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Project: Construction of two lane with paved shoulder of Kohima-Bypass Road connecting

NH-39 (New NH-02), NH-150(New NH-02), NH-61(New NH-29) and NH-39 (New NH-02)
from Design Km 10.500 to design Km 21.00 [Design Length – 10.500 Km] in the state of
Nagaland Under SARDP-NE on EPC Mode (Package II)

Supplementary Design Note on Road Tunnel Excavation &

Support for Kohima Bypass Tunnel
(Class IV Rock Mass at Portal Reaches and Under
Maximum Overburden)

National Highways and

Infrastructure Development

R1 05-07-2021
Draft 28-05-2021
Rev Date Description

Design consultant:
CivilMantra Infracon Pvt. Ltd.

CivilMantra Infracon Pvt. Ltd.

1. Introduction
Kohima Bypass road tunnel has been proposed as a part of “Two lane Kohima - Bypass Road”.
The tunnel in two lane, bidirectional traffic tunnel. The tunnel is located on the northern region
of Kohima city with portals at 25°43'07.8"N, 94°05'04.6"E (western) and 25°43'13.7352"N,
94°05'21.296"E (eastern). The total length of tunnel is 500 meters with a maximum overburden
of 60 meters.
The objective of this report is to design the suitable support system for the different classes of
rock for Road Tunnel of Kohima-Bypass considering the Hoek – Brown failure criterion for
determination of strength of rock mass.

2. Scope
As per geotechnical investigation class III & Class IV rock is present along the tunnel chainage.
This design note covers design of primary support elements for Rock Class IV. Two separate
support design is presented for the same rock (class IV) based on overburden depth. The
primary supports for tunnel at ‘portal reach’ is designed for overburden depth smaller than
30m. For larger overburden depth (i.e., between 30 to 60m) a separate design is presented.

3. Design Input
There are essentially three major inputs for the analytical design.
• Excavation geometry and depth of tunnel
• Geotechnical Parameters of rock to be supported
• Material parameters of the components used for design.

3.1. Typical Tunnel Geometry

In schedule ‘B’ of tender document, a typical tunnel cross section has been provided. Geometry
of the Tunnel is “Modified Horse-Shoe shaped” of size 11m finished width and 7.6m height from
finished road level (FRL) to inner surface of final lining at crown. The width of carriageway is 8m
and 1.25m wide side walkways on both sides. The minimum clearance profile above FRL is

Figure 1: Cross Sectional details of Tunnel as mentioned in technical schedule.

3.2. Excavation Cross Section
Taking the final usable geometry as a base; the excavation geometry has been developed which
• Various primary and secondary support measures corresponding to rock classes as explained in
this report.
• Deformation tolerance
• Construction tolerances

The excavation profile dimensions are calculated using following formula.

Excavation profile = Inner Clearence + Final Lining + Primary support + Construction tolerance +
Expected deformation + Over-excavation

Over-excavation is calculated as difference between displacement at tunnel face and

displacement at the point of support application. Expected convergence is calculated as
difference in horizontal displacements at SPL level at the point of first support application (i.e.,
during heading phase) and completed primary support (invert installation).

Rock Class Final Lining Final Lining Primary Construction Over- Expected
Tolerance Thickness Support Tolerance excavation Convergence
(mm) (mm) Thickness (mm) (mm) (mm)
Class IV
(Portal 325 32 21
50 350 50
Class IV 375 96 26

3.3. Geotechnical Parameters

The most important parameter in tunnel design is the geotechnical parameters of the rock
mass. Site investigation was performed using series of boreholes, one at each portal and
another one near the center of tunnel. This was complimented by surface geological
exploration and mapping of outcrops. The detailed reports on borehole investigation and
geological exploration have been attached.

Previously the strength properties of rock mass are taken from the guidelines presented in
IS:13365 P-1. However, upon recommendations during design review meetings it was decided
to verify the design using Hoek-Brown failure criterion.
The design team visited the site for the first-hand information for rock mass evaluation and
concluded that prima-facie rock mass could be categorized as shown in following table. These
values are further moderated for design purposes as shown in table 2 in order to be on safer
side of design. Geological Strength Index (GSI) has been estimated from 𝐺𝑆𝐼 = 𝑅𝑀𝑅 − 5.
Table 1: Expected RMR and Q ranges of rock mass along Kohima Tunnel alignment

From the rock mass evaluation and using above correlation for GSI, it was concluded that the
rock mass has GSI range as shown in the following figure.

The material parameters used for design are presented below, Other required Hoek Brown
parameters are calculated automatically by Phase2 program. The Poisson’s ratio is taken as
0.25. Table 2 presents the input values of various rock mass parameters to RocLab program. The
output of the program is presented in following figures. There values have been used in Phase2
Preliminary unsupported tunnel models show complete collapse of tunnel cavity, with yield
zone extending up-to ground surface. Also due to extremely poor rock mass geomechanical
values it was decided to grout the surrounding rock mass up to a thickness of 5m. Consolidation
grouting is recommended with cement grout injected under pressure of 5 to 10 kg/cm2 with
the hole spacing of 500 to 1000 mm or as deemed fit as per site conditions. The objective of
grouting is to form an improved layer of rock mass 5m thick around the tunnel excavated
periphery. The rock mass should be grouted at least 1D ahead of excavation face for both
heading and benching, where D is the tunnel diameter.

Table 2: Rock mass parameters used in design.

Rock GSI GSI mi Ei UCS Density

Class Range adopted (MPa) (MPa) (gm/cc)
IV 28 - 37 30 6 1000 5 2.6
IV 50 – 60 55 6 1000 5 2.6
3.4. In-situ stress for tunnel
In tectonically active areas, tectonic stresses affect the stress regime possibly leading to
development of locked-in stresses within rock mass. Also, overlying rock mass strata gives rise
to stresses due to its weight which plays important role in local stress field. Due to excavation,
redistribution of stresses will take place creating new stress field around the opening. Thus, the
magnitude and orientation of virgin stress field plays an important role in deciding the stability
of an opening. As tunnelling projects always have limited information on in-situ stress, it is
advisable to consider in-situ stress ratio as 1.5 for tunnels in Himalayas as is adopted here.

3.5. Earthquake design (IS 1893-1 (2002))

The tunnel is located in zone V with a zone factor, Z value of 0.36. For underground structures
such as tunnels the effects of earthquakes are greatly reduced. However, its effect is included
here to be on conservative side of design.
Earthquake loading is calculated using Seismic Coefficient Method as described in Cl. (b)
of IS 1893:1984 (Reaffirmed 2003).
The design value of horizontal seismic coefficient 𝛼ℎ shall be computed as given by the following
expression: 𝛼ℎ= 𝛽∗𝐼∗𝛼0
𝛽=1.0, Coefficient dependent upon soil-foundation system. Value considered here is for hard
soils and rocks.
𝐼=3.0, Importance Factor
𝛼0=0.08, Basic horizontal seismic coefficient for Zone IV
Using this method, the value of horizontal seismic coefficient 𝛼ℎ is 0.24, the vertical seismic
coefficient is taken as 2/3rd of this value i.e., 0.16. Since the tunnel is deeper than 30m these
factors are reduced to half for design purposes. Actual seismic acceleration is obtained by
multiplying this seismic coefficient by acceleration due to gravity (𝑔=9.81𝑚𝑠2⁄). Further, the
seismic load on structure (𝐹𝑠) is calculated by multiplying seismic acceleration with mass as
described in following equation. 𝐹𝑠=𝑚∗𝛼ℎ∗𝑔.

3.6. Construction Material

Material Specification
Backfill Concrete M 25 Grade
Final RCC Liner M35
Steel reinforcement bar Fe 500
Welded wire mesh (diameter as specified)
Rock bolts 25mm dia., 25 tonnes ultimate capacity
Structural steel ISMB 200 & ISMB 250, Fe 250 Grade
Fore-poling pipe material Fe 250

4. Finite Element Analysis of Tunnel Excavation and Support

4.1. Phase2 model
The stability analysis of the Tunnel will be carried out using Finite Element Program Phase2, as a
continuum model using Hoek and Brow criteria and stresses and deformations around the
tunnel are estimated to check the stability of the tunnel. The numerical model of excavated
cavity has been conceived as plain strain model with external boundaries at as natural surface
around tunnel. Three node triangular finite elements with fine meshing will be used close to the
excavation boundaries of the tunnel, so that the variations in the stress field could be captured
with higher precision. Size of the elements will be gradually increased toward the external
boundaries to reduce the number of elements and calculation time. Bottom boundary will be
taken as fixed and sides are fixed only in horizontal direction the top boundary representing
ground surface is free in all directions. In-situ stresses are generated as per the gravity loading
corresponding to cover and horizontal stress coefficient obtain for tunnel.
Excavation is simulated by relaxing the in-situ stresses along the excavation profile of tunnel
until the desired pre-convergence is achieved. Thereafter supports are applied and in-situ
stresses are further relaxed to 100% loading the supports in the process. The step-by-step
excavation and support procedure adopted for FEM analysis is shown below. The applied
supports are shown in following table

Table 3: Primary supports used for Rock Class IV at different overburden depths.

Rock Class Applied Supports

Class IV ISMB 250 @ 500mm c/c.
(maximum overburden) 300 mm thick M25 grade backfill concrete.
SN/SD Rock Bolts, 4m long 1.5m x 1.5m c/c, 25 tonnes ultimate capacity.
Temporary Invert: 150mm thick reinforced with two layers of wiremesh
(150 x 150 x 6mm)
Class IV ISMB 200 @ 500mm c/c.
(portal reach) 250 mm thick M25 grade backfill concrete.
SN/SD Rock Bolts, 4m long 1.5m x 1.5m c/c, 25 tonnes ultimate capacity.
Figure 2: FEM model of tunnel in Phase2 program for Class IV rock mass with maximum overburden.

Figure 3: FEM model of tunnel in Phase2 program for Class IV rock mass at portal reaches.

Figure 4: Enlarged view of tunnel FEM model.

4.2. Estimation of pre-convergence for Finite Element Analysis
Pre-convergence is the amount of deformation which occurs before the application of supports.
Vlachopolous & Diedrichs (2009) proposed the correlation and templates for calculating the
longitudinal displacement profile (LDP). A typical value of 0.5 is adopted for normalized
unsupported span (X/Rt). Following tables shows calculation details of pre-convergence for
Class IV rock mass at maximum overburden and portal regions, using this method.

Figure 5: Longitudinal Displacement Profiles (LDP) templates suggested by Vlachopolous & Diedrichs (2009).

Table 4: Calculation of pre-convergence from LDP profiles as shown in Fig. 2 for Class IV rock mass with maximum

CLASS IV (Max. overburden)

Parameter Value Units Comments
1 Tunnel excavated radius 6.4 m
Maximum tunnel wall
displacement far away from face 0.67 m
Maximum Radius of plastic zone
far away from tunnel face 18 m
4 Unsupported Span 3 m
5 Normalised Unsupported span 0.46875 Sr. No. 4/Sr. No. 1
6 Normalised Yeild Zone Radius 2.8125 Sr. No. 3/Sr. No. 1
Closure/Max Closure (at the point
of support application) 0.44 From Vlachopolous and Diedrichs LDP
Radial disp at the point of support
application 0.2948 m Sr. No. 7 * Sr. No. 1
Closure/Max Closure (at tunnel
face) 0.23 From Vlachopolous and Diedrichs LDP
Sr. No. 9 * Sr. No. 1, Used for
Radial disp at tunnel face 0.1541 m overexcavation calculations
Table 5: Calculation of pre-convergence from LDP profiles as shown in Fig. 2 for Class IV rock mass for portal reaches.

CLASS IV (Portal Reach)

Parameter Value Units Comments
1 Tunnel excavated radius 6.4 m
Maximum tunnel wall displacement far
away from face 0.0784 m
Maximum Radius of plastic zone far
away from tunnel face 12 m
4 Unsupported Span 3 m
5 Normalised Unsupported span 0.46875 Sr. No. 4/Sr. No. 1
6 Normalised Yeild Zone Radius 1.875 Sr. No. 3/Sr. No. 1
Closure/Max Closure (at the point of
support application) 0.5 From Vlachopolous and Diedrichs LDP
Radial disp at the point of support
application 0.0392 m Sr. No. 7 * Sr. No. 1
9 Closure/Max Closure (at tunnel face) 0.25 From Vlachopolous and Diedrichs LDP
Sr. No. 9 * Sr. No. 1, Used for
10 Radial disp at tunnel face
0.0196 m overexcavation calculations

4.3. Results of FEM analysis

4.3.1. Class IV rock mass at maximum overburden
Following figures shows the output of FEM analysis for Class IV rock mass at maximum
overburden. The details of Phase 2 model is attached in Appendix A.

Figure 6: Displacement contours for tunnel in class IV rock at maximum overburden.

Figure 7: Moment-Thrust diagram for steel ribs in class IV rock at maximum overburden.

4.3.2. Class IV rock mass at portal reaches

Following figures shows results of Phase2 analysis for Class IV rock mass at portal
reaches. The details of Phase 2 model is attached in Appendix B.

Figure 8: Displacement contours for tunnel in class IV rock mass at portal reaches.
Figure 9: Moment - Thrust diagram for tunnel in class IV rock mass at portal reaches.

5. Conclusion
This design note presents design for proposed Kohima Bypass tunnel. As per the site
investigation the tunnel will be excavated in class IV and class V rock mass. The rock mass
behavior has been established from geological and geotechnical investigations. The rock
mass is assumed to have elasto-plastic behavior with strength specified by Hoek-Brown
failure criterion.
For design purposes Class IV rock mass is divided into two categories, one found in portal
reaches with maximum overburden of 30m and another at maximum overburden depth of
60m. The rock mass should be grouted with cement grout to form a grouted arch of 5 m
thickness all around. For tunnel sections with overburden >30m rock mass below invert
should also be grouted, whereas invert grouting is not necessary for tunnel sections with
overburden <30m. The rock is further supported with 4m long SN/SD type rock bolts applied
at a spacing of 1.5m x 1.5m.
For maximum overburden section the primary support of ISMB 250 @ 500mm c/c with a
M25 grade backfill concrete of 300mm thickness is found to be sufficient. For rock mass at
portal reaches, ISMB 200 @ 500mm c/c along with backfill concrete of 250 mm thickness is
found to be sufficient. The safety of supports is estimated using moment-thrust diagrams.
From the results of Phase2 analysis it is concluded that the applied supports are sufficiently
List of Appendices

Appendix A: Phase2 report of FEM modelling of tunnel excavation and support for Class IV
rock mass in portal reaches i.e. low overburden conditions.

Appendix B: Phase2 report of FEM modelling of tunnel excavation and support for Class IV
rock mass in high overburden conditions.

Appendix C: Geotechnical Investigative report of subsurface investigation for Kohima Bypass


Appendix D: Geological report of Kohima Bypass Tunnel

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