibility issues: Crystal Reports 2008 can run a report that is saved in an earlier version of Crystal Reports format. However, if you save the report definition from the Crystal Report 2008 designer, the report will be saved in Crystal Reports 2008 format and can not be opened by any version of Crystal Reports earlier than version 9. In addition, if you open a Crystal Reports 2008 report in Crystal Reports 9, you will be warned that the report is in a later format and certain features may not be supported. When you run an earlier format Crystal Report in the Crystal Reports 2008 application or through the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, the Crystal Reports application runs the Verify Database function, which picks up any errorssuch as missing fieldsin the report. If errors are detected, you must correct the report before you can run it successfully. When you run reports using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, they are created in the Crystal Reports 2008 .rpt format and you cannot open them using any version of Crystal Reports earlier than version 9. You can use earlier format report templates to generate reports; however, to ensure compatibility, you should always create the reports in the Crystal Reports 2008 format. Note. If you are upgrading from a previous version of PeopleTools, your pre-PeopleTools 8.50 Crystal reports will need to be converted to the Crystal Reports 2008 format using the PeopleTools RPT Conversion utility pscvtrpt.exe. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft, Using Crystal Reports 2008, Understanding Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues PeopleTools 8.50 Installation <for your database platform>: Installing and Configuring Software for Crystal Reports, Converting Crystal Reports, Converting Existing Crystal Reports to Crystal Reports 2008 SP1 format

84 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Cube Builder
This section discusses enhancements that are made to PeopleSoft Cube Builder, including: Oracle Smart View for Office Upgrade. Essbase Cube Buider.

Oracle Smart View for Office Upgrade

For Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, the Oracle Smart View for Office is supported. If you had used the Oracle Smart View for Office in previous versions, you need to upgrade.

Essbase Cube Builder

Essbase Cube Builder is an ETL (extract-transform and load) application which enables you to use PeopleSoft Query and PeopleSoft Trees to build Essbase applications and OLAP databases. It comprises an easy to use graphic user interface to create metadata of cubes based in PeopleSoft structures, and provides a look and feel similar to the Essbase Outline Editor. It also uses an enhanced cube builder program which provides faster performance to load data and metadata, as well as interconnections with Smart Views Oracle Enterprise Performance Manager Essbase Cube Builder is the default calculation engine, which is used to build Essbase cubes. Note. PeopleSoft Cube Manager is the legacy engine used before PeopleTools 8.50 to create cubes in diverse OLAP engines, including Essbase. Although the legacy Cube Manager has been updated to the new Essbase API, only the new Essbase Cube Builder contains all the new Essbase features such as Unicode support, Aggregate Storage, and a wider set of member and dimension properties. A new folder for Essbase Cube Builder has been added under PeopleTools Cube Builder with the following components: Component Connections Dimensions Outlines Utilities Create Cube Dynamic Dimension Templates Cube Dimension Builder Setup Description Add and maintain Essbase connectivity parameters. Add and maintain Essbase dimensions. Add and maintain Essbase outlines. Delete and rename Essbase objects. Run the cube creation batch process. Create and maintain dynamic object cube dimension templates. Set up values to use in the dimension builder graphical user interface.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

The first step in creating Essbase cubes is to use the Connections page to create connectivity information:

Cube Dimension Builder Setup

Use the Cube Dimension Builder Setup page to set values for the number of members to display at a time for dynamic queries, and to set the maximum number of rows to retrieve for static queries:

Dimensions are equivalent to fields in a relational database. In data analysis terms, dimensions can be thought of as criteria that are used to pinpoint a particular piece of data. Dimensions are subdivided into categories called members. Members can be added manually to dimensions; and members are populated by the results of a PeopleSoft Query or populated from a PeopleSoft Tree structure. Use the following pages to create Essbase dimensions:

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Page Dimension Member Formula Find Tree Select Top Node Find Query Select a Column Generation Names

Usage Create or update Essbase dimensions. Enter formula information for a dimension member. Search for and select an existing tree that is defined in the system. Select an existing node of a highlighted tree. Select an existing query that is defined in the system. Select an existing column of a highlighted query. The columns displayed are from the select statement of the query. Enter the generation names for Essbase dimension.

This is an example of the Dimension page:

Creating an outline is grouping dimensions together to define the structure of the cube, and then defining the data queries that will be used to populate the cube.
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Release Notes

Use the following pages to create an outline: Page Cube Outline Add Cube Dimensions Current Dimension List Data Sources Find Query Dimension Mapping Query Prompt Values Usage Add dimensions to the current outline. Select dimensions to add to the current outline. Remove dimensions from the current outline. Add the cube data query or queries. You can supply one or more queries to fill the cube. Search for available queries. Map columns from data extraction queries to dimensions, select a column from data extraction as the measure, and unmap previously mapped columns. View the current prompt values for a query and change them if necessary.

This is an example of the Cube Outline page:

Use the Essbase Utilities component (CUB_DIMDELETE) to maintain Essbase cubes:

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Page Dimension Delete Outline Delete Run Control Delete View Dynamic Objects

Usage Delete any created dimension in the system as long as the dimension is not referenced in any outline. Delete any created outline in the system as long as the outline is not referenced in any cube creation run control. Delete any cube creation run control. View all dynamic objects (queries and trees) that are used in the definition for the selected dimension. View any runtime parameters that are used when you run queries. View what queries and trees are part of the dimensional structure if you are having problems opening the dimension definition. Help diagnose permission problems with dynamic objects.

View Outline Structures Outline Expansion

View all the dimensions that are a part of the outline for the selected outline. Perform the full dimension expansion for every dimension that is a part of the selected outline. Run all dynamic queries and trees in each dimension and display the total number of rows processed for each dynamic object.

Building Cubes
Building Essbase cubes is sending all of the defined informationcube structure and data to the Essbase server using the Create Cube component, which runs the Process Scheduler. Use the following pages to build Essbase cubes: Page Create Cubes Outline Prompt Field Values Modify Prompt Field Values Usage Run the process that sends all of the defined information to the Essbase database to build Essbase cubes. View all data source queries that are assigned to the outline. Change any query prompt values on any query that are defined in the selected outline.

This is an example of the Create Cubes page:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Integrating with Oracle Smart View When an Essbase cube is built successfully, a new Open Cube in Smart View link is available on the Process Details page that enables you to view the created cube (data and metadata) in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This example shows the Smart View window that displays the top members of the two dimensions created:

You can drill down or use the POV Smart View tool to manipulate the data.

90 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Dynamic Dimension Templates

Use the Dynamic Dimension Templates page to create Essbase dynamic dimension templates:

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Cube Builder

Cube Manager
PeopleTools 8.50 continues supporting Cognos PowerPlay 7.x. The PowerPlay Options (under PeopleTools, Cube Builder, Cube Manager, Cube Instances) page now features: A Cognos Binaries section that enables you to override the registry locations (of PowerPlay, Transformer, and Enterprise server) where the binaries folders are located. A Logon Password field that enables you to configure Cognos Enterprise Server in cube instance definition with passwords besides blank passwords. Define the prefix that is applied to each record and field definition created by PeopleSoft Cube Manager.

This example shows the new PowerPlay Options page:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Note. Oracle Essbase and Star Schema users who continue using PeopleSoft Cube Manger must acquire Cognos in a version no higher than 7.3. (Cognos 8.x and 9.x are not supported.) See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Cube Manager, Building Cubes, Building Cube Instances, Defining Cube Settings for Cognos PowerPlay

Tree Manager
In PeopleTools 8.50, using the Detail Value List page, you have options of using tree effective dates from the layout or enter a new effective date for trees at the time of Report Request: Effective Date Criteria Select the None option to display all EFFDT data rows for ranged or dynamic tree details, including future EFFDT data. Select the Tree Effective Date option to display EFFDT detail data with EFFDT less than or equal to a Tree EFFDT. Note. Future EFFDT detail date is not displayed if the Tree Effective Date option is selected.

92 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager, Using PeopleSoft Tree Manager," Working with Detail Values, Viewing Detail Values

Optimization Framework
This section covers enhancements that are made to the PeopleSoft Optimization Framework.

iLog CPLEX 11.0 Upgrade

With Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, CPLEX 11.0 is supported. Note. iLog CPLEX is the mathematical engine that is used by the PeopleTools Optimization Framework. No new functionality in CPLEX 11.0 will be included; existing functionality that we use works as with CPLEX 10 versions.

This section covers changes that are made to the PeopleTools PS/nVision technology, including: Accepting tree effective-date at the time of criteria definition. Supporting not-in criteria. Ability to define the types of report requests. Restoring query prompts to web version of nVision. Default configuration under %PSHOME%. Drilling down PS/nVision reports using web services (nVisionDrill VSTO add-in).

Accepting Tree Effective-Date When User Define Criteria

This section covers enhancements of the effective-date, including:

Criteria Definition
The PeopleSoft nVision Filter Criteria dialog in nVision client is enhanced to include an As of Date field along with the tree name. Using this page, you are able to: Associate effective-date for trees at the time of criteria definition. Accepting tree effective-date at the time of criteria definition enables you to have multiple trees in the layout with different effective dates. Perform comparative reporting based on different effective dates.

This is an example of the PeopleSoft nVision Filter Criteria dialog:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Note. PeopleSoft nVision Filter Criteria dialog can be accessed only in nVision client.

Report Request
The Report Request dialog in nVision client and Report Request page in web client were redesigned. Using this component, you have an option of either: Use tree effective-dates from layout definition. Specify a new effective-date for all trees used in the layout.

Note. This change will affect only matrix layouts, as only in matrix layouts we have an option of selecting trees. Tabular layouts are not affected. Note. Drilldowns are affected with this change since it inherits all the criteria of the selected cell on the parent report and provides a sub report. In Report Request, there are new check boxes labeled Override Layout in the Windows client or Override Tree As Of Date If Specified In Layout in the Web client. If this checkbox is selected, the As of Date for Trees specified in layout definition is overridden at the time of Report Request. By default, this check box is selected. If this checkbox is deselected, the As of Date for Trees specified in layout definition is used. If the As of Date for a Tree is not specified during the time of layout definition and this check box is deselected, the As of Date for the Tree is used from Report Request.

94 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

This is an example of the Report Request dialog in the Windows client:

This is an example of the Report Request page in the Web client:

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PS/nVision, Running PS/nVision Reports in the Microsoft Windows Client, Creating Report Requests, Creating Requests Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PS/nVision, Running PS/nVision Reports on the Web, Setting Up Report Requests, Creating Report Requests

Supporting Not-in Criteria

Beside adding, modifying, and deleting the nodes from the criteria, the PS/nVision Layout designer now includes a new feature called not-in, which allows Layout designers to include fields for building negative criteria; for example, selecting nodes for not-in clause part of the Query. With this feature, users can select multiple values, tree nodes, and dimensions as part of notin criteria query. After making list of values to be part of not-in criteria, this criterion is inserted as any other criteria into the selected cell in the Layout.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PS/nVision, Creating Matrix Layouts, Applying Filter Criteria, Selecting Filter Criteria Options

Ability to Define the Types of Report Requests

nVision Designer recognizes the concept of public and private report requests. Currently, only the web-based version honors the public or private report requests security. This enhancement enables the users of the Windows client of PS/nVision to: Have the flexibility of making report request either public or private. Define whether to share the report with other users.

Restoring Query Prompts to Web Version of nVision

The Define Report Request page of PS/nVision will include a new sub page called Query Prompts, where you are able to add all the required parameters for queries in that given report. These parameters are stored as records in a new table called Query Parameters; and these records are identified by the Query name, report ID, and Business Unit as a primary key. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PS/nVision, Running PS/nVision Reports on the Web, Setting Up Report Requests, Setting Query Prompts

Default Configuration under %PSHOME%

In the Process Scheduler Configuration file (psprcs.cfg), the default location of INSTANCE directory is changed from %PSHOME%\NVISION\INSTANCE to %PS_SERVDIR%\NVISION\INSTANCE. The report layout and drilldown layouts are located under %PSHOME%, for example, %PSHOME%\NVISION\LAYOUT and %PSHOME%\NVISION\LAYOUT\DRILLDN. %PSHOME% is read-only and only an Administrator can add a new layout or modify existing layouts. You can relocate these two directories outside of PSHOME if all users need the write access to these directories.

Drilling Down PS/nVision Reports Using Web Services (nVisionDrill VSTO add-in)
In addition to the current DrillToPIA add-in, you can also perform nVision drilldown using the nVisionDrill VSTO add-in (Visual Studio tools for Microsoft Office SE Runtime). This new nVisionDrill VSTO add-in enables you to use the web service capability when drilling from summarized to detailed nVision reports. Note. DrillToPIA and nVisionDrill VSTO add-ins do not coexist. You can use only one add-in at a time.

96 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PS/nVision, "Running PS/nVision Reports on the Web," Using the PS/nVision DrillDown on the Web

This section discusses enhancements made in the area of Query, including: Ability to develop in-tree criteria prompts. Enhancement request to be able to email AE results. Drilling URL in PSQUERY. Scheduling query with In Tree prompt. Temp Files tiles of the Query-to-Excel. Downloading query results to XML file. Security Join Optimizer option.

Ability to Add an In-Tree Criteria Prompt

You are able to add in-tree criteria prompts to your queries, and define tree option in Expression 2 type as shown in this example:

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, "Defining Selection Criteria," Defining Criteria, Entering Comparison Values

Ability to Email Application Engine Results

You are able to add email as an output type for scheduled query (any Application Engine program) results. With this option, you can schedule queries to run and have the results emailed directly to recipients (not just a link to the Report Manager).
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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

The design of the Scheduled Query page output type will include the Email option as one of the options in the current Type drop-down list. Changes are also made to the System Process Request page for scheduling Application Engine programs. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, Modifying, Scheduling, and Organizing Queries, Scheduling Queries, Selecting Process Requests

Drilling URL in PSQUERY

Drilling URLs are the URLs that you define by selecting the menu, component, page, portal object, or an URL of your choice. When you build a query using Query Manager, you can define drilling URLs that are associated with this query; and all these settings are saved into database with prompt, criteria, and other metadata for this query. When you execute this query through Query Manager or Query Viewer, the query results page shows results as links, which you can click to access other browsers. Depending on how drilling URLs are defined, the new browser is either a PIA page, or another query result page, or even an external link. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, Defining Selection Criteria, Drilling URL in PeopleSoft Query

Schedule Query with In Tree Prompt

You can schedule queries that have In Tree prompts using the Schedule Query component or using the Schedule links in the Query Manager and Query Viewer. While scheduling these queries, you are prompted for selecting the tree for the specified field and its node list. After the successful selection of values for the In Tree prompts, other prompts are available for your input. These queries can either be saved and used in the future or can be scheduled and run immediately by clicking the Run button. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, Modifying, Scheduling, and Organizing Queries, Scheduling Queries, Submitting Process Requests, Schedule Query with Tree Prompt

Temp Files of the Query-to-Excel

The CacheBaseDir= setting in the psappsrv.cfg file specifies the location of temp files that are created by the Query to Excel execution. Those temp files are removed automatically after the run. If the CacheBaseDir is not set in the psappsrv.cfg file, all temp files are located under %PS_SERVDIR%.

98 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Download Query Results to XML File

After you click the XML link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page, query results are downloaded to browser as web browser format and there are options that enable you to open, save, or cancel the downloaded file. If you click the Open button, XML formatted query result is downloaded to browser. The Download to XML link is also available on the Query Manager - Run page. In the Schedule Query component, there are two new formats XML and XMLP. XML produces webrowset XML format result. XMLP produces XMLP format result.

Security Join Optimizer

In the Query Properties page, the new Security Join Optimizer option enables you to define whether a query, that contains multiple joins to the same query security record, should be optimized. Security Join Optimizer Select this option to enable this query to join once to the first security record. If this is a non-self join (same security tables) or a self join, the query joins the security table once. If this is a non-self join with different security tables, the query joins security table multiple times using the Inner Join logic and the Security Join Optimizer option is not used. If this is a non-self join with same security tables or a self join, the query joins security table multiple times using the Inner Join logic. If this is a non-self join with different security tables, the query joins security table multiple times using the Inner Join logic and the Security Join Optimizer option is not used.

Clear this option to enable this query to join mutliple times to the security record.

Note: If you perform Left Outer Joins with security record, the Security Join Optimizer setting is applied using the same concepts. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query, Creating and Running Simple Queries, Creating New Queries, Viewing and Editing Query Properties

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Integration Tools Enhancements

This section discusses the enhancements in our integration technology, including: PeopleSoft Integration Broker. PeopleSoft Feed Publishing Framework. Component Interfaces. Multichannel Framework.

Integration Broker
This section covers the new features and changes for Integration Broker, including: Integration Broker PeopleBooks. Deprecated integration technologies and utilities. Integration gateways. Target connectors and listening connectors. New managed objects: WSDL and message schema. Messages. Message schemas. Services and service operations. Service operation handlers. Service operation routings. Service operation queues. Web services. WSDL documents. Transformations. Integration Broker security. Integrations with Oracle ESB-based services. Integration Broker logging, tracing, and debugging. Tuning messaging system performance. Integration Broker Service Monitor. Integration Broker testing tools and utilities.

100 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Integration Broker PeopleBooks

This section describes organizational enhancements and changes for PeopleSoft Integration Broker and related PeopleBooks for PeopleTools 8.50

Integration Broker PeopleBook Enhancements

For PeopleTools 8.50 the documentation for PeopleSoft Integration Broker has been reorganized into several books. Oracle now provides the following PeopleBooks related to Integration Broker: PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleSoft Integration Broker Administration (New) This book contains information for administrators of PeopleSoft Integration Broker that was previously documented in the PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleBook. Content in this book includes documentation for administering integration gateways, adding and configuring nodes, managing listening and target connectors, setting up secure integration environments, and so on. PeopleSoft Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor (New) This book contains documentation for the Service Operations Monitor that was previously contained in the PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleBook. PeopleSoft Integration Broker Testing Tools and Utilities. (Renamed) This book was previously named Integration Testing Tools and Utilities.

Integration Broker PeopleBook Changes

Data Dependencies and Relationships When Copying Data between Databases The Data Dependencies and Relationships When Copying Data between Databases appendix in the PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleBook has been removed. The content from the appendix has been merged into the new Copying Integration Metadata between PeopleSoft Databases chapter. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Copying Integration Metadata between PeopleSoft Databases Technologies, Specifications, and Products Supported by PeopleSoft Integration Broker The Technologies, Specification, and Products Supported by PeopleSoft Integration Broker appendix has been removed from the PeopleSoft Integration Broker PeopleBook. This information is maintained on the MyOracle Support website in the product certification area. Visit MyOracle Support for current information about the technologies, specifications, and third-party products and versions supported. See Also

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Deprecated Integration Technologies and Utilities

This section describes Integration Broker-related technologies, utilities, and tools that no longer ship with PeopleTools or that have been discontinued effective this release.

iWay SOAPSwitch
Beginning with this release, iWay SOAPswitch no longer ships with PeopleTools. For integrations with third-party systems, use the PeopleSoft Integration Broker servicesoriented architecture. The Using the ERP Connectors chapter in PeopleBooks has been removed.

Metadata Backport Utility

The Metadata Backport Utility is no longer delivered with PeopleTools. Its functionality has been replaced with the automated change packaging features. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Change Assistant, Working With Change Packages, Working With Change Package Automation

Integration Gateways
This section describes enhancements related to PeopleSoft Integration Broker integration gateways.

New Keystore Path and Keystore Password Requirement

Beginning with this release you must set the following properties in the file. Warning! Integrations will fail if you do not set these properties. Property secureFileKeystorePath Description Enter the full path and file name of the gateway keystore file, which is located in the web server directory structure. The path is <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\keystore. Enter the keystore password. The default value is password. This password must be encrypted. See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Managing Integration Gateways, Encrypting Passwords See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Managing Integration Gateways, Configuring Security and General Properties, Setting SSL Encryption Security Properties


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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Setting the Namespace for Generic SOAP Faults

The system generates generic SOAP faults for framework-level errors, such as when it cannot find a routing for an integration. To specify the namespace to use for generic SOAP faults, set the following property in the file equal to the namespace to use: ig.GenericFaultNamespace See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Managing Integration Gateways, Setting the Namespace for Generic SOAP Faults

Masking Elements in Integration Gateway Log Files

You can mask, or hide, elements that appear in the integration gateway log files, thereby prohibiting sensitive information from displaying in the generated message log file (MsgLog.htm) and error log file (ErrorLog.htm). See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Managing Integration Gateways, Masking Gateway Log File Elements

The following PeopleCode properties have been added to the IBInfo PeopleCode object: &MSG.IBInfo.WSA_To; Use this property to specify the WS-Addressing destination for the message. The WS-Addressing destination is defined as a string. &MSG.IBInfo.WSA_Action; Use this property to specify the Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) action for the message. The WS-Addressing action is defined as a string. &MSG.IBInfo.WSA_FaultTo; Use this property to specify the WS-Addressing fault end point for the message. The WS-Addressing fault end point is defined as a string. If this property is not null, a message ID (the WSA_MessageID property) must also be defined. These values will be part of the MIME header section sent to the integration gateway. The integration gateway will add these values to the SOAP headers accordingly. For inbound requests, the system extracts these parameters from the SOAP header and places them in the MIME content section before the request is sent to the application server. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Target Connectors and Listening Connectors

This section describes recommendations and enhancements to target connectors and listening connectors.

AS2 Connectors
PeopleSoft recommends using the Oracle SOA Suite B2B component for all EDI integrations, including those based on the AS2 specification. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Using Listening Connectors and Target Connectors, Working with the AS Connectors, Understanding Electronic Data Interchange Specifications Supported

New Segment-Aware Target Connectors

In previous releases the HTTP target connector was the only target connector that could process outbound message segments. Beginning with this release the following additional target connectors are segment aware, and you can use them to send message segments to integration partners: AS2 target connector. JMS target connector. SMTP target connector.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Sending and Receiving Messages, Working with Message Segments

JMS Target Connector

The JMS target connector features a new property call SOAPUpContent that wraps outbound message content in SOAP format. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Using Listening Connectors and Target Connectors, Using the JMS Target Connector, Node-Level Connector Properties

New Managed Objects: WSDL and Message Schema

This section provides information about the new WSDL and schema managed objects.

WSDL and Schema Objects

For PeopleTools 8.50 generated WSDL and message schema have become managed objects. You can now use PeopleSoft Application Designer to add generated WSDL and message schemas to PeopleSoft Application Designer projects, project copy processes, and Data Mover scripts.
104 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Converting WSDL and Schema to Managed Objects

After you copy WSDL and schema from earlier releases, PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to convert the data to managed objects. In addition, during the PeopleTools upgrade process the system automatically attempts to convert WSDL and schema metadata into managed objects. However, if the system is unable to convert the copied or upgraded data, you can convert it in the PeopleTools 8.50 system. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Copying Integration Metadata between PeopleSoft Databases, Converting WSDL Documents and Message Schemas to Managed Objects

This section describes enhancements for managing messages.

Naming Conventions of Message Metadata

The following information was added to PeopleBooks for clarification When naming the following message metadata, names cannot start with xml, digits or special characters: Message names. Message aliases. Record aliases. Field aliases.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Understanding Managing Messages, Naming Conventions for Message Metadata

Message Searching and Viewing

Message Type Displays in Message Search Results Beginning with this release, when you search for a message in the Messages component, the system displays the message type as part of the search results. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Adding a Message Definition Using Message Type to Search for or Add Message Definitions A message Type dropdown list box has been added to the Messages component to facilitate searching for and adding new message definitions to the database. The Type dropdown list box appears on the Find an Existing Value tab and the Add a New Value tab in the Messages component.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

When you use the Find an Existing Value tab to search for an existing message definition, you have the option to use the Type field to narrow your search. When using the Add a New Value tab to add a new message definition to the system, you must select a message type from the list. Doing so determines the subsequent page that appears and that you use to define the message. The message types that display in the Type dropdown list box are: Container. Select this value to add a container message to the system. Nonrowset. Select this value to add a nonrowset-based message to the system. Part Nonrowset. Select this value to add a nonrowset-based message part to the system. Part Rowset. Select this value to add a rowset-based message part to the system. Rowset. Select this value to add a rowset-based message to the system.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Adding Message Definitions Viewing Rowset-Based Message Structures There are now three options for viewing the structure of rowset-based messages: 1. View the entire message structure. When you access a rowset-based message in the Messages-Message Definitions page, the existing default option displays all records, subrecords, and record fields (included and excluded) for a message definition in tree format. You can expand and collapse the tree to view the structure of the message. 2. View only the records in the message structure. A new View Records Only link has been added to the Messages-Message Definitions page. When you click the link the Records Only page appears and displays only the records and subrecords in the message structure. 3. View only the included fields in the message structure. A new View Included Fields Only link has been added to the Messages-Message Definitions page. When you click the link the Included Fields Only page appears and displays only the records and subrecord fields that have been included in the message structure. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Rowset-Based Messages, Viewing Rowset-Based Message Structures

Overriding Local Message Compression for Synchronous Messages

The integration engine compresses and base64encodes messages destined for the PeopleSoft listening connector on its local integration gateway.

106 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Asynchronous messages are always compressed and base64 encoded when sent to the integration gateway. For synchronous messages, in PSADMIN you can set a threshold message size above which messages are compressed. Beginning with this release, for synchronous messages you can override the message compression setting specified in PSAdmin at the transaction level. The following new method on the IBInfo object is provided for this purpose: &MSG.IBInfo.CompressionOverride = %IntBroker_Compress; The valid parameters for this method are: %IntBroker_Compress, %IntBroker_UnCompress, and %IntBroker_Compress_Reset. Warning! Turning compression off can negatively impact system performance when transporting synchronous messages greater than 1 MB. As a result, you should turn off compression only during integration development and testing. Note. This setting does not affect the compression of messages that the integration gateway sends using its target connectors. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Understanding Supported Message Structures, Local Compression Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

Future-Dated Publications
A property has been added to the IBInfo object called FuturePublicationDateTime. The property is for use with asynchronous transactions. The datetime of this field is used by PeopleSoft Integration Broker to determine when an actual publish of the transaction is to occur. The signature for this property is:

An invalid datetime or blank will result in the publish occurring immediately. The status of the transaction in the Service Operation Monitor is Hold until the future date time entered becomes the current date time. At that time the status of the transaction in the Service Operation Monitor is updated to New and processed accordingly. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Message Parts
Modifying Part Messages In previous releases you could not modify a part message if it was referenced in another message. For PeopleTools 8.50 this restriction has been removed. You can now make changes to a message part that is referenced in another part or subpart, as long as the message part is not in the runtime tables, has not been exported as WSDL, or is a restricted message. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Understanding Managing Messages, Restrictions for Modifying Messages Reusing Part Messages PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to reuse message parts by referencing another message part or by copying another message part. You can reuse only rowset-based message parts. You cannot reuse message parts at Level 0. Message Reuse by Reference A reference to a message part is read-only in the message part where it is referenced. To make changes to a referenced message part, you must make the changes to the referenced message part directly. All changes are then propagated to every message in which the message part is referenced. Message Reuse by Copying If you copy a message part, the system copies all records and fields and displays them at the record level. The messages and fields become permanent to the specific message and you can edit all records and fields directly in the message where the copied part exists. Changes you make to a copied message part are not propagated to other copies of the message part that may exist. If you must make changes to copied message parts, you do so manually to each message part that you want to change. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Reusing Message Parts Distinguishing Blank from Zero in Rowset-Based Message Parts The Message Definitions page features a new Message Part Default Indicator field that appears when you select or define a rowset-based message part. When you check the box, XML that has a value of 0 (zero) passed in an integer field, when serialized to a rowset, causes the IsChanged property flag on the field to set to True. By default an integer field has a value of 0. So if a 0 or <blank> is passed in a field, the end result is a zero when accessing the field via the rowset. Now, if you check the Message Part Default Indicator box the IsChanged property on such a field is set to True, meaning that a 0 (zero) was passed in the field.

108 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Message Parts, Distinguishing Blank from Zero in Rowset-Based Message Parts Obtaining the Size of Rowset Parts within a Container Message You can now use the Size property of the Message object to obtain the actual size of the rowset message parts within a container message. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Message Classes, Message Class Properties

Container Messages
Adding and Getting Container Messages Attributes You can add attributes to container messages that contain rowset-based message parts to provide integration partners with data and information, without adding the information to the message definition. To add attributes to a container message, you first define the attribute name, length, and required flag in the container message definition in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. This information appears in generated container message schema. At runtime the attributes appear at the root level of the generated XML. Next you use PeopleCode to populate the attribute values using the IBInfo object. At runtime, PeopleSoft Integration Broker validates the attribute values against the lengths you defined in the container message definition. PeopleSoft provides a number of IBInfo object methods to get attributes from container messages. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Container Messages, Adding and Getting Container Messages Attributes Passing More Than One Row of Data on the Level 0 Records Beginning with this release you can pass more than one row of data on the Level 0 records in container messages. As a result, the Maximum Occurs field on the Messages- Message Definitions page is no longer read-only when a container message is defined with multiple rowset-based part messages. You can now modify the Maximum occurs field to specify the maximum number of level 0 rows in any given message part to include in the container message. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Container Messages, Understanding Including Level 0 Rows for Message Parts in Container Messages

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Sending and Receiving Segmented Messages to/from Third-Party Systems

To exchange segmented messages with third-party systems you must specify the following arguments in the SOAP header: Argument DataChunkCount DataChunk Description The total number of data chunks or segments that comprise the message. Indicates the number of the data chunk or message segment that you are sending. For example, if there are a total of seven data chunks in the message, and the current segment is the third chunk, the DataChunk value for the current message is 3. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Sending and Receiving Messages, Sending and Receiving Segmented Messages, Sending and Receiving Segmented Messages to/from Third-Party Systems

Message Schemas
This section describes enhancements for working with and managing XML message schemas in PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Generating Message Schema for Rowset-Based Messages PeopleSoft Integration Broker now automatically generates message schema for rowsetbased messages at save time. As a result, you do not need to navigate to the Schema tab and build the message schema. The Schema tab is still available for viewing message schema, for building schemas for rowset-based messages that may have been imported or upgraded without schema, and for building schemas for nonrowset-based messages. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Generating XML Message Schema for Rowset-Based Messages Adding Message Schemas for Nonrowset-Based Messages In previous releases the Add Schema button on the Messages Schema page was disabled if a schema had already been added to a nonrowset-based message and the message was referenced in a runtime table. You are now able to add message schemas for nonrowset-based messages referenced in runtime tables. The Add Schema button is enabled regardless if the message is referenced in a runtime table. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Nonrowset-Based Messages
110 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Excluding Descriptions in Message Schemas Message data that is used to define services can have actual database record and field names in the generated message schema. PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides an option where you can exclude descriptions in generated message schemas to that sensitive information is not exposed in generated schema. The MessagesMessage Definitions page features an Exclude Descriptions in Schema box that enables you to suppress descriptions in generated schema. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Rowset-Based Messages, Generating XML Message Schemas for Rowset-Based Messages, Excluding Descriptions in Message Schemas Namespace and Schema Generation for Rowset Based Messages When schema is generated for rowset-based messages, by default the system uses the namespace value defined on the Service Configuration page. Beginning with this release you can override the default value and enter a different value. When working with rowset-based messages a new Include Namespace field appears on the Messages Message Definitions page. When you check the box and save the page, a Namespace field appears on the Messages Schema page, where you can enter a namespace value. Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Generating XML Message Schemas for Rowset-Based Messages, Including Namespaces in Generated Message Schemas Suppressing Empty XML Tags in Message Schema PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to suppress empty XML tags in message schema of rowset-based messages. The Messages-Message Definition page features a Suppress Empty XML Tags check box. When you select this box, message schema generated for the message will not include any XML tags that contain empty or Null values. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Generating XML Message Schemas for Rowset-Based Messages, Suppressing Empty XML Tags in Message Schema Choosing the Number of Level 0 Rows to Include in Generated XML Message Schema When generating XML message schema you can choose to include a single level 0 row in the generated schema or all level 0 rows in the generated schema. The Messages-Message Definitions page features a Single Level 0 Row checkbox. When you select this box, PeopleSoft Integration Broker includes a single level 0 row in the XML message schema. If this box is not selected, then the system includes all level 0 rows in the message in the generated schema. By default the Single Level 0 Row checkbox is not selected.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Managing Rowset-Based Messages, Generated XML Message Schema for Rowset-Based Messages

Services and Service Operations

This section describes enhancements for managing service operations.

Naming Conventions for Service Operations Metadata

The following information was added to PeopleBooks for clarification. When naming the following service operation metadata, names cannot start with xml, digits or special characters: Service operation names. Service operation aliases.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operations, Understanding Managing Service Operations

Activating and Deactivating Services in Bulk

PeopleTools 8.50 enables you to activate or deactivate multiple services at once using the new Service Activate/Deactivate page in the Service Administration component. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Services, Activating and Deactivating Services in Bulk

Reusing Service Operations

Previous to this release, a service operation was unique to a single service, which meant to use it with more than one service you had to recreate the service operation and save it with a different name. Beginning with this release, you can use a service operation with more than one service.

Changing the Services Associated with a Service Operation

The Service Change section of the Services Administration Service Operations page has been removed. Since there is no longer the restriction of using one service operation with a service, this page is no longer needed.

Linking Service Operations to Services

When you create a new service or manage an existing service, you can now dynamically link service operations that exist in the application database to the service. The Services page features a new Link Existing Operation link. Click the link to search for a service operation in the application database and link it to the service.

112 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Services, Adding Service Operations to Service Definitions

Assigning Service Operations to Multiple Queues

You can now assign inbound or outbound service operations to multiple queues for unordered processing. The Service Operations page features a Multi-Queues link that enables you to specify multiple queues to handle an inbound or outbound service operation. When you use the multi-queue option, the requests are split across multiple queues. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operations, Assigning Multiple Queues to Process Service Operations

Invoking Multiple Service Operations

In previous releases you could use one inbound service operation to invoke multiple service operations on the receiving system. However, the service operations on the receiving system had to be assigned to the same queue. In this release you can invoke multiple service operations on the receiving system that are assigned to different queues. As in previous releases, the name of the inbound service operation must be specified in the External Alias field on the routing definition of each service operation that you are invoking on the receiving system. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operations, Invoking Multiple Service Operations

Adding Message Names and Descriptions to CI-Based Service Operations

When generating CI-based service operations, you now have the option to specify message names and descriptions for the service operations that you are generating. The message names appear in the generated XML message schema. The message name descriptions also appear as annotations in the generated XML message schema. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Creating Component
Interface-Based Services, Generating Services and Service Operations

Monitoring Service Operations in Performance Monitoring Tools Using Module and Action Information
In addition to monitoring service operations in the Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, other third-party system and performance monitoring tools may be available. Some of these system monitoring tools report metrics by capturing Module and Action information.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

On an Oracle database, PeopleSoft provides service operation name and PeopleCode event name as Module name and Action name respectively. On an IBM DB2 database, PeopleSoft provides service operationname as Module name (no Action information is provided for DB2 systems). This information enables you to associate service operations with database transactions for monitoring and troubleshooting. To enable capturing service operation and PeopleCode event metrics you must set the EnableDBMonitoring option in PSADMIN. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operations, Understanding Managing Service Operations, Monitoring Service Operations Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 UDB for z/OS, Associating PeopleSoft Users with DB2 UDB Threads Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Administering PeopleSoft Databases on DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Checklists and Troubleshooting, Monitoring Module Information

Service Operation Handlers

This section discusses enhancements to service operation handlers.

Handler Descriptions
On the Service Operations-Handlers Detail page, by default the system populates the Description field with the service operation name. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operation Handler, Adding Handlers to Service Operations

Setting Processing Sequence for Multiple Notification Handlers

For a service operation that has multiple active notification handlers, you can set the processing sequence on the Service Operation-Handlers page. The new Sequence field enables you to select the order in which PeopleSoft Integration Broker performs handler processing. A handler with a sequence value of 1 is processed first, followed by that with a value of 2, and so on. If multiple notification handlers exist and are active, but no sequence is set, the system processes handlers alphabetically. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker: Managing Service Operation Handlers, Adding Handlers to Service Operations, Setting Handler Processing Sequence

Application Engine Handler

A new service operation handler implementation method has been added to PeopleSoft Integration Broker for PeopleTools 8.50.

114 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

You can use the new Application Engine handler implementation method for Notification events. This handler schedules an application engine program to run within PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. You can track the process in the Service Operation Monitor by viewing the subscription contract. Using this handler is a good alternative for long-running programs or for service operations that have large amounts of data to process, since processing occurs in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler and not in the Integration Broker runtime environment. PeopleSoft provides several IBInfo object methods that enable you to pass information via the Message object back into the response application class defined on the handler. These methods are: AddAEAttribute ClearAEAttributes DeleteAEAttribute GetAEAttributeName GetAEAttributeValue GetNumberofAEAttributes GetTransactionIDforAE InsertAEResponseAttributes

See the PeopleCode API Reference PeopleBook for more information about these methods. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker: Managing Service Operation Handlers, Implementing Handlers Using Application Engine Programs Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference, Message Class, IBInfo Class Methods

DMS Handler Renamed

The DMS handler has been renamed to the bulk load handler. The bulk load handler features the same functionality as the DMS handler in previous releases, along with new functionality introduced in PeopleTools 8.50. The new functionality for the bulk load handler is discussed elsewhere in this section.

Bulk Load Handler

This section discusses enhancements to the bulk load handler.

Using Bulk Load Handlers to Process Container Messages Beginning with this release the bulk load handlers are able to process asynchronous nonrowset-based messages and container messages that have asynchronous rowset-based message parts. In earlier releases, the bulk load handlers were able to process rowset-based messages only.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

When working with nonrowset-based messages, PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides a data tree structure, like that in the Messages component, to add a data structure to define the message content, thereby allowing non-PeopleSoft data to map to the records and fields in the database. In addition, PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides an optional transaction rollback feature that enables you to rollback the database to the pre-bulk insert state if needed. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker: Managing Service Operation Handlers, Implementing Handlers Using Bulk Load Processing New System Audit Query to Identify Bulk Load Handlers Referencing Invalid Message Objects A new system audit query, IBRK-24 IB DMS Handler Referencing Invalid Message, has been added to identify situations where you have moved a Bulk Load Handler object via project copy, but did not include the associated message objects. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Data Management, Ensuring Data Integrity, Integration Broker Integrity

Service Operation Routings

This section describes enhancements for working with and managing routings.

Routing Description
On the Routings Routings Definition page, if you do not enter a description in the Description field, the value defaults to the name of the service operation associated with the routing definition upon save. See Also, Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Adding Routing Definitions, Adding a Routing Definition

Any-to-Local Routings Definitions are Read-Only

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.50, any-to-local routing definitions are read-only with the exception of the external alias name and transform information. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Managing System-Generated Routing Definitions, Initiating System-Generated Routing Definitions

Routing Status Box Changes

The Routing Status box that appears on the Service Operations General page now indicates if a local-to-Atom routing definition exists for a service operation. PeopleSoft Integration Broker automatically generates a local-to-Atom routing definition for a service operation when the service operation is published as a feed.

116 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Managing System-Generating Routing Definitions, Viewing System-Generated Routing Definitions.

Capturing Exceptions before Routings are Validated

When you are adding a routing definition for a synchronous service operation from the Service Operations Routings page, the system displays a User Exception box at the top of the page. Select the box to capture any exceptions that occur before the system validates an outbound routing for the service operation. This option enables you to capture errors such as inactive routing definitions, multiple routing definitions, any errors that result from running the OnRouteSend PeopleCode event, and other initialization errors. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Adding Routing Definitions, Adding Routing Definitions From Service Operation Definitions

Content-Based Routings
Several methods have been added to the IBInfo PeopleCode object to enable content-based routing of service operations when using the OnRouteSend and OnSend events. Using these attributes can lead to significant performance improvement, since Rowset or Xmldoc objects do not have to be serialized and subsequently loaded into memory and traversed to retrieve applicable data. Attributes used for content-based routing are only applicable for the system that is setting the attributes; the attributes are not part of the payload that gets sent to the target system. Thus, if on the source system attributes are set as part of a publish, then you can read these attributes in OnRouteSend and OnSend IB events. However, the target system will not be able to view these attributes on any Integration Broker event run on the target system. The following methods are available in the IBInfo PeopleCode object to get/set data used for content-based routing determination.
&Integer = &MSG.IBInfo.GetNumberOfAttributes();

Gets the number of attributes.

&String = &MSG.IBInfo.GetAttributeName(Integer nIndex);

Returns the name of the attribute based on an index.

&String = &MSG.IBInfo.GetAttributeValue(Integer nIndex);

Returns the value of the attribute based on an index.

&Bool = &MSG.IBInfo.AddAttribute(string name, string value);

Add attributes by passing in attribute name and value.

&bool = &MSG.IBInfo.DeleteAttribute(string name);

Delete an attribute based on the attribute name.


Deletes all attributes in the IBInfo object.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

Duplicate Routings Overwritten During Project Copy

If the system detects a duplicate routing definition during the project copy process, the routing definition in the project being copied overwrites the routing definition in the database. To detect and delete any duplicate routings in the database outside the project copy process, run the duplicate routings check. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Copying and Migrating Integration Metadata between PeopleSoft Databases, Understanding Data Dependencies and Relationships for Copying Data Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Deleting Duplicate Routing Definitions

Viewing Routing Definitions in Graphical Format

PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to view routing definitions in graphical format to provide you with a more complete view of the flow of data between integration partners. It also enables you to view and activate metadata that might be inactive for integration, such as a routing definition, service operation, handler, and so on. The following example shows a routing definition in graphical format for an asynchronous service operation:

The routing definition for QE_PO_ASYNC_XFORM in graphical format.

The arrows show the flow of the service operation from PeopleSoft Integration Broker (the darker cylinder on the left) through the integration gateway (the vertical dashed line), to the integration partner (the lighter cylinder on the right). This particular routing definition has a transformation, as denoted by the XML icons. To view transformation details, click the Out Reg Transform link.

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The following example shows a routing definition in graphical format for a synchronous service operation:

The routing definition for QE_PO_SYNC in graphical format

Again, the arrows show the flow of the service operation from PeopleSoft Integration Broker, through the integration gateway, and to the integration partner. This routing definition contains integration metadata that is not active, as denoted by the display of the Integration Not Active link at the top of the right side of the page. Click the link to view items that are not active for the integration. The following example shows the Integration Status page that appears when you click the Integration Not Active link:

Inactive metadata for the QE_PO_SYNC routing definition

The Integration Status page lists the issues that prevent the routing definition from being active.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Click a link in the Actions column to resolve an issue. The system activates the associated metadata and displays a message when the issue is resolved. As an example, if you click the Activate Operation Version link in the previous example, the system locates the inactive service operation associated with the routing definition, activates it, and displays the following message:

Message indicating that the service operation has been activated for the routing definition.
You can click the OK button to return to other items to activate. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Viewing Routing Definitions in Graphical Format

Creating Routing Definitions for Non-Default Service Operations

You can now create routing definitions for non-default service operations using the Routings component. This functionality is used in conjunction with the feeds enhancement. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Adding Routing Definitions

Sending Compressed Responses to Consumers

The Routing Definitions page now features an Accept Compression check box that displays only for inbound synchronous service operations. Check the box for the system to send the response to the consumer compressed. Note that you must compress the response before sending, using PeopleCode or by setting the Min Message Size Compression parameter in PSADMIN. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Defining General Routing Information

Returning Schema Parser Errors to Consumers

The Routing Definitions page features a Schema Validation Details box that appears when you are working with any-to-local routing definitions. Check the box to return to the consumer any schema parser errors that occur during processing. The system returns the errors within the default message CDATA tag.

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See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Defining General Routing Information

Transformations on Any-to-Local Routing Definitions

Transformations on any-to-local routing definitions are now permitted. If you define a transformation on an any-to-local routing definition, the system uses the input message.version on the transform for the inbound request for WSDL. If a transform is defined on the outbound response, then the system uses the message.version on the output of the transformation for WSDL. In cases where the input message.version or output message.version are not defined on the transform, the system uses the request or response message.version defined on the service operation for WSDL. Note that any-to-local routing definitions are read-only when WSDL has been exported. As a result, you cannot change the in/out message transformation, aliases, and so on. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Defining Routing Parameters for Requests and Reponses

Defining Routing Property Name/Value Pairs

A Routing Properties page (IB_ROUTINGDEFNPROP) has been added to the Routings component. The page enables you to add user-defined name/value pairs to a routing definition, which denote data contained in transformations defined for the routing. Once they know the name/value pairs in a transformation, developers can extract the data from transformations using application classes. Developers might use the name/value pairs data to add to XML, perform SELECT actions in tables, and so on. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Creating Routing Definitions, Defining Routing Properties

Searching for Duplicate External Routing Aliases

PeopleTools 8.50 features an Alias Name Reference page (IB_ALIASXREF_SEC) that displays duplicate external routing aliases that exist for a routing definition. Duplicate external routing alias names are never allowed for synchronous routing definitions and the system generates an error at runtime if it encounters any. This page enables you to identify duplicate external routing alias names, so you may create unique alias names for each duplicate found. In most cases duplicate external routing alias names are not desired for asynchronous routing definitions. The exception is when you are using service operation mapping, and you want one routing definition to invoke multiple service operations. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operation Routing Definitions, Searching for Duplicate External Routing Aliases
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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Service Operation Queues

This section describes service operation queue enhancements.

Linking to Service Operations from the Queue Component

On the Queue Definitions page, you can click the name of a service operation that displays in the Operations Assigned to Queue box to access the definition of that service operation. All of the service operations that appear in the Operations Assigned to Queue box are hyperlinked. Click a service operation name to access the definition for the service operation. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Service Operation Queues, Adding a Queue Definition

Web Services
This section describes enhancements for working with and managing web services.

Setting Secure Target Locations for SOAP Endpoint URLs

The Service Configuration page features a Secure Target Location field where you can enter a secure URL for the SOAP endpoint. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker Administrations, Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Handling Services, Understanding Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Handling Service, Target Locations

Consuming Services from WSIL URLs

In previous releases of PeopleTools you were limited to consuming no more than 500 services from a WSIL URL. Effective with this release, that limitation has been removed.

Using Service Name Aliases in Provided WSDL

When you use the Provide Web Service wizard, you can now choose to use the service name alias rather than the service name in WSDL you generate. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Providing Services, Providing Services, Step 2: Select Service Operations

WSDL Documents
This section describes enhancements for working with and managing WSDL documents in PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Resolving Inconsistencies in Exported WSDL PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides a status message in the Messages-Message Definitions page that alerts you when a message is flagged as having WSDL exported, but no WSDL exists in the database.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

This situation can arise when you use Project Copy to copy a service operation to a new database, but do not include the WSDL in the project. You can use one or more of the following options to clear this inconsistency: Clear the internal WSDL exported flag on the service operation. Integration Broker provides a new Clear WSDL Export Status page, which enables you to clear the flag. Use Project Copy to copy the WSDL to the new database. Regenerate the WSDL on the new database using the Provide Web Service wizard.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Resolving Inconsistencies in Exported WSDL Enforcing Message Record and Field Aliases in Generated WSDL PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to enforce record and field aliases in generated WSDL. The Service Configuration page features a WSDL Generation Alias Check dropdown list that enable you to set a system check level for aliases on message definition records and fields. You can set the following check levels: Check Level Error None Warning Description If the system encounters a message definition without proper record and field aliases, it displays an error and it will not generate a WSDL document. Default. The system creates a WSDL document regardless of whether message records and fields are aliased or not. As the system creates a WSDL document it displays a warning it encounters messages definitions that do not have complete aliasing for records and/or fields. If the system encounters records or fields that do not have aliases defined, you can continue to generate the WSDL document or terminate the generation of the WSDL document.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Messages, Enforcing Message Record and Field Aliases in Generated WSDL

This section describes enhancements related to transformations.

Developing Transforms Using Oracle XSL Mapper

Specifying the Installation Path and Classpath for Oracle XSL Mapper For Oracle XSL Mapper to function, the JDeveloper installation location and classpath must be specified in the PeopleSoft system in the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Beginning with this release, after you enter the JDeveloper installation location, the PeopleSoft system autodetects the classpath information and automatically populates the information in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Applying Filtering, Transformation and Translation, Developing Transforms Using Oracle XSL Mapper, Specifying the Installation Path and Classpath for Oracle XSL Mapper

%TransformData Built-In Functions

The following two properties have been added to the %TransformData built-in function: %TransformData.routingDefnName %TransformData.rejectTransform

%TransformData.routingDefnName The %TransformData.routingDefnName property retrieves the routing definition name for a transaction, and allows you to retrieve the routing properties respectfully. %TransformData.rejectTransform Situations may arise when you may want to terminate a transaction. For example, you may not want a transaction published to a specific node. Using the %TransformData.rejectTransform property (and the %IB_Transform_Rejected built-in function), you can terminate asynchronous transactions based on content data. You set this property in a PeopleSoft Application Engine transform program as follows: %TransformData.rejectTransform = %IB_Transform_Rejected; If you set the %TransformData.rejectTransform property within a transform of an inbound asynchronous transaction, the system will not create a subscription contract and the data is not sent. If you view such a transaction in the Service Operations Monitor, the Operation Instances page displays a status of Done. If you open the Asynchronous Details page in the monitor to view additional transaction details, an Error link displays. If you click the link an informational message appears that indicates that the transaction was terminated. If you set this property for an outbound asynchronous transaction, the Publication Contracts page in the Service Operations Monitor will show a contract status of Done for the transaction. However, the system does not send the message and, as with the inbound scenario, the Asynchronous Details page for the transaction will display an Error link. If you click the link an informational message appears that indicates that the transaction was terminated. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Routing Definitions, Retrieving Routing Properties Programmatically Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Applying Filtering, Transformation, and Translation, Rejecting Transformation Programs Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Integration Broker Security

This section describes enhancements for securing integrations and integration systems.

Excluding PeopleSoft Authentication Tokens in Service Operations to PeopleSoft Nodes

A PeopleSoft authentication token included in a service operation request signifies to a PeopleSoft target system that the sender is a valid user on its system. However, for some integrations there can be many users or validating users may not be warranted. In such cases you can now exclude the PeopleSoft authentication token from inclusion in outbound requests to PeopleSoft target nodes. When the PeopleSoft authentication token is excluded in the service operation, the default user ID for the source node on the target system is the user ID used for integration authentication. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Managing User Authentication, Excluding PeopleSoft Authentication Tokens in Outbound Requests to PeopleSoft Nodes

User Authentication, Trusted Nodes, and Single Signon

When using Integration Broker for integrations with other PeopleSoft systems, you do not need to set up the remote/target node as a trusted node or implement single signon for user authentication to be validated. Instead you can simply define the source system user ID(s) on the target system. The user IDs from the source system can be provisioned on the target system by Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) or another third-party provisioning application. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing User Authentication, Understanding User Authentication

This section describes enhancements to PeopleSofts implementation of WS-Security as it pertains to PeopleSoft Integration Broker. SAML Token Support PeopleSoft Integration Broker now supports implementing inbound and outbound WSSecurity using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing WS-Security Encryption Levels for Outbound Integrations The Nodes - WS Security page (IB_NODESECURITY enables you to select from three levels of encryption when you are encrypting an outbound service operation.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

The Nodes - WS Security page (IB_NODESECURITY) features an Encrypt Level dropdown list that contains the following values: All. This option encrypts the entire message including the message header and body. Body. Encrypts the message body only. Header. (Default) Encrypts the message header only

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing WS-Security, Implementing WS-Security for Outbound Integrations (Username and SAML Tokens), Encrypting Outbound Messages Securing Responses in Asynchronous Request/Response Service Operations PeopleSoft Integration Broker sends responses for asynchronous request/response service operations to the URL set in the Target Location field in on the Service Configuration page. The URL specified on this page is typically not secure, as it is the URL used for all WSDL, schemas, and web transactions. When providing asynchronous request/responses, you can dynamically override the URL using the IBInfo object property WSA_ReplyTo. For example: &MSG.IBINFO.WSA_ReplyTo See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing Web Services Security, Securing Responses in Asynchronous Request/Response Service Operations Overriding Node-Level WS-Security Settings on Routing Definitions You can override node-level WS Security settings on individual routing definitions for outbound request and response messages on routing definitions. The security settings that you can override are the same as those that appear on the Nodes-WS Security page. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing Web Services Security, Overriding NodeLevel WS-Security Settings on Routing Definitions Implementing WS-Security on Services Consumed Using the Consume Web Service Wizard You can implement WS Security on service operations you consume using the Consume Web Service Wizard. When using the Consume Services wizard, there is an option to use the default pre-defined WSDL_NODE node or use another existing node as the receiving node for the consumed service operations. PeopleBooks documents the action to take to implement WS Security on consumed services depending on which of these nodes you are using.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Implementing Web Services Security, Implementing WSSecurity on Services Consumed Using the Consume Web Service Wizard

Validating Security on Inbound Integrations

PeopleSoft Integration Broker validates that inbound service operations from integration partners are transmitted with a level of security as determined by your organization. You can require that inbound service operations are transmitted using WS-Security options, SSL encryption, or a combination of these options. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Secure Integration Environments, Validating Security on Inbound Integrations

Integrations with Oracle ESB-Based Services

Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a component of Oracle Fusion Middleware that unifies and connects services, resources, and applications in the Oracle portfolio. Beginning with this release PeopleTools is certified for integrating with Oracle ESB-based services. You can use PeopleSoft Integration Broker to provide services to Oracle ESB, as well as to consume services from Oracle ESB. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Integrating with Oracle ESB-Based Services

Integration Broker Logging, Tracing and Debugging

This section describes logging, tracing, and debugging enhancements related to PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Logging Enhancements to the Application Server Log

The application server log now displays enhanced information for troubleshooting securityrelated issues when the logging level is set to 4 or greater. Using the information in the log file when compared with the expected service operation metadata, you can better determine the aspects of the integration that need to be changed or modified to perform the integration. The application server log now displays messages and information for the following situations: No routing at source node. No routing on target node User invoking a service operation has different permissions than specified on the service operation on the source node. No node password found on source node.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

No node password found on target node. Mismatched node password on source and target nodes. No permissions set for the service operation on the source node.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker, Managing Error Handling, Logging, Tracing and Debugging, Debugging Integrations, Handling Common Issues

Tuning Messaging System Performance

This section describes enhancements for tuning and optimizing messaging system performance.

Domain Failover
General Domain Failover Beginning with this release of PeopleTools if a failover domain becomes inactive the system attempts failover to the highest priority domain. If it is unable to do so, the next domain prioritized becomes the active domain. As an example, consider an integration system with the domains and failover priorities shown in the following table: Domain Domain A Domain B Domain C 1 2 3 Failover Priority

In this integration system if Domain A fails, the system will failover to Domain B. If Domain B later fails, the system attempts to failover back to Domain A. If it is unable to do so, the system will failover to Domain C. In previous releases, if a failover domain became inactive, the system would failover to the next prioritized domain. Given the previous example, if Domain A failed, the system would failover to Domain B. If Domain B later failed, the system would failover to Domain C. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Domain Failover, Understanding Domain Failover, Failover Priority General Failover Dynamic Slave Failover In dynamic slave failover, if the dynamic slave fails, the system generates and email notification and the dynamic slave becomes inactive. The system does not failover to find another dynamic slave. Failover on the primary system has to occur for a dynamic slave to automatically go into effect.

128 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Setting Up Domain Failover, Understanding Domain Failover, Failover Priority Dynamic Slave Failover

Master/Slave Domain Processing

Creating Template Slave Domains Template slaves enable you to dynamically add slave domains without performing any configuration changes in PSADMIN. When you create a template slave domain you import a domain configuration and save it as a template for the slave domain. This process creates a static slave domain that uses all of the pub/sub processes and queue lists configured for the domain that you import. If dedicated servers are configured for the domain that you import, they are imported and available on the slave domain. After you import a domain configuration and save it as a slave domain, you can add or remove dispatcher queues from the slave domain as needed. You import the domain configuration to use as a template slave using a new Import IB Master Configuration menu in PSADMIN. You can import a configuration from an application domain or from a file. The import process merges the domain configuration with the new template slave domain and creates the new configuration and loads it on the application server. Upon completion, the PeopleSoft Domain Administration menu appears, where you may boot the template slave domain, configure the template slave domain or perform other administrative tasks. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Tuning Messaging System Performance, Creating Template Slave Domains Implementing Load Balancing Master/Slave Domains You can implement master-slave load balancing on the integration system to compensate for processing capabilities of various machines on which master domains and slave domains run. As an example, you might have a domain on machine that is also running the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. In this case, you could configure master-slave load balancing such that the machine that is running the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture processes fewer requests than other machines on which domains reside. Another example is a situation where the machines on which you are running domains have different processing capabilities due to the hardware installed in them. In this situation you can configure the machines with the most process power to process the greater number of requests. To configure master-slave load balancing use the Master/Slave Load Balance page. The page enables you to assign a weight between1 and 10 to each domain to distribute request processing. A domain assigned a weighted value of 1 processes the fewest number of requests; a domain assigned a weighted value of 10 processes the greatest number of requests. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Tuning Messaging System Performance, Implementing Master-Slave Load Balancing

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Implementing Deferred Master Domain Processing PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to defer request processing on master domain to slave domains that are available for processing. Configuring deferred master processing enables you to free processing resources on the master domain machine due to hardware or processing power limitations, or so it can run other processes. The Master/Slave Load Balance page features a Master Processing Status dropdown list box where you set the processing status for the master domain. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Tuning Messaging System Performance, Implementing Master Domain Processing

Pub/Sub Handler Processing

Serial Recycling of Pub/Sub Handler Processes When serial recycle for pub/sub process handlers is enabled, the system recycles process handlers (within a group) on a serial basisone after anotherto allow processing to continue uninterrupted. If serial recycling is disabled, all pub/sub process handlers recycle at once, which can cause throughput to come to a standstill. You use the Serial Recycle parameter in the psappsrv.cfg file to enable and disable this feature. By default the serial recycling of pub/sub process handlers is enabled. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Tuning Messaging System Performance, Managing Pub/Sub Handler Processing Performance Recycling Pub/Sub Process Handlers Based on Process Memory Growth PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to recycle pub/sub process handlers based on memory growth in cache. You use the Percentage of Memory Growth parameter in the psappsrv.cfg file to specify that the system recycle pub/sub process handlers when memory has grown by a percent value that you specify. The system checks to see if the percentage criterion is met after processing a specified number of requests. By default the Percentage of Memory Growth parameter is disabled. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, Tuning Messaging System Performance, Managing Pub/Sub Handler Processing Performance

Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor

This section describes enhancements to the Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor.

Message System Performance Statistics

The messaging system performance statistics pages in the Service Operations Monitor have been redesigned for this release.

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The pages display information from a transactional view and enable you to successively drill down on specific messaging system components and processes to view more detailed data. The following graphic shows a sample of statistics that display for outbound synchronous transactions in the messaging system.

Averages and Analysis page for outbound synchronous transactions.

The Averages and Analysis page for outbound asynchronous transactions You can click any of the links to view more detailed statistics in bar chart format. For example, the following example shows the statistics that display if you click the link under the Gateway icon:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Gateway Averages page for outbound synchronous transactions

From here you can click the View Transaction link to view the raw data on which the charts on this page are based. Or, you could click an individual bar chart to view the raw data on which the bar chart is based. The following example shows the page that appears when you click the View Transactions link.

Outbound Sync Gateway Details

The data on page shows the transactions in raw data format that comprise the data represented in bar chart format on the previous page. Note that the example shown is a partial graphic of the data represented in the bar chart. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Viewing Messaging System Performance Statistics

132 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Routing Alias Display

The Results grid on the Asynchronous Services - Publication Contracts page features a new Alias field that displays the service operation alias name, if one is defined. The Alias field, in conjunction with the Service Operation Version field, helps to differentiate when there are two routings on the same node with different aliases, for example, when transformations are in use. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Viewing Monitor Output for Asynchronous Service Operation Data

User Level View

A User Level View check box appears on the Asynchronous Services and Synchronous Services pages in the Service Operations Monitor. Check the box to display only those integrations to which you are assigned permission list access. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring Asynchronous Service Operations, Understanding Monitoring Asynchronous Service Operations, Filtering Asynchronous Service Operation Data Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring Synchronous Service Operations, Understanding Monitoring Synchronous Service Operations, Filtering Synchronous Service Operation Data

Filtering Asynchronous Data by Subscription Node

On the Asynchronous Services Publication Contract page you can now filter data by subscription node. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Monitoring Asynchronous Service Operations

Viewing Integration Gateway Logging Data for Service Operation Transactions

You can generate and view integration gateway logging data on an on-demand basis for outbound requests in the Service Operations Monitor. Depending on the log level set, the standard integration gateway message log will also contain the transactional message logging data. The log files are placed in the same directory specified in the properties file for standard error and message logging. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Viewing Integration Gateway Logging Data for Service Operations

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Canceling Future-Dated Publications in Hold Status

You can now cancel future-dated publciations that are in Hold status in the Service Operations Monitor. See Also Enteprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor, Resubmitting and Canceling Service Operations for Processing

Integration Broker Testing Tools and Utilities

This section describes enhancement to PeopleSoft Integration Broker testing tools and utilities.

General Integration Broker Testing Tools and Utilities Enhancements

Specifying File Encoding Options for Uploaded XML Files A File Encoding field has been added to several PeopleSoft Integration Broker utilities. This field appears in the following utilities: Handler Tester Utility Service Operation Tester Utility Schema Tester Utility

When uploading an XML file for use with one of these utilities, use the field to select the type of encoding of the file, thereby allowing PeopleSoft Integration Broker to correctly parse the XML. The encoding options you can select are UTF-8, UTF-16, and non-Unicode. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Handler Tester Utility Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Service Operation Tester Utility Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Schema Tester Utility Populating Rowset-Based Message Parts in Container Messages The Handler Tester Utility and the new Service Operation Tester Utility feature a Container Message Builder page which enables you to build and populate rowset-based messages within container messages. The user-interface for building and populating rowset-based messages from within these utilities is identical to that used in the Messages component for creating and modifying rowset-based messages. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Handler Tester Utility
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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Service Operation Tester Utility

Service Operation Tester Utility

PeopleTools 8.50 features a new Service Operation Tester Utility. The utility enables you to test the following service operation types: Asynchronous one-way. Asynchronous request-response. Async-to-synch. Synchronous.

Similar to the Handler Tester utility, the Service Operation utility enables you to populate rowset-based or nonrowset-based messages to include in the service operation. You can populate message data by uploading XML content, manually inputing XML data, or manually inputing record and fields values (for rowset-based messages). You can also specify PSCAMA record values and audit actions. The utility also enables you to override target connectors and specify target connector properties. When you invoke asynchronous service operations, the system uses the Publish method. When you invoke synchronous service operations, the system uses the SynchRequest method. If the invocation is successful, the system displays a success message along with a transaction ID. You can use the transaction ID to track the transaction in the Service Operations Monitor. If the invocation does not run successfully, an error message displays. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Service Operation Tester Utility

Handler Tester Utility

Assigning PSCAMA Record Values and Audit Actions to Message Definitions For service operations that contain rowset-based messages, you can now assign PSCAMA record values and audit actions to Level 0 records. In addition, you can assign PSCAMA audit actions to Level 1 and greater records. This functionality has been added to the Select an Action page in the Handler Tester utility. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Handler Tester Utility Testing Bulk Load Handlers You cannot use the Handler Tester Utility to test bulk load handlers.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Handler Tester Utility, Understanding the Handler Tester Utility, Testing Bulk Load Handlers Testing Application Engine Handlers You can test application engine handlers only when the data used for the test is transaction data from the application database. (This is the DB Operation Transaction option when populating data.) Otherwise the application handler will fail due to no transaction ID being available to the application engine program. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Handler Tester Utility, Understanding the Handler Tester Utility, Testing Application Engine Handlers

Send Master Utility

Project Names The names of the following project types have changed: 8.48 Integration Broker (MIME) 8.48 Integration Broker (XML) 8.48 EIP Testing (Batch EIP) 8.48 JMS Project

The version numbers were removed and the names are now: Integration Broker (MIME) Integration Broker (XML) EIP Testing (Batch EIP) JMS Project

In previous releases the 8.48 reference indicated that you were creating a project for an integration running on PeopleTools 8.48 or later. PeopleTools 8.48 is when PeopleSoft Integration Broker moved to a services-oriented architecture (SOA). You can use Send Master to create projects for integration created on the pre-PeopleTools 8.48 framework. PeopleBooks discusses how to set Send Master to test pre-PeopleTools 8.48 integrations. Unless you start Send Master in Pre-PeopleTools 8.48 mode, all projects are created for Integration Brokers services-oriented architecture found in PeopleTools 8.48 and later releases. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Testing Utilities and Tools, Using Send Master, Starting Send Master, Starting Send Master in Pre-PeopleTools 8.48 Mode

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Generate SOAP Template Utility

The Generate SOAP Template utility has been modified this release to enable you to invoke a service operation from the utility. After you generate a SOAP message you can test the service operation by invoking it using the SOAP Tester page (IB_SOAPTESTER). In addition to using this page to invoke a service operation, you can also view any response associated with the service operation. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Testing Utilities and Tools, Using the Generate SOAP Template Utility

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleSoft Feed Publishing Framework

This section provides and overview of the Feed Publishing Framework, and discusses: My Feeds. Integration Broker generic message feeds. Worklist feeds Query feeds. Developing new feed data types.

Feeds are popularized by websites like news, wikis and blogs. The content updates on these sites are subscribed by the user using a feed reader which polls the website with a specific URL provided by the website. With the PeopleSoft Feed Publishing Framework, you can develop and publish feeds from any PeopleSoft or non-PeopleSoft data. Then with the delivered user interfaces, users can find and subscribe to your feeds. The Feed Publishing Framework provides: A set of APIs and code samples to assist application developers in creating new type of feeds and integrating them with existing features. Unified interfaces for content owners and administrative users to create, configure, and maintain feed definitions of various types, such as query feeds, worklist feeds, and Integration Broker generic message feeds. Interfaces for end users to discover related feeds and search feed definitions.

With the PeopleSoft Feed Publishing Framework, you can develop and publish feeds from any PeopleSoft or non-PeopleSoft data. Then with the delivered user interfaces, users can find and subscribe to your feeds.

My Feeds
Using My Feeds pages, a user can search and discover all the feeds that are available, and subscribe to the desired feeds. The user can also export all the feeds of their choice to an OPML file, which can be imported into the feed reader of their choice, to subscribe to these feeds. The feeds list is filtered based on security settings.

Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

The Integration Broker (IB) Generic message feed data type enables administrators to expose IB messages used in asynchronous-one way service operations as feeds.

Worklist Feeds
The Worklist feed data type enables workflow administrators to expose worklists as feeds.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Query Feeds
The Query feed data type enables query administrators to expose query definitions as feeds. Query feeds include the Mapping Builder, which enables you to map feed entry attributes to templates. A template is a string, which can have bind variables enclosed inside %.

Developing New Feed Data Types

The Feeds Publishing Framework enables you to develop new feed data types. The framework provides standard pages and PeopleCode that you can use as a template and modify to suit your business needs. You can also create your own pages and PeopleCode.

Component Interfaces
This section discusses changes and enhancements for Component Interfaces, including: Excel to Component Interfaces Utility. Viewing log files.

Excel to Component Interfaces Utility

This section discusses enhancements and changes for the Excel to Component Interfaces utility, including: Microsoft Excel 2007 support. Parser version requirements. Template names. Translations. Using wrapped templates with large component interfaces. Inserting child rows in wrapped templates.

Microsoft Excel 2007 Support

Beginning with this release, PeopleTools is supporting Microsoft Excel 2007 for use with the Excel to CI utility. PeopleTools will continue to support Microsoft Excel 2000 and Microsoft Excel 2003 for use with the utility. The following table lists the features of the Microsoft Excel versions that PeopleTools supports for use with the Excel to CI utility:

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Feature Columns Supported Rows Supported Spreadsheet Capacity See Also

Microsoft Excel2000 256 65,536 1,024

Microsoft Excel 2003 256 65,536 1,024

Microsoft Excel 2007 16, 385 1,048,576 1,024

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Using the Excel-to-Component Interface Utility Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Running the Excel-to-Component Interface Utility

Parser Version Requirements

MSXML parser version 6.0 or higher is required for Excel to CI. You can download this software from the Microsoft website. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Running the Excel-to-Component Interface Utility

Template Names
The version of Microsoft Excel that you are using in conjunction with the Excel to CI utility determines the Excel to CI template that you must use. The follow table lists the template to use based on your version of Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel Version Microsoft Excel 2000 Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel 2007 Template ExcelToCI.xls ExcelToCI.xls ExcelToCI2007.xlsm PS_HOME\Excel PS_HOME\Excel PS_HOME\Excel Location

Note that users for Microsoft Excel 2000 and Microsoft Excel 2003 use the same template. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Running the Excel-to-Component Interface Utility

Beginning with this release, standard templates are delivered for the Excel to CI utility and translations are provided in macros. The macros are located in subfolders in the PS_HOME\Excel directory. To apply a translation macro you must specify it in Microsoft Excel. Translated elements include labels, headers and strings.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Adding New Languages

Using Wrapped Templates with Large Component Interfaces

The information in this section pertains to users using Microsoft Excel 2000 or Microsoft Excel 2003. With the expanded column capacity of Microsoft Excel 2007, metadata wrapping does not occur. The number of columns in Microsoft Excel 2000 and Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheets cannot exceed 254. Excel to CI templates can load component interface definitions containing up to 502 properties, by splitting the metadata for the component interface properties that exceed the 254-column limit. The template will appear split in two sections, or wrapped. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Creating Templates, Template Wrapping

Inserting Child Rows in Wrapped Templates

The information in this section pertains to users using Microsoft Excel 2000 or Microsoft Excel 2003. When using the Insert New Child toolbar action on template rows which have child rows, the new parent-child rows should maintain the same hierarchical order as the original parentchild rows. Caution must be taken when inserting child rows in a wrapped template. These templates have hidden rows which are clones of the visible rows. If you insert a child row on the visible row of the wrapped template, verify that it also was duplicated in the hidden section above the wrapped portion. If it was not, copy it manually there as well in order to preserve the structure. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Creating Templates, Template Wrapping

Viewing Log Files

If you select the check box to create log files when building a template or submitting to the database, two log files are createdone that logs the activity of ExcelToCI.xls and the other that logs the SOAPTOCI Web Library. The log for ExcelToCI.xls is created in the temp directory on the workstation running the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The log for the Web Library, SOAPTOCI<unique_number>.log, is created on the application server in the <PS_CFG_HOME> directory. This file contains both the SOAP request and the SOAP response. Log files are written for each chunk of data that is sent to the database.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, Diagnosing and Resolving Errors, Viewing Log Files

MultiChannel Framework
This section describes the new features and changes for MultiChannel Framework, including: CTI Screen Popup SSL Support for IMAP Sample Pages Web Chat Enhancement Debug Tracer Enhancement Virus Scanning for Email Attachments AOL support dropped in Instant Messaging

CTI Screen Popup

A new checkbox Enable mini console has been added to the Personalization page of the Agent component. It enables you to configure the presence of the CTI mini console in the popup window.

SSL Support for Email

SSL support for IMAP was added to the MCF Email Channel.

Sample Pages
The 3rd party configuration sample page has been enhanced to provide the ability to supply reason codes in a prompt window for Reject operation for email, chat and generic tasks. The Agent-to-Agent chat feature in 3rd party routing has been enhanced to allow an agent to forward a task to the same queue.

Web Chat Enhancement

A new state has been introduced called WRAP_UP. The wrap-up mode allows the agent to enter comments related to the chat, at which time the agent will be in a busy state and not available to accept new tasks. This wrap-up mode enhancement applies to the Third-Party Configuration on MultiChannel Framework.

Debug Tracer Enhancement

Debug Tracer performance has been improved to use significantly less resources on the client machine.

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Virus Scanning for Email Attachments

Virus scanning support has been added for file attachments in outgoing and MCF incoming email. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: MultiChannel Framework, Configuring the Email Channel, Enabling Virus Scanning

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Lifecycle Management Enhancements

This section discusses the changes to PeopleSoft lifecycle management technology, such as PeopleSoft Change Assistant, including: Running Upgrade Steps With Process Scheduler Additional Database Definition Available Exporting Change Assistant templates. Retaining manual modifications to Change Assistant Templates. Automatic Merge Process for Integration Broker Projects. Update Gateway Detects and Downloads Superseded Change Packages. Creating Projects With Multiple Definition Types. New Step Property: From Tools Release. Review and Apply Option Added to Apply Change Packages Wizard. Alter Analyzer.

Running Upgrade Steps With Process Scheduler

In previous releases, you had the option to run selected step types on a remote server. This enables you to offload data-intensive processes to a high-powered server for improved performance and quicker completion times. With PeopleTools 8.50, data-intensive processes now can be run through Process Scheduler also. Some of the benefits of running upgrade steps through Process Scheduler include: Taking advantage of Process Schedulers robust architecture and close proximity to the database. Running multiple processes simultaneously. Restarting restart-aware processes, such as Application Engine programs.

When defining or modifying a template you can now choose the step type of ProcessScheduler.

144 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Step Properties dialog box

With the ProcessScheduler step type, you use the Parameters edit box to specify required parameters, including which server will run the process, the process type, the process name, and so on. When running upgrade jobs containing ProcessScheduler step types, you must define the Process Scheduler information within the upgrade environment. In the Database Configuration interface, you can define two Process Scheduler servers (SERVER1 and SERVER2) per Source and Target database. You specify the host information, and up to two Process Scheduler servers.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Defining An Upgrade Environment Process Scheduler Server

At run time, the ProcessScheduler step runs the specified program on the specified server definition. When the step completes, you can view log information from within Change Assistant using the View Log window. Depending on the operating system (UNIX or Windows) the system either FTPs or executes a File Copy. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Change Assistant, Modifying Step Properties and Parameters Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Change Assistant, Configuring Change Assistant for Upgrades, Configuring the Upgrade Environment

Additional Database Definition Available

In previous releases, upgrade steps could be run against the following databases defined in your upgrade environment: Source Target Copy of Current Demo

With PeopleTools 8.50 a new database type, Production, has been added to define within your upgrade environment. In some cases, steps may need to be run against your Production database. The Production database orientation is valid for the following step types: ApplicationEngine

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Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

DataMoverUser DataMoverBootstrap ManualStop SQLCommand SQRReport

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Change Assistant, Modifying Step Properties and Parameters Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Change Assistant, Configuring Change Assistant for Upgrades, Configuring the Upgrade Environment

Exporting Change Assistant Templates

In previous releases, when exporting Change Assistant templates, only the template and step properties with non-default values were exported. However, to ensure consistency with shared and cloned templates, with PeopleTools 8.50, all properties and values are exported to the XML file, regardless of whether the property value differs from the default value. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant, Applying Updates, Exporting Templates

Retaining Manual Modifications to Change Assistant Templates

In some occasions, it may be necessary to modify a generated Change Assistant template. This applies to templates delivered by PeopleSoft as well as those created with your own change packages. For example, you might decide to modify the template to add a manual step to the apply process. In previous releases, when you modified a Change Assistant template, that manual change did not persist if, for some reason, you regenerated the change package in Application Designer. That is, when you regenerated the change package, the system overwrote or ignored any manual modifications you made to the Change Assistant template. In PeopleTools 8.50, you now have the option to merge the new template associated with an updated change package with an existing template. This enables you to incorporate any manual changes youve added to the existing Change Assistant template. On the Create Change Package dialog, you now see the following options:

The Generate New Template option enables you to generate a Change Assistant template and ignore any manual changes made to an existing template.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

The Merge Existing Template option enables you to navigate to an existing Change Assistant template and merge any modifications present in the existing template that are not present in the new template. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant, Working with Change Packages, Creating Change Packages

Automatic Merge Process for Integration Broker Projects

In PeopleTools 8.48, the underlying infrastructure and metadata supporting Integration Broker changed significantly, moving from the previous application messaging model to the current service oriented architecture (SOA) model. While this enhancement improved PeopleSoft integrations, it added some complications when upgrading Integration Broker definitions and maintaining compatibility with pre-8.48 versions of PeopleTools. For PeopleSoft application releases that needed to support pre-8.48 versions of PeopleTools, two versions of Integration Broker objects needed to be delivered to the customers in two separate change projects. One project (PRJnnnnnn_IB) applied PeopleTools 8.48 and beyond, and the other project (PRJnnnnnn_IB_PRE848) applied to PeopleTools 8.47 and earlier. When performing an upgrade or update, you needed to copy and merge the appropriate Integration Broker project into your main upgrade project manually. In PeopleTools 8.50, this manual process has been automated. Change Assistant determines the PeopleTools version and merges the appropriate Integration Broker change package. Associated with this feature is a new command like option PJMG: pside.exe -CT -CS -CD -CO -CP -PJMG MergeProject, MergeToProject See Also Your application upgrade documentation

148 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Update Gateway Detects and Downloads Superseded Change Packages

You can download change packages manually or automatically through Change Assistant. In some cases, change packages can become superseded by a newer change package. When a change package becomes obsolete, the page on the updates website for the change package remains posted, however, the change package itself is removed from that page. The page for the obsolete change package displays a link to the page containing the posted change package that supersedes it. When you download change packages manually, if you arrive at the page of an obsolete change package, you click the link taking you to the superseding change package and download the appropriate change package. When you automatically download change packages through Change Assistant, the system is designed to download all the prerequisite and post-requisite change packages you need. Previously, when downloading updates automatically using Change Assistant, the update gateway did not properly notify you of superseding prerequisite and post-requisite change packages, nor did it automatically download the superseding change packages. This resulted in an incomplete set of change packages that one would assume to be complete. Now, when downloading updates using Change Assistant, the update gateway has been enhanced to verify the current set of pre and post-requisites, including superseded change packages. Change Assistant then downloads automatically the current set of pre and postrequisites and superseding change packages. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant, Downloading Updates, Downloading Change Packages

Update Gateway Now Points to Oracle Metalink

In previous releases, the update gateway, change packages, and upgrade templates were on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection. Now that all content previously on Customer Connection has been migrated to Oracle Metalink (My Oracle Support), Change Assistant automatically takes you to Oracle Metalink. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant, Downloading Updates

Creating Projects With Multiple Definition Types

In previous releases, when you created a project within Change Assistant using the CreateProject step type, only records could be added to the project. With PeopleTools 8.50, when creating a project through Change Assistant, you can select any combination of definitions to include in the project.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Selecting definition types to insert into a project

Note. This applies only when both Change Assistant and the PeopleTools version are at least at the PeopleTools 8.50 level. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant

Deploying Files Performance Improvements

In previous releases, each file to be deployed had its own step within the upgrade template. This created an avoidable amount of overhead associated with each individual file needing to be deployed.

150 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

PeopleTools 8.49 (and previous): Single File Deployed Per Step

With PeopleTools 8.50, files of the same type are grouped and deployed together within a single step. Internal testing reveals significant performance improvements with this change, which should translate into shorter durations associated with file deployment within upgrades and updates.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50: Multiple Files Deployed Per Step

See Also Your upgrade documentation

New Step Property: From Tools Release

In previous releases, some steps in a Change Assistant job applied only to specific releases of PeopleTools. Typically, a manual stop was inserted prior to those steps so that the appropriate decisions could me made regarding whether the step applied to a particular environment or not. In PeopleTools 8.50, a new step property appears on the Step Properties dialog box named From Tools Release. Use this property to specify which PeopleTools release to which a step applies. You can express ranges of releases, such as greater than, less than, and in, using the associated operator field.

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant

152 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Review and Apply Option Added to Apply Change Packages Wizard

The Apply Change Packages wizard now enables you to review a Change Assistant job before you apply it. This enables you to analyze all the steps and prepare for any manual steps, eliminating possible surprises. The Apply Now page of the wizard now includes a Review and Apply button.

Review and Apply button on Apply Now page

Clicking Review and Apply opens the job template in Change Assistant, as the following graphic depicts.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Change Assistant job opened after clicking Review and Apply

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant

#NT Step Parameter Modifications

The #NT Change Assistant step parameter no longer applies to DB2 zOS. It applies only to steps intended to run in DB2 UDB environments. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant, Modifying Step Properties and Parameters

Compare Report Improvements

These enhancements have been made to Application Designers compare features: Command line option to filter report output. Database name appears in report output.

154 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Command Line Option to Filter Report Output

A new PSIDE.EXE command line option has been added enabling you to pass report filter options to PSIDE.EXE on the command line. The command line report filter options are equivalent to those displayed on the Report Filter tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box.

Application Designer: Report Filter tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box
The FLTR command line parameter follows this syntax: -FLTR XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Where each X corresponds to a specific checkbox on the Report Filter tab, moving left to right, top to bottom, beginning with the top, left hand corner (Source, Absent/Target, Absent). The value of X can be either a 0 (not selected) or 1 (selected). For example, the following command line parameter represents the equivalent selections on the Report Filter tab above. FLTR 00000 00011 00011 01111 01111 See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Lifecycle Management Guide, Comparing Source and Target Definitions

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Database Name Appears on Compare Report Output

In PeopleTools 8.50, to make reading compare reports easier, the database name now appears above the column containing the information for that database. For regular compare reports, this refers to the Source and Target columns, and for composite compare reports, this refers to the Old Release, New Release, and Customization columns. For example,

See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Lifecycle Management Guide, Comparing Source and Target Definitions

Alter Analyzer
PeopleTools is providing a new utility named Alter Analyzer that enables you to compare the metadata between databases running different versions of PeopleTools. By running a provided Application Engine program, you load selected metadata information from your source database into your target database. Then you run another provided Application Engine program to compare the source and target metadata. The results of the comparison are stored in the Alter Repository, a set of predefined tables, that you can query and run reports against to gain further insight into your upgrades and alter operations. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer Lifecycle Management Guide, Working With Alter Analyzer

Dropped Support for Upgrade Assistant

As of PeopleTools 8.50, the Upgrade Assistant tool will no longer be installed with PeopleTools nor supported. Going forward, all upgrades should use Enterprise PeopleSoft Change Assistant with the delivered templates for your upgrade path. See Also Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Change Assistant Your upgrade documentation

156 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Release Notes

PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

PeopleBooks Enhancements
With Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50, Oracle provides a new version of PeopleBooks.

PeopleSoft Application Designer Lifecycle Management Guide

In previous releases, the PeopleSoft Application Designer PeopleBook contained chapters devoted to working with projects, comparing projects, and upgrading database definitions. These chapters have been separated into their own PeopleBook focusing on the life cycle management features of Application Designer.

Deprecated Documentation
Oracle no longer ships documentation for certain products used primarily in previous PeopleTools releases. For Business Interlink documentation, refer to the PeopleTools 8.46 Business Interlinks PeopleBook posted on My Oracle Support in the following location: The Upgrade Assistant tool is no longer shipped or supported, so the Upgrade Assistant PeopleBook is not included with the PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBooks. For upgrades and updates, use Change Assistant and refer to the Change Assistant PeopleBook for documentation.

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PeopleTools 8.50 September, 2009

Release Notes

Document Change History

This section describes the changes made to this document after the initial posting. Please make a note of these changes if you have downloaded previous versions. Date September 18, 2009 Change to Document Posted original version for Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 General Availability.

158 Copyright 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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